View Full Version : Kama in offhand quick slot
05-23-2008, 11:23 AM
For those who do not know how or why to do this:
IF the kama is in main hand, you get 1 attack. IF it is in offhand you get 2 attacks. :) Also, if you use it in main hand you use the same boring attacks that everyone else does. IF it is in offhand you use the super cool monk attacks and you just HAVE To stay all kung fooie.
There does not seem to be any penalty to fight this way so . . .
To set it up I create a weapon set consisting of main hand holding (1) shuriken and offhand holding kama. Delete or throw the shuriken and you now have a weapon slot for fist on main hand and kama on offhand. :)
Yeah, I know not very new or anything, but a couple of people were asking about it in group the other day.
05-23-2008, 01:35 PM
For those who do not know how or why to do this:
IF the kama is in main hand, you get 1 attack. IF it is in offhand you get 2 attacks. :) Also, if you use it in main hand you use the same boring attacks that everyone else does. IF it is in offhand you use the super cool monk attacks and you just HAVE To stay all kung fooie.
There does not seem to be any penalty to fight this way so . . .
To set it up I create a weapon set consisting of main hand holding (1) shuriken and offhand holding kama. Delete or throw the shuriken and you now have a weapon slot for fist on main hand and kama on offhand. :)
Yeah, I know not very new or anything, but a couple of people were asking about it in group the other day.
question thoguh, is that kama actually doing anything? Unarmed attacks aren't capable of dual wielding in DDO and since it's using the unarmed animation, I don't think that kama is actually hitting anything. Easiest way to tell would be from your combat log, see if anything was hit for slashing damage. Or use an elemental kama and see if there's any extra damage being applied.
Not that it matters anyway since you're only hurting yourself by not being able to equip handwraps (they take up both hand slots) If you are only doing it for the appearance then that's ok I guess.
05-23-2008, 01:35 PM
Yeah, tried this, had unarmed in main hand, frost kama in off hand.
Thought hey, this is a bug, it's giving me +6/+7 attack, wow, this might just be awesome.
Ran around a bit, the off hand attack didn't give the +1d6 frost damage, just a regular attack.
Edit: You can just straight put the kama in the off hand without any gimmicks.
05-23-2008, 01:46 PM
Edit: You can just straight put the kama in the off hand without any gimmicks.
Yeah but he was explaining how to make a weapon set with just an item in the off hand. I do this for casters sometimes so that I can put my sup pot in my offhand and then pick up whatever lore or spell pen item I need.
05-23-2008, 01:50 PM
Ah ha, gotcha.
You also get the extra attacks with 2 Kama, you just get the TWF penalties.
05-23-2008, 06:56 PM
Yeah, that's what I'm experimenting with right now, Human, Kama TWF, potion chugger build
05-23-2008, 07:29 PM
Yeah, tried this, had unarmed in main hand, frost kama in off hand.
Thought hey, this is a bug, it's giving me +6/+7 attack, wow, this might just be awesome.
Ran around a bit, the off hand attack didn't give the +1d6 frost damage, just a regular attack.
hmmm... this would suggemest that if kargon build somemathing like a greensteel kama 'shield' and put stuff like insight ac +4 and 20% healamalling amp and +6 dex, that kargon can do full normamal monk punching damage by only giving up the extrama damage from handwraps.. will have to see what come on handwraps (or if can craft greensteel handwraps)....
05-23-2008, 10:17 PM
Tried this, and at least at level 5 I didn't notice twf from unarmed, and I have the twf feat. Also no slash damage, it's all blugeoning.
More likely it's a dispaly bug that doesn't translate to actual game mechanics.
As to kargon's idea of an off-hand 'shield', it will not be worth giving up the handwraps slot, there will be very nice ones.
05-24-2008, 03:26 PM
could you put handwraps in the main hand slot and the kama in the off hand slot? havnt tried it....oh wait....handwraps go in a different slot then hand held weapons....nvm...
as to monk damage being bludgen....doesnt it, in later lvls, get treated as bludgen or slash? kinda like how you can treat it as good/silver weapon types later?
05-24-2008, 03:39 PM
could you put handwraps in the main hand slot and the kama in the off hand slot? havnt tried it....oh wait....handwraps go in a different slot then hand held weapons....nvm...
as to monk damage being bludgen....doesnt it, in later lvls, get treated as bludgen or slash? kinda like how you can treat it as good/silver weapon types later?
handwraps don't go in the glove slot, and they are similar to 2 handed weapons in that if you have them equipped it locks out the other hand.
And in PnP you could take feats to make you're unarmed attacks slashing, but it wasn't granted automatically. You were given the ability to bypass, Magic, Lawful, and Adamantine DRs as you level up though.
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