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  1. Elf 2WF -- 18 Paladin/2 Fighter or 14 Paladin/6 Ranger?
  2. Rate of Attack Calculations for Kensai II/Monk
  3. can some one give me a good unarmed monk build pls
  4. Is UMD worth it for a pure fighter
  5. Base of 18 in all stats?
  6. Is the Capstone worth it?
  7. Two weapon fighting for 6 ranger splash?
  8. Few question about tank...
  9. How Viable are TH WF Freinzied Guard Berzerkers in Epic?
  10. Concentration Issue
  11. What is the difference between a DPS an TANK
  12. Epic Barbarian DPS
  13. FoP stacks with Divine Grace?
  14. 700 Hitpoints?
  15. Aligning the Heavens finisher question
  16. At what point are saves too high?
  17. Past Life: Student of the Sword
  18. Positive Energy Amplification
  19. Free stances guaranteed in next update?
  20. here a dark and light build what you think
  21. Newb Monk Question Regarding Buffs
  22. Halfling Barbarian (32 point Build) - Challenge
  23. monk question
  24. The Monk and Epic Weapons
  25. Reincarnation Choices...
  26. Easy Button for Paladins' True Reincarnating
  27. unarmed ki strike magic
  28. Melee +hit/AC ?s
  29. Tanking, intim vs hate
  30. Weeping Handwraps...are these real or just a myth?
  31. Monk build?
  32. Halfling cunning
  33. Heal
  34. Splash monks can't bypass magical DR?
  35. Dragontouch armor crafting help
  36. Defender of Siberys question
  37. New Monk Loot in Update 3?
  38. What intimidate/AC is needed to tank 'X'?
  39. damage boost
  40. Need some info on Pally plz help
  41. Ac Boost!
  42. attack sequence ?
  43. When in death frenzy??
  44. help pls..2wf Warhammer Build
  45. do you get help from your own aura?
  46. A Halfling Monk build...
  47. stunning fist not hitting?
  48. Does QP works when using kamas?
  49. new paladin help with build
  50. How Gimped will I be
  51. Monks On Sale, Question.
  52. Hunter of the Dead bug?
  53. My searchfu is weak :(
  54. Which is better: Full DPS TWF Paladin 20 or Evasion TWF Paly18/Rog2
  55. fvs/barb lv 3/2 or lv 4/1
  56. concordant oppostion
  57. Looking for Kensai Elf(Scimitar) User Builds!
  58. Just came back to game
  59. Monk pvp?
  60. Your opinion regarding Jump, Balance, Tumble?
  61. Censure Demons
  62. Monk Fist Attacks + Two Weapon Fighting
  63. Monk Touch of Death, my thoughts.
  64. Fist of Iron
  65. More info on glorious stand?
  66. Pure Barb vs Barb 18/Rogue2?
  67. Monk help
  68. Ultimate Halfling Fighter (32) - Max DPS - but not squishy
  69. Here I thought I was immune to poison
  70. Enhancement function
  71. level 18 kensai crit range?
  72. Ravager and Occult Slayer?
  73. Debate and questions on TR pure/splash
  74. Improved Cursespewing + Disruption or Paralyzing worth it?
  75. New DDO and Pally Player, planing on GR and new build
  76. New dark monk abilites, food for thought.
  77. Does Pal need 12 WIZ?
  78. 32pt Kensai Dwarf - Advice Please
  79. True reincarnation Monk gear
  80. AC stacking- a little overwhelmed...
  81. Paladin 12 / Ranger 6 / Monk 2
  82. shadow crypt ?
  83. Weapons...
  84. Stances ?
  85. Max Str Gear
  86. How do I put a "value" on a weapon?
  87. Dq2
  88. WF Paladin 18 / 2 Monk, are these stats okay?
  89. First raid...Depressing
  90. What Action point enhancements affect Stunning blow?
  91. Maladroit wraps viability
  92. Kensai question
  93. Barb-Why not human?
  94. DT armors
  95. Armor Master I
  96. Is Power Attack worth it?
  97. Planning my TR
  98. Failed spell action
  99. Need build help\comments..
  100. Monkage: We can has Update 3 <3
  101. Will I get invested Feats back??
  102. Bulwark of Good Question
  103. Supreme Cleave, great ability or....
  104. An alternative to Intimidate?
  105. why didn't our enhancements get reset?
  106. Grandfather Frenzy?
  107. Monk Paths
  108. New Ice Recipes for Named Wraps?
  109. Touch of Death
  110. a few pali questions
  111. Advice on a Fighter Build
  112. Static Charge...does not work...
  113. Do you leave Power Attack & others on always ???
  114. Build advice please
  115. Special Attacks ?
  116. ToD Nice Joke
  117. woot finally got over 80 STR.
  118. New Monk Loot in Chain Quests
  119. TWF/THF feats not added
  120. Crowd Control
  121. Pally Spell Piont Question
  122. Unencumbering
  123. cn Kensai have a meaningful AC at level 20?
