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  1. Dwarf Monks?
  2. Monk Fire vs Air stance
  3. Barbarian Frenzied Berserker build
  4. Fighter Current Fighter Build
  5. where to go from here
  6. Monk Need some help with light monks
  7. Acid or Shock burst
  8. Paladin Help to a newbie pally.
  9. Fighter or Barb?
  10. Why can my barb hit better with a dagger than with a bow?
  11. Barbarian question about power attack
  12. Monk Lesser Reincarnating my Monk
  13. Fighter Getting a Higher To-hit
  14. Elf Paladin Arcane Archer
  15. Monk Helf Punchan' Help
  16. Pure Dark Monk Build needed?
  17. Hate Generation
  18. Fighter Sword-n-board question
  19. Monk 2wf vs no 2wf on a monk
  20. Monk did imess up my monk?
  21. Fighter Is there any point to wearing Armor?
  22. Monk Changes
  23. Barbarian Gear Question
  24. Paladin First life Drow TWF KotC
  25. Question about best THF feats
  26. Intimidate
  27. how i make my fighter to do more crit damage
  28. Monk Halfling Dark Ac Build Help
  29. Monk How do you set up your monk hotkeys
  30. Monk does your slowfall work?
  31. Monk Dwarven Tactics Effect Stunning Fist?
  32. Monk A few monk questions
  33. Paladin Attack Bonus? Hit chance? Halp!
  34. Half Orc Fighter 12 / Barbarian 8
  35. Paladin capstone question
  36. Heal amp, warforgeds, and wholeness of body
  37. Paladin What PrE For best DPS
  38. Barbarian How important is twitching?
  39. Monk Fire Vs New Earth III & IV
  40. which would do more dps?
  41. Monk Which dice step do i get, if ...
  42. Paladin Low-level TWF Drow Weapon set(s) ?
  43. Monk Monk build.... The Rock
  44. Thinking too much
  45. Glancing Blows and Effects
  46. Monk wraps hotfix
  47. Monk Self sufficient?
  48. ideas and advice on TRing into THF?
  49. Fighter Need help with my fighter
  50. 36 Point Helf Shield tank Fghter/rogue 18/2
  51. Paladin TRing time
  52. Monk Epic viable Longsword Monk
  53. 28 pt Dwarf Pally input and critiques appreciated
  54. Paladin brain hurts. GS Falchion and Greatsword
  55. Paladin KOTC Tod set, how much extra damage vs evil outsiders?
  56. Monk Help with Monk Gear?
  57. Defender of siberys or Stalwart Defender?
  58. Barbarian Barbarian Gear layout
  59. Fighter A wild fighter
  60. Fighter TWF Human Fighter LR Advice
  61. monk.
  62. Past life - Barbarian
  63. Wisdom and Dexterity Monk
  64. Monk REQUEST - 28-point Light Monk
  65. Real differences between Barb and Fighter
  66. See the light, be the light.
  67. Paladin Need help with GRing a paladin!
  68. The Dicer Half orc 12 ranger/7fighter/1monk (long sword)
  69. Fastest Melee Speed Possible?
  70. Monk The Second Coming of Murderthumbs
  71. Level for Silver Weapon
  72. Barbarian Fleshshaper's Brigandine question
  73. WF pally question
  74. Monk My Shintao Monk Loves Me!!!
  75. ability damaging weapons: useful?
  76. Fighter Warforge Fighter/Rogue
  77. Interesting question...
  78. Barbarian 28 str 38 con warforged barb (tank)?
  79. Can Monk Stunning Fist work with Str?
  80. Monk Req hate tank monk build 2xpast life monk)
  81. Paladin Drow first-life TWF Feat question
  82. Paladin Dwarven TWF Paladin
  83. TWF Fighter Build?
  84. Fighter Critical Accuracy
  85. Fighter Paladin THF vs Fighter THF
  86. Barbarian A new player seeks feedback on a proposed build
  87. Monk Need advice on monk gear.
  88. Monk 32 Point Build
  89. RGR/FTR Two weapons or two Handed weapon?
  90. Paladin First TR Paladin/Monk TWF
  91. Fighter Couple of TR questions
  92. Monk Finishing moves issues
  93. Monk A question about light based monks
  94. Monk Dark Monk Blues
  95. Force or Force Critical Ritual
  96. Fighter Builds?
  97. Barbarian Frenzied Berserker worth it?
  98. bad dps.
