- 1 Sorc 15 Wizard
- Is it considered rude to
- tensor's transformation.
- trinket slot
- Multi-class at top end?
- Healing crit enhancement lines, whats the point?
- Heightened Charm Person vs. Suggestion
- Free Sorc Build: Human
- familars
- Heal Spell, am I missing something?
- Battle Sorc Builds
- Minimum charisma needed to cast ?
- What spells to use at low levels...
- Can you exceed 38 Wisdom
- Divine Cleansing Enhancement
- Newb Question!
- Wizard as a Main For a Newbie
- Whats the best single level splash for me?
- clerics and curse spell
- 8th Level Sorc SPell Choice. What did you chosse?
- Devotion?
- Flesh Render...Help Please
- Cleric EQ/Feats and mod 7
- Cleric Solo'ing
- Enjoying my Bladesworn WF cleric!
- 11 Cleric / 3 Monk / 2 Paladin
- Leyoni
- Greensteel Help
- Post Mod 7 Patch 1 Blade Barrier
- Couple questions from a new to DDO but not new to DnD Cleric
- Wand Healing Only ***?!
- Drow Cleric! How would you do it?
- Post-MOD7 Greensteel recommendation for cleric
- Best 1st lvl dmg spell
- new sorc question on starting stats
- Jump or Diplomacy?
- Dwarf or Human? for solo cleric
- Resist items stack with spell?
- Conjurer?
- Quest/Raid Resource Management
- What Do You Spend Your Action Points on for a Battlecleric?
- Good Raid Loot
- Reroll this guy?
- Experienced clerics share your wisdom!
- weird fire immunity after Sunburst?
- Delayed blast fireball
- Heighten or Spell Pent.
- Dont make the cleric beg..........
- Good way to avoid bad Pugs
- Need a battle cleric build (Repost)
- What is the best class to splash in for a battle cleric?
- Teleport still bugged?
- thoughts on a Stealth Cleric.
- Noob Cleric
- a Real Stealth Cleric!
- What +healing % stacks?
- Required cleric gear
- Please help - what spells are effected by the enhancements...
- Advise on this battlecleric build?
- why do people always tell wizards what spells they need
- Thinking about re-building my cleric.
- A little Advice plz
- weapons finesse damage question
- Charm the best spell!!
- Stunning Blow?
- Sorc/Wizard Build Help???
- Feats and Enhancements!
- Cleric Question: Armor or Robes?
- Just 2 stats...
- Feats, Action Points & Items
- Team work and your wizard
- Cleric Economic Mega-Cleric: 14Clr/2Mnk
- Do wands ever become...useful?
- Feat selection
- Spells to pick on level up
- Sorcerer Newbie
- Are these stats good for a lvl battle cleric?
- What is this spell supose to do?
- Cleric Bow user
- Cleric/Wizard multiclass
- Build feedback - 28pt WF Wiz for a completely new player in a dedicated group
- Some questions
- Clerics: Levik's or Lorikk's?
- New to Cleric's new to DDO
- New D&D Player
- Spell Focus vs. Greater Spell Focus
- Stealth Wizard
- Any comments/advice
- Recommendation on Dwarf Cleric
- My Cleric Has a First Name...
- Vulkoors Champion ???
- Vulkoor drow battlecleric?
- Level 4 spells
- Flesh golems and the like..
- vanilla sorc
- wiz 15/ftr 1
- Charm mechanics questions
- A better cleric?
- General Questions About Playing a Cleric
- Drow battlecleric
- The BattleCleric thread
- Sorcerer Armor Class
- Do you keep class rewards ON?
- How do you like you cleric?????
- Wand Enhancements
- I would like to see this.
- State of the Sorcerer
- Diplomacy question
- human rogue2/wiz14 build questions
- quicken spell feat
- New to clericing. Want help for my build.
- Maximum Base Stats
- Enervation
- Shroud GS items
- My first cleric...what's important?
- Advice on Feats
- Advice on Feats
- Halfling Cleric Viability?
- Wiz 13/Monk 2/ Pally 1
- Turning Clerecs
- Level 10 spells - now to drop....
- Cleric build?
- 2 questions?
- Shroud Scepter
- Spell focus
- Feed back on 14Wiz/2Rogue
- Dwarf Cleric Question
- Intelligence Shroud Weapon 1st tier.
