View Full Version : Melees
- Dwarf Monks?
- Monk Fire vs Air stance
- Barbarian Frenzied Berserker build
- Fighter Current Fighter Build
- where to go from here
- Monk Need some help with light monks
- Acid or Shock burst
- Paladin Help to a newbie pally.
- Fighter or Barb?
- Why can my barb hit better with a dagger than with a bow?
- Barbarian question about power attack
- Monk Lesser Reincarnating my Monk
- Fighter Getting a Higher To-hit
- Elf Paladin Arcane Archer
- Monk Helf Punchan' Help
- Pure Dark Monk Build needed?
- Hate Generation
- Fighter Sword-n-board question
- Monk 2wf vs no 2wf on a monk
- Monk did imess up my monk?
- Fighter Is there any point to wearing Armor?
- Monk Changes
- Barbarian Gear Question
- Paladin First life Drow TWF KotC
- Question about best THF feats
- Intimidate
- how i make my fighter to do more crit damage
- Monk Halfling Dark Ac Build Help
- Monk How do you set up your monk hotkeys
- Monk does your slowfall work?
- Monk Dwarven Tactics Effect Stunning Fist?
- Monk A few monk questions
- Paladin Attack Bonus? Hit chance? Halp!
- Half Orc Fighter 12 / Barbarian 8
- Paladin capstone question
- Heal amp, warforgeds, and wholeness of body
- Paladin What PrE For best DPS
- Barbarian How important is twitching?
- Monk Fire Vs New Earth III & IV
- which would do more dps?
- Monk Which dice step do i get, if ...
- Paladin Low-level TWF Drow Weapon set(s) ?
- Monk Monk build.... The Rock
- Thinking too much
- Glancing Blows and Effects
- Monk wraps hotfix
- Monk Self sufficient?
- ideas and advice on TRing into THF?
- Fighter Need help with my fighter
- 36 Point Helf Shield tank Fghter/rogue 18/2
- Paladin TRing time
- Monk Epic viable Longsword Monk
- 28 pt Dwarf Pally input and critiques appreciated
- Paladin brain hurts. GS Falchion and Greatsword
- Paladin KOTC Tod set, how much extra damage vs evil outsiders?
- Monk Help with Monk Gear?
- Defender of siberys or Stalwart Defender?
- Barbarian Barbarian Gear layout
- Fighter A wild fighter
- Fighter TWF Human Fighter LR Advice
- monk.
- Past life - Barbarian
- Wisdom and Dexterity Monk
- Monk REQUEST - 28-point Light Monk
- Real differences between Barb and Fighter
- See the light, be the light.
- Paladin Need help with GRing a paladin!
- The Dicer Half orc 12 ranger/7fighter/1monk (long sword)
- Fastest Melee Speed Possible?
- Monk The Second Coming of Murderthumbs
- Level for Silver Weapon
- Barbarian Fleshshaper's Brigandine question
- WF pally question
- Monk My Shintao Monk Loves Me!!!
- ability damaging weapons: useful?
- Fighter Warforge Fighter/Rogue
- Interesting question...
- Barbarian 28 str 38 con warforged barb (tank)?
- Can Monk Stunning Fist work with Str?
- Monk Req hate tank monk build 2xpast life monk)
- Paladin Drow first-life TWF Feat question
- Paladin Dwarven TWF Paladin
- TWF Fighter Build?
- Fighter Critical Accuracy
- Fighter Paladin THF vs Fighter THF
- Barbarian A new player seeks feedback on a proposed build
- Monk Need advice on monk gear.
- Monk 32 Point Build
- RGR/FTR Two weapons or two Handed weapon?
- Paladin First TR Paladin/Monk TWF
- Fighter Couple of TR questions
- Monk Finishing moves issues
- Monk A question about light based monks
- Monk Dark Monk Blues
- Force or Force Critical Ritual
- Fighter Builds?
- Barbarian Frenzied Berserker worth it?
- bad dps.
- Am I alergic to melees?
- Barbarian Can you Supreme Cleave while TWFing?
- Monk First Atempt Ever, Shintao Monk 32p Build
- Paladin Go GO PallyMonk?
- Paladin Is the Paladin capstone WAI?
- Pally TR build, tank not DPS. Feedback please
- Whats better?
- Melees and Healing Amplification
- Rangers and TWFing
- Monk Quick Question about Monk Abilities
- blood rage (is it actualy any good?)
- Sneak Attack Bonus Question
- Paladin TWF 2nd life
- Paladin 34pt Bastower of Hate
- Pally discrimination: We're not barbarians!
- Monk 32 Pt straight monk: Am I trying to do too much?
- Greensteel Guard Effects for Hate Tanking
- THF feats worth it?
- Paladin Why Not Hunter of the Dead again?
- Monk Shintao attack questions
- Monk Triple earth finisher
- 18barb/2rog Boltcutter
- Fighter i need help getting a higher to-hit
- Paladin Pally endgame DPS weapon question.
- Fighter Armored Agility Enhs
- Fighter New to Melee's need some help.
- Paladin Mid-Level Paladin Gearing.
- Fighter Build suggestions
- Monk *Throws hat down on the ground in disgust*
- Flavor Build Idea/Help Requested
- Monk Stonedust Handwraps Bug?
- Fighter Aandre the Giant - THF Half Orc (20 Fighter)
- Monk THF Monk with Quarter Staff?
