View Full Version : Spell casters
- Raise Dead weirdness
- Starting stats?
- Sorc gs weapon question
- I need some advice for a lvl 4 Sorcerer
- Questions about spells
- Sorcerer Velkro: Human Sorcerer
- Revick: Traditional Cleric
- SP Problems
- FvS meleer's?
- The Staff
- Ideal "final" gearing
- Just an idea for leveling Pale + Fire
- Cleric With 3 Monk - Please Review
- NO SP: What do you reach for?
- Feats?
- FYI: Extend doesn't work on Implosion
- Where to go from here?
- Suggestions for race of Caster/healer FVS?
- High-end equipment: what to wear?
- Some newbie questions.
- Halfling Clerics - They just work!
- a which level should i start wearing robes?
- WF FvS healer/buffer/fighter with sorc splash
- Nuking 102
- Pale Master Science Class
- Did I break her?
- some cleric advice
- Ice Storm
- Looking for a Partner build for my Evoker FvS
- Need Help with a Monk splash
- TR Battlemage 17wiz/1Rog/2Monk
- Soloing and Elf Dragon mark
- Pale Master Undead Forms (Wraith)
- UMD for clerics
- Shroud item
- Sorc in Endgame, Reconstruct bot?
- Drow TWF FvS?
- Is Rahkir's set worth it on a FvS with Greater Arcane Lore?
- Max number of Turn Undead uses?
- Greater Healing Lore stack with Favored_Soul_Prayer_of_Life_III
- Spells to go for first?
- Greensteel goggle sanity check
- Considering a level in Arcane
- What order?
- Epic / End game gear - Dream set-up
- Equiment Question
- Returning player ISO Pale Master info
- Rogue/Ranger/FvS: Suggestions Wanted
- Niacs Cold Ray
- Review my item layout for a FvS warforged
- Fast Clerics
- What skills should an offensive caster+healer FVS take?
- Chain Lightning
- if i am non-melee (off caster + healer) is there any point to taking these feats?
- Cleric Charisma - why is it so low on builds?
- Cleric skill questions
- PM Undead won't follow You
- Where do you get cat's hair?
- Gimped - 12wizard\6ranger\2monk
- Advise on playing before firewall
- build request
- WF advice
- devotion stacking
- Average BB damage on a pure melee Fvs
- What enhancements contribute to Finger of Death and Phantasmal Killer?
- F2P Starting a Sorc
- Does your sorcerer use wands? If so, what for, and what about wand enhancements?
- Why doesn't anyone take empower healing?
- Evoker build
- Empower vs. Empower Healing
- Need build advice for Healbot/solo FvS
- Why can't a cleric dismiss charmed creatures
- Cleric Wand & Scroll Mastery on offensive wands?
- Dwarven Cleric (TR'd from a Drow) Feedback plz
- Summon Monster?
- Check my build please
- Touch of Idiocy
- Help with a splash question.
- Krythin: Traditional Favored Soul
- melee/buff/heal help
- SPELL: create undead
- Temporary Wizard/Rogue drow
- Necrotic touch and Potency?
- familiars
- Cleric Multiclass?
- Alahona: Drow Sorcerer
- Feat Choices on my Warforged....
- How many sp should I have at lvl 15?
- Palemaster Lich Form and Reconstruction
- Cleric PrE
- Lorrik's Champion and Sup Pot VI
- WF wiz gear help
- Rate my build plz
- Can't find WF Sorc 20 Build, please point it to me :)
- Cleric Prestige...which one for me?
- Pale Healer
- ToD kitting...
- WF 18Wiz/2Rog Enhancement Questions
- Favored Soul Smiting Enhancement: Pointless?
- Need advice on feats(Currently lvl 14)
- Best duo partner for Drow Sorc?
- greensteel crafting advice?
- Denied Epic VON because no quicken, (GTWF vs. quicken feat question)
- Transparancy
- wand question
- Using a Nuking Build questions
- quicken vs concentration
- 1 rogue / 18 wizard / ?
- Spells Enhancement Question
- New to FVS: Is this feasible?
- 2nd Greensteel Item
- New cleric enhancement question
- Battle Cleric viable
- Clothy cleric?
- Divine Caster (TR)
- WF Wiz good choice for a new player?
- LR into Battlecleric or Nanny?
- Shenanigans
- wizards and archers...ouch
- How do clerics kill stuff that doesn't move? (without Instakill?)
