View Full Version : Why Windstance if you have madstone boots?

12-24-2009, 10:55 PM
As the title , I just ckecked the list of attack speed effect stackable way .

The wind stance gives 10% insight AS , and the other 15% do not stack with with haste / madstone.

That means if the madstone effect , there are only 5% AS difference between wind / fire or wind / water.

So why is everyone still choosing Wind stance?


By the way , anyone knows more information about Shintao Monk, Ninja Spy, or Henshin Mystic paths that in the test server ?

I am planning my second reicarnation to monk , I think those patches will effect my build a lot .

Thanks for whom concerned =)

12-24-2009, 10:57 PM
Because the insight is -always- 10%: if you use wind stance and madstone rage, you hvae 10% (insight, from stance ) and 20% (enhanccement, from boots).

10% is better

always better

attack speed boosts are wildly overpowered on DDO: intentionaly depriving yourself of one is a massive self-gimp.

Also, madstone boot charges are limited and getting procs can be difficult to do in some quests. Its not reliable.

its a pretty big dps loss for off-dps on horoth to go find orthons to proc their boots before going back in to dps him.

12-24-2009, 11:53 PM
Because the insight is -always- 10%: if you use wind stance and madstone rage, you hvae 10% (insight, from stance ) and 20% (enhanccement, from boots).

10% is better

always better

attack speed boosts are wildly overpowered on DDO: intentionaly depriving yourself of one is a massive self-gimp.

Also, madstone boot charges are limited and getting procs can be difficult to do in some quests. Its not reliable.

its a pretty big dps loss for off-dps on horoth to go find orthons to proc their boots before going back in to dps him.

Thats true , 10% always better .

But I am thinking the fire stance on every ki get to do more elemental strikes will it better than the 10%? Not sure.

The other thing im worry about is the high AC of monk might get the proc of passive madstone lower chance