View Full Version : Should I make a new toon?

03-21-2010, 02:02 AM
Hey I started this game a little less than a week ago and made a pally because I thought it would be cool to be able to self heal while fighting. Then a few days later I found out that I could multiclass and become what I thought would be an awesome fighting self healing spell throwing BA. HOWEVER it wasn't until after taking a level in Sorcery that I found out 9th level spells..didn't exactly come at lvl 9 so now I'm a Level 4 Pally/1 Sorc and am wondering if my charecter is salvagable at all in the slightest or if I should just start over. Any advice or insight from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

03-21-2010, 02:08 AM
Start over. Multiclassing is best done only when planned ahead.

There are several Character Planners that can be downloaded to help you see level progression and the benefits/drawbacks of multiclassing a particular class.

03-21-2010, 02:15 AM
Hey I started this game a little less than a week ago and made a pally because I thought it would be cool to be able to self heal while fighting. Then a few days later I found out that I could multiclass and become what I thought would be an awesome fighting self healing spell throwing BA. HOWEVER it wasn't until after taking a level in Sorcery that I found out 9th level spells..didn't exactly come at lvl 9 so now I'm a Level 4 Pally/1 Sorc and am wondering if my charecter is salvagable at all in the slightest or if I should just start over. Any advice or insight from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Common mistake, easily made. Luckily you have a few options.

The first one that I would suggest is yes, to roll a new character. Keep this one you have, and mail all your best gear to the new one, and go straight paladin all the way to 20. BTW don't use the preset path, use the customize option, and look here on the boards for some good builds, there are many out there.

The second option is to play your character as is, you will end up with a level 19 paladin (you will miss a NICE capstone however, but can still get tier 3 of KotC, the best paladin prestige class) with extra SP and the ability to no-fail 10th level shield wands and stoneskin wands, which can be very nice.

The third option is to get some turbine points together (preferably through favor while leveling up your character) and eventually getting a lesser heart of wood +1. This will let you replace that level of sorc with a level of paladin, thereby making a straight paladin. This would be most ideal, but considering the price of lesser hearts may not be feasible.

Hope this helps!

03-21-2010, 03:21 AM
As you are yet only level 5, i´d start over.

Not too much invested time lost. If you keep on playing, but then get really unsatisfied with your character at say, 14th level, this is where rerolling isnt a minor inconvenience any more.

Better to cut your losses while its still easy.