View Full Version : Melees
- Improved crit or unknown
- TR dex based advice
- Paragon Fighter - A "starter" THF Kensei build (by request for Megan/boltok)
- A build I'm playing with
- Your favorite 3rd GS item for a pure pally?
- Epic Antique Greataxe or Greensteel Min II GA
- Expeditious Retreat stack?
- 12 Fighter 82 AC 500 HP The Tanker Build
- TWF 32-point Drow Pali?
- Weapons
- Epic Bracers of the Demons Consort
- Rebuild Advice
- Fighter12/Rogue7/Cleric1
- dps twf pure paladin kotc human kop or elf scimitar?
- DoS... with options?
- Eldanti ~ Spider Monkey Build
- when are we gonna get greensteel handwraps?
- Staying Pure or 2 monk levels?
- Favorite animal path
- DR question
- TR from a fighter
- TR Build request
- Hoko's TR human dark monk by request
- Update 7 - what about big top chain?
- Monk build needs advice!
- Finishing moves..your thoughts pleez..
- When is Wisdom needed on a Paladin
- is TWF a viable build with 28 pts?
- anyway to boost up your dr
- damage reduction stacking question...
- Turn Undead Question
- Monk Run Speed
- Epic SOS, Greensteel Falchion or other for THF KotC?
- Playing a light monk and I need a little advice.
- Quick Dmg Die Question
- Losing finisher when not enough Ki - WAI?
- Earth And Wind Stance Grandmaster Dwarf
- First Barb Build
- Intimidate - Highest possible without gimping yourself?
- What gear should Jaerlach build have at 17th level?
- Cannot get Void Strike III?
- Does Race make you stronger?
- Stunning... sneak attack?
- Ninja Spy II or Master of Thunder?
- Monk Multiclass
- Humans - Viable as End-Game Barbarians?
- Unbalancing Strike & Touch of Despair on named, Help plz
- DoS Hate Tank build looking for advice
- AC Tanking at low levels (need help)
- GS and epic monk stuff...why not?
- Throwing weapon attack speed increase?
- Sneak Speed
- Wholeness of body (level 8 monk feat)
- DOS vs. KOTC
- Request for feedback on a TR Paladin (WF DoS)
- stunning fists
- 8 Palidan 6 Ranger 6 Fighter
- Regular cursespewing handwraps
- Suggestion on my build
- My monk platform I follow.
- What's wrong with my calculations?
- which specials/finishers work or don't with Ki weapons?
- TR From TWF Fighter Into Axer's Max DPS THF Dwarf Barbarian Frenzied Beserker BUILD.
- Balanced Leveling Paladin
- twf feats and monks
- Feat swap for monk.
- Handwraps for Lvl 6
- Epic Player, but new to Monk, I feel like a noob again.
- monk/rogue feedback please
- More Greensteel Questions
- Fighter kensai + monk
- Ninja spy 2 sneak attack working?
- WF Fighter Intimitank Bard and Barb splash
- Stalwart Defender Question
- 28 point TWF is possible
- quivering palm vs mobs....
- why they follow to downgrade our class???
- a light human monk build
- A few Paladin Soloing Tips
- 56 str good enough for stunning blow?
- Handwraps for Harry
- My favorite thing about Ninja Spies
- Jonash Solo - Soloing Dark Path 18/1/1 build
- THF feat line
- How much should i crit for?
- Pure Human DPS Kensai
- Do Human and Monk Imp Recovery Stack?
- Spinning Rock Intimitank - Stalwart Defender Fighter
- 28pt twf barb PLEASE HELP
- TR'd stalwart/kensai III build advice
- Pure Dark Monk: Wind 4 vs Sun 4 stance
- The Vampire - twf human barbarian
- Light Monk Finishers (need some help)
- GTHF or Toughness
- Input on intimitank build
- Dark Ninja Halfling Enhancements
- Inherent speed bonus for monks?
- Dark Finishers?
- Drow barbarian! :(
- Twink toon build help, plz
- Ok, breaking down and making a WF, need some advice.
- Greensteel Goggles
- What role does your Paladin play when in a group?
- When to TR..
- Pokepoke
- 12/7/1 Paladin,Rogue,Monk *Gi-ne-tik*
- TR from Barb
- Should I reroll or is this a good twf paladin
- New barb..weapon question
- TR From TWF FTR Into Shade's TWF Dwarf Barbarian Frenzied Beserker build.
- Bodyfeeder Handwraps
- Help Me Build My MNK =D
- TWF Barb/ranger advice
- TR'd Barbarian Feats
- TwoHanded+Throwing Build
- non lawfull good Paladins
- Past Life: Berserker's Fury
- Second Monk GS item?
- Devotion Handwraps
- Defender Build Critique Please
- Deflect Arrows
- 32pt Duo Survival Spec Paladin
- +4 intimi or dwarf
- Red fens set?
