View Full Version : Melees
- TWF Fighter Build
- Po's Touch
- Can i salvage my pally?
- halfling VS dwarf
- Unholyrage 18pally 2 ftr true rex dos w twf
- 2nd GS weapon?
- Wouldn't it be kinda cool if......
- Kensai vs Stalwart DPS
- Drow Fighters as.... Stalwart Defenders?
- Upgrading stance Question
- To all you Monk masters out there.
- Kensai/Defender Hybrid or Gunboat Redux
- Vorpral vs. paralyzer
- Paladin Enhancement Question
- MDB increases for Stalwart III?
- 12/6/2 Barb/Ranger/Rogue Raging Tempest
- judge my build?
- Build Advice
- Clever (trap)Monkey
- Hoping I didn't gimp my Barb
- Epic Chaosblade and Paladin 20
- Divine Light is it worth it?
- wow lsr reincarnate great for fighters!
- still worth it to keep critical rage?
- Exalted smite
- Does devout handwraps bind to account or character?
- Barbarian/Monk
- WF THF Help?
- Trip DC stacking
- Power Attack and Cleave... can we lose them?
- Quick barb question
- How's this?
- Looking for a....
- Holy Archer
- One level of rouge
- Cannonjr, Dwarven Barbarian
- Wohoo Got me a what
- THF KoTc first build need input plzz
- Barbarian Self-healing
- Feats for non-human TWF DPS Paladins?
- What actually is the benefit for the past life feat?
- Question About Barb Equipment
- Our Birthday Present
- Ok trinket question
- Standard 28pt Two Weapon Fighting Khopesh Fighter
- need some advice
- wind stance plus tempest?
- Monk alignment
- Highest Feasible AC?
- Heavy Repeater Build Help.
- Thinking of a Fighter Build
- AC or HP?
- Tod set Human barbarian
- Ann Velsing's Belt w/ HotD
- Budget halfling
- Icy burst on harry beater?
- FTP Dwarf Barb Eq critique please
- Wis monk in epic dungeon
- Krythan II: TWF Warforged Kensei III
- Stupid question about Paladin's Korthos Tier
- How awesome is Touch of Death?
- Need help on a Fighter build
- Noob Question
- Feat Question
- About to TR but had questions
- Lesser Wind Stance bugged?
- Guards
- Few newbie Q's
- Do DRs stack?
- My meatshield
- Arghh, Build advice please.
- Lost Abilities/Penalties with Heavy Armor?
- Paladin Devotion and Human Improved Recovery: take both?
- Is Monk/Fighter/Kensai viable?
- Combat Expertise and Blocking DR
- Lf: build advice
- Weapon Advice
- Help with a TR speccing question.
- A note to IntimaTanks
- lorinthors belt stinks
- Falchion ora Great Axe?
- 2WF basic fighter kensai builds, human/kopesh vs. dwarf/dwarven axe
- Dark vs. Light Monk?
- Hunter of the dead
- Monk help
- kensia question
- Wep+shield/2h build?
- What would my ac be?
- True Ress Drow Barb
- Hvy picks and kenasi?
- Finishing moves...
- 2H-build + some questions
- I failed so hard, I lol'ed.
- No Minimum Level on new named handwraps
- Critique please
- WF hate-tank
- Your 5 Best Handwraps
- Solo
- DPS paladin?
- build help
- Wraps with higher than 14 ML
- Help with tank barbarian build
- 3 paladin 17monk
- What do Holy Swords do?
- Is Ocean Stance bugged for anyone else
- Most numbers on a crit for your monk, post it here.
- Monk Greensteel Options
- Pure Monk Human 28pt Unnarmed Build request
- Stalwart Fighters needed?
- Mountain Stance my new hotness or failiar
- Which GS goggle guard?
- Endgame Evasion Questions ...
- Semi Noob gear and weapon question
- Help with Finishing moves
- Feedback for My Build?
- DPS TWF powerhouse build from a new player
- Is this an even remotely good idea?
- Looking for Fighter build.
- Finishing move(need some advice)(newbie monk)
- Monk Planning - Need input
- Fun/hypothetical discussions for potential lvl 20 epic/dps/tank gear
- How viable is using light armour for evation?
- why TWF if you don't use two weapons?
- Pally spell points
- Healing
- Hey guys, could ya check this for me please?
