View Full Version : Considering Elven Dragonmarked Monk

05-22-2008, 02:52 PM
Just for kicks, I'm tossing around the idea. Are there many feats that I will "need" as a monk that the DM's will be a bad idea?

05-22-2008, 03:19 PM
I rolled an elven monk .. and deleted it. It will be difficult to create a monk that compares favorably to a human (dex & wisdom) or dwarven (strength & con) monk.

Furthermore, I don't think you can take any meta magics as a pure monk, unless you dip a level in a caster class.

05-22-2008, 03:26 PM
Don't listen to the min/maxers, elven monks will do fine. You would have to take a level of wiz for the free meta-magic feat. Why would you waste a level of cleric or sorc and still have to buy the feat. I know that the use of healing wands would be nice but I don' think that's going to be an issue with Monks.

Elven racial bonus to Dex will net a +1AC and a +1 to hit with Weapon Finesse. The marks will help you a quite a bit.

I think you should try it out. Don't have anything to lose right?

05-22-2008, 03:28 PM
Don't listen to the min/maxers, elven monks will do fine. You would have to take a level of wiz for the free meta-magic feat. Why would you waste a level of cleric or sorc and still have to buy the feat. I know that the use of healing wands would be nice but I don' think that's going to be an issue with Monks.

Elven racial bonus to Dex will net a +1AC and a +1 to hit with Weapon Finesse. The marks will help you a quite a bit.

I think you should try it out. Don't have anything to lose right?

It's decided, Yaga likes the idea. I have to scrap it :(

05-22-2008, 03:31 PM
It's decided, Yaga likes the idea. I have to scrap it :(

good call:D

05-22-2008, 03:33 PM
Why would you need Metamagics for Xsp Retreat, Dim Door and Teleport?

I think the idea of a Elven Dragonmarke dmonk is pretty cool... EXP Retreat + Monk Speed Boost makes getting through the low levels pretty quick, Dependng on how ABundant step works, Dim Dor migh tbe pointless, but still cool, and Teleport would be super sweet...

05-22-2008, 03:35 PM
Why would you need Metamagics for Xsp Retreat, Dim Door and Teleport?

I think the idea of a Elven Dragonmarke dmonk is pretty cool... EXP Retreat + Monk Speed Boost makes getting through the low levels pretty quick, Dependng on how ABundant step works, Dim Dor migh tbe pointless, but still cool, and Teleport would be super sweet...

Extend spell works on dragonmarked abilities with durations.

Plus, you are thinking of the human Dragonmarks of Passage. Elves get the Mark of Shadow, which is displacement.

05-22-2008, 03:39 PM
Ah, THats right.. WHat is it, Blur Displacement and Shadowalk?

Shadowalk is pretty useless but having diosplacement would be nice.

05-22-2008, 03:48 PM
It's decided, Yaga likes the idea. I have to scrap it :(

good call:D

I expect that of Asp but I will remember that Akla and you will pay! MUUAHAHAHAHAHA :D

05-22-2008, 03:50 PM
Ah, THats right.. WHat is it, Blur Displacement and Shadowalk?

Shadowalk is pretty useless but having diosplacement would be nice.

It looks like the greater mark is shadowwalk, so i'd skip it and just take least and lesser. It's like 6 displacements per day at your character level, double for extend. End-game....around 20 minute of displacement per shrine?

I think....

05-22-2008, 03:52 PM
I expect that of Asp but I will remember that Akla and you will pay! MUUAHAHAHAHAHA :D

You could sick Willie Dynamite on em, oh wait I took that name already:D

05-22-2008, 03:56 PM
Ah, THats right.. WHat is it, Blur Displacement and Shadowalk?

It looks like the greater mark is shadowwalk, so i'd skip it and just take least and lesser. It's like 6 displacements per day at your character level, double for extend. End-game....around 20 minute of displacement per shrine?

I think....

Greater is Shadowwalk and is silly to use as a feat.

If you max out all the enhancements, you'll get 6 displacements per day and they'll extend to between 18-19 minutes total. I've got them on my elven pally/fighter, they're pretty neat.

Also, you get 8 of the 1st tier, which is invisiblity. Extended nets you 32 minutes per click. Not as handy as displacement, but invis has come in useful every now and again. Not 32 minutes of usefulness, mind you. :)

One more thing to remember, these clicks can be used on your fellow party members. I like to throw an invis on the rogue before he sneaks off somewhere.

05-22-2008, 03:57 PM
Ah I see. I use invisibility clickies often for just traversing terrain, like running to Running With the Devils.

05-22-2008, 04:03 PM
It looks like the greater mark is shadowwalk, so i'd skip it and just take least and lesser. It's like 6 displacements per day at your character level, double for extend. End-game....around 20 minute of displacement per shrine?

