View Full Version : Melees
- Barb enhancements
- Kama & Quarterstaffs on a pure monk?
- Greensteel 2
- Sell me on AA builds
- Halfling vs Warforge
- Halfling Brutal Thrower?
- Warforged TWF who wants to be better
- A question about Improved Damage Reduction
- Drow TwF Kopesh Question
- Handwraps for portal/pillar/construct beating
- Good find or terrible buy?
- 18/2 WF frenzied Barb build help (TR)
- Scourge Choker?
- Fighter splash
- Looking for recommendations for a Bastard Sword KotC build
- ToD: Sucka Punch!
- Paladin Intimidate
- Please reconsider nerfing Touch of Death
- First Epic'able wraps.
- Glad I waited to TR...
- Holy sword Scimitars
- Fist or Staff
- Dark Monk DPS: 2 STR vs 6 WIS
- Stunning-Blow DC?
- What's the deal with Khopeshes?
- paladin sorcerers multi classes
- evasion paladin?
- Intimidate
- Stalwart Defender
- The emperor's new clothes
- WF monk build help required
- What's better for Stunning Fist?
- Greensteel T3 advice
- Updated WF dark monk
- usefulness of balance
- Drow - Light Monk Build
- Ninja Spy I Shadow fade
- ToD Negative Energy
- KotC is fixed in Update 7
- Completely random thought
- Feedback on TWF Drow Paladin...
- Which specials can be found on which weapon types?
- Will Half orcs be the new best dark monk race?
- Tank!
- The lawful barb (half orc monk)
- TWF, feats, and AC questions??
- Pure Paladin UMD
- Newbie Elf Fighter
- working tr numbers
- Shintao Smite...
- Half-orc 14/6 kensei2/ frenzied berserker 1 fighter/barb
- Epic Antique Greataxe Red Augment Slot
- Warforged barbaian, What plating, if any?
- First Fighter Build
- What should I change if anything? Post-U7 Dex/Wis WF Dark Monk
- Dps
- Which Monk MC route?
- Str focused WF build post U7
- Soon to TR my Monk.. wondering
- Does Fighter Critical Accuracy Enh stack with Seeker items/weapons?
- Monk DCs/Stunning
- Paladins who don't cast
- Half-orc paladin builds
- What if???
- a way out there theory on tod complaints
- Survival The Barbarian
- build advice
- My WF Barbarian So Far...Need ur opinion!!
- Past life Barbarian feat
- in need of stalwart build
- First non-weapon GS
- Unable to find a good ThF Barb Build
- lawful outsider
- Beg Monk , Beg!
- Paladin PrE Change Suggestions
- Ninja spy III to bring back the dark monk
- Vindictive The Barbarian
- Does unbalancing strike work on red-names?
- Eladrin Lead us the wrong way...
- I wanna try out monk...
- Epic dynastic falcatas
- Does this look good with blood and gore on it?
- End Game: twf vs. thf
- Shintao TOD set
- Advice?
- first green steel item (cloak question)
- Dear Devs, I want to know if the barb past life will ever be "fixed"
- Madstone rage and monks?
- What to do with my build...
- gs-weapons
- Monks Unite! Or, you know kinda agree on something..
- Damage Reduction stacking
- Buccaneerum The Barbarian
- thoughts of a dark monk from lammaland
- A viable shield tank?
- Bastard swords
- 14pal 6 monk, HOTD/light path human
- khopesh-based TWF human paladin build
- Major Pain TR Build #1 6 ranger - 6 fighter - 2 rogue - Base Build
- Possible TR for my paladin
- twf dps/tank when needed
- Jujubeee - 34pt Halfling Dark Monk
- Monk Serenity
- Does Paladins have benefits from his own aura of good?
- King Bruce Lee
- Intimidate: need help
- Switching from Dark to Light w/ U7 items..thoughts?
- Ultimate Monk?
- Any advice for a new shintao monk?
- Ninja Spy Tempest Human
- Feedback request
- OMG Shintao requires a totally useless feat
- Dwarf Paladin - questions, observations, etc etc
- Any Decent Elf or Drow Monk Build?
- Is it me or...
- Chain Gun build
- Finishers ?
- fig/rog need advices, suggestions, etc
- Dance of the Water Strider
- meta feats affect monk heal finisher?
- barbarian gear at level 20
- The Stun and Run
- My Batman build - Versatile DPS/Intim Tank
- Taking a Level of Sorc and FvS
- Advice on Light Monk and TR
- Upgrading Jidz-Tet'ka...
