View Full Version : Melees
- Elf 2WF -- 18 Paladin/2 Fighter or 14 Paladin/6 Ranger?
- Rate of Attack Calculations for Kensai II/Monk
- can some one give me a good unarmed monk build pls
- Is UMD worth it for a pure fighter
- Base of 18 in all stats?
- Is the Capstone worth it?
- Two weapon fighting for 6 ranger splash?
- Few question about tank...
- How Viable are TH WF Freinzied Guard Berzerkers in Epic?
- Concentration Issue
- What is the difference between a DPS an TANK
- Epic Barbarian DPS
- FoP stacks with Divine Grace?
- 700 Hitpoints?
- Aligning the Heavens finisher question
- At what point are saves too high?
- Past Life: Student of the Sword
- Positive Energy Amplification
- Free stances guaranteed in next update?
- here a dark and light build what you think
- Newb Monk Question Regarding Buffs
- Halfling Barbarian (32 point Build) - Challenge
- monk question
- The Monk and Epic Weapons
- Reincarnation Choices...
- Easy Button for Paladins' True Reincarnating
- unarmed ki strike magic
- Melee +hit/AC ?s
- Tanking, intim vs hate
- Weeping Handwraps...are these real or just a myth?
- Monk build?
- Halfling cunning
- Heal
- Splash monks can't bypass magical DR?
- Dragontouch armor crafting help
- Defender of Siberys question
- New Monk Loot in Update 3?
- What intimidate/AC is needed to tank 'X'?
- damage boost
- Need some info on Pally plz help
- Ac Boost!
- attack sequence ?
- When in death frenzy??
- help pls..2wf Warhammer Build
- do you get help from your own aura?
- A Halfling Monk build...
- stunning fist not hitting?
- Does QP works when using kamas?
- new paladin help with build
- How Gimped will I be
- Monks On Sale, Question.
- Hunter of the Dead bug?
- My searchfu is weak :(
- Which is better: Full DPS TWF Paladin 20 or Evasion TWF Paly18/Rog2
- fvs/barb lv 3/2 or lv 4/1
- concordant oppostion
- Looking for Kensai Elf(Scimitar) User Builds!
- Just came back to game
- Monk pvp?
- Your opinion regarding Jump, Balance, Tumble?
- Censure Demons
- Monk Fist Attacks + Two Weapon Fighting
- Monk Touch of Death, my thoughts.
- Fist of Iron
- More info on glorious stand?
- Pure Barb vs Barb 18/Rogue2?
- Monk help
- Ultimate Halfling Fighter (32) - Max DPS - but not squishy
- Here I thought I was immune to poison
- Enhancement function
- level 18 kensai crit range?
- Ravager and Occult Slayer?
- Debate and questions on TR pure/splash
- Improved Cursespewing + Disruption or Paralyzing worth it?
- New DDO and Pally Player, planing on GR and new build
- New dark monk abilites, food for thought.
- Does Pal need 12 WIZ?
- 32pt Kensai Dwarf - Advice Please
- True reincarnation Monk gear
- AC stacking- a little overwhelmed...
- Paladin 12 / Ranger 6 / Monk 2
- shadow crypt ?
- Weapons...
- Stances ?
- Max Str Gear
- How do I put a "value" on a weapon?
- Dq2
- WF Paladin 18 / 2 Monk, are these stats okay?
- First raid...Depressing
- What Action point enhancements affect Stunning blow?
- Maladroit wraps viability
- Kensai question
- Barb-Why not human?
- DT armors
- Armor Master I
- Is Power Attack worth it?
- Planning my TR
- Failed spell action
- Need build help\comments..
- Monkage: We can has Update 3 <3
- Will I get invested Feats back??
- Bulwark of Good Question
- Supreme Cleave, great ability or....
- An alternative to Intimidate?
- why didn't our enhancements get reset?
- Grandfather Frenzy?
- Monk Paths
- New Ice Recipes for Named Wraps?
- Touch of Death
- a few pali questions
- Advice on a Fighter Build
- Static Charge...does not work...
- Do you leave Power Attack & others on always ???
- Build advice please
- Special Attacks ?
- ToD Nice Joke
- woot finally got over 80 STR.
- New Monk Loot in Chain Quests
- TWF/THF feats not added
- Crowd Control
- Pally Spell Piont Question
- Unencumbering
- cn Kensai have a meaningful AC at level 20?