I think....

one lvl of wizard could get you shield, with a nice +4 shield bonus for a few minutes, plus you can cast expedious retreat, also least dragonmark is invisibility

05-22-2008, 04:41 PM
IMHO omitting the Whirling Steel Strike feat is what's kicked elf monks in the gonads. :(

I'm going to need an update to Ron's Character Generator before I can really get into this. I'm posting numbers based off of an incomplete knowledge of the monk enhancements so I expect any AC or HP calculations to go up. I'm also up in the air about the usefulness of TWF on monks. (Double weapons don't work right, dual rapiers/daggers don't get flurry, etc.) If I spend the bulk of my time punching stuff with my handwraps of greater uberness I think I'd rather take the 3 TWF feats back and trade the wizzy level for a level of cleric.

STR 13 +1 Tome +6 Item = 20
DEX 18 +4 Level Up +2 Racial +2 Tome +6 Item = 32
CON 13 +1 Tome +6 Item = 20
INT 11 +2 = 13 INT for Combat Expertise
WIS 14 +1 Tome +3 Enh. +6 Item = 24

Probably go Monk 1-5; Wizard 1; Monk 6-15

Lvl 1: TWF
Monk 1: Dodge
Monk 2: Weapon Finesse
Lvl 3: Least DM of Shadow
Lvl 6: Lesser DM of Shadow
Wiz 1: Extend Spell
Monk 6: Combat Expertise
Lvl 9: ITWF
Lvl 12: IC: Bludgeon
Lvl 15: GTWF

10 - Base
7 - Armor Braciers
11 - 32 DEX
7 - 24 WIS
4 - 2 Minute Shield Spell
5 - Deflection bonus from Mineral 2 item
3 - Barkskin Pot
1 - Dodge
5 - Combat Expertise
3 - 15 monk levels

20 - Heroic Durability
120 - 15 Monk
80 - 20 CON
4 - Wizard
10 - Draconic Vitality
30 - GFL item
45 - Teir 3 shroud item (Thinking Mineral 2 here)

05-23-2008, 11:43 AM
Nice build Quantum, but I was thinking I was probably going to go strength-based with a seconday focus on AC, the displacement would provide a large portion of my defensive capabilities.

05-23-2008, 01:03 PM
one lvl of wizard could get you shield, with a nice +4 shield bonus for a few minutes, plus you can cast expedious retreat, also least dragonmark is invisibility

A few minutes? Shield lasts one minute at caster level one, 2 if extended.

On the other hand, it does open up all the wiz/sorc wands without needing to UMD them...that can be fun ;)

05-24-2008, 05:39 AM
Just If Your Planning For End Game... Stay Pure Monk, Extended Displace Is Nice No Doubt And Arcane Wands Too, But Is It Worth Perfect Self?

At Lvl 16 A 1:46 Displacement Is Fine Considering The Zerg Mind-Set That Monk Has.

Otherwise Looks Like A Very Fun Build. Gl With It :D!

05-29-2008, 11:57 AM
32-point elf, level 16 monk, that will fight empty-handed


1) least dm of shadow
3) discipline
6) lesser dm of shadow
9) toughness
12) improved critical: bludgeoning
15) greater dm of shadow for roleplaying, toughness or another saving throw feat

monk 1) toughness
monk 2) weapon finesse
monk 3) power attack

str 13 + 1 tome = 14 +6 item = 20 +2 rage = 22

dex 18 +2 tome (already in bank lol) = 20 +2 race = 22 + 6 item = 28 + 2 point = 30 (may do +4 for 32 dex at level 16)

con 11 + 1 tome = 12 + 6 item = 18 +2 rage = 20

int 9 + 1 tome = 10

wis 16 + 2 tome = 18 + 2 class = 20 + 6 item = 26 + 2 point = 28 (want pretty high if quivering palm is a good feat)

cha 9 + 1 tome = 10

i need extra toughness feats to make up for low constitution & will definitely be maxxing out way of the tortoise for +20 hitpoints

i might also go with more str & less dex because 30 to 32 dex might be overkill, idk as i have not played the class as of yet


05-29-2008, 12:26 PM
I thoght about the build some when considering options.

Personaly I think I'd splash cleric and take extend at level 1. Although shield is nice, the stat synergy with cleric is easier and you can cast nightsheidl (no ac but still stops magic missile), and you can heal and have healing bonuses in monk so even CLW can be handy for a while. At low levels its great stuff, at mid levels, not as much but still handy, at high levels its mostly a wash out but still has its moments.

Looking at monks, if you go unarmed, there really are hardly any feats you want to take offense wise. No weapon styles, no specilization, not much of anything in fact. Power attack is one of the few that makes much sences, but not so much on a finesser. So dragon marks actualy fit in well as it gives you something to do with your feat slots.

05-29-2008, 12:30 PM
It's decided, Yaga likes the idea. I have to scrap it :(

maybe he knows you'd scrap it if you found out he liked it, and so pretended to like it so you'd scrap it so he could laugh at it afterwards - unless he thinks you know he'd try something like that, so does like it and is saying so so you'll think's trying to trick you so you wind up keeping it.... etc....:p