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  1. New Player
  2. Should I got to Stormreach?
  3. Hold Person
  4. Highest population server?
  5. Can someone please help me figure this out?
  6. WF Wizzy Skill Selection Questions.
  7. Warforged?
  8. Having 3 friends round this evening
  9. Newb question on Tensers Trans.
  10. How to improve a Cleric and Wizard melee dps ?
  11. Con vs. Int for a Cleric ?
  12. Best Build for Laggy CPU?
  13. Is my Paladin salvagable?
  14. First-time Sorc build
  15. Ranger Feedback
  16. Just starting, need advice
  17. Hirelings wizards and haste?
  18. Wizard king question?
  19. Before I Get Started with the Game
  20. Dragon Scales
  21. Should I make a new toon?
  22. Whats better for a sorc...haggle or diplomacy?
  23. A few questions about Game Mechanics?
  24. Cleric Play Style
  25. How do I add an extra action bar or two?
  26. How do i unlock 32 build ?
  27. shop doesnt load properly - cant buy
  28. Which version to download?
  29. Sorceror are hard to play
  30. When/at what level should healers demand players carry their own wands and resists?
  31. How many planar girds?
  32. why i can't log in?
  33. O*** and the Bard
  34. Uk newbie!!
  35. Warforged Cleric and Drow Elf Arcane Ranger
  36. what are red names unaffected by?
  37. what to sell with Hagglebard?
  38. Wands
  39. Tips on leveling at higher levels.
  40. Which Birthday Cake reward?
  41. Question about vetren status character
  42. What is "flag" and how do I do it?
  43. Some questions about bows and crossbows
  44. Cleric/Wizard with starting 18 Wis/Int ?
  45. New Players - Please Read
  46. Greensteel Upgrade Questions
  47. Favored Soul? RP server? Imma nub. Advice me! Please...
  48. Need Help Planning out my first Bard
  49. Melee-Cleric Build v1.0; please advise
  50. Melee-Capable Cleric Build v1.0; please advise
  51. Reincarnation question if you will...
  52. troubles with new wizard
  53. Some questions about turbine points
  54. which Korthos Set should a paladin get?
  55. Binding?
  56. Dungeons & Dragons Rules
  57. So basically can't you just do korthos over and over again?
  58. Silly Newbie Question
  59. Abbot raid - too fast for me!
  60. Key mapping woes
  61. Reseting Skills
  62. Fighter/Barb/Rogue Build, help please!
  63. Need something with Potency VI other than a Mace
  64. Why does my fire damage not show up?
  65. Paladin and sorceror help
  66. New two player team
  67. Question about AB and AC
  68. Help with pure WF Wizard
  69. All hits=crits in Splinterskull
  70. How's this for a first build? Ranger 14/Pally 6
  71. Vale Crafting Question
  72. Questions about Potency mods on items?
  73. Best 2HF Build
  74. Questions about clickies and item clickies?
  75. AA Ranger build advice?
  76. Question about DC's and Spell Penetration?
  77. Question about Greensteel modifiers?
  78. How exactly do I make my Elf Priest a 32 point character ?
  79. Does repair SKILL affect spells that REPAIR?
  80. Difference between ray of exhaustion and waves of exhaustion?
  81. Has anyone verified the crafting recipes for Incredible Potential mods?
  82. Question about repair spells and disintegrate?
  83. How do you create red dragonscale armor and where do you get the ingredients?
  84. Does buffing hirelings help?
  85. Spell Resistance
  86. If I only buy one Pack ever...?
  87. Can you get prestiege when you multiclass
  88. dwarf barb: axe or maul?!?
  89. So, two hours in, a couple of quests finished...
  90. How difficult is it to get to L16 F2P?
  91. Two-handed glancing blows
  92. Solo single class
  93. Switching server
  94. Vale Ingredients
  95. What do I get for initially buying the $60+ CE ?
  96. Horoth Banishment
  97. Item disappeared
  98. Ranger Help
  99. GM in game for bugged mission?
  100. A couple questions from a new player
  101. Character Skills Overview
  102. Minimum level to accept and enter quests
  103. What weapon types are needed at certain levels?
  104. Greensteel crafting, does it stack?
  105. Wizard Build Advice?
  106. Battle cleric build comments?
  107. Is a 2/6/12 rogue cleric fighter viable?
  108. Easy Newbie Question
  109. What?!
  110. Auto attack option
  111. Striding?
  112. Bypassing DR - applied seperately or combined
  113. Need help making my Dwarf THF Greataxe Kensei Fighter
  114. Help with bio please
  115. Crafting & TR questions
  116. New staff and robes
  117. More Vale Questions
  118. best dual wielding class?
