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  1. Does DR absorb Vicious Damage?
  2. Viable in long run 1f/2r/pally build
  3. Monk Idea
  4. Pure fighter or 18/2pally
  5. help with equipment
  6. Looking for build
  7. Critical Hit questions about Smite Evil / Exalted Smite
  8. Best Tank Build
  9. Wf 32PT TWF DPSer?
  10. What mobs can I use
  11. A few questions on enhancements (racial to)
  12. Monk Temporary Hit Points
  13. Monk AoE Heal
  14. WF DR Fighter build
  15. dwarf fighter reinc dilema
  16. DoS Paladin tank questions & build
  17. Questions about the Barbarian
  18. uncented monk question
  19. Final Build after forum feedback (pure human THF)
  20. Fighter dilema. Don't know what to concentrate on.
  21. Few questions
  22. monk earth stance dr question
  23. What now? AC and others.
  24. Green Steel and the Monk...
  25. Dual Weilding: Fighter 20 vs. Fighter/Ranger/? 12/6/X
  26. Vulkroom Dervish Robe
  27. Jorgundal's Collar
  28. 1st Pally Build, Drow 2HF. Feedback appreciated.
  29. Paladin A Guide to Creating Paladins
  30. Pali best solo/tank?
  31. Pali for Junts
  32. Paladin skills
  33. New to Monk - Halfling Monk Build Advice
  34. Ghost Touch handwraps?
  35. Phiarlan Monk
  36. Looking for a build
  37. Human Tank Build Fighter
  38. Big ole numbers and stuff
  39. the raging monk?
  40. Screenshots of your monk’s hotbar setup
  41. Noob Monk Question
  42. Best race for TWF fighter?
  43. Reincarnating as a Barbarian
  44. Invulnerability x Heavy Fortification
  45. My experience as a monk
  46. Solo Monks in the Orchard
  47. Advice sought on tanking fighter
  48. Shield bashing - is there any way to keep my DR?
  49. Monk Damage?
  50. barb/bard 12/8
  51. 2 for 1?
  52. Help with Monk 14/Fighter 6
  53. I hate Barbarians...
  54. Warforged Paladin Intimitank questions
  55. +1 Holy Viscous Handwraps...yeah, I tried them
  56. Need help Building a Dwarf Monk with GM Storms(Mainly)/GM Mountains
  57. Reincarnation
  58. Ki question
  59. Greensteal Khopesh Question
  60. Planning way ahead for TR
  61. Dwarf or WF ??
  62. Macroing Monks
  63. Tes
  64. Green steel questions
  65. human fighter questions and forum questions
  66. TWF and Ki Generation
  67. FoL and Healing Amp
  68. WF Great Weapon Aptitude...
  69. Mask choice
  70. Still around
  71. is it a good intimitank?
  72. Handwrap suggestions..
  73. THF Question
  74. Trying to figure out the Monk class
  75. WF S.Defender Shield Tank.
  76. help with human build please
  77. duel bastard sword fighter
  78. Tower Shield Mastery?
  79. Evasion Paladin?
  80. Solo Subterraine Exploration
  81. Reincarnation Feat for Monk
  82. Cleave Critical Hits [Cleave, Greater Cleave & Whirlwind]
  83. THF WF Barbarian Level 6-11 is Frenzy worth it?
  84. Paladin Needed a good TWF paladin build
  85. Noob and confusede pally!
  86. Best race for Monk ... I know this post again
  87. How can I max my AC as a 2 weapon fighter?
  88. multiple toughness feats worth?
  89. broken enhancement?
  90. Two weapon fighting?
  91. Devout Handwraps Immune to Force Rituals
  92. Drow Pally advice...
  93. Just to be different... a Quarterstaff Monk!
  94. Tanka Yomero - UtiliDPS - Mod 9 update!
  95. Hardest Hitting THF Paladin Build (WF Holy Destroyer)
  96. Aarrghhh
  97. Need Advice for New THF
  98. Power Attack
  99. My first Build - Rate it please!
  100. Hey, help on a 28point paladin build please.
  101. MNK12/ROG7/FGT1 - I can get this right. With your help...
  102. str wf monk build
  103. Caverns of Korromar - Like Quests
  104. Would it be a noob move if..
  105. What would you do with this toon?
  106. Jorasco Monk Reborn
  107. paladins and there roles
  108. new server, new character - Pure WF Kensai?
  109. here is my first build by memory
  110. For reincarnation
  111. What Are You Swinging?
  112. I'm planning on TR'n my monk...
  113. Halfling Monk Feat questions/advice Dragonmarks
  114. how important is Alignment?
  115. Barbarian Advice Please.
  116. Build Attempt
  117. High DC THF DPS Pure Fighter
  118. concentration
  119. Is this Viable
  120. Intimitank why power attack?
  121. Human Monk Question
  122. /sigh
  123. 16mnk/3pal/1rog
  124. Changing feats
  125. Question regarding splashing rouge/paladin into a figther build
  126. 2 Green steel weapons, best combo?
