View Full Version : Shield bashing - is there any way to keep my DR?

12-10-2009, 06:33 PM
As it says. I've got a Stalwart Defender who's got trouble holding aggro while blocking, and I figure shield bashing would help but kind of defeat the purpose of blocking. Is there a way to keep my blocking DR while shield bashing? Will Improved Shield Bash do that, or is that only the shield's AC?

12-10-2009, 06:35 PM
Have you been investing in the Intimidate skill? You can always use that to hold aggro.

12-10-2009, 06:38 PM
Have you been investing in the Intimidate skill? You can always use that to hold aggro.

Max ranks and a +10 ring. Still doesn't work two thirds of the time against things I really need to hold aggro on - raid bosses and the like.

12-10-2009, 06:39 PM
As it says. I've got a Stalwart Defender who's got trouble holding aggro while blocking, and I figure shield bashing would help but kind of defeat the purpose of blocking. Is there a way to keep my blocking DR while shield bashing? Will Improved Shield Bash do that, or is that only the shield's AC?

Improve shield bashing states in pertinent: "You keep your shield bonus while bashing with a shield"

I would pressume that DR is part of the shields bonus.

12-10-2009, 06:40 PM
Max ranks and a +10 ring. Still doesn't work two thirds of the time against things I really need to hold aggro on - raid bosses and the like.

What level are you, what is your Intimidate skill (base without item), what's your Charisma (and are you wearing a charisma item while intiming), and what raid bosses have you been trying to intimidate?

12-10-2009, 06:42 PM
A long time ago (around when gianthold was released) I had Imp. Shield Bashing on my intim fighter but it was buggy (sometimes you would retain full shield blocking DR and sometimes you wouldn't). I then decided to get rid of it; however, not too long after I believe the devs acknowledged it was broke and fixed it.

Even if that bug has since been fixed Imp Shield Bash in no way shape or form can retain aggro, it's simply not enough damage. As the previous poster mentioned you will be much better off with a high intimidate skill. Ever since the cool down was reduced from 10 to 6 seconds it is 100% aggro 100% of the time (so long as you don't spam the button, it gets kind of finicky if you do) assuming you are dealing with intelligent mobs.

12-10-2009, 06:44 PM
What level are you, what is your Intimidate skill (base without item), what's your Charisma (and are you wearing a charisma item while intiming), and what raid bosses have you been trying to intimidate?

Level 13. 16 ranks with +4 from enhancements, +1 from Voice of the Master, and +2 from a source I can't quite track down; it says I've got a +31 total. 6 Charisma, and I don't have a slot to put a +Cha item in. And I just had a lot of trouble trying to intimidate Lailat in the preraid.

12-10-2009, 06:45 PM
What level are you, what is your Intimidate skill (base without item), what's your Charisma (and are you wearing a charisma item while intiming), and what raid bosses have you been trying to intimidate?

Don't forget the "why would you bother shield blocking anyway?" question.

12-10-2009, 06:56 PM
Don't forget the "why would you bother shield blocking anyway?" question.

Well, with blocking and moderate supporting heals I could survive Lailat without difficulty. I just couldn't keep her ****ed off at me. If I could, I could keep her in one place for firewalls and such.

12-10-2009, 07:07 PM
Level 13. 16 ranks with +4 from enhancements, +1 from Voice of the Master, and +2 from a source I can't quite track down; it says I've got a +31 total. 6 Charisma, and I don't have a slot to put a +Cha item in. And I just had a lot of trouble trying to intimidate Lailat in the preraid.

Well you said you have a +10 item on correct?

14 (from 16 ranks)
+4 (enhancements)
+1 (Voice)
+2 (Stalwart Defender II)
+10 (item)

At level 13 you should have a +13 item, there's another +3. You're also getting a -2 because of your low CHA (Intim is a CHA based skill). A +2 CHA tome would help a little, making it only a -1. You could also have a GH cast on you, or aquire a Planar Gird to cast it on yourself, giving you another +4. A Bard song would be another +2.

Making your +31 into a +41. Much better, eh?

