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  1. TWF Fighter Build
  2. Po's Touch
  3. Can i salvage my pally?
  4. halfling VS dwarf
  5. Unholyrage 18pally 2 ftr true rex dos w twf
  6. 2nd GS weapon?
  7. Wouldn't it be kinda cool if......
  8. Kensai vs Stalwart DPS
  9. Drow Fighters as.... Stalwart Defenders?
  10. Upgrading stance Question
  11. To all you Monk masters out there.
  12. Kensai/Defender Hybrid or Gunboat Redux
  13. Vorpral vs. paralyzer
  14. Paladin Enhancement Question
  15. MDB increases for Stalwart III?
  16. 12/6/2 Barb/Ranger/Rogue Raging Tempest
  17. judge my build?
  18. Build Advice
  19. Clever (trap)Monkey
  20. Hoping I didn't gimp my Barb
  21. Epic Chaosblade and Paladin 20
  22. Divine Light is it worth it?
  23. wow lsr reincarnate great for fighters!
  24. still worth it to keep critical rage?
  25. Exalted smite
  26. Does devout handwraps bind to account or character?
  27. Barbarian/Monk
  28. WF THF Help?
  29. Trip DC stacking
  30. Power Attack and Cleave... can we lose them?
  31. Quick barb question
  32. How's this?
  33. Looking for a....
  34. Holy Archer
  35. One level of rouge
  36. Cannonjr, Dwarven Barbarian
  37. Wohoo Got me a Carnifex...now what
  38. THF KoTc first build need input plzz
  39. Barbarian Self-healing
  40. Feats for non-human TWF DPS Paladins?
  41. What actually is the benefit for the past life feat?
  42. Question About Barb Equipment
  43. Our Birthday Present
  44. Ok trinket question
  45. Standard 28pt Two Weapon Fighting Khopesh Fighter
  46. need some advice
  47. wind stance plus tempest?
  48. Monk alignment
  49. Highest Feasible AC?
  50. Heavy Repeater Build Help.
  51. Thinking of a Fighter Build
  52. AC or HP?
  53. Tod set Human barbarian
  54. Ann Velsing's Belt w/ HotD
  55. Budget halfling
  56. Icy burst on harry beater?
  57. FTP Dwarf Barb Eq critique please
  58. Wis monk in epic dungeon
  59. Krythan II: TWF Warforged Kensei III
  60. Stupid question about Paladin's Korthos Tier
  61. How awesome is Touch of Death?
  62. Need help on a Fighter build
  63. Noob Question
  64. Feat Question
  65. About to TR but had questions
  66. Lesser Wind Stance bugged?
  67. Guards
  68. Few newbie Q's
  69. Do DRs stack?
  70. My meatshield
  71. Arghh, Build advice please.
  72. Lost Abilities/Penalties with Heavy Armor?
  73. Paladin Devotion and Human Improved Recovery: take both?
  74. Is Monk/Fighter/Kensai viable?
  75. Combat Expertise and Blocking DR
  76. Lf: build advice
  77. Weapon Advice
  78. Help with a TR speccing question.
  79. A note to IntimaTanks
  80. lorinthors belt stinks
  81. Falchion ora Great Axe?
  82. 2WF basic fighter kensai builds, human/kopesh vs. dwarf/dwarven axe
  83. Dark vs. Light Monk?
  84. Hunter of the dead
  85. Monk help
  86. kensia question
  87. Wep+shield/2h build?
  88. What would my ac be?
  89. True Ress Drow Barb
  90. Hvy picks and kenasi?
  91. Finishing moves...
  92. 2H-build + some questions
  93. I failed so hard, I lol'ed.
  94. No Minimum Level on new named handwraps
  95. Critique please
  96. WF hate-tank
  97. Your 5 Best Handwraps
  98. Solo
  99. DPS paladin?
  100. build help
  101. Wraps with higher than 14 ML
  102. Help with tank barbarian build
  103. 3 paladin 17monk
  104. What do Holy Swords do?
  105. Is Ocean Stance bugged for anyone else
  106. Most numbers on a crit for your monk, post it here.
  107. Monk Greensteel Options
  108. Pure Monk Human 28pt Unnarmed Build request
  109. Stalwart Fighters needed?
  110. Mountain Stance my new hotness or failiar
  111. Which GS goggle guard?
  112. Endgame Evasion Questions ...
  113. Semi Noob gear and weapon question
  114. Help with Finishing moves
  115. Feedback for My Build?
  116. DPS TWF powerhouse build from a new player
  117. Is this an even remotely good idea?
  118. Looking for Fighter build.
  119. Finishing move(need some advice)(newbie monk)
  120. Monk Planning - Need input
  121. Fun/hypothetical discussions for potential lvl 20 epic/dps/tank gear
  122. How viable is using light armour for evation?
  123. why TWF if you don't use two weapons?
