View Full Version : What we know (or assume) about monks

06-01-2008, 04:08 AM
Barr0 did a great job.. check here for more complete information http://ddo.enterwiki.net/page/Monk

These are just kinda my notes that i thought i would share since we are getting closer and alot of the information for the monk has not been released yet, this was mostly done by memory so if i missed something please add it in, i am trying to keep as much opinion out of it as i can and just sticking with facts ( good or not) that way we have some kind of building referance.. Plus i was bored.

Base saves for monks stay even through out all levels maxing out a a base of +10 straight across at level 16
+1d6 Unarmed damage at level one
+1d8 unarmed damage at level four
+1d10 unarmed damage at level eight
+2d6 unarmed damage at level twelve
+2d8 unarmed damage at level sixteen

Bonus feat at levels one and two that can be chosen from the following list ( so long as you meet the requirments)
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Great Fortitude
Stunning Fist
Deflect Arrows
Weapon Finesse
Improved Sunder
Power Attack
Improved Trip
Combat Expertise

Level Three you can choose a discipline
Light = healing and aiding your self and party members, undead damage
Dark = Damage output to living creatures that are subject to crits ( No oozes, undead, constructs )

At level two you gain Evasion
At level four your fists are considered magic for Damage reduction
At level four you also begin to gain slow fall
At level five you gain purity of body
At level six you gain an additional bonus feat
At level nine you get improved evasion
At level 10 a lawful strike (?)
At level 11 gain immunity to poison (?)
At level 11 another bonus feat in place of Greater Flurry (?)
At Level 12 Abundant step
At 15 quivering Palm
At 16 your fist are adamantine for damage reduction

You gain not only a bonus to your AC from Dex, but also wisdom.

Str: extra damage out put, and carrying capacity ( important if you want to stay centered)
Dex: AC, Reflex saves, finesse fighters to hit
Wis: AC, Will Saves, Max Ki
Con: HP, Fort Saves, Concentration score
Int: Skill points, Combat expertise
Cha: Haggle and umd

Max Ki is determined by your wisdom, however you can maintain a certain amount of ki based on your concentration score, you gain ki based on the stance you are in , Fire, Water, Air, or Earth... All but earth you can gain Ki by contacting with attacks, Earth you gain ki by getting hit.

Finishing Moves are gained by a using a combination of special moves successfully, and they then provide a greater effect of some sort ( extra damage, Stunning, healing party , ect. )

Monks are balanced in only cloth armor, using Shuriken , Quarterstaves, or Kama's anything including wands that do not fall in this category will make you unbalance causing you to loose monk abilities, including reducing your attack bonus ( do to the loss of Furry of blows). You also become unbalanced by becoming encumbered

06-01-2008, 04:21 AM
Dark = Damage output to living creatures that are subject to crits ( No oozes, undead, constructs )
I didn't think crit immunity was relevant- just living or unliving.

Wis: AC, Will Saves, Max Ki
Saving throw DCs is the important use of Wisdom, secondary to AC.

you gain ki based on the stance you are in , Fire, Water, Air, or Earth... All but earth you can gain Ki by contacting with attacks, Earth you gain ki by getting hit.
No. All centered monks gain +1 Ki for a successful attack, and +3 Ki for a crit. In addition to that, earth stance gives you +1 ki for being injured by an attack, and fire gives you +1 Ki for a successful attack. Crane style monks gain more Ki on crits, and Badger monks are supposed to gain Ki when low on hitpoints (but this seems broken).

Finishing Moves are gained by a using a combination of special moves successfully, and they then provide a greater effect of some sort ( extra damage, Stunning, healing party , ect.)
Using the moves successfully is not required to have a finisher. The attack can miss or otherwise fail and still count towards the finisher combo.

Monks are balanced in only cloth armor, using Shuriken , Quarterstaves, or Kama
The word is "centered", not balanced. Note that being uncentered doesn't remove your AC bonuses from wisdom or from centered.

06-02-2008, 06:24 PM
what are the Skills available to DDO Monks?

06-02-2008, 06:29 PM
Max Ki is determined by your wisdom, however you can maintain a certain amount of ki based on your concentration score, you gain ki based on the stance you are in , Fire, Water, Air, or Earth... All but earth you can gain Ki by contacting with attacks, Earth you gain ki by getting hit.

Maximum Ki is equal to (level)*10 + Wisdom modifier*5.

You can also regain Ki by Meditating. You get two Meditate per rest. When Meditating, you gain Ki until it stabilizes. It stabilizes at, or above, (Concentration score)*3+1.

06-02-2008, 06:32 PM
what are the Skills available to DDO Monks?

Click on the Monk in my sig, you'll have the list. I'd Copy/Paste them here but I can get myself to load the wiki... :(

06-02-2008, 06:40 PM
Click on the Monk in my sig, you'll have the list. I'd Copy/Paste them here but I can get myself to load the wiki... :(


06-02-2008, 08:00 PM

np, that's what I'm here for. :)

06-03-2008, 03:43 AM
so do you get the wis bonus to ac if you are wearing armor? as in splashing monk on a ranger just for that.

06-03-2008, 04:25 AM
so do you get the wis bonus to ac if you are wearing armor? as in splashing monk on a ranger just for that.

Nope, you loose the AC bonus if you're wearing an amor. If you go on the wiki, it says it. :)

06-03-2008, 09:29 AM
I would highlight that monk will likely want to keep their concentration skill maxed, since it also affects how quickly ki will dissipate when not actively fighting.

Very nice easy to understand guide.

06-03-2008, 02:26 PM
Nope, you loose the AC bonus if you're wearing an amor. If you go on the wiki, it says it. :)
doh! thanks bor

06-03-2008, 05:11 PM
doh! thanks bor

np, my pleasure

06-03-2008, 06:53 PM
How does unarmed work? Do you wear 2 handwrap and use TWF??

06-03-2008, 07:04 PM
How does unarmed work? Do you wear 2 handwrap and use TWF??

Unarmed isn't compatible with TwF.