View Full Version : Melees
- Not seeing Strike of the Enduring damage
- Fix Rewards based on Monk Class
- Outfitting my monk. Looking for clarification on ac stacking.
- PermaSlasher: Tempest IntimiDPS w/ Eavsion criticism please
- Dwarf TWF build
- Holy Avenger Released in Mod9?
- Newb Fighter question
- vulkoors avatar
- Advice would be appreciated
- Enhancement increases the strength of all of your defensive auras
- Glancing Blows and the Pali capstone
- Last Monk Standing
- re: all barb shroud
- 20 THF FB Warforged Barbarian (new 32 pt)
- Skills / Splash
- Newly Returned - Can someone recommend a pure Drow Pally Build?
- Permanator: Stalwart Defender DPS INTIMITANK, looking for constructive criticism
- Proposal; Kensai/Juggernaut Concept
- Holy Sword NERF
- TWF Fighter Build - Advise
- Crit Rage II vs Frenzy II
- Need some help with finishing touches
- What I like about me..
- Is Vicious going to stack?
- Enhancement:Ten Thousand Stars
- breakpoint for Wis in a new build? and general monk fighting style
- Noob needs help
- The Knight of the Fist
- Hate.
- Fighter kensi capstone
- gear questions
- Looking for suggestion for weapon, and should i splash at this time.
- S&b?
- AC/Intim WF?
- KotC / Tempest WF - Gear Help
- Holy sword options
- BARB ONLY SHROUD (sarlona)
- Monk Capstone idea
- can someone explain difference betwwen evasion and paladin capstone
- Why is a khopesh better than a Bastard Sword?
- Shield Damage Reduction
- Monk and the Shroud
- Build questions
- Weighted Handwrap Question
- lawful good or lawful neutral?
- couple of quick questions regarding paladins
- Quarter staff monk
- Will Zeal stack with Tempest attck speed?
- Monk/Rogue Build
- New player, love my barbarian, can use some advice
- Dwarven 20 Barb - Stalwart Absurdity
- highest dps monk
- another question
- question regarding superior two handed fighting.
- Drow Paladin Weapon of Choice Advise!
- Please Fix Me! (if I am indeed broken at all...)
- Is the Monk for me?
- Discussion= Timeless Body
- Has the SR number on char. sheet ...
- what finishing moves and special attacks do you actually use?
- Healing duration?
- Newb Monk Question
- Str build
- Monk Centerd, compermise
- stone of change?
- 12/2/6 Pali/rog/rgr vs. 12/2/6 Ftr/rog/rgr
- Improved Uncanny Dodge and Rogue levels
- hows my build? please tell me what i did wrong.
- TWF Human Paladin build
- WF ACs.
- Would this be viable? Mnk14/Rog2
- Greensteel
- How to attack as a Two-Handed Barbarian
- Some things to help monk DPS problems.
- Barb builds
- build questions from a confused gimp :Þ (monk)
- What are the BEST Handwraps in the game right now?
- Help With Drow Paladin Weapon
- Halfling Paladin/Monk feedback?
- Adamantine Weapons
- Question on 'max dex' on shields and armor.
- Another TWF Vs. THF thread, using algebra
- Paladins & UMD?
- Too much?
- looking for a halfling pally build
- Pure Paladin TWF build help
- Finishing Moves and Madstone Boots
- Fighter/Rogue best split?
- Kensa +1 crit range
- Anyone Else Notice The Holy Sword the Paladin is Holding In the New SPlash Screen?
- Greensteel Handwraps
- Chaosgaurd bracers
- Looking to make an intimi pally
- Paladin multiclass...
- The Week of the Monk
- how many Koepeshes doe a one really need?
- Feats for a TWF Paladin
- Build Help with S&B Intimitank Please
- Trying to figure out Mod 9 AP for a DoS III
- Two Weapon Fighting
- High diplo paladin
- A Guide to Pure Fighter Intimitanks
- Kensii III
- Dwarf Pali/Fighter Tank
- How about a nice named kama since no gs/transmuting wraps?
- UMD barb?
- Dwarf Shield Mastery
- Bow strength... for everyone ?
- Healing amp and LoH
- WoE Handwraps
- Occult Slayer PrC - Speculation
- Thf Or Twf?
- Halfling 12/6/2 - Monk 2 vs. Rogue 2
- Sanity check ITWF
- Trying to put together a tank monk
- power attack question?
- intimitank build
- Crafting Suggestions
- A question about Pally's
- Need some monk help.