- Strength Dwarven Monk alt
- KotC Vs HotD
- Question concerning Tactics (racial enhancements)
- Acrobat of the Chalice
- Weapons Finesse & Handwraps
- Do Weighted handwraps work with Stunning Fist?
- Barb Reincarnation Question
- My ideal handwraps:
- Burst Weapons
- pure paladin tanking
- what you think of my tank build
- Sneak Attack not working w/ Handwraps
- Greensteel Item for WF Monk?
- a question about monk fighting animations among other stuff
- Quarterstaff ?s
- Dark path monk, anyone using it?
- Whirling Dervish
- Frenzied crit multipliers not properly applying.
- Concentration ?
- how much wisdom do a monk need
- will it hurt my build if iff i just get 10 str
- need serious help with my monk
- Update 3's Changes to Ki Strikes
- Combat Expertise... "On" for Improved Trip?
- Dwarf Defender / DPS
- Toughness or Stunning Blow for lvl 18?
- Lesser Reincarnation... Loss previous gained Tomes?
- hunter of the dead
- can someone help me with a build?
- Fighter 13/Rogue 7
- A thought related to the ability to add icy burst to wraps...
- Request a build: 18/2 fighter/xx -
- Enhancement Treee For: Kensei Mastery Iii
- Modified builds for update 3
- Searching for item suggestions
- Improving FoL ?
- Check my math
- Elven Dragonmarked Fighter, Ftr12/Pal6/Rog2 or Rng6/Mnk2?
- What is the best 32 point Monk Build (NO TOMES)
- i am going dark path
- Mineral II Falchion - Which of these two would be better?
- two handed fighting
- Greensteel Weapon for Monk
- Dwarven Monk: 32 point build and progression. Your thoughts?
- Did Fists of Light get a buff for WF?
- 18paladin 2 fighter build help please
- pally 12/ 2 figth, what's next?
- Help me plan my end-game gear.
- Paladin capstone
- Human Barbie... lvl 1 fighter? An unbelievable new built!
- 18/2 fgt/rog build, Please offer suggestions. (Issues with enhanments)
- Why?
- Resurrection ?
- Build needed, THF dps pally.
- Paladin WF Tank
- Unbalancing strike for non-halfling?
- Missed oportunity message how to avoid?
- Need assistance with a monk build
- Finishing move and special attack question
- 32pt, WF Barb, TWF, Do i really need Toughness?
- Monks: Best of the Best
- ...Ranged Kensai?
- Defender of Syberius
- Another Holy Avenger thread
- Rogue 1/Monk 3/Paladin 16 Build Feedback
- level 11 - gear?
- DoS 18P/2F ... Bard TR option
- New to game, New to Monk
- Suggestions on gear upgrades?
- Reroll or is this worth saving
- Build review
- any percentage for the capstone?
- Need help with a 32pt WF monk build
- Pa15 / Mo3 / Wi2 -- Build Assistance
- Optimal Gear: What do you think?
- AC ?s
- ima new player to dnd i need help
- help, duo monk build
- Lemme back this up, wayyyy up.
- if you were gonna TR twice...
- Stunning Fist Question
- Removing Kopesh mastery
- Barbarian armor class
- Why Can't I Take Cleave?
- WF feats
- Arcane Kensei (3rd attempt)
- Two DR Questions.
- WF end game gear
- Just to make your heads 'splode
- here is my dark path build see if it will work
- Good low level trinket?
- Building a Dwarf Monk
- DPS Barbarian Overview
- anyone feeling any pressure to go back Light?
- Epic Fighter Gear
- Rage Equipment
- Devout Wraps...
- Green Steel Goggles
- Monster build for THF or just go Pure Fighter?
- which 2-h wep?
- Titan Gloves - How much does it Repair over time?
- confused about my max dex bonus
- Question about TR planning
- OK, last shot at paladin
- Simple Fighter DPS Build
- twf human pure pally build advice
- Best weapon choice for Barbarians?
- My first WF Barb...
- rage questions
- Looking for a newbie Monk guide
- THF or TWF KotC?
- Monk Two Weapon Fighting Question
- Best finishing moves?
- WF THF Feat Question
- Option for a pally/ figther...
- Best Monk Handwraps?
- Stalwart DPS
- hotd2 and enervation change?
- stat reduction ?
- Stat questions
- Is it too late?
- Intimitank/monster build
- Hi-level gear for my rogue/monk... suggestions?
- The Math of Smite Evil
- Past Life feats?
- Ideal Greensteel gloves
- First timer monk
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