  99. Am I alergic to melees?
  100. Barbarian Can you Supreme Cleave while TWFing?
  101. Monk First Atempt Ever, Shintao Monk 32p Build
  102. Paladin Go GO PallyMonk?
  103. Paladin Is the Paladin capstone WAI?
  104. Pally TR build, tank not DPS. Feedback please
  105. Whats better?
  106. Melees and Healing Amplification
  107. Rangers and TWFing
  108. Monk Quick Question about Monk Abilities
  109. blood rage (is it actualy any good?)
  110. Sneak Attack Bonus Question
  111. Paladin TWF 2nd life
  112. Paladin 34pt Bastower of Hate
  113. Pally discrimination: We're not barbarians!
  114. Monk 32 Pt straight monk: Am I trying to do too much?
  115. Greensteel Guard Effects for Hate Tanking
  116. THF feats worth it?
  117. Paladin Why Not Hunter of the Dead again?
  118. Monk Shintao attack questions
  119. Monk Triple earth finisher
  120. 18barb/2rog Boltcutter
  121. Fighter i need help getting a higher to-hit
  122. Paladin Pally endgame DPS weapon question.
  123. Fighter Armored Agility Enhs
  124. Fighter New to Melee's need some help.
  125. Paladin Mid-Level Paladin Gearing.
  126. Fighter Build suggestions
  127. Monk *Throws hat down on the ground in disgust*
  128. Flavor Build Idea/Help Requested
  129. Monk Stonedust Handwraps Bug?
  130. Fighter Aandre the Giant - THF Half Orc (20 Fighter)
  131. Monk THF Monk with Quarter Staff?
  132. Dwarf fighter max dex ac bonus in heavy armor?
  133. Pally build mod dashkal
  134. Fighter Quest Progression for Fighter
  135. A FvS class need some tips kinda new to healer and healing
  136. FB or Kensai?
  137. THF Feats worth it?
  138. Monk Looking for casual light-monk build, H-Orc or Human.
  139. Any saving this build?
  140. Loking for TWF (kopesh) tank build ty
  141. Barbarian S&B Barbarian main? Help Please.
  142. Making a Paladin..
  143. warforged duo - melee and repairbot
  144. Fighter ~BasTower of Hate ~ Intim Tank, Tower Shields & THF DPS ~
  145. Paladin Undead hunter dead
  146. Paladin 2 Paladin TWF Build ideas
  147. My newbish Dwarf Fighter
  148. Monk Light Monks have you noticed Kukan-do just is not as effective post update 9
  149. Paladin New Smite Animation - Why you should love it!
  150. Paladin Silver Flame Exorcism
  151. Monk Avoid handwraps until imp. 2 weapon fighting?
  152. Monk Kamas vs. Short swords
  153. Paladin Wisdom if only getting 3 levels
  154. Monk Need some help with a Half Elf Dark Monk
  155. Inspire Recklessness stack with Epic Hellstroke Great Axe??
  156. Bastard sword builds.
  157. Two handed feats verse Two weapon feats
  158. Deneith Heavy Chain Vs. Adamantine Heavy Armor
  159. Need advice on upcomming 36pt
  160. Monk Whirling Steel Strike
  161. Paladin TR build, end game tank not DPS. Feedback please
  162. Monk Healing Amplification (Healing Amp)
  163. Monk Past Life Monk...
  164. Barb Dex Stat
  165. Monk How to approach a Shintao Helf
  166. Fighter Advice
  167. Min2 or Lit2 first Greataxe
  168. Monk Strength Dark Monk (First monk build)
  169. Barbarian BBN - To have feats
  170. 12/6/2 Fighter/Ranger/Rogue Build Help/Advice
  171. Halfling Paly
  172. DPS calcs w/ TR lives
  173. Next class to TR into
  174. 20 Paladin Undead Killer (solid build)