- Swap Power Attack
- Kensai question
- 14/2 Barb rog - do i have this right?
- Barbarian Intimidating Rage
- Additional Ways
- S/B WF Guard Barb Tank
- Question about Ways of the Monk..
- A little confused
- whirling steel strike
- DeathBringer~Terminator build v 1.0
- new to the monk build
- Monk Gear For Butter
- Transmuting and Monks in Mod 9
- Week of the barbarian
- Kensai General Feats - What’s in your build options?
- Perfect Self in Mod 9
- Pure monk vs 2 Paladin Splash
- Is this build horrible?
- Monk AC bonus in Mod 9
- Splashing Rogue in my lvl 14 Heavy repeater chr?
- General Monk questions
- Seeking Drow Paladin/? Pure DPS build
- Where to for bbn14/ftr2?
- Ranged Divine might?
- ?
- Barb tank?looking for the best 28point mod8build
- *** is the point
- Should I make a WF pally18/rog2?
- Multiclass Questions
- Giving the Monk another chance....
- pure fighter mod 8 vs mod 9 twf dps
- Template for a Warforged Kensai
- Returning from a long break
- Return dustoff
- GTWF unavailable @ lvl 15
- hunter of the dead
- TWF Evasion Pally - Again
- I thought transmuting wraps don't exist?
- Fighter Build Feedback
- My new build TWF ideas?
- My new build TWF take a look at what i got help me get better?
- monk/cleric
- Jumping front kick
- can some one give me the link to the fighter PrEs
- 28 pt solo monk build? for Test server
- Kensai 3: Pure Build or Splash 2 Lvl Monk
- Tank build
- WF and barb power attack stacking
- Punchy of Argonessen
- Human or Drow (or other) paladin
- The Shield Valkyrie
- New Paladin for a new player
- Am I raid ready?
- Barb feats
- Staff based monk?
- Stunning blow
- 10 fighter/6 ranger question
- finishing moves
- Flirting with Paladin. Questions for a build.
- What is the ultimate TWF build?
- Kensai II or KensaiI/TempestI
- A long time ago in a DDO pre Monk...
- stunning punch
- New Barb Build
- Dwarf TWF Greensteel suggestions
- Monks, Wisdom AC, & Centered AC
- Starter Monk - Looking for input.
- Extend on a KotC?
- New to DDO - Help!
- WF Monk - take CE and Stunning Fist?
- An Intimidate Paladin; 12/2/2
- Halfling pure monk - dex based sneaky stunner.
- Stats for a longsword elfen Paladin?
- Looking for fighter build I thought I saw once
- The Artemis
- Tempest Barbarian Feedback Please
- Check over for any wrinkles in my build plz! :)
- To stir the pot a little.. Which is better?
- Help with a plan for a sword and board fighter
- WF Fighter 18 / Rouge 2 Suggestions Please
- help with Fighter Prestige info please
- Improved evasion
- Let's Talk DR
- Paladin AC question
- counting up paladin damage
- Lets talk Monk PrEs!
- Some ideas that I need reviewed
- Warforge/wiz-any build suggestions?
- WF THF 28 point (advice)
- Stats Question
- Build Request ! Drow TWF Paladin With DM4
- Help my build
- DR and the Barbarian
- looking for kensei pure fighter build
- Newbie question - Warforged Enhancements
- Monk questions
- Dex for Mithral FP?
- Pure Fighter TWF? or Ranger?
- boosting AC on a TWF
- Improved Sunder
- Tempest evasion paladin for pinkeyes
- Barb AC..Normal
- Warforged and Earth Stance
- Armor Class ?
- Trial Paladin Returned to DnD
- Halflings and Stunning Blow
- Well equipped, well built monk.
- One question, do you need TWF for handwraps?
- New Drow monk 28 point build, her stats?
- 28pt build "master of all styles" is this possible?
- My Non-Standard Monk
- dex fighter/whirlwind
- Save my pre-release fighter!
- Monk mentoring help....
- Kensai question: elf+longsword or human+khopesh
- Shadow Avenger update
- Elf Kensai stat dist???????
- New player question
- Noob question, fighter gear
- How to max AC?
- THF Fighter Changes
- Favorite tactics
- A Simple DPS Paladin for Level 20
- Would this make a good intimi meatshield
- WF Healer's Friend
- 18 Fighter 2 Paladin still viable with capstones?
- What greensteel items do you use on your Ftr?
- True Paladin
- First Attempt..Plz flame lol
- Barb/Rogue skills questions
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