View Full Version : Paladin Redemption - I don't think so

04-18-2008, 12:51 PM
I definitely don't have APs to spare, and even if I did, I don't think Paladin redemption is worth the cost.

Redemption 1 costs 4 AP, and requires heal/devotion 2, at another 2 AP. So that's 6 AP for what a clickie does. And it uses a precious LOH.

Redemption 2 costs 2 AP and requires heal/devotion3, at another 3 AP. So another 5 AP, for 50% health rez.

I value my LOHs and AP too much to use this upgrade. 11 AP for this is way overpriced.

04-18-2008, 04:30 PM

In the ugly senarios when a Paladin is the last one standing, you probably needed your LOH´s in the first place to be able to heal up and finish off mobs, grab Stones, et......so chances are you won´t have any.

And like u mentioned......the fact that AP´s are at such a prime........

Oh well. Since Paladin-Purity has never been a priority nor a preference I can only say I´m quite pleaed with my Paladin-Fighter as well as my Fighter-Paladin-Rogue.

04-18-2008, 04:36 PM
maybe they could make the ap cost cheaper for pure pallys. or tie it to something besides LOHs.

04-18-2008, 04:41 PM
Well, some ppl requested that palies should be able to raise the dead, to go in line with the cleric-support abilities.
I dont think its a bad idea to alloy that choice if you want to spend AP on it.

Personally I'll only invest AP to boost my smite evils. (for the new enhancements that is)

04-18-2008, 08:19 PM
You know, I was all stoked for Paladin Redemption until you mentioned and I noticed that you have to also have Paladin Devotion II or Paladin Heal II as a prereq. I don't use healing spells on my Paladin... my SP are reserved for other things precious things like Divine Favor, Resists, Virtue, etc, especially as you can heal from wands and lay on hands. So I would have no need of taking Paladin Devotion. The heal skill after you have enough money for heal wands is just plain useless. I liked heal when I was a newb and had no money, but I very quickly outgrew it. So having this additional requirement is almost like saying that you need to spend 7 AP to get it, instead of the already expensive 4 they are asking for. I thought 4 sounded expensive, but probably what this should cost. But 7! Wow! That is a lot of AP. I may try it just to try it, but I don't know... If they just removed that restriction this enhancement sounds like it would really rock...but 7 AP?!

04-18-2008, 09:50 PM
Yeah what the hell were they thinking? Paladins a full BAB class with the best saves and armor class in the game should be able to also bring the dead back to life for less than 7 action points! Like, 1-2 tops! Nevermind the fact that they reduced AP cost in Auras! And whats this "have to use a LoH!" garbage?! Cant they just put it on a smite timer so we can do it every 90 seconds!?

04-18-2008, 10:13 PM
Raise Dead might be a clickie in certain circles, but there are lots of players who do not have a Ring of the Ancestors for their paladin and may not be able to reliably cast (or afford) Raise Dead scrolls. I really doubt that many folks will buy Redemption III, its just so expensive. But Devotion isn't unheard of amongst paladins already, so I reckon a fair few folks will take at least Redemption I.

04-19-2008, 10:14 AM
I am sorry to disagree with fellow paladins, but the both the cost and the reward are nicely balanced for this upgrade. Don't choose it if it doesn't suit your playing style/build.

For those who do see themselves as support clerics, and who barely scrape 20 umd at cap, this is a good option.

If you're the kind of player who has 4-5 res rings on each character, this is also of limited use to you.

I'm slowly warming up to the new pali enhancements, (the smite evil refresh did it) so I may reroll my paladin and make it 100% pure, and I'll definitely keep this enhancement in mind, since I have no res rings to spare for him.

04-19-2008, 12:59 PM
You can only have 1 Res-Ring (Exclusive attribute)

Just FYI

And resurrecting party members is not a Paladin's function IMO; Avoiding them from dying (Protecting them and vanquishing Mobs) is more like it.

Also If the 1 slot a Paladin takes of the 6 in a party was adequate Melee support....maybe you wouldn't need the darned "Option" :eek:

04-19-2008, 02:10 PM
You can only have 1 Res-Ring (Exclusive attribute)

Just FYI

And resurrecting party members is not a Paladin's function IMO; Avoiding them from dying (Protecting them and vanquishing Mobs) is more like it.

Also If the 1 slot of the 6 in a party was well supported in Melee....maybe you wouldn't need the darned "Option" :eek:

nope you can only have 1 spell storing ring, you can have as many res-rings as you can carry.

If people want to pay for the option let them, some will some won't, and for power gamers most prolly won't but options are always good.

04-20-2008, 04:43 AM
i agree with the op, if u are gona use a loh to rez sombody why dont u just use it on them before they die? Then they will not be dead lol.

04-20-2008, 10:39 AM
What would be cool is that if you are throwing a LOH on someone and they happen to die before the LOH lands, that it would instead bring them back to life. I've had this happen a number of times, where I see someone in trouble, throw the LOH, just to see them bite it half a second before I heal them.

04-21-2008, 10:04 AM
Agree with most. Its an option if you want to make an alternative type healer paladin but if you want to have a significant melee presence you already have to sell your soul to the dark gods to accomplish it, no spare APs imo.