View Full Version : Spell casters
- Build Advice: Self-Sustaining Solo Caster?
- Arcane spell failure
- Wizard Pale Master Gear Assistance Please
- Wizard How can a champion caster to increase his penetration?
- 1st life wizard gear to keep an eye out for?
- Zombie form question
- Cleric Greater Res Cleric Build
- Cleric Which effects to slot with crafting?
- Wizard WF Wizard Build
- Wizard Advice sought on a Pale Master/monk for solo
- Cleric Divine- ur screenshot of your UI hotkeys and shortcuts
- how to increase the dcs of icy prism
- Sorcerer questions
- Sorcerer Ice Savant. Give me your 2 cents...
- Sorcerer Need MOAR HP for my level 20 sorc!
- Cleric Heal showing two numbers?
- Brand new 28pt cleric questions
- Wizard Build for Zerging to 20?
- Cleric What exactly do these buffs work against?
- Sorcerer A few spell questions
- necro water savant build
- Favored Soul Divine Avenger: Elf Path: Deleted ?
- Cleric my cleric. :)
- Wizard Gear to look for a first life PM at cap
- how to max Blade barrier
- Cleric Some cleric questions
- Sorcerer PL feat ideas for final life sorc
- feat order for PM: heighten or quicken?
- Favored Soul Wizard passive past life question
- So I'm planning on a lot of TRing on my Sorc...
- Favored Soul Need a tr build
- Wizard archmage TR
- Sorcerer anything cripplingly bad here?
- Wizard PMs rejoice
- Kung Fu Caster
- Sorcerer - savant requirements
- Favored Soul Need help i ll TR soon
- Human Scorc Build
- Sorcerer TRing soon looking for build advice plz 'n thx
- Standard Sorcerer Builds
- Wizard Shield Proficiency?
- Wizard Echoes of Power
- Wizard Spell Focus
- Wizard MAJOR NOOB WIZARD Quistion!
- Sorcerer Need Sorcerer Help
- Wizard Wizard
- Wizard 1TR Build adivise for epic noob
- ToD Part 3 Orthon Help please
- MAX Int and DC for Drow Wizard; 62int 52 Necro DC
- Wizard 34 pt WF AM WIZ Build need advice
- Favored Soul In need of casting/healing build advice. 34pt.
- Help please
- Lich form temp hit points proc rate?
- Lvl 1-4 on 36pt Caster(or melee), BEST Kobold Beaters
- stickies
- All Spell Casters, Help Wanted
- Wizard Wizard Spells Quistion
- Wizard Do GS spell points stack with Arch magi?
- Statistical Manipulation
- Wizard Wizard Archmage
- Visualizing bonus spell damage/crit numbers
- Question On Spells Enhanced By Kinetic (Force) Lines
- Wizard Spell Point Mangement NOOB question
- Sorcerer Savant with AA as alternate damage, need help
- Sorcerer Thoughts on race for a sorceror TR?
- Ship Buff - house P - Enhancement mastery does not stack
- Wizard Need advice on Palemaster gear please
- Sorcerer Sorc Archer?
- Cleric Clerics and AC
- Drow Elf Pure Wiz
- Wizard The Arcane Not-Archer Not-Cleric But All Awesome Non-Competitive Fun Build! - TANANAC
- Cleric Cleric build attempt
- Sorcerer Human Earth Savant gear
- Wizard After enhancement update... Dwarven Stalwart lich?
- Wizard Palemaster Vampire Question
- Sorcerer Making a new WF sorcrer, got some questions for ya
- Cleric Caster Cleric
- Cleric Divine Spell Caster (19 Cleric 1 Sorc)
- Favored Soul Review my wf melee/healer
- Advice on FvS gear
- Wizard How to gear up my farm-wiz, economic crisis style?
- Cleric Stacking Lore items
- Cleric cleric gear
- Favored Soul Looking to build a firstlife healbot (32 pt)
- Sorcerer healing amp for WF
- Favored Soul DR, is it really that good?
- Wizard 4th level newb looking for more SP
- My Thougts on the Favored Soul
- Sorcerer Sorcerer Capstone?
- Favored Soul Fvs TR build suggestions
- Favored Soul Drow as FvS?
- A quick question about PM gameplay and tactics
- Wizard TR Sorc into a WF Evo AM?
- Wizard PM - Wrath question!
- Wizard Warforged Archmage Enhancements
- Sorcerer This is For a Tukaw Build
- Favored Soul Half-elf FvS build advice.
- WF Sorc questions...
- Sorcerer Sorc Questions & Build Advice
- Where to slot my green steels?
- Sorcerer Can this Human Sorcerer solo?
- Sorcerer Earth Savant; Color me confused...
- 3 item abishai set
- Sorcerer WF Water savant spell selection.
- Question About DoT's And Potency Items
- Chances of Obtaining a Torc: A Simple Calculation
- air savant dcs
- Wizard Sorc -> Wizard Gameplay Style Question
- Wizard false life / reinforce construct
- Enervation Question
- What happens???
- Wizard New Pale Master - Looking for tips...
- Enchantment/Illlusion Archmage?
- Sorcerer Help getting back on the Sorc!
- WF Wizard or WF Sorccer
- Fun tidbit on the new adventure pack...
- Spellpoints
- Favored Soul End game Evoker Gear
- Cleric Cleric Gear Setup
- Cleric The Heavy Priest: Con based cleric
- Low-dc sorc epic advice
- WF FvS vs Horc FvS
- Wizard DC's are to low for epic
- Favored Soul Looking for tips on FVS evoker gear
- Favored Soul [Build Request] How to most effectively build a halfling FvS?
