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  1. where do I go from here? (regarding displacement enhancement questions)
  2. Superior Two Handed Fighting
  3. Fighter Bonus Feats
  4. Shroud Weapons just made two great fighter feats expire
  5. Check out this Human build
  6. Check this WF Barb out!
  7. Is it too late for another Mod 7 suggestion?
  8. O' Wise and Powerful Masters of Axe, Khopesh and Pick
  9. New build idea
  10. Another Pally Question from... me.
  11. Pally/Sorc Build
  12. Halfling Pally
  13. Cap on CON modifier, or on HP?
  14. Warforged Tank/Tactics - Feedback Wanted
  15. Whats your AC? And How high can a barb get?
  16. Paladin Redemption - I don't think so
  17. Dwarven Hybrid Intimitank: Updated Mod 6
  18. Normax the Soulguardian (a build by request)
  19. Any Undead Killer builds?
  20. Anyway to fix my character? Returning
  21. Salvageable 14 barb/2 ftr or not?
  22. Mod 7 concept paladin
  23. Rebirth of the Intimitank??
  24. Support Paladin (a though experiment build)
  25. question about stacking rages
  26. Glyphed Dwarven Fighter (w/evasion+umd)
  27. Sneaky Solo Paladin
  28. Pally or Fighter?
  29. Paladin AC Challenge Build (can you defeat him?)
  30. Elf Pally?
  31. Is there hope for WarForged Barbs?
  32. Help With Wf Barb
  33. Building the Super Tank
  34. Lay on Hands - Multiclass
  35. Frankenpally (a build by request)
  36. WF Barb immune to Rage Fatigue ??
  37. WF pally question
  38. FatPaliBat build
  39. Tanks ?
  40. TWF vs. ITWF vs. GTWF
  41. A Looney Tunes Paladin....
  42. Who would win?? Let the battle begin!
  43. Who would win?? Let the battle begin!
  44. Who would win?? Let the battle begin!
  45. Looking for Pure Paladin Ideas
  46. Dwarf Fighter, Need Advice
  47. Changes I would like to see implemented for Paladin
  48. CONAN ... build comments please.
  49. Looking for a little help and advice
  50. Of all the silly things, a Rogue-based intimitank.
  51. Help me out *** my halfling
  52. 15 Ftr/1 Pal
  53. Feedback please.
  54. Permadeath Barbarian Build
  55. Halfling 14 fighter/2 monk stupid idea?
  56. My Problem with AC vs Defense
  57. Build for a friend!
  58. Class based end rewards button for barbarians?
  59. Average FTW?
  60. Major Flaws?
  61. Ideal rage time and total rage time b4 rest
  62. The Pint-Sized Homeopathic Paladin
  63. Does Barb fast movement stack with stride boots?
  64. Crossroads for a Tank
  65. wf hybrid ftr/ any thoughts
  66. Jorasco Marauder (A build by request)
  67. Pure Breed
  68. OK Build Masters... AC Challange
  69. Looking to play again
  70. 32-Pt Build Advice... if you please
  71. 10Fighter/5Rogue/1Wizard Trapmonkey Ranged DPS
  72. A pure pali
  73. Old player returning to try something new
  74. Tank, Barbarian or Fighter?
  75. The Mauler (A build by request)
  76. Paladins Lack Intimidate
  77. WF Fighter Max DR
  78. The Pacifist - Dragonmarked Halfling Barb
  79. Wait! I'm raging build...
  80. Holy Warlock Build
  81. Self Healing Evasion Barbarian (Build by Request)
  82. Attack ability vs. AC
  83. AC Question
  84. The Demon Hunter (a build by request)
  85. Dps human fighter
  86. Ranged Defender
  87. Conan the Paladin? (the 100th build by request)
  88. Holy burst of maimming
  89. umd barb
  90. Two handed fighting question
  91. New-ish Paladin
  92. Opinion on 2 lvls of rogue..
  93. Dwarven axes for Dwarf Barbarian
  94. Paladin leveling?
  95. Fighter Archer Elf - Suggestions plz
  96. AC Stalled at 40, Help Please
  97. trip and halflings?
  98. ranged barbarian build
  99. Halfling Tactics Fighter Build Viability?
  100. Viable Paladin AC questions.
  101. What greensteels to shoot for?
  102. Fighter Haste Boost
  103. Hu vs Elf vs Drow Pure ranged Barb's
  104. Why not a paladin?
  105. 32 Point - Almost Pure Paladin Intimitank
  106. What are the downsides to taking adamantium body
  107. Chuck the Barbarian (A build by request)
  108. Ok Ubertoonians
  109. marilith chain...
