View Full Version : Mask choice

12-13-2009, 08:59 AM
OK, I have read the monk guides here.

Question, what is the better mask for me to wear now? (Rogue 1/Monk 6)
1) Mask of the Asylum (+5 Concentration)
2) Wise Mask of Power I (+1 Wis)

I guess I am asking what I get for +5 Concentration vs. +1 Wis.

12-13-2009, 09:16 AM
I guess it would depend on what would benefit you more.

If your Wis it at a odd number, then the Wis mask would give you +1AC and Will save.

If your concentration is lacking, then the Mask of the Asylum would be a great help for Ki.

It all depends really with what is more important to you. If you Wis is an even number,I would go for the Mask of the Asylum then.