View Full Version : Melees
- where do I go from here? (regarding displacement enhancement questions)
- Superior Two Handed Fighting
- Fighter Bonus Feats
- Shroud Weapons just made two great fighter feats expire
- Check out this Human build
- Check this WF Barb out!
- Is it too late for another Mod 7 suggestion?
- O' Wise and Powerful Masters of Axe, Khopesh and Pick
- New build idea
- Another Pally Question from... me.
- Pally/Sorc Build
- Halfling Pally
- Cap on CON modifier, or on HP?
- Warforged Tank/Tactics - Feedback Wanted
- Whats your AC? And How high can a barb get?
- Paladin Redemption - I don't think so
- Dwarven Hybrid Intimitank: Updated Mod 6
- Normax the Soulguardian (a build by request)
- Any Undead Killer builds?
- Anyway to fix my character? Returning
- Salvageable 14 barb/2 ftr or not?
- Mod 7 concept paladin
- Rebirth of the Intimitank??
- Support Paladin (a though experiment build)
- question about stacking rages
- Glyphed Dwarven Fighter (w/evasion+umd)
- Sneaky Solo Paladin
- Pally or Fighter?
- Paladin AC Challenge Build (can you defeat him?)
- Elf Pally?
- Is there hope for WarForged Barbs?
- Help With Wf Barb
- Building the Super Tank
- Lay on Hands - Multiclass
- Frankenpally (a build by request)
- WF Barb immune to Rage Fatigue ??
- WF pally question
- FatPaliBat build
- Tanks ?
- TWF vs. ITWF vs. GTWF
- A Looney Tunes Paladin....
- Who would win?? Let the battle begin!
- Who would win?? Let the battle begin!
- Who would win?? Let the battle begin!
- Looking for Pure Paladin Ideas
- Dwarf Fighter, Need Advice
- Changes I would like to see implemented for Paladin
- CONAN ... build comments please.
- Looking for a little help and advice
- Of all the silly things, a Rogue-based intimitank.
- Help me out *** my halfling
- 15 Ftr/1 Pal
- Feedback please.
- Permadeath Barbarian Build
- Halfling 14 fighter/2 monk stupid idea?
- My Problem with AC vs Defense
- Build for a friend!
- Class based end rewards button for barbarians?
- Average FTW?
- Major Flaws?
- Ideal rage time and total rage time b4 rest
- The Pint-Sized Homeopathic Paladin
- Does Barb fast movement stack with stride boots?
- Crossroads for a Tank
- wf hybrid ftr/ any thoughts
- Jorasco Marauder (A build by request)
- Pure Breed
- OK Build Masters... AC Challange
- Looking to play again
- 32-Pt Build Advice... if you please
- 10Fighter/5Rogue/1Wizard Trapmonkey Ranged DPS
- A pure pali
- Old player returning to try something new
- Tank, Barbarian or Fighter?
- The Mauler (A build by request)
- Paladins Lack Intimidate
- WF Fighter Max DR
- The Pacifist - Dragonmarked Halfling Barb
- Wait! I'm raging build...
- Holy Warlock Build
- Self Healing Evasion Barbarian (Build by Request)
- Attack ability vs. AC
- AC Question
- The Demon Hunter (a build by request)
- Dps human fighter
- Ranged Defender
- Conan the Paladin? (the 100th build by request)
- Holy burst of maimming
- umd barb
- Two handed fighting question
- New-ish Paladin
- Opinion on 2 lvls of rogue..
- Dwarven axes for Dwarf Barbarian
- Paladin leveling?
- Fighter Archer Elf - Suggestions plz
- AC Stalled at 40, Help Please
- trip and halflings?
- ranged barbarian build
- Halfling Tactics Fighter Build Viability?
- Viable Paladin AC questions.
- What greensteels to shoot for?
- Fighter Haste Boost
- Hu vs Elf vs Drow Pure ranged Barb's
- Why not a paladin?
- 32 Point - Almost Pure Paladin Intimitank
- What are the downsides to taking adamantium body
- Chuck the Barbarian (A build by request)
- Ok Ubertoonians
- marilith chain...
- rage failing
- quick question for those who actually built ranged barbs
- Fighter's Haste boost- Survey
- new to barbarian
- Little guidence for a newbie Barb
- wow 35 views and not one responded
- Barbarian/Monk
- Thrum the Barbarian (a build by request)
- Dwarven Starter Paladin (a build by request)
- Welcome to the Dojo students...
