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  1. Build Advice: Self-Sustaining Solo Caster?
  2. Arcane spell failure
  3. Wizard Pale Master Gear Assistance Please
  4. Wizard How can a champion caster to increase his penetration?
  5. 1st life wizard gear to keep an eye out for?
  6. Zombie form question
  7. Cleric Greater Res Cleric Build
  8. Cleric Which effects to slot with crafting?
  9. Wizard WF Wizard Build
  10. Wizard Advice sought on a Pale Master/monk for solo
  11. Cleric Divine- ur screenshot of your UI hotkeys and shortcuts
  12. how to increase the dcs of icy prism
  13. Sorcerer questions
  14. Sorcerer Ice Savant. Give me your 2 cents...
  15. Sorcerer Need MOAR HP for my level 20 sorc!
  16. Cleric Heal showing two numbers?
  17. Brand new 28pt cleric questions
  18. Wizard Build for Zerging to 20?
  19. Cleric What exactly do these buffs work against?
  20. Sorcerer A few spell questions
  21. necro water savant build
  22. Favored Soul Divine Avenger: Elf Path: Deleted ?
  23. Cleric my cleric. :)
  24. Wizard Gear to look for a first life PM at cap
  25. how to max Blade barrier
  26. Cleric Some cleric questions
  27. Sorcerer PL feat ideas for final life sorc
  28. feat order for PM: heighten or quicken?
