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  1. why should I buy favored soul?
  2. No PrE...All is lost??
  3. Pale Master SLA damage forumla, is it bugged?
  4. Need build help for clonk
  5. Cleric Tunning monster?
  6. I would love to play a wizard
  7. I'm a n00b, need some help.
  8. Yet another clonk build
  9. Nothing but the best.....
  10. WF Pale Master question
  11. Turn attempts
  12. Math check, Scim vs LS
  13. concentration? really? ehm
  14. wisdom to atack, cant be that bad right?
  15. What is considered the "best" GS scims for an elf FvS?
  16. meta magic question
  17. Rakhir's +2 caster level bonus on SLA's
  18. To new cliercs
  19. No more crit walls
  20. Cleric Mid-Game Gear Setup
  21. List of wizard summon details?
  22. Greater versus Major Lore
  23. Preparing for Epic quests...
  24. Archmage magic-missile bugged?
  25. Boon to Undeath
  26. Archmage III greyed though I have all prereqs
  28. Just how important *is* empower anyways?
  29. Question on importance of THF
  30. Half Orc Archmage Enchanter (From DDOCast 193)
  31. Battle-Soul?
  32. Half Orc Battle Archmage Evoker (A build by request)
  33. Wand and Scroll enhancement, what am I missing?
  34. Quick Question
  35. Optimal lvl 20 Gear
  36. need enhancement help pls....
  37. Thank You Turbine.
  38. half orc battle cleric build
  39. cleric healer build?
  40. End-Game Gear for Human Sorc
  41. How many pots?
  42. What am I doing wrong?
  43. help chosin spells
  44. Noob inquiry
  45. Why no raise dead?
  46. Bracers of the Demon Consort on Pale Master
  47. Ideal FINAL gear set-up?
  48. Sanura's Band PM ability?
  49. Pure wiz AM focused on CC
  50. TOD Horoth Tank Healing Advice
  51. Battle Cleric Build Critique...
  52. Arcane Blast
  53. TWF Battle Wizard
  54. Is extend useful for CC spells in epics
  55. Less and Less healers friend
  56. Radiant servant Burst/aura
  57. yet another 12+/X battlecleric
  58. Heighten working on AM SLAs?
  59. Sorcerer Equipment
  60. Thought this was funny.
  61. My experience so far as a Cleric
  62. What buffs to use on a melee cleric?
  63. Starting Cha and Int for respectable UMD?
  64. does this make my butt look fat?
  65. PM + Monk?
  66. To hit or crit?
  67. Spells
  68. I Can Haz Scroll of Death Aura
  69. Healing the Shroud
  70. First time rolling a caster, advice?
  71. Pre-Epic Healing gear
  72. TR advice
  73. TR caster build
  74. WF PM and AM builds wantet.
  75. Question about PM Wraith form
  76. How to switch Battle Cleric to Melee Capable healer
  77. What effects does Lich form have/questions?
  78. Help with Palemaster
  79. Squishy sorc - HP or Reflex ?
  80. Spell Like Abilities
  81. How to ungimp myself
  82. Turning Specialisation
  83. Gs Goggles
  84. The Untouchable - A Favored Soul18 / Monk 2 (By Request)
  85. Bladesworn transformation extendable?
  86. Lich from & temp HP proc's
  87. just hit 9 having trouble with spell selections
  88. new to favored soul
  89. Cleric build help?
  90. Looking for WF fvs help
  91. Sugguestions on last feat
  92. WF Sorc Spell Progression?
  93. Create Undead?
  94. Cleric build - help!
  95. Help me with planning my gear setup
  96. Pale Master Question
  97. Epic Gear Suggestions!
  98. Archmage - What Works with Metamagics and What not?
  99. advice. want to tr my rogue to fvs.
  100. spell for lvl 5
  101. IS the Enchantment path the only useful AM or Evocation good?
  102. Elfy the Multiple Personality Disorder Healer
  103. Evoker Build question
  104. Forgotten spells
  105. Can fvs solo epics?
  106. A Holy Abomination: Intimidation, CHA-based, Evasion Cleric
  107. Me Wants PRE
  108. Build: the Arcane Generalist
  109. A 'key' question.
  110. Symbol Spells
  111. Looking for advise
  112. Room for only one more feat ..... please help
  113. Elven Arcane Archer Cleric
  114. Looking for Wilderness Area advice
  115. What spells should every wizard have mem'd?
  116. Fvs
  117. Unconventional Idea for Pale Master
  118. End game tweaking advice requested
  119. cool down time of archmage SLAs
  120. Build for a Friend(again)
  121. Updated Max Int, SP, Spell Pen & DCs thread
  122. Which faith path do i need to follow
  123. Healing tips for Gianthold Tor?
  124. melee pale master wizard
  125. new crit mechanic noob question
  126. De-gimpify my cleric if possible.
  127. BRB VS Sorcerer who win in pvp?
  128. Death Aura Bug Making my Character Unplayable
  129. dont click this thread.
