View Full Version : Making a mainly solo WF pal...

12-22-2009, 03:10 PM
Problem is, i don't really know if i've got the right idea.

I already know that i'm gonna take my first level as rogue for the skills, but i'm also set of adamantine plating so the second level is probably not worthwhile. Fighter maybe? pal18/rog1/ftr1 doesn't sound too bad...

Second, i like the idea of hulking around with a tower shield and sword, i suppose that decides my destiny as a tank.

Stats seem to be my problem. I know i need 16 CHA, 13 INT, 12 DEX, and 8 WIS, but that leaves me with 12 CON and 11 STR. I don't suppose i've got any alternative though... (i'm sure those stats will look better after enhancements/tomes anyway)

My first 2 feats are (to my newbish mind) no-brainers, adamantine plating, and expertise, but after that i don't really know, so any help would be nice...

Thanks in advance for any help!

12-22-2009, 05:07 PM
First off, forget about 16 cha on a WF character, you're sacrificing too many build points to reach that, particularly in light of the fact that paladins are a stat intensive class, "tanks", with the extra int requirement, are even moreso and WF attempting to cast divine spells also need to dump 2 points into wis unless they plan on waiting for a tome.

So forget about DM4.

Second, if you really are intent on a tank, you'll need more str than that. Yes, your intimidate will be high. Probably higher than most. However not everything is susceptible to intimidate and, for those, you'll need to put out at least some damage. More damage than what is possible to achieve with 11 str.

I'm not sure why you're stating a dex of 12 as a requirement... either you go TWF route as a backup for when not tanking (in which case, you'll 15-16 + a tome at some point to reach the 17 requirement for ITWF), or you go THF and forget about dex altogether - your plating will reduce your possible bonus to that achievable from gear alone from a 8 base dex.

With 32pt builds, I'd go THF for damage (allows you to save some build points from dex) and probably 16/8/16/12/8/14...

Alternatively, 32 pt TWF would be 14/15/12/12/8/14 and require a +2 dex tome, a +1 int and a +4 cha along the way to grab all the feats and DM3.

Speaking of feats, fitting in Combat Expertise and Tower Shields is going to be impossible on a pure build - going /2 fighter would help by giving you tower shield proficiency for free and give you some more feats. Additionally, since you're giving up DM4 already on this build, missing those 2 paladin levels isn't going to hurt as much. You also get some good enhancements.