View Full Version : Monk's named item shopping list
06-03-2008, 06:40 AM
For those monks who do not have a generous patron feeding them magic items, you might need to obtain equipment by (shock) running quests yourself. Following is a guide to some key named items from existing quests that are good for monks.
Black Widow Bracers- *** the +4 Armor bonus is so important, although you can replace it with Mage Armor potions equally well.
Sewer Smock- switch it in for acid arrow spells or occasional harbor traps
Graskitch's Skullcap- +1 wisdom can turn into +1 AC when combined with Monk Wisdom I. However, low-level monks will generally have their head slot taken up by a Hat of Steady-Spellcasting.
Catacombs (now 100% slime-free!!)
Mask of the Asylum- *** +5 concentration makes it important to get this at low level, or something similar.
Cloak of the Asylum- an unusual slot to get +1 wisdom
Robe of Duality- not only does this robe give you +10 hp, but it has the best graphic design ever
Pillar of Light- a +1 quarterstaff of pure good will help you kill Ghostly Skeletons in Delera's Tomb
Shan To Kor
Shadow Star- *** hurray, someone to get use from the +1 Keen Returning Shuriken
Trapblast Goggles- obviously, you want high reflex to get the most out of the Evasion ability
Gatewarden's Girdle- you may as well start building up fortification
Cloven Jaw War Beads- +2 constitution isn't bad
Spider Silk Robe- DR 3 against slashing, not bad
Visor of the Flesh Render Guards- cast Deathward on yourself, which is important because it'll be a long time before you get a cleric in your party (or any other non-monk)
Splinterskull Acolyte Ring- the Improved Devotion will boost Healing Ki I.
Zulkash's Bone Necklace- +2 wisdom, not bad
Splinterskull offers several other items giving good stat bonuses. However, completing 50% of Splinterskull on Hard will unlock House Philarian favor, enabling you to buy +4 stat buffs for 30 minutes at a time. Those buffs are generally superior to wearing stat items, until you eventually get +5 and +6 items.
Delera's Tomb
Voice of the Master- you want XP, right? This thing is +5% XP.
Cult of the Six
Snowstar- +2 icy burst returning shuriken, it's the best ranged weapon a monk will get for a long time.
Shrunken Head- yes, monks have good saves already, but +3 resistance helps when you need it
Quicksilver Cassock- attractive to monks, but seems to not stack with the Fast Movement class feature
Spectacular Optics- replace your trapblast
Theurgic Stave- +1 adamantine quarterstaff is possibly more damage against golems than an adamantine kama, if you have Power Attack
Vault of Night
Ironweave Robe- +5 armor bonus, at last an upgrade to Black Widow Bracers. However, you may want to just get White Scale Robe instead
Helm of Mronanon- +6 wisdom is nice for monks, but you'd probably want to get it on a Green Steel item of Existential Stalemate instead.
Twilight Forge
Visor of Concentration- +10 concentration to your Ki in the goggle slot, how nice! However, you can now build Tempered Green Steel Goggles with +10 concentration plus other bonuses.
Nullcloth Gown- a trap. Monks might suffer spell failure on Healing Ki while wearing this. And they already get Spell Resistance as a class feature. And resist 10 to some other energies isn't worth much.
Chattering Ring- everyone likes +3 AC. Too bad your chance of ever getting it is tiny.
Shining Cresents- sadly, although it uses the quarterstaff animation it's technically a sickle, so monks can't use it with their powers. Hopefully the devs have updated this item to be a "Ki" weapon now, but that's doubtful.
Gianthold Tor
White Dragon Scale Robe- This'll be the official uniform for high-level monks. It's no surprise that the DDO producer wears it on her monk.
Reaver's Fate
Dreamspitter- Hey, +5 staff of greater evil outsider bane. Such a shame it doesn't penetrate any DR. However, for a high strength monk facing a high-AC devil, the huge +9 attack bonus could make it your best choice.
Black Abbot
Litany of the Dead- monks need high scores in many abilities, so +1 to every score can really help
Shroud of the Abbot- a trap. And an unsubtle trap, because the fact that it inflicts extra damage when you're hit isn't hidden. Deathward could block it, but still the item offers nothing good enough to make that sacrifice.
Staff of the Petitioner- sadly, there's nothing on this quarterstaff to make it even slightly attractive to a non-spellcaster. It has +5 concentration, which isn't enough to benefit a monk of such high level.