12-10-2009, 07:08 PM
Shield bashing isn't gonna help you hold aggro, either.

12-10-2009, 07:34 PM
I have a shield bashing Ftr12, turned Intimitank. Improved Shield bash is definately an overlooked feat for intimitanks IMO.

Yes, it appears to me that you keep your DR. My guy is quite durable.

The ability to do some damage while blocking is worth it on a Ftr build IMO.

But if you are good at watching and predicting when the monster will be attacking, you don't need it. You can attack and block again and time it so you don't get hit unblocking.

Biggest problem is shield bashing does very littls damage with few ways to beef it up.

You get half your Str damage to it. The + on the shield does not add to hit or damage.

Only an extremely few shields actually add any damage to shield bashing attacks.

Power attack now works with it, but I consider that a nerf actually.

On the plus side, the extra damage from a shield of bashing is untyped damage.

12-10-2009, 07:43 PM
Level 13. 16 ranks with +4 from enhancements, +1 from Voice of the Master, and +2 from a source I can't quite track down; it says I've got a +31 total. 6 Charisma, and I don't have a slot to put a +Cha item in. And I just had a lot of trouble trying to intimidate Lailat in the preraid.

intimidate is all or nothing skill. at present my L20 fighter has over 60 intim. what you are lacking are

1. greater heroism spell +4
2. level appropiate item, +13 instead of +10
3. cha items, trust me, you need to find a slot for it
4. tomes to boost cha
5. feats, sf intimidate and bullheaded for +5 total

shield bashing is a wasted feat. it is notoriously slow (even slower than ranged combat) and doesnt bypass DR (where the hell are the cold iron/silver pure good shields?!?!). with the current situation where you can get ACs in the 80s-90s range on a SD or DoS, just keep attacking with your weapon. the mobs cant get you anyways

12-10-2009, 07:56 PM
Well, with blocking and moderate supporting heals I could survive Lailat without difficulty. I just couldn't keep her ****ed off at me. If I could, I could keep her in one place for firewalls and such.

Lailat is a special case because her aggro keeps switching (thus you can't hold aggro through damage), but in any other fight in the game you'd do better to just attack. The best defense is a good offense, ya know.

12-10-2009, 07:56 PM
5. feats, sf intimidate and bullheaded for +5 total

Ah, I knew I forgot something.

A feat to boost your intimidate like Aranticus suggested would probably be preferred to a Shield Bashing feat. It would definitely be more useful.

12-13-2009, 12:48 PM
In SD stance you increase your hate by 50% so attacking will help you hold aggro if your intim is failing. That is of course if the increase to hate actually works. :confused:

12-13-2009, 12:54 PM
Don't forget the "why would you bother shield blocking anyway?" question.

If you intimidate, and shield block, then the damage absorbed is significant, and you take next to 0 damage.

12-16-2009, 02:49 PM
If you intimidate, and shield block, then the damage absorbed is significant, and you take next to 0 damage.

I shield block at times, but then realize everything is missing me anyways. It's not a sin if a mob gets lucky and rolls a 20 and your healer actually has to heal someone. There are times when staying in block mode for a bit is a good idea, ie when trolls/ogres do their lil triple swing jump attack (seems like the +hit goes thru the roof). But for the most part it seems like its better to simply attack and let your AC do its job and not give the enemy more time to roll that 20.

12-16-2009, 05:29 PM
There are times when staying in block mode for a bit is a good idea, ie when trolls/ogres do their lil triple swing jump attack (seems like the +hit goes thru the roof).

You can manually dodge these by running around behind them while they're swinging, taking zero damage instead of reduced damage. Thus there's STILL never a good time to shield block.

12-17-2009, 03:01 AM
You can manually dodge these by running around behind them while they're swinging, taking zero damage instead of reduced damage. Thus there's STILL never a good time to shield block.

how's this: There are times when actively blocking is a good idea, ie when ogres/trolls use there little triple hit special attack, and you are either too lazy or otherwise occupied( taking a drag from your smoke) and cannot be bothered to move.