  29. Favored Soul Wizard passive past life question
  30. So I'm planning on a lot of TRing on my Sorc...
  31. Favored Soul Need a tr build
  32. Wizard archmage TR
  33. Sorcerer anything cripplingly bad here?
  34. Wizard PMs rejoice
  35. Kung Fu Caster
  36. Sorcerer - savant requirements
  37. Favored Soul Need help i ll TR soon
  38. Human Scorc Build
  39. Sorcerer TRing soon looking for build advice plz 'n thx
  40. Standard Sorcerer Builds
  41. Wizard Shield Proficiency?
  42. Wizard Echoes of Power
  43. Wizard Spell Focus
  44. Wizard MAJOR NOOB WIZARD Quistion!
  45. Sorcerer Need Sorcerer Help
  46. Wizard Wizard
  47. Wizard 1TR Build adivise for epic noob
  48. ToD Part 3 Orthon Help please
  49. MAX Int and DC for Drow Wizard; 62int 52 Necro DC
  50. Wizard 34 pt WF AM WIZ Build need advice
  51. Favored Soul In need of casting/healing build advice. 34pt.
  52. Help please
  53. Lich form temp hit points proc rate?
  54. Lvl 1-4 on 36pt Caster(or melee), BEST Kobold Beaters
  55. stickies
  56. All Spell Casters, Help Wanted
  57. Wizard Wizard Spells Quistion
  58. Wizard Do GS spell points stack with Arch magi?
  59. Statistical Manipulation
  60. Wizard Wizard Archmage
  61. Visualizing bonus spell damage/crit numbers
  62. Question On Spells Enhanced By Kinetic (Force) Lines
  63. Wizard Spell Point Mangement NOOB question
  64. Sorcerer Savant with AA as alternate damage, need help
  65. Sorcerer Thoughts on race for a sorceror TR?
  66. Ship Buff - house P - Enhancement mastery does not stack
  67. Wizard Need advice on Palemaster gear please
  68. Sorcerer Sorc Archer?
  69. Cleric Clerics and AC
  70. Drow Elf Pure Wiz
  71. Wizard The Arcane Not-Archer Not-Cleric But All Awesome Non-Competitive Fun Build! - TANANAC
  72. Cleric Cleric build attempt
  73. Sorcerer Human Earth Savant gear
  74. Wizard After enhancement update... Dwarven Stalwart lich?
  75. Wizard Palemaster Vampire Question
  76. Sorcerer Making a new WF sorcrer, got some questions for ya
  77. Cleric Caster Cleric
  78. Cleric Divine Spell Caster (19 Cleric 1 Sorc)
  79. Favored Soul Review my wf melee/healer
  80. Advice on FvS gear
  81. Wizard How to gear up my farm-wiz, economic crisis style?
  82. Cleric Stacking Lore items
  83. Cleric cleric gear
  84. Favored Soul Looking to build a firstlife healbot (32 pt)
  85. Sorcerer healing amp for WF
  86. Favored Soul DR, is it really that good?
  87. Wizard 4th level newb looking for more SP
  88. My Thougts on the Favored Soul
  89. Sorcerer Sorcerer Capstone?
  90. Favored Soul Fvs TR build suggestions
  91. Favored Soul Drow as FvS?
  92. A quick question about PM gameplay and tactics
  93. Wizard TR Sorc into a WF Evo AM?
  94. Wizard PM - Wrath question!
  95. Wizard Warforged Archmage Enhancements
  96. Sorcerer This is For a Tukaw Build
  97. Favored Soul Half-elf FvS build advice.
  98. WF Sorc questions...
  99. Sorcerer Sorc Questions & Build Advice
  100. Where to slot my green steels?
  101. Sorcerer Can this Human Sorcerer solo?
  102. Sorcerer Earth Savant; Color me confused...
  103. 3 item abishai set
  104. Sorcerer WF Water savant spell selection.
  105. Question About DoT's And Potency Items
  106. Chances of Obtaining a Torc: A Simple Calculation
  107. air savant dcs
  108. Wizard Sorc -> Wizard Gameplay Style Question
  109. Wizard false life / reinforce construct
  110. Enervation Question
  111. What happens???
  112. Wizard New Pale Master - Looking for tips...
  113. Enchantment/Illlusion Archmage?
  114. Sorcerer Help getting back on the Sorc!
  115. WF Wizard or WF Sorccer
  116. Fun tidbit on the new adventure pack...
  117. Spellpoints
  118. Favored Soul End game Evoker Gear
  119. Cleric Cleric Gear Setup
  120. Cleric The Heavy Priest: Con based cleric
  121. Low-dc sorc epic advice
  122. WF FvS vs Horc FvS
  123. Wizard DC's are to low for epic
  124. Favored Soul Looking for tips on FVS evoker gear
  125. Favored Soul [Build Request] How to most effectively build a halfling FvS?
  126. Wizard to tr or not to tr
  127. Wizard Talk me out of evasion...
  128. Items worth farming in lvl 1-12 quests?
  129. Wizard Feat:Enlarge Spell
  130. Cannith caster items - do you use them?
  131. Sorcerer Gearing up - Levels 16-20
  132. Cleric Build to trio with rogue and pale
  133. AM SLA question
  134. Wizard Pale Master - Damage Type
  135. Wizard Extend vs Mental Toughness
  136. Wizard hide and jump enhancements
  137. Wizard Wiz shield question
  138. Cleric Cleric Warpriest Prestige Enhancement Idea
  139. Wizard Picking Past Lives
