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  1. I cant wait for my 'Barbarian Fireball'
  2. What about other races?
  3. Pally Question
  4. BF prestige enhancement? scap my Bowbarian??!!
  5. I Need Help
  6. Tempest Barbarian....Is it still viable?
  7. How does twf with handwraps work?
  8. Mr.intima Tank
  9. Pally wisdom
  10. Anyone got a link for the Div Sacr and Ex. Smite progressions past 16??
  11. my badass barb build. tell me what you think
  12. trying a new barb
  13. Algebraic breakdown of TWF/THF barb dps
  14. Maxed Intim Human Intimitank
  15. Suggestion for an Eberron based Monk PrE
  16. Greatsword OR Greataxe...KOtC and Bladesworn
  17. Maximum ac for pure fighter?
  18. Self-Healing, Sneak-attack intimitank
  19. A level of Fighter, or not?
  20. Kensai advice plz...
  21. More new fighter info wanted...
  22. Paladin Defender
  23. The Simplest Barbarian is the Best?
  24. Newbie Paladin Stats?
  25. Which Lvl up points...
  26. a little advice pls
  27. Can you just sticky this please devs
  28. Barbarian Paths: A Dilema
  29. More newbie Pally questions
  30. New barb prestiege classes
  31. heavy repeater barbarian build?
  32. Quick question on weapon choice
  33. monk feats
  34. Holy Avenger Question
  35. Fresh off the boat, pure THF Paladine
  36. How much air stance stacks with haste?
  37. THF Kensai uses what?
  38. Weapon Specialization
  39. Evasive Kensai Tempest Fighter
  40. fighter capstone suggestion
  41. Monk PrE speculation
  42. TWF Paladin/Rogue/Monk Max UMD/Intim with huge ac/saves
  43. How is this for Kensai?
  44. TinydooOoOoom Halfling Kensai
  45. Newb Monk Wisdom/AC Question
  46. Vicious idea
  47. To cross class or not?
  48. Monk/Rogue build?
  49. Thinking about combing Stalwart Defender (Dwarf) and Knight of the Chalice
  50. Tactics
  51. Pure 28 Point S&B Pally
  52. Drow or Halfling
  53. Can you use Stunning Blow while raging?
  54. Meta Magic Feats work with monk finishing moves??
  55. mage armor and fighter magic use ???
  56. The Tempest Zealot
  57. Boosting potions...
  58. Monks, Ki, and current direction.
  59. Quick Question!
  60. where is the barb preview of the capstone??
  61. Build proposal
  62. "Ten Thousand Stars"
  63. Kamas and Sickles
  64. End game gear for dwarf fighter
  65. Paladin: The sad Truth
  66. Old School 2hF Barbarian;
  67. question on DR
  68. Mod 9 intimitank
  69. Mod 9 advice on existing build
  70. Questions from a raging neophite
  71. Mod 9 Monk 17-20 gives ???
  72. TWF Pure Pally?
  73. Help with a build please
  74. What's with Monk tooltips?
  75. A look into Guards Barbs.
  76. cross class pally with tempest.....
  77. Unbalancing strike and sneak attack
  78. Rogue/Monk
  79. Axe Saint
  80. paladin only has light armor prof
  81. monk finishers
  82. how to duel weild
  83. Looking for a Build Plz
  84. Centered Bonus not showing up
  85. Kama Kensai
  86. Book of Tantris
  87. A Radical Idea
  88. any word on the ravager?
  89. "Caue the Twisted"
  90. Help with TWF barb build
  91. Heavy Picks vs Rapiers in Mod 9
  92. A Returning Paladin
  93. Quarter Staff Monk
  94. Help a noob with a build?
  95. build idea would it work?