- Warpriest of Siberys Enhancements
- Please critique, I dont have know-how in WF sorc
- Mid-High Level Weapons?
- Pimp my build...
- Level 6 Spells
- Help with mid level solo cleric tactics
- My Jedi Knight Multi Class FvS Build
- Should I care about armor any more?
- Experiencing the growing pains of a 12 + cleric.
- Melee FvS advise please
- Break Enchantment Targetting
- Lorricks still viable now at end game?
- TR'd Healing Cleric 1st/ Fighting capable 2nd
- 10% - let it go
- mid teens to endgame LR respec build
- Reincarnating as a FvS
- lvl 16 LR into a 2/18 build
- OCC build I am new, looking for advice
- Empower and Maximize
- Buffs.
- Force build viable?
- intel question
- Basic FtP melee-capable offensive cleric trapmonkey
- Dominate monster any good?
- As a lv1 wizard...
- sp cost deduction bonuses
- my new build please tell me whats wrong.
- custom UI?
- Wizarding...
- wisdom VS healing power
- basic FtP cleric rogue (19/1) with human and dwarf variants
- weapon question (im confused)
- Build: Cleric/Rogue 18/2
- What Wiz Spell works on Golems ??
- Need some help
- Am I truely gimped?
- BB Crit question
- Advice for Elvish FVS/Fighter
- quicken vs high concentration
- Cleric Questions: Healing Dragonmark & AC
- Thanks Sirgog for solid cleric build advice.
- Dipping into Monk?
- Healing the masses
- take the UMD feat?
- Wanted - Full Heal Dwarven Cleric Build
- 18cleric/2monk - Request for Meta Magic Feat Advice
- divine/arcane pale master?
- YAFVSWFB: PLan for my TR sorc
- Dragonmarking a healer Fvs?
- Wizard Please, new wizards...
- Armor for my healer FVS
- GS for a Favored Soul?
- Cleric/Necro/Rouge
- Templates?
- 32 point Cleric template?
- Cleric Build Advice
- New to the game and need advice...
- Spell pen feat + heighten + spell pen feat = ?
- Cleric armour - WWJD?
- Epic Red Dragon Helm Conclusions???
- Looking for help on a melee cleric
- Stacking and order question
- Turning Undead
- Looking for a good build for Battle Cleric- Two Handed
- Spell Swap for FVS
- Is there any point to keeping both of these spells?
- Waitasecond....
- Cleric Build Advice Revisted
- My best options for DT armor?
- Superior potency 6 or better in what item?
- Rate My Endgame Gearout Plan
- Spell Advice
- missed Master's Touch
- cleric gear? rings necklaces etc
- Advice Request on “Battle” Clerics, Spell Selection, & Spell Pen
- What's up with my Wizzard?
- Advice on gear
- Sorcerer Build help
- The oddity of wand caster levels
- Will Saves
- How is suggestion better than charm monster?
- Subterranne
- Some newbie wizard questions
- Gear advice, please
- Did I screw up?
- **** Lightning
- Feeling Squishy
- Question about PK
- Is My Build Viable?
- What items to improve my firewall and acid blast?
- Help with clericbuild
- Cleric end game gear
- What exactly does exclusive mean?
- Reincarnation
- Reincarnated Solo Leveling
- Wizard Greensteel Weapon
- So, just how bugged is necrotouch?
- Invis question
- Pale Master?
- rough build outline for a friend, messy w/ enhanc per lev
- sorc/wiz?
- enhancements
- strength
- Do i need to re-roll my chaotic good sorc?
- Intercession Ward Items?
- Sorcerer Capstone Enhancement Bugged?
- Can Sorcs be supportive?
- Dex vs Con
- Greenblade on a sorc
- heighten and spell penetration?
- Lich Form: Unarmed Attacks = Inflict Wounds?
- Solo Cleric Build - thoughts
- Drop Rates for Litany Tomes? I want my Skiver!!!
- Link to build for friend, no response needed
- Dual vorpal kamas kinda suck...
- Green Steel help
- Need some wizard advice/explanation
- Appropriate Concentration?
- Cha as dump stat for FvS parked at 7th level?
- FvS capstone question
- Level 10 when Soloing...
- Question about multi-classing.
- 18clr/2mnk
- Elven Cleric
- Rerolling my cleric
- Waves of Exhaustion
- Best Feats and Enhancements for healer/off. Caster
- Pale Master and Monk healing?
- Cometfall or Mass CMW?
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