View Full Version : Melees
- I cant wait for my 'Barbarian Fireball'
- What about other races?
- Pally Question
- BF prestige enhancement? scap my Bowbarian??!!
- I Need Help
- Tempest Barbarian....Is it still viable?
- How does twf with handwraps work?
- Mr.intima Tank
- Pally wisdom
- Anyone got a link for the Div Sacr and Ex. Smite progressions past 16??
- my badass barb build. tell me what you think
- trying a new barb
- Algebraic breakdown of TWF/THF barb dps
- Maxed Intim Human Intimitank
- Suggestion for an Eberron based Monk PrE
- Greatsword OR Greataxe...KOtC and Bladesworn
- Maximum ac for pure fighter?
- Self-Healing, Sneak-attack intimitank
- A level of Fighter, or not?
- Kensai advice plz...
- More new fighter info wanted...
- Paladin Defender
- The Simplest Barbarian is the Best?
- Newbie Paladin Stats?
- Which Lvl up points...
- a little advice pls
- Can you just sticky this please devs
- Barbarian Paths: A Dilema
- More newbie Pally questions
- New barb prestiege classes
- heavy repeater barbarian build?
- Quick question on weapon choice
- monk feats
- Holy Avenger Question
- Fresh off the boat, pure THF Paladine
- How much air stance stacks with haste?
- THF Kensai uses what?
- Weapon Specialization
- Evasive Kensai Tempest Fighter
- fighter capstone suggestion
- Monk PrE speculation
- TWF Paladin/Rogue/Monk Max UMD/Intim with huge ac/saves
- How is this for Kensai?
- TinydooOoOoom Halfling Kensai
- Newb Monk Wisdom/AC Question
- Vicious idea
- To cross class or not?
- Monk/Rogue build?
- Thinking about combing Stalwart Defender (Dwarf) and Knight of the Chalice
- Tactics
- Pure 28 Point S&B Pally
- Drow or Halfling
- Can you use Stunning Blow while raging?
- Meta Magic Feats work with monk finishing moves??
- mage armor and fighter magic use ???
- The Tempest Zealot
- Boosting potions...
- Monks, Ki, and current direction.
- Quick Question!
- where is the barb preview of the capstone??
- Build proposal
- "Ten Thousand Stars"
- Kamas and Sickles
- End game gear for dwarf fighter
- Paladin: The sad Truth
- Old School 2hF Barbarian;
- question on DR
- Mod 9 intimitank
- Mod 9 advice on existing build
- Questions from a raging neophite
- Mod 9 Monk 17-20 gives ???
- TWF Pure Pally?
- Help with a build please
- What's with Monk tooltips?
- A look into Guards Barbs.
- cross class pally with tempest.....
- Unbalancing strike and sneak attack
- Rogue/Monk
- Axe Saint
- paladin only has light armor prof
- monk finishers
- how to duel weild
- Looking for a Build Plz
- Centered Bonus not showing up
- Kama Kensai
- Book of Tantris
- A Radical Idea
- any word on the ravager?
- "Caue the Twisted"
- Help with TWF barb build
- Heavy Picks vs Rapiers in Mod 9
- A Returning Paladin
- Quarter Staff Monk
- Help a noob with a build?
- build idea would it work?
- Greensteel Shuriken
- What to splash with otherwise pure monk?
- Help with Kensai on old build -- splash or no?
- stunning fist + sneak attack
- WF question
- high saves pally/monk
- How good will capstone have to be to....
- critique, and some questions on my pally build
- quick wf barb question
- Stalwart Defender
- Why Pallys Should Always be TWF with current enhancement line up
- Dwarf vs Human?
- TIme to get crafting!
- What to do with new version?
- Paladin *The Law* Build...
- No pure class anyone?
- Monk Respec Question
- Critical Threat Range Idea
- Tower max dex bonus vs AC calc??
- Level 20 paladin ability
- TWF Pure Pally Build attempt
- My attempt at a paladin build
- Shyvnado ~~ A fighter build
- ultimate tank
- GS Item for Ftr
- Hide and Move Silently for a Monk
- Help me!
- weighted handwraps
- Help with new Dorf Intimitank
- str based monk
- Barb w/ fighter splash for mod 9
- Im Outraged!
- So, a few ideas for monks
- Does fighter Haste Boost affect longbows?
