View Full Version : Which GS goggle guard?

02-23-2010, 09:55 AM
Looking for opinions on which guard to take on my GS goggles. I'm making them for the HPs, and I don't want to double shard it, so it has to be Air, Earth, Water, Fire, or Negative. I already have a raise dead clickie on my sword so no need to go positive. Do the guards go off enough to worry about the effect? Do these guards go off more than the DT Armor guards? I had salt guard on my DT armor that went off once before I swapped it out. If it happens enough to matter, Air seems to have the best guard effect, though the haste would have minimal use.

02-24-2010, 04:42 PM
:eek: If your dps/not tanking stop!!! do not proceeded any further Lawl you want the goggles from VoD. Now if you are intim tanking and are not concerned with Dps then id say Air/earth/lighting strike guard.

02-24-2010, 04:47 PM
The blindness guard also comes highly recommended.

02-24-2010, 04:48 PM
I don't really see what Tharne's goggles gives me vs. the +45 HPs. I need the 45 Hps somewhere, and the only other real option is the cloak spot. Currently I rotate in several cloaks, +4 resistance, greater X elemental resistance, worldshaper and zephyr.

02-24-2010, 05:24 PM
i am spreading my 45 hitpoints across other items i am making like my min ii belt...and adding cha skills too...
goggles i went two tiers of immunities +3 cha skill

02-24-2010, 05:39 PM
Min 2 back side is awsome and thats where any min 2 other than your weapon belongs... save for fingers but i don't like it there :P
Resist should go on Dragon touched, if you don't have it on your dragon touched put it on your feet till you do.

I don't really see what Tharne's goggles gives me vs. the +45 HPs.

... I'll slap you so super hard

03-03-2010, 06:44 PM
It's quite simple:

Goggle slot for pure casters, cloak for melees.

+8 free damage per swing when you don't have agro is huge, and the true seeing. Especially if you TWF.

If you have 3 melees beating on one single mob/boss, 2 of them will always get +8 sneak attack damage. How is that not worth it?

03-03-2010, 07:34 PM
It's quite simple:

Goggle slot for pure casters, cloak for melees.

+8 free damage per swing when you don't have agro is huge, and the true seeing. Especially if you TWF.

If you have 3 melees beating on one single mob/boss, 2 of them will always get +8 sneak attack damage. How is that not worth it?

cause my toon is always the intim with the aggro, but you have one heck of a point there.