  119. Does favor stack between characters?
  120. lost in nacropolis
  121. How often do brokers reset their wares?
  122. Points?
  123. Damage Reduction Question
  124. Servers
  125. How do I repair items that don't show up at vendors?
  126. Does an efficacy clicky boost heals?
  127. Wizard or Sorc?
  128. where do I get tome
  129. First Attempt at Tempest I/Kensai II Build
  130. Repeating Delera's?
  131. Question about loot etiquette?
  132. If you like DUO play DDO !!!
  133. NEW!!!!!!!!!!! Need Help.
  134. TR and gold limit
  135. Europeons? Which Server?
  136. Experience with Litany of the Dead Trinket Drop Rates?
  137. New player looking to begin his adventure
  138. Youngsheep
  139. what qualifies as "good" weapon properties?
  140. Help! I keep dying!
  141. Which weapons get effected by weapon fines?
  142. I think it is unfair that the Ice Games ended during the downtime. :(
  143. Is there a list of monster types?
  144. questions regarding light spells/damage
  145. Multi-class Dwarf Rogue?
  146. Looking for a bard build...
  147. do stat boosts apply retroactively?
  148. +3 tomes
  149. How to reach good dps with a pure Wizard ?
  150. easiest melee for my son...
  151. Ability enhacements
  152. SUPER TANK build.
  153. Fighter Build
  154. Optimal/preferred 2WF weapons for epic content
  155. Frost Weapons
  156. Some advices needed for a cleric build please
  157. Ranger Damage
  158. Heal Skill explination
  159. Solo Rogue Build -- Need some advice
  160. Minos Legens question
  161. Tansfer items to my other cahr.
  162. Any key mapping masters out there?
  163. How Long Does it take to Cap (level 20)
  164. Can't solo a few quests..
  165. Ultimate Ranged Build
  166. Two manning DDO
  167. Nathaniel Dale Sheller's Ultimate DDO Guide! Part 1: Character Creation!
  168. Nathaniel Dale Sheller's Ultimate DDO Guide! Part 2: The Tutorial! (Healer)
  169. Noob with Greensteel Question
  170. Dwarf DoS Hate/Intimitank
  171. Just got the Monk Class!?
  172. Are the most powerful characters MultiClassed or Single?
  173. Best Melee Character for Shroud?
  174. best starter class and server?
  175. trade problem
  176. Wizard can't learn spells - Please help
  177. I've read several guides, but I'm still clueless
  178. Armor Mithril Ritual not working?
  179. Best Race for Paladin?
  180. FIGHTER RACE: Dwarf VS. WarForged VS. ELF?
  181. Taking forever to connect
  182. 32 point build questions
  183. Question about pets and or summons...
  184. Downloading from the grotto
  185. Pure Paladin: Drow or Human?
  186. Drow Rogue Built
  187. Just started and want a "sword+board" guy
  188. 2-man Party question
  189. I can't Choose >.<! haaaalp!
  190. How do reputation points work and where do I see my own?
  191. Questions about Blade Barrier?
  192. What 2h Weapon?
  193. Halfling Dragonmark & Cure Wands
  194. Heart of Wood advice needed
  195. Does Anyone Know? ...Striding Stacking
  196. Does Heal Spell obsolete Cure Serious/Crit/Mod Wounds?
  197. How much for a sun sword?
  198. You have chanhged your feat and have to w8 3 days !!!!!!
  199. Noob Needs Help: Where To Go In Eberron?
  200. favor?
  201. Greater heartwoods
  202. Max Chars?
  203. How much gold / plat can i carry
  204. Money Making Tips?
  205. Highest AC/Saves class/race combo.
  206. Weapon Trade valuation question.
  207. Is this considered an exploit and is it allowed?
  208. Getting to 400 favors.
  209. F2P Favor Runner
  210. Sorcerers...
  211. Just bought some Turbine Points, Now what?
  212. 28 pt dwarf fighter
  213. A lot of newbie questions! Ten, actually.
  214. Is there any way for other people to find out what characters I have?
  215. Adventure Pack Advice
  216. Pots of Ardor, Inferno, etc... worth it?
  217. Elven Keen Senses Search?
  218. A 2/6/12 archer build. Constructive criticism sought.
  219. Please help
  220. Question about 20th completion rewards?
  221. How Favors Work.
  222. Suggestions for Best Race/Class for Melee in High Level Raids/Epic VON?
  223. Splashing rogue in a tempest1/kensai2 for UMD
  224. Looking for patient and fun players
  225. Where do we ask about clarification of rules?
  226. New players please read
  227. Healer needs help with key binding
  228. Nice class for your first self-made build
  229. question about f2p and p2p
  230. damage types?
  231. Power Attack for my Wizard
  232. Cendaer's Minimum Healer Guide
  233. How well would I do?
  234. n00b Bard - done some reading, still feel clueless, need some advice from the Experts
  235. Quarterstaff Rogue?
  236. Is hold monster superior to hold person?
  237. Need newbie solo build
  238. Delera's Chain level req?
  239. does /quest completions reset on True Reincarnate?
  240. Im a Cleric,Grab Fighter?
  241. Help plz...
  242. Totally clueless as what to play...
  243. Soloing Garamol
  244. Damage Reduction Helmet?
  245. guild problems
  246. What does "Twink" mean?
  247. Build Suggestions
  248. What is the point of these heal spells?
  249. Vet status character starting items
  250. How long is a in-game day?