  175. Monk Best stance for maximum healing amp?
  176. Light Monk Build
  177. Monk 13 monk/ 7 rogue Helf Cleric dilett.
  178. Max AC
  179. Fighter Need help with fighter pls
  180. Monk why WF
  181. Monk Dark to Light Experiences
  182. Paladin soooo, no min II for my pally?
  183. past life questions for a future 36pt monk
  184. Epic Antique Great Axe Question
  185. They fixed Barb Past Life Feat.
  186. Armor bonus numbers not adding up
  187. ESOS vs. +5 HB Silver Gaxe of GEOB
  188. Barbarian Barbarian build from Fighter past life
  189. Fighter STR
  190. Paladin TwF or ThF? Helping me build a paladin.
  191. Monk earth stance movement speed = decreased attack speed?
  192. Monk Monk TR
  193. Pure Fighter Kensai AA
  194. Monk Shuriken Expertise: based on Dex or Dex Mod?
  195. Fighter You scream, I scream, we all scream for...Green Steel?
  196. Monk Question
  197. Question about 12 monk/6 pally/2 fighter
  198. Monk Annulet Shadowdragon, dragonmarked elf ninja
  199. any way to get rid of tower shield to hit penalty
  200. Paladin hey guys i need adive big time :D
  201. Fighter Khopesh Kensai crit build, I want to improve it!
  202. Riott's Tank build and general tanking questions
  203. Barbarian Ideal Endgame Loadout for a HO Barb
  204. Monk More Monk Newbness
  205. Need a 2WF Pally Dps build
  206. do destruction weapons work on eLailat?
  207. Monk Dragontouched
  208. Paladin Epic Helm of Frost or Helm of the Red Dragon?
  209. Paladin Paladin Final Build Planning - which classes for past life feats?
  210. Paladin TRing into a Paladin
  211. Paladin Changes to paladins?
  212. Monk Decisions decisions decisions...need help from the Monk vets
  213. T/P/F mix?
  214. Blitz vs. Pure Barb
  215. Fighter Fighter 18. . .2 what?
  216. Monk A newbies cry for help
  217. Monk Enc help
  218. Barbarian Boosting Reflex to tank Echrono on a pure barb
  219. Monk Strikes
  220. WF & Evasion
  221. Improved Precise Shot
  222. Barbarian Spring attack. Do we even care?
  223. Monk Cleave / Great Cleave
  224. Fighter Samurai Build / Advice
  225. Best Quarterstaffs?
  226. Monk Void strike build
  227. Monk Shintao Wind Stance Monk Build Request
  228. Barbarian Looking for a twf Barbian Build
  229. Fighter GRing my Fighter. TWF, THF, or Shield use?
  230. Paladin Where do you get your charisma from?
  231. Fighter Noob looking for advice
  232. Weapons every melee should have?
  233. Fighter Pure fighter - what weapons should/will I have?
  234. Monk Seeking expert monk end game advise
  235. TWF Dwarven Fighter Kensei using Dwarven Axe
  236. Monk Handwraps - two handed?
  237. Monk Assets of the monks?
  238. Paladin A desperate paladin in need of advices.
  239. Barbarian Fleshshapers Brigandine
  240. Fighter looking for fighter build
  241. Monk Do These Stack
  242. Paladin Paladin feat selection
  243. Fighter My first TR coming soon, looking for input
  244. Monk Monk build comments welcome
  245. Monk Looking for a viable monk build
  246. Monk 12/7/1 Monk/Fighter/Ranger request
  247. Fighter Half-Orc Kensai figther 32pts
  248. Fighter TR'ing a barbarian
  249. Half-Elf Monk Improved Recovery
  250. Fighter Introducing – The Acro Tank!