- 18 Paladin/2 Monk TWF Drow
- Halfling Dragonmarks: worth while or not?
- Best weapon enhancement for lvl 5-7 pally
- Dex / Wis debate
- Great axe for level 10+
- Deflect Arrows question
- New to game Monk build
- would your barb use this weapon?
- Kdin
- I think I have found a way to make earth stance worthwhile
- Weapon choice help
- High AC, high saves, Evasion TWF robe-wearing paladin intimitank
- Warforged Monk Not Centered.
- Sun Stance Bugged?
- Diamond Soul
- Dwarf Footman
- UMD on Paladin
- Help with a pre lvl 20 dwarven Re-incarnate
- First Warforged Monk
- Rage formula
- All Pally 8 Man Shroud
- Max Dex Defender of Syberis bug
- wholeness of body
- Slow Fall Problem
- Epic Oath of Droaam??
- A simple TR question
- A couple Warforged THF Kensei questions
- Greensteel Question
- Which Premium Content fits my F2P mid-level pally best?
- Defender of Siberys Raid Gear
- handwrap damage and DEX
- Looking for theme build ideas...
- which weapon should i use at level 6
- Help With Pally Build?
- monk evasion and armor/shields need help
- superior defensive stance question
- Does metalline wraps with holy busrt(TOD ring) hypass the demon's DR?
- Swashbuckler Prestige Workgroup
- dwarf Barb equipment suggestions
- Opinions on my build
- Weapon Finesse
- Fighter / Cleric build question/request
- FB Falchion vs. FB Greataxe (check my calculations)
- skills to get for frenzy barb
- My projected monk
- Greater Re-Incarnate
- Requesting Fighter builds (links)
- Quick Question About Divine Might and Charisma req
- Piercing or Khopesh?
- Which ritual do i add to these handwraps?
- Human Monk, please review
- Which Defender build is better?
- Warforged pure Monk?
- Glancing Blows & CritHits & Weapon Effects
- Best adventure packs for Monks.
- A Barbarian Acrobat?
- Best adventure packs for Paladins.
- Pure Barbarian Build Help
- frenzy +death Frenzy
- Fighter18/2monk. Need advice.
- Trying to salvage my lvl 15 fighter
- which is better armor for an ac pally?
- Few questions about Barbarians
- Fighter/Rogue DPS build. Is it viable?
- Barbarian Build Check
- what is good DPS
- the "i dont get hit" kinda paladin....
- Totally Clueless on DDO Monks
- 28pt Dwarven Monk - temporary build
- Vicious Properties
- Fighter lvl16/ Rogue 4
- Reincarnating to a THF Fighter, need some advice on the build..
- Spell Resistant
- Dwarf Fighter TWF or THF
- House Jorasco
- New to Monks, a Few Questions.
- What does being centered give me?
- Monk n00b needs some tips
- What is the highest ac a pure paladin can attain?
- Input on an abnormal build
- gimpornot?
- Level 2 Spells for level 9 Pally
- Ok been taking a break for a couple of months
- New monk player but..
- Brutality reborn.
- Ranger18/fighter2 v. Fighter12/ranger6
- 2handed or 2weapons?
- Requesting advice on soloing Nerezza
- Supersave Halfling monk,
- What weapons should I have? 11 paladin more inside
- Happy Monk!
- Fighter 12/ Ranger 6/ Rogue2
- Divine Health Not working?
- Interesting situation
- Monk Weapons
- Greensteel Question
- any ideas on this rogue 2 barb 18?
- Tanking ninja bot
- New to barbs, Advice?
- Dark Monk Animal Paths?
- What to follow
- New Monk Stance
- Need a good math person to figure something out for me.
- 1st Barb Build - Critique please
- sword & shield damage numbers
- Warforged fighter need some help
- High Saving Throw build
- Whats the fuzz about carnifex?
- Basenjis
- Kensai I vs. Kensai II damage in a multiclass.
- help
- multiclass question
- If I go TWF should I still take Frenzied Berserker
- Which is Better?
- AC and Armor
- Monk: Spot or Tumble?
- Monk Spell resistance
- handwrap vrs handwraps?
- Oversized TWF not working right?! and a bit of a rant
- Best choice for steamrolling over Skeletons with Holy Sword
- Halfling Barbarian
- Direction
- Monk endgame weapons
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