- Dwarf fighter max dex ac bonus in heavy armor?
- Pally build mod dashkal
- Fighter Quest Progression for Fighter
- A FvS class need some tips kinda new to healer and healing
- FB or Kensai?
- THF Feats worth it?
- Monk Looking for casual light-monk build, H-Orc or Human.
- Any saving this build?
- Loking for TWF (kopesh) tank build ty
- Barbarian S&B Barbarian main? Help Please.
- Making a Paladin..
- warforged duo - melee and repairbot
- Fighter ~BasTower of Hate ~ Intim Tank, Tower Shields & THF DPS ~
- Paladin Undead hunter dead
- Paladin 2 Paladin TWF Build ideas
- My newbish Dwarf Fighter
- Monk Light Monks have you noticed Kukan-do just is not as effective post update 9
- Paladin New Smite Animation - Why you should love it!
- Paladin Silver Flame Exorcism
- Monk Avoid handwraps until imp. 2 weapon fighting?
- Monk Kamas vs. Short swords
- Paladin Wisdom if only getting 3 levels
- Monk Need some help with a Half Elf Dark Monk
- Inspire Recklessness stack with Epic Hellstroke Great Axe??
- Bastard sword builds.
- Two handed feats verse Two weapon feats
- Deneith Heavy Chain Vs. Adamantine Heavy Armor
- Need advice on upcomming 36pt
- Monk Whirling Steel Strike
- Paladin TR build, end game tank not DPS. Feedback please
- Monk Healing Amplification (Healing Amp)
- Monk Past Life Monk...
- Barb Dex Stat
- Monk How to approach a Shintao Helf
- Fighter Advice
- Min2 or Lit2 first Greataxe
- Monk Strength Dark Monk (First monk build)
- Barbarian BBN - To have feats
- 12/6/2 Fighter/Ranger/Rogue Build Help/Advice
- Halfling Paly
- DPS calcs w/ TR lives
- Next class to TR into
- 20 Paladin Undead Killer (solid build)
- Monk Best stance for maximum healing amp?
- Light Monk Build
- Monk 13 monk/ 7 rogue Helf Cleric dilett.
- Max AC
- Fighter Need help with fighter pls
- Monk why WF
- Monk Dark to Light Experiences
- Paladin soooo, no min II for my pally?
- past life questions for a future 36pt monk
- Epic Antique Great Axe Question
- They fixed Barb Past Life Feat.
- Armor bonus numbers not adding up
- ESOS vs. +5 HB Silver Gaxe of GEOB
- Barbarian Barbarian build from Fighter past life
- Fighter STR
- Paladin TwF or ThF? Helping me build a paladin.
- Monk earth stance movement speed = decreased attack speed?
- Monk Monk TR
- Pure Fighter Kensai AA
- Monk Shuriken Expertise: based on Dex or Dex Mod?
- Fighter You scream, I scream, we all scream for...Green Steel?
- Monk Question
- Question about 12 monk/6 pally/2 fighter
- Monk Annulet Shadowdragon, dragonmarked elf ninja
- any way to get rid of tower shield to hit penalty
- Paladin hey guys i need adive big time :D
- Fighter Khopesh Kensai crit build, I want to improve it!
- Riott's Tank build and general tanking questions
- Barbarian Ideal Endgame Loadout for a HO Barb
- Monk More Monk Newbness
- Need a 2WF Pally Dps build
- do destruction weapons work on eLailat?
- Monk Dragontouched
- Paladin Epic Helm of Frost or Helm of the Red Dragon?
- Paladin Paladin Final Build Planning - which classes for past life feats?
- Paladin TRing into a Paladin
- Paladin Changes to paladins?
- Monk Decisions decisions decisions...need help from the Monk vets
- T/P/F mix?
- Blitz vs. Pure Barb
- Fighter Fighter 18. . .2 what?
- Monk A newbies cry for help
- Monk Enc help
- Barbarian Boosting Reflex to tank Echrono on a pure barb
- Monk Strikes
- WF & Evasion
- Improved Precise Shot
- Barbarian Spring attack. Do we even care?
- Monk Cleave / Great Cleave
- Fighter Samurai Build / Advice
- Best Quarterstaffs?
- Monk Void strike build
- Monk Shintao Wind Stance Monk Build Request
- Barbarian Looking for a twf Barbian Build
- Fighter GRing my Fighter. TWF, THF, or Shield use?
- Paladin Where do you get your charisma from?
- Fighter Noob looking for advice
- Weapons every melee should have?
- Fighter Pure fighter - what weapons should/will I have?
- Monk Seeking expert monk end game advise
- TWF Dwarven Fighter Kensei using Dwarven Axe
- Monk Handwraps - two handed?
- Monk Assets of the monks?
- Paladin A desperate paladin in need of advices.
- Barbarian Fleshshapers Brigandine
- Fighter looking for fighter build
- Monk Do These Stack
- Paladin Paladin feat selection
- Fighter My first TR coming soon, looking for input
- Monk Monk build comments welcome
- Monk Looking for a viable monk build
- Monk 12/7/1 Monk/Fighter/Ranger request
- Fighter Half-Orc Kensai figther 32pts
- Fighter TR'ing a barbarian
- Half-Elf Monk Improved Recovery
- Fighter Introducing – The Acro Tank!
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