  127. Paralyzing Wraps
  128. Twink gear for a reincarnated barbarian
  129. barbarian quests level 8+
  130. Weighted Handwraps and Stunning Fist
  131. Glancing Blow
  132. Does the Fighter Passive Past Life Feat buff monk abilities?
  133. Monk Problem with Dex/AC/wind stance/UI???
  134. Silver Flame - what's it get you?
  135. KOTC Lorinthor's Set Bonus Bug Fixed
  136. Opinions on fighter reincarnation-Intimitank-
  137. Barb with 2 Rogue AND 2 Fighter?
  138. Thank you all landed my devout hw
  139. LF Drow Pure Paly TWF Build
  140. Stupid Greater Command ... need advise
  141. Glancing Blows & Ki Generation
  142. Halfling 12 Barbarian \ 2 Rogue \ 6 Bard Build
  143. How important is balance skill?
  144. most important skills in order for a fighter?
  145. Monk Specials?
  146. cleave and greater cleave, are they worth it?
  147. Question about AP
  148. Bialdi, Reincarnated Deathnip Specialist
  149. Carnifex - question
  150. Human action boost and figther extra action boost
  151. Monk Paths
  152. Looking for feedback
  153. Wf Evasion Intimitank
  154. reincartated barb
  155. Updated build
  156. my idea for a new build
  157. Halfling THF dps paladin
  158. Looking at building a Barb with splash
  159. Immune to Hold?
  160. The upgraded Immaculate build
  161. more questions still - madstone rage
  162. Looking for advice
  163. 12Fight/6Barb/2Rogue Build Idea
  164. TWF Melee build 12Fight/6Barb/2Rogue
  165. fighter tanks in general
  166. All you soloing monks out there
  167. Attack Bonus Bug?
  168. Making a mainly solo WF pal...
  169. Fast Movement?
  170. Blue "sparks"
  171. Prestige Enhancement Comparison??
  172. Fighter Defender
  173. The spells, dear lord the spells.
  174. So I havent played DDO in awhile
  175. Dwarven Fighter Build - feedback requested
  176. Another build advice question-help plz
  177. Some advice for reincarnating my barb
  178. why do you like the khopesh so much?
  179. Mid-point check-in
  180. Pretty Basic Question
  181. the monk im playing
  182. what are the skill to choose..
  183. WEapons and rage question!
  184. build ideas for tank toon
  185. Monk changes coming soon?
  186. Viability of a warforge fs/fighter? WF build request
  187. Questions!
  188. Why Mithril?
  189. It took me 15 Monk Levels to Learn:
  190. Question about Stalwart and Dex Bonus
  191. Guard Items
  192. Monk AC level 13+
  193. Solo Leveling: 11-13
  194. Please critique my two handed dwarven paladin
  195. Hauteclere, the Scorned
  196. Why Windstance if you have madstone boots?
  197. Monk levels-
  198. I need some help with my build.
  199. Imp Critical Feat, Mineral 2 Wep and Raging, a question
  200. TWF Build Critique Please
  201. A quick question?
  202. the long road
  203. warforge tactics
  204. Attack speed question ? Do they stack ?
  205. Icy or DT or White Draongscale?
  206. I've heard GS handwraps is coming ?
  207. best 2 monk splash strikes/finishers/stance to use melee?
  208. Vorpal sword, should I have one?
  209. Best Warforged Strength Monk?
  210. Toughness Feat questions
  211. Intimi Still Very Viable?
  212. Vanguard Warrior Enhancements recommendations
  213. Build: The Indomitable Spirit (Pal-18/Ftr-01/FvS-01), feedback sought
  214. Need Advice -- Paladin level 14 / Ranger level 6
  215. 36 point tank
  216. Vicious weapons
  217. Should Paladins thf have dex?
  218. Barbarians in Heavy Armor
  219. Just wanting to know if my Paladin is okay
  220. Which? Carnifex, paralyzer, vorpal?
  221. Planning a pure Pali, feedback welcome
  222. Ranged Fighter Build, Feedback requested
  223. Couple of questions
  224. Berserker fury
  225. Are Kamas or Handwraps Faster?
  226. GS Kama's
  227. What is Kensai ??
  228. FoD?
  229. Building a tank/tank discussion
  230. Advice for low to mid-level monks
  231. Help on a build
  232. Monk Finishing Moves
  233. best mitheral 2 weapon for my dwarven barb?
  234. Halfling fighter
  235. wisdom bonus
  236. WF DR/Tactics DPS
  237. Fighter Capstone and Barbarian Capstone
  238. Has anyone played with a Monk/Wizzy or Monk/Wizzy/Rouge combo
  239. I realized about putting 1 point in a stat...
  240. Whats a good class to mix with Paladins?
  241. Thinking of rolling 18 Pally/2 Monk need input.
  242. Best slot for GS immunity item?
  243. Handwraps question
  244. Monk Hit Rate
  245. Checking in for my Mineral 2
  246. Barbarian Rage can be dispelled?Why?
  247. Does the fighter capstone stack with haste?
  248. DR/- as it applies to Block Items
  249. What armor for 12/6/2? Enhancements?
  250. Flurry of Blows.