View Full Version : Crafting & TR questions

03-28-2010, 09:54 AM
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this, I have two questions.

First off, if I craft say a greensteel khopesh and then bind it to myself through the Stone of Change can I still perform all the upgrades through crafting on it?

My second question is, if I TR do I keep all my extra bank and bag slots? Thanks for any information provided! :)

03-28-2010, 10:43 AM
Binding a greensteel item at the stone of change, and putting the force or force critical recipe onto it will not in any way stop or impede you from doing the normal greensteel upgrades at the Shroud altars.

When you true reincarnate, all of your favor is reset, along with the benefits of that favor (except for favor that results in a physical item, like Tier2 House P favor and the pendant that gives), so your extra inventory and bank slots will go away until you re-acquire the needed Coin Lord and House K favor.

03-28-2010, 11:39 AM
I've tested the binding ritual on my greensteel, and I confirm that it won't stop the upgrade process. However, if you are an 'orderly' person, the effect when you bind the GS item to you will appear in a different order. For example, when you examine/mouseover a GS item:

(GS goggles bound after tier 2)
> GS Tier 1 descriptions
> GS Tier 2 descriptions
> Bound and Attuned
> GS Tier 3 descriptions


(GS goggles bound after tier 3)
> GS Tier 1 descriptions
> GS Tier 2 descriptions
> GS Tier 3 descriptions
> Bound and Attuned

The effects still work even though you bind or perform whatever alchemical rituals at the Stone of Chance at any tier.