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  1. Raise Dead weirdness
  2. Starting stats?
  3. Sorc gs weapon question
  4. I need some advice for a lvl 4 Sorcerer
  5. Questions about spells
  6. Sorcerer Velkro: Human Sorcerer
  7. Revick: Traditional Cleric
  8. SP Problems
  9. FvS meleer's?
  10. The Staff
  11. Ideal "final" gearing
  12. Just an idea for leveling Pale + Fire
  13. Cleric With 3 Monk - Please Review
  14. NO SP: What do you reach for?
  15. Feats?
  16. FYI: Extend doesn't work on Implosion
  17. Where to go from here?
  18. Suggestions for race of Caster/healer FVS?
  19. High-end equipment: what to wear?
  20. Some newbie questions.
  21. Halfling Clerics - They just work!
  22. a which level should i start wearing robes?
  23. WF FvS healer/buffer/fighter with sorc splash
  24. Nuking 102
  25. Pale Master Science Class
  26. Did I break her?
  27. some cleric advice
  28. Ice Storm
  29. Looking for a Partner build for my Evoker FvS
  30. Need Help with a Monk splash
  31. TR Battlemage 17wiz/1Rog/2Monk
  32. Soloing and Elf Dragon mark
  33. Pale Master Undead Forms (Wraith)
  34. UMD for clerics
  35. Shroud item
  36. Sorc in Endgame, Reconstruct bot?
  37. Drow TWF FvS?
  38. Is Rahkir's set worth it on a FvS with Greater Arcane Lore?
  39. Max number of Turn Undead uses?
  40. Greater Healing Lore stack with Favored_Soul_Prayer_of_Life_III
  41. Spells to go for first?
  42. Greensteel goggle sanity check
  43. Considering a level in Arcane
  44. What order?
  45. Epic / End game gear - Dream set-up
  46. Equiment Question
  47. Returning player ISO Pale Master info
  48. Rogue/Ranger/FvS: Suggestions Wanted
  49. Niacs Cold Ray
  50. Review my item layout for a FvS warforged
  51. Fast Clerics
  52. What skills should an offensive caster+healer FVS take?
  53. Chain Lightning
  54. if i am non-melee (off caster + healer) is there any point to taking these feats?
  55. Cleric Charisma - why is it so low on builds?
  56. Cleric skill questions
  57. PM Undead won't follow You
  58. Where do you get cat's hair?
  59. Gimped - 12wizard\6ranger\2monk
  60. Advise on playing before firewall
  61. build request
  62. WF advice
  63. devotion stacking
  64. Average BB damage on a pure melee Fvs
  65. What enhancements contribute to Finger of Death and Phantasmal Killer?
  66. F2P Starting a Sorc
  67. Does your sorcerer use wands? If so, what for, and what about wand enhancements?
  68. Why doesn't anyone take empower healing?
  69. Evoker build
  70. Empower vs. Empower Healing
  71. Need build advice for Healbot/solo FvS
  72. Why can't a cleric dismiss charmed creatures
  73. Cleric Wand & Scroll Mastery on offensive wands?
  74. Dwarven Cleric (TR'd from a Drow) Feedback plz
  75. Summon Monster?
  76. Check my build please
  77. Touch of Idiocy
  78. Help with a splash question.
  79. Krythin: Traditional Favored Soul
  80. melee/buff/heal help
  81. SPELL: create undead
  82. Temporary Wizard/Rogue drow
  83. Necrotic touch and Potency?
  84. familiars
  85. Cleric Multiclass?
  86. Alahona: Drow Sorcerer
  87. Feat Choices on my Warforged....
  88. How many sp should I have at lvl 15?
  89. Palemaster Lich Form and Reconstruction
  90. Cleric PrE
  91. Lorrik's Champion and Sup Pot VI
  92. WF wiz gear help
  93. Rate my build plz
  94. Can't find WF Sorc 20 Build, please point it to me :)
  95. Cleric Prestige...which one for me?
  96. Pale Healer
  97. ToD kitting...
  98. WF 18Wiz/2Rog Enhancement Questions
  99. Favored Soul Smiting Enhancement: Pointless?
  100. Need advice on feats(Currently lvl 14)
  101. Best duo partner for Drow Sorc?
  102. greensteel crafting advice?
  104. Denied Epic VON because no quicken, (GTWF vs. quicken feat question)
  105. Transparancy
  106. wand question
  107. Using a Nuking Build questions
  108. quicken vs concentration
  109. 1 rogue / 18 wizard / ?