- Realistic Monk Weapon Sugguestions
- Stunning Fist DC?
- Kenai II damage/to hit/crit bonuses with thf
- mon lvl walk of the sun
- Newbie Fighter Questions
- Legendary Water Monk: A glimpse into the light side
- Paladin Stunning Blow
- Any critical rage barbarians out there?
- Changes planned for monks for U7
- Which weapon....
- advice on a TR---pure vs monk/fighter
- Would like to roll a paladin.
- Questions on Race?
- Do ToD rings change weapon alignment?
- WF Stunning Blow DC
- 2 questions
- 18th Feat advice please
- A cookie for your time kind sir?....
- Madstone and Pally buffs
- Ninja-Spy build help.
- Question about a light monk
- Epic Belt of the Mroronan?
- dark monk considerations...
- Alignment effect on gameplay?
- Holy weapons - (and a side question.)
- Rage Duration
- Future Half-Elven Pure Light Monk Lv20
- Whats The Difference?
- improved cit. bludgeon
- Defender of Siberys Question
- Wise to splash Ranger for wand usage?
- My updated str based human 34pt light monk build on lammaland
- A few quick questions
- Light monk for undead killing (feedback please)
- Light Monk Build Help
- What should I be shooting for!
- Marten's Shintao Master (Halfling Light Monk of Storms Build)
- Button mashing
- Tr´d Halfling light monk with past life...possible?
- To splash or not to splash?
- U7 WF TR Light Monk -- Fire Stance Build
- light or dark after U7
- Barbrose Pure 20 Dwarven Warrioress
- please help i need a barbarian build!
- Longsword monk
- Suggestions for a friend. Feel free to critique.
- 32 Points TWF Dwarf build request
- first time monk here
- Armor mastery and DoS max dex bonus not working or stacking?
- rage not working?
- wind stance halfling
- comat feats while raging
- halfling dark monk
- Lay On Hands, N00B, Please help
- newb question: confused about kensei Ki
- Springball Fighter Builder idea
- Half-Orc Monk for Mod 7
- WSS vs Ninja
- STR/WIS Half-orc Light Monk HighDPS, Solid DCs
- 12x / 6x / 2 monk ?
- GTWF - Worth it?
- Barb splash
- Punchy of Argonnessen revisited
- Does Monk Attack Speed Increase with level
- 7th Feat on Drow TWF-DoS
- Epic Sword of Shadow versus Epic Antique Greateaxe
- A question for Hunter of the Dead
- Need multiclass advice
- First GS 2 hander?
- Splash 6 barbarian?
- Did U7 just throw me a curve ball?
- Preferred weapon modifiers
- Ranks needed?
- Jowy 34 pointer Dex Wisdom
- Looking for highest Shintao III DPS in U7
- Shield Wall Build
- Fighter/monk/sorc Arcane Archer
- New Monk Ki weapons.
- U7 WF Light Monk LR
- Beginner Drow TWF Pally
- ToD rings
- Concentration Skill
- 20th Fighter Kensai's
- Will we ever see a real Holy Avenger?
- FB TOD ring set
- GS Googles for Stalwart Defender
- Kensei Question
- Max DR Barbarian build
- 2wf or 2hf?
- Best Greensteel Item for Pure Fighter (Human)
- hardly healing from rest?
- rogue splash
- Dt armor
- Curious about Barb FB mechanics.
- Light Path Dwarf Monk?
- quick void strike question
- a few questions on monk class feats.
- Quarterstaff monk
- Light Monk and Madstone
- Hawt NW coming in...!
- I know your out there...
- Barbarian Feats Recommendations
- Longsword splash monk, need advices
- First fighter, looking for DPS build please
- THF Half Orc Build?
- Monk Immunities
- Half Orcs for TWF?
- Drow pally 18 2 monk instead of 2 rogue?
- Current (pre-Update 7) glancing blow damage
- DPS math buffs
- Help please with monk spash AC
- TRing monk shortly after update could use some help
- Building a barb; need advice
- Animal Path
- New dwarven fighter
- GR'ing a recently capped 18 Fighter / 2 Rogue
- A few questions on shurikens
- Crit Rage II vs FB
- Capstone or Evasion
- Dark path elemental curses
- Ftr 20 or Ftr 18/Pal2
- New monk,advices needed
- Stunning blow or stunning fist for monk splashes?
- Power attack...does it stack?
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