- cleric life magic
- WF Wiz vs. WF Sorc
- Cleric Heal Skill
- Cleric Untouchable Cleric
- How much DC and Spell Pen is needed?
- Is there a way?
- enhancements for Harm?
- The Druidic Wizard
- Stigmata - 15 Clr/1 Ftr Intimidating Cleric
- ? about # of turn undeads...
- Post your Sorc build !
- Returning to DDO: Have cleric 11/Sorc 1
- clr/rog traps and healbot
- CHA and Turn Undead
- spell DC and SR same thing?
- My Battle Clr
- A question or 2 for all you cleric/sorcs out there.
- Just Venting
- wizard.. advice
- Can someone post a cleric spell list link
- Ginseng 2: Centered Sorcerer
- Shroud Item for a Sorc (goggles)
- Level 15 n 16 Clerics???
- Little Leveling to 9 help
- Greensteel Accessories
- A couple of Necromancy Questions
- Can we talk about debuffs?
- + CHA to help my lowbie WF sorc?
- Shroud healing
- Sp for Sorcerer with items?
- spell question
- True Seeing Spell
- Rolling another cleric
- Wizard Spell Selection
- Burning Hands vs Shocking Grasp
- Sorc or Wiz for the Debuffer?
- Questions for the experts
- Help! My best friend is a zerger.
- greensteel??
- Halfling Survival Sorc
- Cleric 28 point fighter/cleric build need advice.
- Walking Shrine
- Can a pure cleric be effective with repeaters?
- Returning level 10 Wizard... 2 years 3 months gone
- Mod 7 Spell List
- Does Sacred Stack.
- 4th class question
- Using Knock scrolls
- Greensteel Concentration vs. Balance ramblings
- To splash or not
- SP Enhancement question
- Desert Undead questions
- Trapsmith WF BattleCaster
- Help With Dwarf Wizard Build Please
- Dorf MonkWiz
- I need help with my sorc build!!
- Your opinion please
- Dwarf Melee Capable Wizard Help Please :)
- divine light
- Tempest Cleric
- TWF Cleric Rev 3
- Monster strengths and weaknesses?
- Sorcerer must have items?
- Excelovely: Dwarven 13C/2M/1F
- spell failure from armor
- Spells you cant buy
- Leaving heighten on?
- IntimiCleric with Trap skills
- Skiver and Enhancements
- Cleric Cleric Build Catalogue
- Viable 12c/2m/2pali
- Spell focus and damage spells question
- Quick quicken question
- Caster's role vs. Pit Fiend in Shroud?
- 32 point wf sorc
- Ranger Arcane Archer with splash of Cleric
- Machine Gun Nun
- Cleric Race dwarf or drow
- Soloing Build
- Healer w/ Splash Pally - Comments Pease
- The 1800 Barrier
- I really LIKE playing my battlecleric!
- Help for a noob WF Wizard
- Cleric Rogue Cleric Rev 2.0! Back for the...... Ack! A Rogue Cleric????
- Max Wisdom for human cleric?
- I need help makeing a TWF Dwarven Battle cleric
- Sheding some light on lightning lore...
- Glitterdust, Web and Aggro
- WF sorc spell list?
- Healing Cleric every group wants
- Arch Magi
- Cleric Oh No! He IS a Battle Cleric!!!!!!! Pure Cleric Melee/CC/Caster
- Cleric lvl 12 - advice for feat selection
- WF Wizard with High AC, Melee Capable, Decent DPS and Nukage!
- Four Greensteel Items?
- 16 Wisdom Enough?
- Basic Sorceror Help
- Kung Fu Caster: Halfling Monk/Wizard
- 28-point Human Battle Cleric
- Please Help!
- Spell focus item: evocation vs. necromancy
- Quick question regarding sorc UMD
- BiocDkT version - Walking Shrine (repost)
- WF Battle Sorc(critique plz)
- Level 3 Cleric ideas
- Just to let me fellow Clerics know
- Dragon scale robe/armor
- Choosing Sorceror Race
- Question about potency items/ect
- Sorcerer + UMD = How much
- Friendly fire question
- im looking for help on a great 32 point cleric build
- Sorc Feats
- Please advise on spell selection.
- Do I have this right?
- Maxed out DEX for my Nuker any suggestions?
- Max healing
- caster that wants aggro
- Help for a first time Cleric! (14c/2m)
- feats for my new cleric
- Lore: Items and Enhancements Stack?
- Versatile/Farming Cleric? :)