  124. Pally spell points
  125. Healing
  126. Hey guys, could ya check this for me please?
  127. 18 Paladin/2 Monk TWF Drow
  128. Halfling Dragonmarks: worth while or not?
  129. Best weapon enhancement for lvl 5-7 pally
  130. Dex / Wis debate
  131. Great axe for level 10+
  132. Deflect Arrows question
  133. New to game Monk build
  134. would your barb use this weapon?
  135. Kdin
  136. I think I have found a way to make earth stance worthwhile
  137. Weapon choice help
  138. High AC, high saves, Evasion TWF robe-wearing paladin intimitank
  139. Warforged Monk Not Centered.
  140. Sun Stance Bugged?
  141. Diamond Soul
  142. Dwarf Footman
  143. UMD on Paladin
  144. Help with a pre lvl 20 dwarven Re-incarnate
  145. First Warforged Monk
  146. Rage formula
  147. All Pally 8 Man Shroud
  148. Max Dex Defender of Syberis bug
  149. wholeness of body
  150. Slow Fall Problem
  151. Epic Oath of Droaam??
  152. A simple TR question
  153. A couple Warforged THF Kensei questions
  154. Greensteel Question
  155. Which Premium Content fits my F2P mid-level pally best?
  156. Defender of Siberys Raid Gear
  157. handwrap damage and DEX
  158. Looking for theme build ideas...
  159. which weapon should i use at level 6
  160. Help With Pally Build?
  161. monk evasion and armor/shields need help
  162. superior defensive stance question
  163. Does metalline wraps with holy busrt(TOD ring) hypass the demon's DR?
  164. Swashbuckler Prestige Workgroup
  165. Bastard Sword REVISION PETITION
  166. dwarf Barb equipment suggestions
  167. Opinions on my build
  168. Weapon Finesse
  169. Fighter / Cleric build question/request
  170. FB Falchion vs. FB Greataxe (check my calculations)
  171. skills to get for frenzy barb
  172. My projected monk
  173. Greater Re-Incarnate
  174. Requesting Fighter builds (links)
  175. Quick Question About Divine Might and Charisma req
  176. Piercing or Khopesh?
  177. Which ritual do i add to these handwraps?
  178. Human Monk, please review
  179. Which Defender build is better?
  180. Warforged pure Monk?
  181. Glancing Blows & CritHits & Weapon Effects
  182. Best adventure packs for Monks.
  183. A Barbarian Acrobat?
  184. Best adventure packs for Paladins.
  185. Pure Barbarian Build Help
  186. frenzy +death Frenzy
  187. Fighter18/2monk. Need advice.
  188. Trying to salvage my lvl 15 fighter
  189. which is better armor for an ac pally?
  190. Few questions about Barbarians
  191. Fighter/Rogue DPS build. Is it viable?
  192. Barbarian Build Check
  193. what is good DPS
  194. the "i dont get hit" kinda paladin....
  195. Totally Clueless on DDO Monks
  196. 28pt Dwarven Monk - temporary build
  197. Vicious Properties
  198. Fighter lvl16/ Rogue 4
  199. Reincarnating to a THF Fighter, need some advice on the build..
  200. Spell Resistant
  201. Dwarf Fighter TWF or THF
  202. House Jorasco
  203. New to Monks, a Few Questions.
  204. What does being centered give me?
  205. Monk n00b needs some tips
  206. What is the highest ac a pure paladin can attain?
  207. Input on an abnormal build
  208. gimpornot?
  209. Level 2 Spells for level 9 Pally
  210. Ok been taking a break for a couple of months
  211. New monk player but..
  212. Brutality reborn.
  213. Ranger18/fighter2 v. Fighter12/ranger6
  214. 2handed or 2weapons?
  215. Requesting advice on soloing Nerezza
  216. Supersave Halfling monk,
  217. What weapons should I have? 11 paladin more inside
  218. Happy Monk!
  219. Fighter 12/ Ranger 6/ Rogue2
  220. Divine Health Not working?
  221. Interesting situation
  222. Monk Weapons
  223. Greensteel Question
  224. any ideas on this rogue 2 barb 18?
  225. Tanking ninja bot
  226. New to barbs, Advice?
  227. Dark Monk Animal Paths?
  228. What to follow
  229. New Monk Stance
  230. Need a good math person to figure something out for me.
  231. 1st Barb Build - Critique please
  232. sword & shield damage numbers
  233. Warforged fighter need some help
  234. High Saving Throw build
  235. Whats the fuzz about carnifex?
  236. Basenjis
  237. Kensai I vs. Kensai II damage in a multiclass.
  238. help
  239. multiclass question
  240. If I go TWF should I still take Frenzied Berserker
  241. Which is Better?
  242. AC and Armor
  243. Monk: Spot or Tumble?
  244. Monk Spell resistance
  245. handwrap vrs handwraps?
  246. Oversized TWF not working right?! and a bit of a rant
  247. Best choice for steamrolling over Skeletons with Holy Sword
  248. Halfling Barbarian
  249. Direction
  250. Monk endgame weapons