Black Abbot
Litany of the Dead- monks need high scores in many abilities, so +1 to every score can really help
Shroud of the Abbot- a trap. And an unsubtle trap, because the fact that it inflicts extra damage when you're hit isn't hidden. Deathward could block it, but still the item offers nothing good enough to make that sacrifice.
Staff of the Petitioner- sadly, there's nothing on this quarterstaff to make it even slightly attractive to a non-spellcaster. It has +5 concentration, which isn't enough to benefit a monk of such high level.
I don't know about your server, but the only way I've heard of this raid being beat is through some pretty serious exploits. No idea why you'd even include this.
06-03-2008, 07:48 AM
I don't know about your server, but the only way I've heard of this raid being beat is through some pretty serious exploits. No idea why you'd even include this.
Yes, I know of groups who've exploited it quite a bit. (Enough to see each item drop at least once). Even if you use exploits, it's still painfully hard.
However, I included it here optimistically, because the release notes include some fixes to the Ascension Chamber raid. Maybe there are unlisted fixes in addition, and put together they might be enough to make this raid a meaningful part of gameplay.
06-03-2008, 09:54 AM
There's a couple missing that can be really useful like the Robe of Winter. 20 Point Fire Resist on a lvl 4 robe, now if only I could figure out where it drops.
And grinding for scales is pointless if it's just for the armor bonus, armor +6/+7 Bracers are common enough now, however have Protection +4, 30 Point Cold Resist, and a Shield clicky 3/rest all snuggled into 1 item slot is handy, to bad they didn't add dragon scale outfits.
Item can be found in Storm Cleave (pious chest). Thank you for the leg work A_D, nice list for monk builders!
06-03-2008, 10:05 AM
Spider Silk Robe- DR 3 against slashing, not bad
Get Furor's Hide from Garrison's Missing Pack, can wear it at Level 1. Every new character I make starts with the following, all usable at Level 1:
Clovenjaw War Beads - Necklace, +2 Constitution
Furor's Hide - Cloak, Lesser Axeblock
Trapblast Goggles - Goggles, +4 Reflex Saves
Gatewarden's Girdle - Waist, +2 Fortitude Save, Light Fortification
Peridot Ring - Ring, +2 Will Save
Ring of Feathers - Ring, Feather Falling
Puzzle Cap - Helm, Int +2 (just on Wizard alts)
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone - Trinket, Protection +1
I think that's it...
06-03-2008, 10:07 AM
There's a couple missing that can be really useful like the Robe of Winter. 20 Point Fire Resist on a lvl 4 robe, now if only I could figure out where it drops.
And grinding for scales is pointless if it's just for the armor bonus, armor +6/+7 Bracers are common enough now, however have Protection +4, 30 Point Cold Resist, and a Shield clicky 3/rest all snuggled into 1 item slot is handy, to bad they didn't add dragon scale outfits.
Robe of Winter drops from Pious's chest in Stormcleave
edit: i'm too slow... again
06-05-2008, 09:49 AM
+1 Wisdom trinket from Walk the Butcher's Path (end chest)
06-05-2008, 11:18 AM
Smugglers Warehouse has the Vestments of Light. Monk outfit that has 3 cure light wounds per rest.
06-08-2008, 10:36 PM
It was on page three, but it helped me alot on figuring out if there was anything specific to do, so i'm bumping this and hopefully people can add to it =)
06-08-2008, 10:54 PM
Get Furor's Hide from Garrison's Missing Pack, can wear it at Level 1. Every new character I make starts with the following, all usable at Level 1:
Clovenjaw War Beads - Necklace, +2 Constitution
Furor's Hide - Cloak, Lesser Axeblock
Trapblast Goggles - Goggles, +4 Reflex Saves
Gatewarden's Girdle - Waist, +2 Fortitude Save, Light Fortification
Peridot Ring - Ring, +2 Will Save
Ring of Feathers - Ring, Feather Falling
Puzzle Cap - Helm, Int +2 (just on Wizard alts)
Dusty Rose Ioun Stone - Trinket, Protection +1
I think that's it...
Berzerker Bracers (+3 Intimi and 1 /DR) would round that out nicely....found in STK like alot of the other items listed
06-09-2008, 04:44 AM
Great rundown!!
Every time I thought of something to add...someone else did first lol.
The vestments especially are good for new characters just starting off without money for potions.
You can do the run to the named that drops them in about a minute or two, and switch between characters to get a nice collection of them quickly. 5 pairs allows for 15 CLW's per rest...and it works well for getting other players back on their feet for a class without UMD. Also works well in conjunction with Fists of light and the finisher.