  140. TRing Whatmanabar
  141. Favored Soul Replace extend with what on fvs?
  142. Favored Soul Lookin' for Evoker Spell selection help plz.
  143. Cleric Horc Melee Cleric?
  144. Needs some input
  145. Masters Touch?
  146. Wizard cost to respec a wzard
  147. Zen AA / FVS
  148. Cleric Good cleric armor
  149. Wizard please critique my human wizard feat selection
  150. Wizard Best way to level?
  151. Wizard PM Feat Selection (SF Necro & Enchantment)
  152. Is this build outdated?
  153. Wizard firest time need hellp
  154. Favored Soul Help me decide -- WF or Human Evoker
  155. Wizard Mid - Upper levels... What do groups expect?
  156. Cleric Newbie Cleric Advice for a Brand New Player
  157. 2rog/13 PM vs rooms full of archers/casters
  158. Sorcerer Aiming Fireball, mixed with others spells
  159. Cleric Full-Party-In-One Cleric (gimp included!)
  160. Cleric New cleric (there may or may not be cookies inside)
  161. Wizard missing enhancements when i roll up this builds
  162. Wizard What is this wizard's stigma?
  163. Help on Cleric build - 19 Cleric / 1 Fighter
  164. Questions about meteor swarm
  165. Wizard 1st caster build WF 18 2 rogue 32 pt AM no tomes(preferably)
  166. When to take which enhancements for best damage output
  167. Cleric First cleric - Tear it apart.
  168. heal bot
  169. Acid spell viability.
  170. Wizard Improved Critical + Terror
  171. Wizard Human PM
  172. Cleric Human
  173. Wizard Which Spell Focus for leveling?
  174. Cleric Human: Healbot + Divine Punishment
  175. Wizard Pale Master Lvl 4 spell loadout
  176. DoT SP efficiency?
  177. Sorcerer Advice on how to boost up enchantment?
  178. Wizard Conjuration Conundrum
  179. Wizard Must-haves before TR'ing?
  180. Cleric AC/DR Intimidate build question
  181. Wizard quick and dirty PM gear
  182. Fleshy Soul Survivor
  183. PM gear question
  184. Wizard DCs: PM vs AM
  185. Cleric Clonk, Cleric or FvS?
  186. Wizard Do PMs need Deathblock?
  187. Wizard Any pragmatic uses for UMD?
  188. Divine evocation spell selection.
  189. Wizard 1st Arcane PM
  190. Wizard Past Life Free Feat... Does it really work?
  191. Which 2nd school for 1st life PM?
  192. Sorcerer Respec to Water Savant worth it?
  193. Cleric Equipment help for my clr/fgt
  194. Cleric Low level experience
  195. how to solo a FVS pre-Blade Barrier?
  196. Wizard Pm
  197. Sorcerer Some Water Savant ???
  198. Cleric Human Healbot Cleric advice please
  199. Wizard I just can't do it /cry
  200. A flavor wizard build
  201. Favored Soul WF LoB build?
  202. Maximize/Empower on Sorc/Wiz?
  203. Cleric DC's
  204. Wizard Abjuration/Conjuration?
  205. Wizard Sylon Battlestar V3
  206. Sorc TR build
  207. Wizard Crushing despair effects
  208. Epic Sorc Gear -Advise
  209. Soloing Epic Content. Why?
  210. Wizard TR Wizard - Palemaster or Archmage?
  211. I want to heal you. And kill things. With spells!
  212. Pre-Epic Sorc Gear
  213. Favored Soul 17fvs/3arti
  214. Cleric Help with a Farmer
  215. Sorcerer WF Ice Savant constructive feedback
  216. Cleric burst breaking invisability
  217. UltiCleric
  218. Cleric Pimp My Cleric
  219. Cleric Melee Cleric Advice
  220. Wizard Elemental choice
  221. More Wizard ToD Help Please
  222. Sorcerer Do melee effects on weapons/items enhance spells?
  223. Wizard Uber First life 32 pt Human PM. Is it possible?
  224. Sorcerer 32pt Earth/Frost Sorc
  225. Wizard Build Review/Advice [Archmage PrE focus]
  226. Cleric caster/heal cleric
  227. Quick TR'ing question
  228. Favored Soul Epic Marilith Chain
  229. Question enemy drow and Spell resistance and other mob's spell resistance
  230. Sorcerer - Past Life Arcane Prodigy Feat - Worth It?
  231. Sorcerer First life feat questions
  232. Sorcerer 1st life sorc need with gear
  233. Wizard From divine to arcane (help wanted)
  234. Sorcerer Air Savant DCs
  235. Wizard Help me out with my PM's spells.
  236. Half-elf Fvs
  237. Sorcerer TR Leveling Build, Acid/Cold Ice Savant -> Earth Savant
  238. Sorcerer Fire Trap Spell
  239. Wizard A viable "Ghoste stealth" build?
  240. Wizard Spells that are in chest or AH only!
  241. Wizard Looking for advice on DCs
  242. Spell Augmentation, Heighten, Empower, & Maximize... noob questions!
  243. Does chain lightning have a cap?
  244. Sorcerer Best way to Increase DC's? W/O...
  245. Without green steel items
  246. Sorcerer Force Sorcerer Build
  247. PUrple Dmg from all Elemental Sources
  248. Favored Soul comment on build - FVS Evoker
  249. Necromancy focused cleric
  250. Cleric First life cleric need advice