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  1. 1 Sorc 15 Wizard
  2. Is it considered rude to
  3. tensor's transformation.
  4. trinket slot
  5. Multi-class at top end?
  6. Healing crit enhancement lines, whats the point?
  7. Heightened Charm Person vs. Suggestion
  8. Free Sorc Build: Human
  9. familars
  10. Heal Spell, am I missing something?
  11. Battle Sorc Builds
  12. Minimum charisma needed to cast ?
  13. What spells to use at low levels...
  14. Can you exceed 38 Wisdom
  15. Divine Cleansing Enhancement
  16. Newb Question!
  17. Wizard as a Main For a Newbie
  18. Whats the best single level splash for me?
  19. clerics and curse spell
  20. 8th Level Sorc SPell Choice. What did you chosse?
  21. Devotion?
  22. Flesh Render...Help Please
  23. Cleric EQ/Feats and mod 7
  24. Cleric Solo'ing
  25. Enjoying my Bladesworn WF cleric!
  26. 11 Cleric / 3 Monk / 2 Paladin
  27. Leyoni
  28. Greensteel Help
  29. Post Mod 7 Patch 1 Blade Barrier
  30. Couple questions from a new to DDO but not new to DnD Cleric
  31. Wand Healing Only ***?!
  32. Drow Cleric! How would you do it?
  33. Post-MOD7 Greensteel recommendation for cleric
  34. Best 1st lvl dmg spell
  35. new sorc question on starting stats
  36. Jump or Diplomacy?
  37. Dwarf or Human? for solo cleric
  38. Resist items stack with spell?
  39. Conjurer?
  40. Quest/Raid Resource Management
  41. What Do You Spend Your Action Points on for a Battlecleric?
  42. Good Raid Loot
  43. Reroll this guy?
  44. Experienced clerics share your wisdom!
  45. weird fire immunity after Sunburst?
  46. Delayed blast fireball
  47. Heighten or Spell Pent.
  48. Dont make the cleric beg..........
  49. Good way to avoid bad Pugs
  50. Need a battle cleric build (Repost)
  51. What is the best class to splash in for a battle cleric?
  52. Teleport still bugged?
  53. thoughts on a Stealth Cleric.
  54. Noob Cleric
  55. a Real Stealth Cleric!
  56. What +healing % stacks?
  57. Required cleric gear
  58. Please help - what spells are effected by the enhancements...
  59. Advise on this battlecleric build?
  60. why do people always tell wizards what spells they need
  61. Thinking about re-building my cleric.
  62. A little Advice plz
  63. weapons finesse damage question
  64. Charm the best spell!!
  65. Stunning Blow?
  66. Sorc/Wizard Build Help???
  67. Feats and Enhancements!
  68. Cleric Question: Armor or Robes?
  69. Just 2 stats...
  70. Feats, Action Points & Items
  71. Team work and your wizard
  72. Cleric Economic Mega-Cleric: 14Clr/2Mnk
  73. Do wands ever become...useful?
  74. Feat selection
  75. Spells to pick on level up
  76. Sorcerer Newbie
  77. Are these stats good for a lvl battle cleric?
  78. What is this spell supose to do?
  79. Cleric Bow user
  80. Cleric/Wizard multiclass
  81. Build feedback - 28pt WF Wiz for a completely new player in a dedicated group
  82. Some questions
  83. Clerics: Levik's or Lorikk's?
  84. New to Cleric's new to DDO
  85. New D&D Player
  86. Spell Focus vs. Greater Spell Focus
  87. Stealth Wizard
  88. Any comments/advice
  89. Recommendation on Dwarf Cleric
  90. My Cleric Has a First Name...
  91. Vulkoors Champion ???
  92. Vulkoor drow battlecleric?
  93. Level 4 spells
  94. Flesh golems and the like..
  95. vanilla sorc
  96. wiz 15/ftr 1
  97. Charm mechanics questions
  98. A better cleric?
  99. General Questions About Playing a Cleric
  100. Drow battlecleric
  101. The BattleCleric thread
  102. Sorcerer Armor Class
  103. Do you keep class rewards ON?
  104. How do you like you cleric?????
  105. Wand Enhancements
  106. I would like to see this.
  107. State of the Sorcerer
  108. Diplomacy question
  109. human rogue2/wiz14 build questions
  110. quicken spell feat
  111. New to clericing. Want help for my build.
  112. Maximum Base Stats
  113. Enervation
  114. Shroud GS items
  115. My first cleric...what's important?
  116. Advice on Feats
  117. Advice on Feats
  118. Halfling Cleric Viability?
  119. Wiz 13/Monk 2/ Pally 1
  120. Turning Clerecs
  121. Level 10 spells - now to drop....
  122. Cleric build?
  123. 2 questions?
  124. Shroud Scepter
  125. Spell focus
  126. Feed back on 14Wiz/2Rogue
  127. Dwarf Cleric Question
  128. Intelligence Shroud Weapon 1st tier.
  129. cleric life magic
  130. WF Wiz vs. WF Sorc
  131. Cleric Heal Skill
  132. Cleric Untouchable Cleric
  133. How much DC and Spell Pen is needed?
  134. Is there a way?
  135. enhancements for Harm?