Another quick item that is worth mentioning is you can get a +7 concentration helm (tiara or something) off Tangeroots splinterskull quest chain (the one with the death ward goggles). I believe that is the earliest you can get a +7 conc item in the game...after which you really won't have any concentration problems even with a low con (think it's min lvl 5 to base concentration has to be 8 by then...meaning your total will be 15 between the two...more then enough to allow for easy usage of all monk powers.
Oh yeah..the witchdoctors cloak or something like that....much better for spellcasters, but great if your monk has any wizard/sorc/cleric lvls. I believe you get it off STK as well (although it may be WW) and it gives +2 will save and +20 sp (40 for sorcs) a nice item to toss on new characters as well.
Someone already mentioned the berserker bracers (I had in the past when discussing earth stance and how worthless it is) which is another staple item for new characters to wear.
Also you can get trinkets from a variety of early quests that add to your dex, wisdom or strength by 1 point (think someone mentioned the wisdom one already). I don't remember the exact quest for each but that might be a good thing to mention as well.
On the voice of the's +1 to skills and +1 to saves in addition to +5% exp. You only need to wear the trinket when the exp is given though (most of which is given when the quest finishes) so you can just switch to it before finishing quests. 5% btw does add up fast especially at higher lvls, so it is very worth getting.
Finally the house P quests (caged trolls etc) have +1 acid/flaming etc wristguards as rewards on a rgular basis (often more then 1 option at once). You can even do these quests solo if you want and they are not it's an easy way to get some decent wraps early in the game (kamas too btw).
Anyway great thread!!
06-09-2008, 10:10 AM
I am having no luck getting those vestments (not that i'm using any potions lately, but I know my luck will run out and having them will be useful)
What level are the House P quests?
06-12-2008, 05:42 PM
I don't know about your server, but the only way I've heard of this raid being beat is through some pretty serious exploits. No idea why you'd even include this.
A guild on ghallenda just beat the abbot on elite a day or so ago.
07-15-2009, 09:31 AM
*(Necro)Bump* to this one.
We have a good number of new Monks starting up, and this is great information (and should be updated once DDO:EU releases as there will be even more low-level Monk gear available).
Wish we could sticky this!
07-15-2009, 03:05 PM
A refresh of some of the gear would be good too. Mod 9/EU has a quest in the Cerulean Hills that drops some named +2 Sonic handwraps.
07-16-2009, 06:22 AM
Twilight Forge
Shining Cresents- sadly, although it uses the quarterstaff animation it's technically a sickle, so monks can't use it with their powers. Hopefully the devs have updated this item to be a "Ki" weapon now, but that's doubtful.
Wrong - this has worked since the beginning. Generally only really great for a 1/4staff Monk, but it is nice to have in the bank for any Monk.
07-16-2009, 10:11 AM
Wrong - this has worked since the beginning
It still didn't say "Ki weapon" on it like it should. However, I reported that it works centered over a year ago:
a monk came to me with Shining Cresents in hand and demonstrated going into Relentless Storm stance and making shock attacks.
...I recommend that any monk who completes Titan take that weapon and at least give it a try.
07-16-2009, 04:12 PM
Yes this thread was ok at the time but is very outdated now. Nice phoenix bump.
07-16-2009, 07:06 PM
Necklace of Contemplation +5 conc, false life, +1 hit Caverns of Korromar.
07-16-2009, 08:07 PM
It still didn't say "Ki weapon" on it like it should. However, I reported that it works centered over a year ago:
Yes you did - and you failed to update this. Not really my problem :rolleyes:
09-22-2009, 04:47 PM
bump because people ask...
10-07-2009, 07:03 PM
Thanks to everyone for contributing to this thread.
Now if I can only get my hands on some holy handwraps at a decent price....
Kublii Khan lvl 6 monk
10-08-2009, 10:01 AM
Necklace of Contemplation +5 conc, false life, +1 hit Caverns of Korromar.
Important note (unless they changed it): the necklace is no minimum level.
10-08-2009, 10:11 AM
Important note (unless they changed it): the necklace is no minimum level.
Yeah, but at this point you'll be walking out of Korthos with your Goggles, Neck, and Boots taken on acquiring +3 ToHit. Even a Monk should, the Concentration doesn't matter a whole lot, but you can put it on a Hat if you really care.
10-08-2009, 10:13 AM
Important note (unless they changed it): the necklace is no minimum level.
No they didn't change it, I pulled one a couple of weeks ago and passed it on to one of my lowbies.