- Wizard to tr or not to tr
- Wizard Talk me out of evasion...
- Items worth farming in lvl 1-12 quests?
- Wizard Feat:Enlarge Spell
- Cannith caster items - do you use them?
- Sorcerer Gearing up - Levels 16-20
- Cleric Build to trio with rogue and pale
- AM SLA question
- Wizard Pale Master - Damage Type
- Wizard Extend vs Mental Toughness
- Wizard hide and jump enhancements
- Wizard Wiz shield question
- Cleric Cleric Warpriest Prestige Enhancement Idea
- Wizard Picking Past Lives
- TRing Whatmanabar
- Favored Soul Replace extend with what on fvs?
- Favored Soul Lookin' for Evoker Spell selection help plz.
- Cleric Horc Melee Cleric?
- Needs some input
- Masters Touch?
- Wizard cost to respec a wzard
- Zen AA / FVS
- Cleric Good cleric armor
- Wizard please critique my human wizard feat selection
- Wizard Best way to level?
- Wizard PM Feat Selection (SF Necro & Enchantment)
- Is this build outdated?
- Wizard firest time need hellp
- Favored Soul Help me decide -- WF or Human Evoker
- Wizard Mid - Upper levels... What do groups expect?
- Cleric Newbie Cleric Advice for a Brand New Player
- 2rog/13 PM vs rooms full of archers/casters
- Sorcerer Aiming Fireball, mixed with others spells
- Cleric Full-Party-In-One Cleric (gimp included!)
- Cleric New cleric (there may or may not be cookies inside)
- Wizard missing enhancements when i roll up this builds
- Wizard What is this wizard's stigma?
- Help on Cleric build - 19 Cleric / 1 Fighter
- Questions about meteor swarm
- Wizard 1st caster build WF 18 2 rogue 32 pt AM no tomes(preferably)
- When to take which enhancements for best damage output
- Cleric First cleric - Tear it apart.
- heal bot
- Acid spell viability.
- Wizard Improved Critical + Terror
- Wizard Human PM
- Cleric Human
- Wizard Which Spell Focus for leveling?
- Cleric Human: Healbot + Divine Punishment
- Wizard Pale Master Lvl 4 spell loadout
- DoT SP efficiency?
- Sorcerer Advice on how to boost up enchantment?
- Wizard Conjuration Conundrum
- Wizard Must-haves before TR'ing?
- Cleric AC/DR Intimidate build question
- Wizard quick and dirty PM gear
- Fleshy Soul Survivor
- PM gear question
- Wizard DCs: PM vs AM
- Cleric Clonk, Cleric or FvS?
- Wizard Do PMs need Deathblock?
- Wizard Any pragmatic uses for UMD?
- Divine evocation spell selection.
- Wizard 1st Arcane PM
- Wizard Past Life Free Feat... Does it really work?
- Which 2nd school for 1st life PM?
- Sorcerer Respec to Water Savant worth it?
- Cleric Equipment help for my clr/fgt
- Cleric Low level experience
- how to solo a FVS pre-Blade Barrier?
- Wizard Pm
- Sorcerer Some Water Savant ???
- Cleric Human Healbot Cleric advice please
- Wizard I just can't do it /cry
- A flavor wizard build
- Favored Soul WF LoB build?
- Maximize/Empower on Sorc/Wiz?
- Cleric DC's
- Wizard Abjuration/Conjuration?
- Wizard Sylon Battlestar V3
- Sorc TR build
- Wizard Crushing despair effects
- Epic Sorc Gear -Advise
- Soloing Epic Content. Why?
- Wizard TR Wizard - Palemaster or Archmage?
- I want to heal you. And kill things. With spells!
- Pre-Epic Sorc Gear
- Favored Soul 17fvs/3arti
- Cleric Help with a Farmer
- Sorcerer WF Ice Savant constructive feedback
- Cleric burst breaking invisability
- UltiCleric
- Cleric Pimp My Cleric
- Cleric Melee Cleric Advice
- Wizard Elemental choice
- More Wizard ToD Help Please
- Sorcerer Do melee effects on weapons/items enhance spells?
- Wizard Uber First life 32 pt Human PM. Is it possible?
- Sorcerer 32pt Earth/Frost Sorc
- Wizard Build Review/Advice [Archmage PrE focus]
- Cleric caster/heal cleric
- Quick TR'ing question
- Favored Soul Epic Marilith Chain
- Question enemy drow and Spell resistance and other mob's spell resistance
- Sorcerer - Past Life Arcane Prodigy Feat - Worth It?
- Sorcerer First life feat questions
- Sorcerer 1st life sorc need with gear
- Wizard From divine to arcane (help wanted)
- Sorcerer Air Savant DCs
- Wizard Help me out with my PM's spells.
- Half-elf Fvs
- Sorcerer TR Leveling Build, Acid/Cold Ice Savant -> Earth Savant
- Sorcerer Fire Trap Spell
- Wizard A viable "Ghoste stealth" build?
- Wizard Spells that are in chest or AH only!
- Wizard Looking for advice on DCs
- Spell Augmentation, Heighten, Empower, & Maximize... noob questions!
- Does chain lightning have a cap?
- Sorcerer Best way to Increase DC's? W/O...
- Without green steel items
- Sorcerer Force Sorcerer Build
- PUrple Dmg from all Elemental Sources
- Favored Soul comment on build - FVS Evoker
- Necromancy focused cleric
- Cleric First life cleric need advice
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