- VOD BOT - a build by request
- How many D6's is that?
- Drow or 28pt Dwarf for Intimitank?
- Green Steel Kophesh or Holy Sword Spell?
- Is there an offhand unarmed penalty? (TWF question)
- My Pally Attempt, please critique
- Defender of Siberys Build Please
- What's your stunning fist/quivering palm DC?
- Weapon Finesse work for fists?
- 14 pali 2 fighter
- Error Message of Frustration +1
- My new monk build could use critiquing
- mini barb
- Wounding vs DPS: Aussircaex's Valley
- Intimi-Barby, and Radiance II
- THF feats
- My meaningless guess on the fighter capstone:
- Tantris (A Paladin's, Paladin)
- New Monks
- divine sacrifice...
- How do you get your smite on?
- Combat Expertise
- Scourge Choker
- Would I get laughed at...
- Exhalted Smite effect
- so this is my build that I have at lvl 16 and holds his own
- Quick Question: WF bodies on barbs
- Which is better?
- Can anyone help me out with some monk questions?
- Newb Paladin question
- Min 2 Khopesh vs. Deathnip
- karmic strike is fixed?
- So I've Been Gone for a Year.. ( Plea' for Build Help )
- DPS/Intimitank
- A question on Defender of Siberys and Combat Expertise.
- Fighter Capstone: You Lose
- Fighter Capstone: Righteous Indignation
- Woah need some info on Frenzy Berserker
- Barbarian Feat Question?
- Attack Speed
- Monk enhancements on a Ranger
- 28 point Halfing's a bust... I need a Drow Build
- Paladin Faith 2
- total action points
- what does Maiming do on a x6 critical?
- A little bit of help would be appreciated
- Best GS weapon for an Intimitank
- Fighter Capstone
- weapon question
- Fighter: Strategist
- Newish Monk
- How high of a DEX Score do I need?
- What Would You Do With This Build?
- Handling the Frenzy.
- how does this build look
- Extreme Monk Build
- Clerics just don't understand
- question
- Help with a THF Maul template
- WF fatigue from raging?`
- Is this capstone worth it?
- Deflect Arrows
- Max Amount of DR?
- How do pure barbarians fit nowadays?
- Water Monk (Inspired by Rameses and Inspire)
- WF intim tank build critique
- Little help please
- Kungfu Build (run fast, jump far, cast spells?)
- recomendations on crafted weaps for a pally
- The Monster. 12 Fighter / 6 ranger / 2 monk
- why can't my fighter hit anything...
- Looknig for 1/2ling Pally Tempest build
- defender of sib/dwarven defender ac speculation
- Would this be a good change for monks?
- OmFg... you gotta be kidding Eladrin?!
- Human and monk improved recovery?
- Hunter of The Dead?
- Recommendations on good twf paly build
- New to the game, have a couple questions
- Handwraps... what works and what doesn't
- Eladrin Hunter of the dead
- Just curious
- Barbarian
- Are Monks losing their AC wisdom bonus or not?
- [Build Sketch] Rockette the Pure
- Just want a decent HtH fighter.
- questions about monk.
- Reliable builds?
- TWF vs The juggernaut
- Can a Tempest Kensai do 2 times the dps of a Greatsword Kensai????
- Stunning Fist DC
- Green Steele Combo?...
- THF WF Stats?
- Fighter Capstone
- multiclassed monk question
- A build idea that might be worth fleshing out.
- Immune to Disease?
- Ooog Ly
- Hamstring
- Need some help onn how to lvl my fighter
- Whay About Power Critical?
- Need stat peoples input plz...
- Defender Build Idea
- Feedback on a DoS Pure Paladin Build
- Colossus Max Strength Kensai Beserker
- Large Monk Damage
- Need a good TWF axe Human build
- The Wandering Pilgrim (6F10P) My ideas
- Does Iron Will Affect Paralysis?
- Help building a monk...plzzzzz
- hey all
- What stats or feats do I need to hit better
- help with my new WF monk please!
- storm of kargon, etc.
- Paladin super tank
- Capstone WF Barbarian - Frenzied/Glancing Blow
- The Divine Lotus: TWf Halfling Paladin
- Monk Link?
- Tinydoooooom - TWF Dragonmarked Zealot
- Quick build idea befoer xp weekend
- Best animal path?
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