- First!
- My Halfling Pure Monk
- Definative list of Monk Enhancements
- Bug list, please check to see if already posted
- starting stats for human monk
- Can Monks..
- Monk Levels
- Dwarven Monk Build
- Quick Willpower Q
- Monks and Two Weapon Fighting
- WF Monk - A definitive guide
- Tempest Monk
- noob monk question (lol arn't we all)
- Seeking Monk/Rogue build advice (moved from Risia)
- starting stats for a pure paladin
- Monks and Madstone
- Considering Elven Dragonmarked Monk
- Monk Outfits
- Drow Shuriken Build
- Fatigue after rage
- It has to be said!
- My Halfling Monk Build
- So risia testers, any more undocumented "paladin love"?
- keeping your ki up
- Ooze: 1Rogue/6Ranger/9Monk
- Ki Master Monk
- Dwarf Barbarian questions
- Kama in offhand quick slot
- question
- Monk look
- Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral?
- Intimi-Monk
- Halfling Monk Build... No Suprise :P
- Monk Unarmed Damage??
- Monks, 2-H Fighting, and Staves
- Stunning Fist
- Monks and Strength? Monks and AC? Monks and Human/Drow?
- Monk Finesse
- Bonus Monk Feats, What's it all about?
- Question about Meditate:
- Warforged Monk and healing
- Feat choices for a multi-class
- Monk Pics
- Deflect Arrows?
- Monk Wisdom
- Slow Fall
- Paladin Build Question
- when are monks released?
- kama(s), qstaff or handwraps?
- 1st day of monk week!
- Finishing Moves and Feats, etc
- Monks and Improved Trip
- monk / rogue stacks
- Jadesnake (Rogue/Monk/Ranger)
- Tool bar
- Mithril chain shirt
- Hmm
- PHB versus DDO, Monks
- The Brute (a build by request)
- Anti-min/maxing?
- Thinking of a Warforge Monk
- Sword Master
- Splashing monk on my ranger rogue
- Splashing paly w/ Monk
- Possible Monk Build - Human Ki Master
- I may have missed it
- Human Imp Rec + Monk Imp Rec
- Feats at higher levels
- My First Official Cleric Monk Build.
- Monk melee alacrity
- Path of Dominion/Balance
- Cleric/Monk.
- Monk build concepts
- How to recreate a NWN archer build
- WF vs Other Races
- Feats for a Strength Based Monk?
- ki question
- Just some mild musing about Warforged Monks
- The Centered Monk Build by Dark-Star
- The Shadow Paladin (a build by request)
- Way of the Winded Walrus
- Question on Intimidate
- Hmm here's a question.. New Cinematic?
- Question on tactics and end-game
- Improved Stunning Blow?
- Attack bonus wrong
- Feedback requested
- Dwarven Crusader (a build by request)
- The Switch Hitter (a buid by request)
- Feedback
- Oberas (3 Wizard/12 Monk/1 Rogue)
- Why last 2 levels of ftr instead of monk?
- Monk Favor requirment?
- To Monk or not to Monk
- Feedback on my Fighter-Monk Build
- Wisdom AC bonus with armored bracers?
- Rouge/monk? rouge/monk/pally?
- Is concentration needed?
- Monky Multi Class Madness
- So what exactly is a monk?
- What we know (or assume) about monks
- DDOwiki - Monk
- Multiclass arcane?
- Fenn's Human Monk Build
- My monk questions
- Why A Paladin?
- Monk Enhancement/Feat List
- Dwarf Barbarian
- A Class to Splash a Mnk
- Need advice on Feat Selection for Dwarf Barbarian
- Paladin caster level bug with multiclass?
- 2wF Enjoyment Vs. 2hF... Feats Etc.
- Battle Cleric Monks
- When will the Monk be playable on regular servers?
- Newb Monk Question
- Fist of Light question
- Build Feedback
- Where do I get info on monk feats and enhancements????
- Steele's Official Monk Post!
- Old Toon ... Updated Game... I need help
- Sat Req For Stances
- Monk's named item shopping list
- dark or light
- monk shmonk
- Friendly Reminder for Warforged Monks
- WF Barbarian????
- after messing around a bit
- weapon finesse
- How do Monk weapons stack w/ unarmed?
- Candy Cane Sucks Kii
- Splashing a monk - sweetspot is 4th level?
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