View Full Version : Youngsheep
03-30-2010, 02:03 AM
I have just unlocked the Drow race tonight on one of the server. Unfortunately, I am torn between creating a multiclass rogue/ranger versus a pure rogue. I read some of the players' suggestion and realize that if you create a multiclass character not correctly, it may be disastrous. However, rogues are weak by themselves. Does that mean I always have to travel with a party. Also, I am not sure the major advantages of a drow. Any valuable advice from experienced player will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
03-30-2010, 02:17 AM
Double post fail
03-30-2010, 04:25 AM
Rogues are outstanding as pure class characters, but not when in a quest by themselves. If someone else gets the monster's attention, then you get massive amounts of sneak attack damage against most of the monsters in the game. Rogues do enormous damage in melee - as long as someone else gets the monsters' attention first.
That said, Rangers are also very nice and a Rogue/Ranger would certainly not be a bad combination. Please keep in mind that if you want to take care of traps, you MUST keep your Search and Disable Device skilles maxed out and have level-appropriate gear to boost those skills (e.g. a +5 search item and a +5 Disable Device item at level 5). You don't have to wear those items all the time, but you do need them while you're trapbusting. I'm playing a Rogue1/Wizard8 right now and I do just fine with traps because I have a good Int score and I have goggles of +search and goggles of +disable device - I just swap between them when I search/disarm the trap.
That said, Rogues are OUTSTANDING at melee against most monsters (undead make them cry because undead are immune to sneak attack) and traps are just a side-benefit to Rogues.
...and to answer your question, you will do much better with a party of decent players whether you play a pure Rogue, a Rogue/Ranger, a Cleric/Monk, a Warforged Rogue2/Wizard18 or any other class. DDO is a game that is much more fun and much faster and easier with a decent party.
03-30-2010, 04:42 AM
The main advantage of drow over regular elf is that they are effectively 32point build characters, but with the additional points already spent on CHA & INT - both useful stats for a rogue to boost skillpoints per level & UMD skill (which great & will make life a lot easier once some has built up a bit as you'll be able to use an assortment of healing/buffing wands & scrolls). They also get an innate spell resistance that can be upgraded through enhancements, which although not as good as the Spell Resistance spell, can still mean a 2nd layer of protection vs. incoming magic
for level split, take a look at some of the ranger2/rogue 18 2weapon assassin builds on the forum for ideas - ok, their soloing ability isnt necessarily amazing but they can do a LOT of damage when supporting a party & will be fully capable with traps etc.
03-30-2010, 09:08 AM
I am torn between creating a multiclass rogue/ranger versus a pure rogue. I read some of the players' suggestion and realize that if you create a multiclass character not correctly, it may be disastrous.
Both pure and multiclass can work great. Both can be disastrous if not built correctly. So if you make your own build make sure to post it somewhere on forums to get feedback ;)
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