View Full Version : Looking for a bard build...

03-30-2010, 11:14 AM
I've looked at several builds, but what I want might not be possible. I'd like to have a priority order of Buffing > CC > Melee. Builds with CC tend to be CC/healing instead of CC/melee. Is it possible to be a cc/buff/melee bard instead of a cc/buff/healing bard?

I'd prefer to be a pure bard, but if it's not possible then I'll multiclass. I also want to have haggle... (no need to have it maxed though, this will be by normal play character, not a hagglebot)

Anyone have a suggested build for a new player (I have 32 point builds)

Thank You!

03-30-2010, 11:25 AM
Not sure if you will get much action here, but try the Bard forum here http://forums.ddo.com/forumdisplay.php?f=23

03-30-2010, 11:28 AM
Any Bard can buff well so that doesnt stress the build. Although if buffing is a high priority for you, you might want to go Warchanter because their songs are a bit better.

For melee you'd want Strength as a primary attribute, for CC Charisma. That's one reason why they dont mix that well.

Another are feats. Lets have a look at the feats that one would want for the different roles, ideally (you dont have enough feats for those):
Power Attack, Weapon Focus
Toughness, TWFing x3, Khopesh, Improved Critical
Heighten, Spell Focus Ench, Greater SF Ench, Spell Pen, Greater Spell Pen
Quicken, Mental Toughness, Imp Mental Toughness, Maximize or Emp Heal.

That's why Bards usually settle for 2 of their 3 roles - Melee, Healing or CC.
Buffing is automatic for Bards, except the slight boost from Warchanter.

03-30-2010, 11:36 AM
CC requires some serious investment to remain effective at high level, which is going to hurt your melee ability. You can still keep some of it, but don't expect to be as effective in melee as a more melee-focused build (kinda obvious, yep).

I'd suggest pure Warchanter with main stat Cha but a decent Str. Human will probably be best because you can really use an extra feat. Use THF weapons for melee so you don't have to spend feats for it. Take feats for CC (Extend / Heighten / Spell Pen).

03-31-2010, 02:32 AM
I posted a new thread with my planned build and asking for help with spells in the bard forum.

Basically I'm giving up on the CC/Melee bard for all the reasons listed above (thanks for the help!). I'm going the CC/Healing route.
