View Full Version : Warforged fighter need some help

03-03-2010, 08:18 PM
Ok my fighter is going to be a warforged and the way i like him to be is a dps/tank (if possable).

I have 32 point build unlocked but i cant make up my mind as far as what stats should be for a fighter should i take dex at all, IF i do want to dps i would like to use THF over the TWF also Id like him to be a tank if possable using a shield and a weapon

i dont have a clue again stats or feats please help me if you can i know i didnt give much info out i have tryed looking for a warforged fighter thread for what i am looking for but i keep getting humans,dwarfs and drows (i dunno why they pick drow maybe the looks)

please help this newbie ^_^ thank you in advance and sorry if this a little choppy gf made dinner so im in a hurry bye and leave me a few posts for me to learn/study when i come back

03-04-2010, 09:08 AM
Well I could have post build, but I ended up using several tomes, so it may not available to you :(
So do you have access to tomes?
To being effective DPS&Tank as fighter, you'd better to not dump more than 1 status.
(most people dump WIS or CHA, depending on their character setup)
For that reason tomes are extremely helpful. For instance, single +1 INT tome could make difference.

You said you prefer THF over TWF, but just note that TWF is better in term of single target DPS.
THF can hurt multiple enemies at once and can do good damage, but TWF is regularly deals better damage.
Going THF means you would not need much DEX as TWF does.
But also note that having higher DEX mean more AC, as long as your maximum Dex bonus restriction allows it.

Also you should choose primary focus of your character.
Kensei can be tank. Stalwart defender can deal damages.
Just not good as character focused on it.

As for the races, human gets more skills&Feat, dwarf gets racial enhancement.
People may choose drow for looking ;) but they are also good as 32pt character.
You just cant use 4pt on character creation, they are already spent on them.
And with their enhancement for rapier, they can do pretty much same DPS as other races does.