10-08-2009, 05:21 PM
Question, since I'm somewhat new. What good does the Concentration skill provide monks? I know that for spellcasters it work to prevent spells being interrupted, but I am unsure what benefit a monk would get.
10-08-2009, 06:00 PM
it relates to your ki. if your con is 10 you will lose ki until you stabilize at 10. if you enter a dungeon it will set to your concentration number
07-27-2010, 03:39 PM
gotta add in catacombs eternal rest hand wraps. +1 ghosttouch, silver, lesser undead bane (bound to account)
Yeah! finally able to drop that F'n vampire in church and cult.
captives, quest granted in harbor run in cerulan hills drops Weeping wraps, +2 wraps with 1d6 (ml 2 I think). ran this quest a lot and still haven't pulled a pair.
mentioned already
Necklace of contemplation is yes a no ML item with +1 to hit , +5 concentration and false life a nice collection. Drops in a level 8 quest caverns of korromar in house K.
situationally good, but korthos neck /boot or glove set to hit or light fort is better for most low levels.
Necro II pack end chest (optional, ask party to get all of the gears) give a slim chance at devout handwraps. metaline of pure good (bound to character)
08-04-2010, 06:33 PM
Bump. Good post.
Started a monk about 4 days ago (Level 7) and loving it :)
08-04-2010, 06:38 PM
Bump. Good post.
But it is an old post, not updated for important later additions.
What springs to mind are:
Icy Rainment- the ultimate AC garment for high-level non-warforged monks. Vale pack (and necro4?).
Jidztekza- bracers of AC 5 for low/mid level, with a stance-dependent bonus to Jump, healing amp, etc. Sentinels pack. Epic version too.
Shintao set- ring+necklace with concen 15 and +2 attack/damage. Shavarath pack.
Henshin set- ring+necklace with d6 fire damage and +1 ki income. Shav.
Dragontouch Vestament- a big list of possibilities. Reaver's Reach pack.
Dream Edge- kama with 3x crits and a few other powers, one of them random. Path of Inspiration pack.
Rahl's Might- quarterstaff with 3x crits, -8 AC debuff, and a random damage power. Inspiration.
08-04-2010, 06:41 PM
need a bit of update to the list :p
Eternal Handwraps from Catacombs comes in handy against Vampires and Wraiths/Spectres
Devout Handwraps from Shadow Crypt... 'nough said :p
08-05-2010, 04:34 PM
No mention of Tharnes? Tumbleweed? Devouts? Arrowhead? Duskheart? etc etc
There an epic boatload of thing missing from this list. Needs a for real update.
08-05-2010, 10:57 PM
Where is a good place to farm some decent hand wraps for level 6 monk? The prices in the AH for handwraps are horrible and a rip off. Also I don't have Deleras but I have most of the other low/mid level adventure packs.
08-05-2010, 11:01 PM
No mention of Tharnes? Tumbleweed? Devouts? Arrowhead? Duskheart? etc etc
There an epic boatload of thing missing from this list. Needs a for real update.
i thought we're just listing monk specific stuff? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
08-06-2010, 08:27 AM
Where is a good place to farm some decent hand wraps for level 6 monk? The prices in the AH for handwraps are horrible and a rip off. Also I don't have Deleras but I have most of the other low/mid level adventure packs.IMO the best lowbie named wraps come from Deleras (Devotion) and Threnal (Fernian Wraps). Other than that, I'd just run all the House J/P quests you can and hope to pull a decent set of end reward wraps (Make sure you options are set to make end rewards determined by class). If you get a decent set of kamas, hold on to those also, they can make the dread zombies in a lot of those quests a lot less painful to beat down.
You might want to run Catacombs to get a set of Eternal Rest wraps if you are going to run the undead quests... They are not great, but they are silver and lesser undead bane, so might be better than your alternatives.
Turbine really ought add a set of nicked wraps to the Sharn Syndicate.
08-06-2010, 01:35 PM
Where is a good place to farm some decent hand wraps for level 6 monk?
The thing is that for most combat purposes at those levels, named handwraps aren't nearly as good as the randomly-generated ones you can get... especially if you managed to stick Risian Frost damage onto them.
The Handwraps a low/mid level monk will try to get are one with Holy (for DPS on evil monster), one Shock + PG (DPS on neutral monster), and one with Stunning, to stun everything. Using a lot of Stunning Fist + Stunning Blow is often the dominant non-boss combat style for Monks.
One could complain that the developers made mistakes when they adding named handwraps, as most of them are pretty poor- except that the other named weapons in those quests are usually also pretty poor.
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