- Why Imp. Crit Slash...
- Devout Handwraps
- 32pt Drow twf/Tank Build
- Advice for my monk.
- A Newb's guide to gear choices
- Worth getting Necro 2 for the Devout Handwraps?
- max str build for Barb?
- bloodrage symbiont?
- Drow 16 Fighter / 2 Paladin / 2 Rogue Heavy Repeater Crossbow?
- epic dr question
- straight capstone kensai 3 fighter vs kensai 3 fighter 2 rogue
- request for a WF Pally build.
- Level 4 Fighter a little too squishy
- Light path w/ aura - Would like advice
- Keen + Improved Critical
- lorinthors ring
- Light Path Advice ?
- Wraps?
- At what point is carniflex not the best.
- ToD Monk love
- Weapon effects proccing on glancing blows
- Advice on a Whirling Steel Strike build
- Does Eternal Faith stack with Sacred?
- Suggestions on a Tank
- dwarf tank who can fight
- Sacred Fist - Advice on build
- Twin Blades-- TOTAL ownage.
- Ftr past life feat + Monk past life feat = Super Monk
- Order of application: Mastery III + Improved Criticals/Keen
- My 28pt human DoS build please critique.
- Human 32pt twf build help
- Noob monk question: More damage on Shortswords or Fists?
- 1/2 Orc Pally Solo Sinergy
- 3rd life, 12ftr/6pal/2mnk Hate tank/DPS/Intimitank
- Critique Please
- survivablity questions on a wf fighter
- Ninja Spy affects reward list - WAI?
- What increases Healing Ki?
- How's this Dark, Str-based Peck look?
- maxing intimi gear
- Critical Threat?
- STR skills question
- Slight of Hand build
- Do Monkey Stance and 10/- Perfect Self stack?
- Pure Barbarian Tank
- Completionist Build Help Please
- Hunter of Dead Questions
- Which ToD sets to go for?
- Level 10 Gear?
- anybody tried to shorten finisher fire times?
- Best khopesh TWF'er regarding DPS?
- THF Changes and Barb Capstone - Fixed.
- Looking to make a monk..need help.
- Question about monk sr on epic...
- New-ish player, please estimate/quantify something for me...
- Dark/Stun TR Monk
- Ranged DPS #'s for Monk.
- Elven 13 Ranger 7 Monk Ninja I Tempest II
- The Truth D-fenda (pally/monk 32 pts build)
- best shuriken
- Is a wizard/paladin combo possible AND decently effective?
- Reincarnate, Keep or Reroll?
- Two-Weapon Fighting feat line question
- Does Divine Grace and Force of Personality stack?
- Monk Build Help
- How threat stacks
- Turn-Based Paladin?
- Elemental curses: ever worth using?
- Green Steel Newbie Questions
- HOTD healing amp
- What am I doing wrong?
- 28 Point Monks? Dark Side?
- GS Weapon - Great Axe or Great Sword
- How will U7 affect THF DPS?
- Str or Dex for Dark Monk?
- Robot angry witchdocter
- Monk "Are you light or dark?"
- Halfling Barbarian
- Pally Caster Levels?
- level 9/10 gear layout help
- Fists of Light Shield - when it does NOT work?
- Stunning Fist DC Question
- Power Attack - Worth taking?
- THF-KensaiIII-18/2 or 20? O_o
- Bard/Paladin?
- monk: what to do next
- Thank you for indulging me
- Stunning Fist Gone
- Useful greensteel
- Building ORC barb got questions
- Human or WF??
- Anyone besides me want attack animations from different stances to be different?
- Would this healing combo work well?
- Zeal Doesn't Work
- Comments: WF Paladin item layouts
- Weapon Alacrity worth the purity of the class?
- Replacing Minos Legens
- Noob Q: Why is a paladin better than a DM Cleric?
- Bludgeoning
- Monk Build Concept help
- Snuff, 36pt Defender of Siberys
- Divine Sacrafice Toggle
- what other feats to take?
- Dwarven Axe vs Khopesh?
- Elven TWF Pally/Monk build - suggestions/improvements wanted :)
- TWF on a Stalwart Defender?
- Paladin Mighty Protector Enhancement Build
- Wrap attack speed with one Monk level
- Shield Spell Failure Question
- Are paladins underpowered in epic?
- TWF vs THF for paladin
- Damage Tier boost question
- Alignment question - good or nongood
- Hurtzz Reference Post
- Clash of my builds, critique - please. :D
- Critique of my stalwart defender 1-17
- mroranon or ravager
- two-handed weapons, yay or nay?
- Dwarf Barb FB question (hoping for some opinions on feats)
- MAX DPS Build
- Elf Kensei III / Rogue 2
- Muhammad Ali - 12 fighter/7 rogue/ 1 monk
- DOS stance question
- Problems with exalted smite.
- Tumble
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