  96. Greensteel Shuriken
  97. What to splash with otherwise pure monk?
  98. Help with Kensai on old build -- splash or no?
  99. stunning fist + sneak attack
  100. WF question
  101. high saves pally/monk
  102. How good will capstone have to be to....
  103. critique, and some questions on my pally build
  104. quick wf barb question
  105. Stalwart Defender
  106. Why Pallys Should Always be TWF with current enhancement line up
  107. Dwarf vs Human?
  108. TIme to get crafting!
  109. What to do with new version?
  110. Paladin *The Law* Build...
  111. No pure class anyone?
  112. Monk Respec Question
  113. Critical Threat Range Idea
  114. Tower max dex bonus vs AC calc??
  115. Level 20 paladin ability
  116. TWF Pure Pally Build attempt
  117. My attempt at a paladin build
  118. Shyvnado ~~ A fighter build
  119. ultimate tank
  120. GS Item for Ftr
  121. Hide and Move Silently for a Monk
  122. Help me!
  123. weighted handwraps
  124. Help with new Dorf Intimitank
  125. str based monk
  126. Barb w/ fighter splash for mod 9
  127. Im Outraged!
  128. So, a few ideas for monks
  129. Does fighter Haste Boost affect longbows?
  130. VOD BOT - a build by request
  131. How many D6's is that?
  132. Drow or 28pt Dwarf for Intimitank?
  133. Green Steel Kophesh or Holy Sword Spell?
  134. Is there an offhand unarmed penalty? (TWF question)
  135. My Pally Attempt, please critique
  136. Defender of Siberys Build Please
  137. What's your stunning fist/quivering palm DC?
  138. Weapon Finesse work for fists?
  139. 14 pali 2 fighter
  140. Error Message of Frustration +1
  141. My new monk build could use critiquing
  142. mini barb
  143. Wounding vs DPS: Aussircaex's Valley
  144. Intimi-Barby, and Radiance II
  145. THF feats
  146. My meaningless guess on the fighter capstone:
  147. Tantris (A Paladin's, Paladin)
  148. New Monks
  149. divine sacrifice...
  150. How do you get your smite on?
  151. Combat Expertise
  152. Scourge Choker
  153. Would I get laughed at...
  154. Exhalted Smite effect
  155. so this is my build that I have at lvl 16 and holds his own
  156. Quick Question: WF bodies on barbs
  157. Which is better?
  158. Can anyone help me out with some monk questions?
  159. Newb Paladin question
  160. Min 2 Khopesh vs. Deathnip
  161. karmic strike is fixed?
  162. So I've Been Gone for a Year.. ( Plea' for Build Help )
  163. DPS/Intimitank
  164. A question on Defender of Siberys and Combat Expertise.
  165. Fighter Capstone: You Lose
  166. Fighter Capstone: Righteous Indignation
  167. Woah need some info on Frenzy Berserker
  168. Barbarian Feat Question?
  169. Attack Speed
  170. Monk enhancements on a Ranger
  171. 28 point Halfing's a bust... I need a Drow Build
  172. Paladin Faith 2
  173. total action points
  174. what does Maiming do on a x6 critical?
  175. A little bit of help would be appreciated
  176. Best GS weapon for an Intimitank
  177. Fighter Capstone
  178. weapon question
  179. Fighter: Strategist
  180. Newish Monk
  181. How high of a DEX Score do I need?
  182. What Would You Do With This Build?
  183. Handling the Frenzy.
  184. how does this build look
  185. Extreme Monk Build
  186. Clerics just don't understand
  187. question
  188. Help with a THF Maul template
  189. WF fatigue from raging?`
  190. Is this capstone worth it?
  191. Deflect Arrows
  192. Max Amount of DR?
  193. How do pure barbarians fit nowadays?
  194. Water Monk (Inspired by Rameses and Inspire)
  195. WF intim tank build critique
  196. Little help please
  197. Kungfu Build (run fast, jump far, cast spells?)
  198. recomendations on crafted weaps for a pally
  199. The Monster. 12 Fighter / 6 ranger / 2 monk
  200. why can't my fighter hit anything...
  201. Looknig for 1/2ling Pally Tempest build
  202. defender of sib/dwarven defender ac speculation
  203. Would this be a good change for monks?
  204. OmFg... you gotta be kidding Eladrin?!
  205. Human and monk improved recovery?
  206. Hunter of The Dead?
  207. Recommendations on good twf paly build
  208. New to the game, have a couple questions
  209. Handwraps... what works and what doesn't
  210. Eladrin Hunter of the dead
  211. Just curious
  212. Barbarian
  213. Are Monks losing their AC wisdom bonus or not?
  214. [Build Sketch] Rockette the Pure
  215. Just want a decent HtH fighter.
  216. questions about monk.
  217. Reliable builds?
  218. TWF vs The juggernaut
  219. Can a Tempest Kensai do 2 times the dps of a Greatsword Kensai????
  220. Stunning Fist DC
  221. Green Steele Combo?...
  222. THF WF Stats?
  223. Fighter Capstone
  224. multiclassed monk question
  225. A build idea that might be worth fleshing out.
  226. Immune to Disease?
  227. Ooog Ly
  228. Hamstring
  229. Need some help onn how to lvl my fighter
  230. Whay About Power Critical?
  231. Need stat peoples input plz...
  232. Defender Build Idea
  233. Feedback on a DoS Pure Paladin Build
  234. Colossus Max Strength Kensai Beserker
  235. Large Monk Damage
  236. Need a good TWF axe Human build
  237. The Wandering Pilgrim (6F10P) My ideas
  238. Does Iron Will Affect Paralysis?
  239. Help building a monk...plzzzzz
  240. hey all
  241. What stats or feats do I need to hit better
  242. help with my new WF monk please!
  243. storm of kargon, etc.
  244. Paladin super tank
  245. Capstone WF Barbarian - Frenzied/Glancing Blow
  246. The Divine Lotus: TWf Halfling Paladin
  247. Monk Link?
  248. Tinydoooooom - TWF Dragonmarked Zealot
  249. Quick build idea befoer xp weekend
  250. Best animal path?