  124. Strength Dwarven Monk alt
  125. KotC Vs HotD
  126. Question concerning Tactics (racial enhancements)
  127. Acrobat of the Chalice
  128. Weapons Finesse & Handwraps
  129. Do Weighted handwraps work with Stunning Fist?
  130. Barb Reincarnation Question
  131. My ideal handwraps:
  132. Burst Weapons
  133. pure paladin tanking
  134. what you think of my tank build
  135. Sneak Attack not working w/ Handwraps
  136. Greensteel Item for WF Monk?
  137. a question about monk fighting animations among other stuff
  138. Quarterstaff ?s
  139. Dark path monk, anyone using it?
  140. Whirling Dervish
  141. Frenzied crit multipliers not properly applying.
  142. Concentration ?
  143. how much wisdom do a monk need
  144. will it hurt my build if iff i just get 10 str
  145. need serious help with my monk
  146. Update 3's Changes to Ki Strikes
  147. Combat Expertise... "On" for Improved Trip?
  148. Dwarf Defender / DPS
  149. Toughness or Stunning Blow for lvl 18?
  150. Lesser Reincarnation... Loss previous gained Tomes?
  151. hunter of the dead
  152. can someone help me with a build?
  153. Fighter 13/Rogue 7
  154. A thought related to the ability to add icy burst to wraps...
  155. Request a build: 18/2 fighter/xx -
  156. Enhancement Treee For: Kensei Mastery Iii
  157. Modified builds for update 3
  158. Searching for item suggestions
  159. Improving FoL ?
  160. Check my math
  161. Elven Dragonmarked Fighter, Ftr12/Pal6/Rog2 or Rng6/Mnk2?
  162. What is the best 32 point Monk Build (NO TOMES)
  163. i am going dark path
  164. Mineral II Falchion - Which of these two would be better?
  165. two handed fighting
  166. Greensteel Weapon for Monk
  167. Dwarven Monk: 32 point build and progression. Your thoughts?
  168. Did Fists of Light get a buff for WF?
  169. 18paladin 2 fighter build help please
  170. pally 12/ 2 figth, what's next?
  171. Help me plan my end-game gear.
  172. Paladin capstone
  173. Human Barbie... lvl 1 fighter? An unbelievable new built!
  174. 18/2 fgt/rog build, Please offer suggestions. (Issues with enhanments)
  175. Why?
  176. Resurrection ?
  177. Build needed, THF dps pally.
  178. Paladin WF Tank
  179. Unbalancing strike for non-halfling?
  180. Missed oportunity message how to avoid?
  181. Need assistance with a monk build
  182. Finishing move and special attack question
  183. 32pt, WF Barb, TWF, Do i really need Toughness?
  184. Monks: Best of the Best
  185. ...Ranged Kensai?
  186. Defender of Syberius
  187. Another Holy Avenger thread
  188. Rogue 1/Monk 3/Paladin 16 Build Feedback
  189. level 11 - gear?
  190. DoS 18P/2F ... Bard TR option
  191. New to game, New to Monk
  192. Suggestions on gear upgrades?
  193. Reroll or is this worth saving
  194. Build review
  195. any percentage for the capstone?
  196. Need help with a 32pt WF monk build
  197. Pa15 / Mo3 / Wi2 -- Build Assistance
  198. Optimal Gear: What do you think?
  199. AC ?s
  200. ima new player to dnd i need help
  201. help, duo monk build
  202. Lemme back this up, wayyyy up.
  203. if you were gonna TR twice...
  204. Stunning Fist Question
  205. Removing Kopesh mastery
  206. Barbarian armor class
  207. Why Can't I Take Cleave?
  208. WF feats
  209. Arcane Kensei (3rd attempt)
  210. Two DR Questions.
  211. WF end game gear
  212. Just to make your heads 'splode
  213. here is my dark path build see if it will work
  214. Good low level trinket?
  215. Building a Dwarf Monk
  216. DPS Barbarian Overview
  217. anyone feeling any pressure to go back Light?
  218. Epic Fighter Gear
  219. Rage Equipment
  220. Devout Wraps...
  221. Green Steel Goggles
  222. Monster build for THF or just go Pure Fighter?
  223. which 2-h wep?
  224. Titan Gloves - How much does it Repair over time?
  225. confused about my max dex bonus
  226. Question about TR planning
  227. OK, last shot at paladin
  228. Simple Fighter DPS Build
  229. twf human pure pally build advice
  230. Best weapon choice for Barbarians?
  231. My first WF Barb...
  232. rage questions
  233. Looking for a newbie Monk guide
  234. THF or TWF KotC?
  235. Monk Two Weapon Fighting Question
  236. Best finishing moves?
  237. WF THF Feat Question
  238. Option for a pally/ figther...
  239. Best Monk Handwraps?
  240. Stalwart DPS
  241. hotd2 and enervation change?
  242. stat reduction ?
  243. Stat questions
  244. Is it too late?
  245. Intimitank/monster build
  246. Hi-level gear for my rogue/monk... suggestions?
  247. The Math of Smite Evil
  248. Past Life feats?
  249. Ideal Greensteel gloves
  250. First timer monk