  110. rage failing
  111. quick question for those who actually built ranged barbs
  112. Fighter's Haste boost- Survey
  113. new to barbarian
  114. Little guidence for a newbie Barb
  115. wow 35 views and not one responded
  116. Barbarian/Monk
  117. Thrum the Barbarian (a build by request)
  118. Dwarven Starter Paladin (a build by request)
  119. Welcome to the Dojo students...
  120. First!
  121. My Halfling Pure Monk
  122. Definative list of Monk Enhancements
  123. Bug list, please check to see if already posted
  124. starting stats for human monk
  125. Can Monks..
  126. Monk Levels
  127. Dwarven Monk Build
  128. Quick Willpower Q
  129. Monks and Two Weapon Fighting
  130. WF Monk - A definitive guide
  131. Tempest Monk
  132. noob monk question (lol arn't we all)
  133. Seeking Monk/Rogue build advice (moved from Risia)
  134. starting stats for a pure paladin
  135. Monks and Madstone
  136. Considering Elven Dragonmarked Monk
  137. Monk Outfits
  138. Drow Shuriken Build
  139. Fatigue after rage
  140. It has to be said!
  141. My Halfling Monk Build
  142. So risia testers, any more undocumented "paladin love"?
  143. keeping your ki up
  144. Ooze: 1Rogue/6Ranger/9Monk
  145. Ki Master Monk
  146. Dwarf Barbarian questions
  147. Kama in offhand quick slot
  148. question
  149. Monk look
  150. Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral?
  151. Intimi-Monk
  152. Halfling Monk Build... No Suprise :P
  153. Monk Unarmed Damage??
  154. Monks, 2-H Fighting, and Staves
  155. Stunning Fist
  156. Monks and Strength? Monks and AC? Monks and Human/Drow?
  157. Monk Finesse
  158. Bonus Monk Feats, What's it all about?
  159. Question about Meditate:
  160. Warforged Monk and healing
  161. Feat choices for a multi-class
  162. Monk Pics
  163. Deflect Arrows?
  164. Monk Wisdom
  165. Slow Fall
  166. Paladin Build Question
  167. when are monks released?
  168. kama(s), qstaff or handwraps?
  169. 1st day of monk week!
  170. Finishing Moves and Feats, etc
  171. Monks and Improved Trip
  172. monk / rogue stacks
  173. Jadesnake (Rogue/Monk/Ranger)
  174. Tool bar
  175. Mithril chain shirt
  176. Hmm
  177. PHB versus DDO, Monks
  178. The Brute (a build by request)
  179. Anti-min/maxing?
  180. Thinking of a Warforge Monk
  181. Sword Master
  182. Splashing monk on my ranger rogue
  183. Splashing paly w/ Monk
  184. Possible Monk Build - Human Ki Master
  185. I may have missed it
  186. Human Imp Rec + Monk Imp Rec
  187. Feats at higher levels
  188. My First Official Cleric Monk Build.
  189. Monk melee alacrity
  190. Path of Dominion/Balance
  191. Cleric/Monk.
  192. Monk build concepts
  193. How to recreate a NWN archer build
  194. WF vs Other Races
  195. Feats for a Strength Based Monk?
  196. ki question
  197. Just some mild musing about Warforged Monks
  198. The Centered Monk Build by Dark-Star
  199. The Shadow Paladin (a build by request)
  200. Way of the Winded Walrus
  201. Question on Intimidate
  202. Hmm here's a question.. New Cinematic?
  203. Question on tactics and end-game
  204. Improved Stunning Blow?
  205. Attack bonus wrong
  206. Feedback requested
  207. Dwarven Crusader (a build by request)
  208. The Switch Hitter (a buid by request)
  209. Feedback
  210. Oberas (3 Wizard/12 Monk/1 Rogue)
  211. Why last 2 levels of ftr instead of monk?
  212. Monk Favor requirment?
  213. To Monk or not to Monk
  214. Feedback on my Fighter-Monk Build
  215. Wisdom AC bonus with armored bracers?
  216. Rouge/monk? rouge/monk/pally?
  217. Is concentration needed?
  218. Monky Multi Class Madness
  219. So what exactly is a monk?
  220. What we know (or assume) about monks
  221. DDOwiki - Monk
  222. Multiclass arcane?
  223. Fenn's Human Monk Build
  224. My monk questions
  225. Why A Paladin?
  226. Monk Enhancement/Feat List
  227. Dwarf Barbarian
  228. A Class to Splash a Mnk
  229. Need advice on Feat Selection for Dwarf Barbarian
  230. Paladin caster level bug with multiclass?
  231. 2wF Enjoyment Vs. 2hF... Feats Etc.
  232. Battle Cleric Monks
  233. When will the Monk be playable on regular servers?
  234. Newb Monk Question
  235. Fist of Light question
  236. Build Feedback
  237. Where do I get info on monk feats and enhancements????
  238. Steele's Official Monk Post!
  239. Old Toon ... Updated Game... I need help
  240. Sat Req For Stances
  241. Monk's named item shopping list
  242. dark or light
  243. monk shmonk
  244. Friendly Reminder for Warforged Monks
  245. WF Barbarian????
  246. after messing around a bit
  247. weapon finesse
  248. How do Monk weapons stack w/ unarmed?
  249. Candy Cane Sucks Kii
  250. Splashing a monk - sweetspot is 4th level?