  136. The Druidic Wizard
  137. Stigmata - 15 Clr/1 Ftr Intimidating Cleric
  138. ? about # of turn undeads...
  139. Post your Sorc build !
  140. Returning to DDO: Have cleric 11/Sorc 1
  141. clr/rog traps and healbot
  142. CHA and Turn Undead
  143. spell DC and SR same thing?
  144. My Battle Clr
  145. A question or 2 for all you cleric/sorcs out there.
  146. Just Venting
  147. wizard.. advice
  148. Can someone post a cleric spell list link
  149. Ginseng 2: Centered Sorcerer
  150. Shroud Item for a Sorc (goggles)
  151. Level 15 n 16 Clerics???
  152. Little Leveling to 9 help
  153. Greensteel Accessories
  154. A couple of Necromancy Questions
  155. Can we talk about debuffs?
  156. + CHA to help my lowbie WF sorc?
  157. Shroud healing
  158. Sp for Sorcerer with items?
  159. spell question
  160. True Seeing Spell
  161. Rolling another cleric
  162. Wizard Spell Selection
  163. Burning Hands vs Shocking Grasp
  164. Sorc or Wiz for the Debuffer?
  165. Questions for the experts
  166. Help! My best friend is a zerger.
  167. greensteel??
  168. Halfling Survival Sorc
  169. Cleric 28 point fighter/cleric build need advice.
  170. Walking Shrine
  171. Can a pure cleric be effective with repeaters?
  172. Returning level 10 Wizard... 2 years 3 months gone
  173. Mod 7 Spell List
  174. Does Sacred Stack.
  175. 4th class question
  176. Using Knock scrolls
  177. Greensteel Concentration vs. Balance ramblings
  178. To splash or not
  179. SP Enhancement question
  180. Desert Undead questions
  181. Trapsmith WF BattleCaster
  182. Help With Dwarf Wizard Build Please
  183. Dorf MonkWiz
  184. I need help with my sorc build!!
  185. Your opinion please
  186. Dwarf Melee Capable Wizard Help Please :)
  187. divine light
  188. Tempest Cleric
  189. TWF Cleric Rev 3
  190. Monster strengths and weaknesses?
  191. Sorcerer must have items?
  192. Excelovely: Dwarven 13C/2M/1F
  193. spell failure from armor
  194. Spells you cant buy
  195. Leaving heighten on?
  196. IntimiCleric with Trap skills
  197. Skiver and Enhancements
  198. Cleric Cleric Build Catalogue
  199. Viable 12c/2m/2pali
  200. Spell focus and damage spells question
  201. Quick quicken question
  202. Caster's role vs. Pit Fiend in Shroud?
  203. 32 point wf sorc
  204. Ranger Arcane Archer with splash of Cleric
  205. Machine Gun Nun
  206. Cleric Race dwarf or drow
  207. Soloing Build
  208. Healer w/ Splash Pally - Comments Pease
  209. The 1800 Barrier
  210. I really LIKE playing my battlecleric!
  211. Help for a noob WF Wizard
  212. Cleric Rogue Cleric Rev 2.0! Back for the...... Ack! A Rogue Cleric????
  213. Max Wisdom for human cleric?
  214. I need help makeing a TWF Dwarven Battle cleric
  215. Sheding some light on lightning lore...
  216. Glitterdust, Web and Aggro
  217. WF sorc spell list?
  218. Healing Cleric every group wants
  219. Arch Magi
  220. Cleric Oh No! He IS a Battle Cleric!!!!!!! Pure Cleric Melee/CC/Caster
  221. Cleric lvl 12 - advice for feat selection
  222. WF Wizard with High AC, Melee Capable, Decent DPS and Nukage!
  223. Four Greensteel Items?
  224. 16 Wisdom Enough?
  225. Basic Sorceror Help
  226. Kung Fu Caster: Halfling Monk/Wizard
  227. 28-point Human Battle Cleric
  228. Please Help!
  229. Spell focus item: evocation vs. necromancy
  230. Quick question regarding sorc UMD
  231. BiocDkT version - Walking Shrine (repost)
  232. WF Battle Sorc(critique plz)
  233. Level 3 Cleric ideas
  234. Just to let me fellow Clerics know
  235. Dragon scale robe/armor
  236. Choosing Sorceror Race
  237. Question about potency items/ect
  238. Sorcerer + UMD = How much
  239. Friendly fire question
  240. im looking for help on a great 32 point cleric build
  241. Sorc Feats
  242. Please advise on spell selection.
  243. Do I have this right?
  244. Maxed out DEX for my Nuker any suggestions?
  245. Max healing
  246. caster that wants aggro
  247. Help for a first time Cleric! (14c/2m)
  248. feats for my new cleric
  249. Lore: Items and Enhancements Stack?
  250. Versatile/Farming Cleric? :)