  130. The Feat "Maximize Spell" discrepancy
  131. Drow Wizard Pale Master
  132. Lesser Reincarnating
  133. My TR Story/Review as a Sorcerer
  134. Useful guard effect for Evoker?
  135. Necroitic Ray
  136. Gear help
  137. Abishai Evoker
  138. Clericus Multis Artibus
  139. need help
  140. Looking for a Basic 28pt radiant servant build
  141. Mid-Level Gear for WF Evoker AM
  142. TR to fvs
  143. Breaks The Tide: 17/3 STR Based Clonk
  144. Pale Master: Wich form is better?
  145. all 4 elements, is it possible?
  146. Build Request: Pure FVS - Half-Elf
  147. Noob spell question...golems?
  148. manapool cleric?
  149. Seeking feat progression advice
  150. Archmage/CE question
  151. The Savants are coming!
  152. End Game Gear
  153. Halfling FvS build - comments?
  154. Pale Master summons - are they ADHD?
  155. Lorrik's Champion versus Levik's Defender
  156. little help on FvS AA build
  157. Warforged Palmasters?
  158. Death Aura...whats the point?
  159. Am I still Squishy?
  160. AM Illusion spec in Epics
  161. increase enchant dc
  162. Enlarge Feat necessary for Epic Demon Queen raid ?
  163. Spell Pen
  164. Build question
  165. Metas for battle soul
  166. is night shield bugged?
  167. Melee Wizard Build Questions/Suggestions
  168. Does Charmed monster drops scrolls ?
  169. Pale Master summons even worth the action points?
  170. Half-elf PM with tons of Harm scrolls
  171. Is there a list of PM collectibles?
  172. Only Mostly Dead
  173. Questions about removing debuffs/ dispelling
  174. Concordant opp
  175. Sorcerer PRE
  176. First Clonk Build Need help
  177. TR TWF meele FsS: Elf or Half-Elf?
  178. Advice?
  179. Best Drow Necromancer
  180. Couple end game questions
  181. Destroy wizard spell book?
  182. Docent/Robe Of Shadow - Can You Still Get One?
  183. 2h axe fvs build help
  184. concentration skill?
  185. about wizard gear
  186. How do you solo Eye of the Titan as a wizard?
  187. wraps vs staff on clonk
  188. 17Fvs/3Mnk?
  189. [Solo Situation] Helpless
  190. The Enygma Cleric (who needs Clonks?)
  191. Con-op - slot ?
  192. 18/2 how is this in epics
  193. question,
  194. wizard equipment advice
  195. Looking for TR Radiant Savant Build
  196. Looking for help with Clonk build
  197. WF Wizard: Possible to Tank Shadowfiends in ToD?
  198. Ok, achieved Arch Mage but have question...
  199. PvP
  200. Pale Master AND Wizard Archmage?
  201. fvs pre?
  202. Archmage trying to do too much?
  203. Check my numbers please.
  204. Healing meta efficiency charts
  205. HElf Dilettante, and clerical scrolls
  206. Halp with Dragonmarked Wizard (Enhancements and Feats)
  207. Human 28pt?
  208. Turn undeads
  209. Build Sorcerer Lvl 11
  210. Pale Masters and spell absorption items
  211. How Do You Deal With Unreachable Archers?
  212. Enhancement for crits
  213. Necrotic Touch/Bolt/Blast
  214. TR Sorc to Wizard plan - advice sought
  215. New Ice Storm
  216. Want a Halfelf fvs that can cast/melee and heal to offcourse. Help me optimize this.
  217. Decent CC/healer build?
  218. What to put Sup Glaciation IX on?
  219. How to be Irresistible?
  220. Multi damage type spell crits
  221. Green Steel slashing 2-Hander for BattleCleric ...
  222. GS items not stacking???
  223. Just point me in the right direction, please.
  224. Build Request- Sacox
  225. Flame Arrow's School
  226. wizard feat problem
  227. Bladeborn Solo-Focused Cleric - 17cleric/2monk/1fighter
  228. Robes on Clerics?
  229. the desperate soul (need advice, how unusual, uh?)
  230. How to target with Firewall?
  231. quick question
  232. Stunner/Caster clonk?
  233. what scepter to put superior glaciation on?
  234. Pale Masters.
  235. Foon - Intimi-Cleric
  236. fighting bezekira in the shroud question....
  237. PM healing boost?
  238. Pale Master and Charisma Damage
  239. A Pale Master idea
  240. Clonk DPS: Quarterstaff THF vs. Unarmed TWF
  241. Basic Builds? A guide for a newbie?
  242. Valiance 2.0- Solo focused cleric
  243. Green Steel WIS+6,Concordant Opposition: Goggles or Cloak?
  244. End game gear for WF Archmage
  245. Question about Cleric Gear...
  246. wanting a drow cleric with strong heals and the ability to CC and damage
  247. Shavarath save DCs
  248. Noob looking for a wizard WF build
  249. Empower Healing or Attack Power
  250. Please Help: Pale Master can't heal himself now!