View Full Version : To Monk or not to Monk

05-31-2008, 02:59 AM
First I need to confess that while I have been upbeat about Mod 8, as a PnP player that moved on before 3rd Edition, Monks just never really excited me, in GURPS yes but not in DnD.
Second I currently have a Human Cleric mule frozen at level 2 to help lowbees through low end quest.
Third, I don’t have a slot available and I am afraid that if I delete my Cleric mule I may not get a create button so I was fishing for everyone’s opinion on what to do with this mule.
And finally, since Monks were released on Risia and I have gotten a chance to see how they work at low levels and read the ideas here on the forums, I may have changed my mind about monks in general.

Currently my mule is:

Human 32 Point Lawful Good Cleric 2
Feats: Mental Toughness, Empowered Healing
Skills: Heal, Concentration, and Diplomacy all maxed
Base stats, No tomes added yet.
Str 14
Dex 10
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 14

Would you just level him up as a Cleric, splash some Monk or level him as a monk and use 2 or more levels of Cleric as the splash?

I realize that even in the not quite min/max world of Monks my stats are not ideal but I think it could work. Opinions and flames welcome.

05-31-2008, 03:09 AM
Kargon would not use a small monk splash for this build, unless are a couple of monk feats that realamally want. Kargon would either go pure clerimic or 14 monk levamels at this point, since a small monk splash not going help very much. this build not really going to get a high ac in clothing/robes startaming with a dex of 10, so splashing for the ac boost not make a lot of sense, splashing monk not get too many weapamon proficiencies so not worth it for that, and would even lose a BaB unless were swinging a monk weapamon if splashed any monk. even evasion not going be worth it very much with no dex bonus to reflex saves.

so, eithermer go pure clerimic (or splash some othermer class like palamadin if want a more battle focused clerimic)

or if want to make this you monk, could work out decently as a Strength based dps fists/qstaff monk that ignores ac and either offtanks or picks one target at a time with diplomanacy to shed aggro to make sure are not taking too much damanage. Kargon would recommamend put 4 level up points in strength if go this way, take feats like power attack and improve crit blunt, and try to find some nice handwraps and quartermerstaves. look for +con and falselife gear and use HP, diplo, and twitch skills as you main defense in the endgame. Kargon not personamally a fan of glancing blows, but kargon knows most dps 2handermers swear by it, so may considermer those feats too for qstaff. also go for eithermer some demon queen ring stonemaskin clickies or craft some tier 2 shroud stonemaskin clickies, will cut down on the damanage you take drasticamally. and the free wand usage from the clerimic levamels combined with the bit of free healamalling mana never going to hurt ;)

05-31-2008, 04:32 PM
does qstaff give glancing blows now?


06-02-2008, 01:22 AM
does qstaff give glancing blows now?


kargon believe the glancaming blows on a qstaff come latermer in the attack chain than othermer 2handermers, but they alwamays did. as far as the feats helping qstaff, kargon not know that for sure

06-02-2008, 01:26 AM
but kargon with a small monk splash he could copy kargons fireball face block attack... wouldnt kargon like to see puny people try to block fireball with face?

06-02-2008, 04:51 PM
Answer. To Monk.