View Full Version : Wand and Scroll enhancement, what am I missing?

11-25-2010, 11:56 AM
I took wand and scroll mastery before I got the RS enhancement and used wands frequently for healing between fights but have more or less stopped using them since obtaining RS aura and burst. This is probably a stupid question that will show my newbishness but other than healing what am I missing by not putting enhancement points into wand and scroll? Is the real power in getting my UMD up enough to use non cleric items? If so, then what starting cha would I need to make the UMD/wand and scroll mastery viable?

Thanks in advance.


11-25-2010, 11:57 AM
Wand and scroll enhancements usually have the only use of casting bigger cures/heals from scrolls. If you don't use cure/heal scroll often, you can remove the enhancements

11-25-2010, 04:03 PM
As redlance said, you wont want them til you start using Heal scrolls. At higher levels it is sometimes necessary to conserve SPs by alternating spells with heal scrolls.

Don't max it out, but the second level is a good investment.

11-25-2010, 04:18 PM
In later levels you will most likely need to carry a stack of heal scrolls, as others have mentioned there are times when you need to conserve the SP (or you have run out).

11-25-2010, 05:52 PM
It must be my playstyle then since I am not using any mana to heal, I am ablt to get by on auras alone. Then again I am playing solo most of the time so maybe it is the content I am doing (or not doing)

11-25-2010, 06:41 PM
It'll all change again once you start being main heal in top end raids.

Having 2 tiers of wand/scroll mastery is one of the best ways of being able to 'go the distance' for some of these raids. (Even my full tilt melee divine's carry 3 tiers when i can spare the ap's to be honest)

Hound is a good one for it, you can alternate between heal scrolls and 'heal' or mass heal if you're solo healing the dogs.

Tod is a good one for keeping everyone on their feet using heal scrolls till you get to the main fights, leaving yourself a full mana pool for the main event at the end of each part.

Vod is another good one for being able to heal scroll the party members that have gotten 'tagged' when sulo turns around, leaving your mana pool for the orthon waves and such, and even heal scrolling your main tank if his AC is a little less then the challenge demands and he's taking a bit of damage.

It's usefull, if you have it, you'll never really notice it, if you don't you'll hurt a bit when you start raiding your character regularly.

Coit out~

11-26-2010, 08:03 AM
thank you all for the replies, I will look to fit in a few levels based on the feedback.

11-26-2010, 08:44 AM
thank you all for the replies, I will look to fit in a few levels based on the feedback.

Yeah at least 1 rank (you will most likely have a floating EP needed to move tiers anyways) and 2 are good. Anything beyond that is only if you somehow have EP to spare, which most builds dont.