  110. Spells Enhancement Question
  111. New to FVS: Is this feasible?
  112. 2nd Greensteel Item
  113. New cleric enhancement question
  114. Battle Cleric viable
  115. Clothy cleric?
  116. Divine Caster (TR)
  117. WF Wiz good choice for a new player?
  118. LR into Battlecleric or Nanny?
  119. Shenanigans
  120. wizards and archers...ouch
  121. How do clerics kill stuff that doesn't move? (without Instakill?)
  122. Warpriest of Siberys Enhancements
  123. Please critique, I dont have know-how in WF sorc
  124. Mid-High Level Weapons?
  125. Pimp my build...
  126. Level 6 Spells
  127. Help with mid level solo cleric tactics
  128. My Jedi Knight Multi Class FvS Build
  129. Should I care about armor any more?
  130. Experiencing the growing pains of a 12 + cleric.
  131. Melee FvS advise please
  132. Break Enchantment Targetting
  133. Lorricks still viable now at end game?
  134. TR'd Healing Cleric 1st/ Fighting capable 2nd
  135. 10% - let it go
  136. mid teens to endgame LR respec build
  137. Reincarnating as a FvS
  138. lvl 16 LR into a 2/18 build
  139. OCC build I am new, looking for advice
  140. Empower and Maximize
  141. Buffs.
  142. Force build viable?
  143. intel question
  144. Basic FtP melee-capable offensive cleric trapmonkey
  145. Dominate monster any good?
  146. As a lv1 wizard...
  147. sp cost deduction bonuses
  148. my new build please tell me whats wrong.
  149. custom UI?
  150. Wizarding...
  151. wisdom VS healing power
  152. basic FtP cleric rogue (19/1) with human and dwarf variants
  153. weapon question (im confused)
  154. Build: Cleric/Rogue 18/2
  155. What Wiz Spell works on Golems ??
  156. Need some help
  157. Am I truely gimped?
  158. BB Crit question
  159. Advice for Elvish FVS/Fighter
  160. quicken vs high concentration
  161. Cleric Questions: Healing Dragonmark & AC
  162. Thanks Sirgog for solid cleric build advice.
  163. Dipping into Monk?
  164. Healing the masses
  165. take the UMD feat?
  166. Wanted - Full Heal Dwarven Cleric Build
  167. 18cleric/2monk - Request for Meta Magic Feat Advice
  168. divine/arcane pale master?
  169. YAFVSWFB: PLan for my TR sorc
  170. Dragonmarking a healer Fvs?
  171. Wizard Please, new wizards...
  172. Armor for my healer FVS
  173. GS for a Favored Soul?
  174. Cleric/Necro/Rouge
  175. Templates?
  176. 32 point Cleric template?
  177. Cleric Build Advice
  178. New to the game and need advice...
  179. Spell pen feat + heighten + spell pen feat = ?
  180. Cleric armour - WWJD?
  181. Epic Red Dragon Helm Conclusions???
  182. Looking for help on a melee cleric
  183. Stacking and order question
  184. Turning Undead
  185. Looking for a good build for Battle Cleric- Two Handed
  186. Spell Swap for FVS
  187. Is there any point to keeping both of these spells?
  188. Waitasecond....
  189. Cleric Build Advice Revisted
  190. My best options for DT armor?
  191. Superior potency 6 or better in what item?
  192. Rate My Endgame Gearout Plan
  193. Spell Advice
  194. missed Master's Touch
  195. cleric gear? rings necklaces etc
  196. Advice Request on “Battle” Clerics, Spell Selection, & Spell Pen
  197. What's up with my Wizzard?
  198. Advice on gear
  199. Sorcerer Build help
  200. The oddity of wand caster levels
  201. Will Saves
  202. How is suggestion better than charm monster?
  203. Subterranne
  204. Some newbie wizard questions
  205. Gear advice, please
  206. Did I screw up?
  207. **** Lightning
  208. Feeling Squishy
  209. Question about PK
  210. Is My Build Viable?
  211. What items to improve my firewall and acid blast?
  212. Help with clericbuild
  213. Cleric end game gear
  214. What exactly does exclusive mean?
  215. Reincarnation
  216. Reincarnated Solo Leveling
  217. Wizard Greensteel Weapon
  218. So, just how bugged is necrotouch?
  219. Invis question
  220. Pale Master?
  221. rough build outline for a friend, messy w/ enhanc per lev
  222. sorc/wiz?
  223. enhancements
  224. strength
  225. Do i need to re-roll my chaotic good sorc?
  226. Intercession Ward Items?
  227. Sorcerer Capstone Enhancement Bugged?
  228. Can Sorcs be supportive?
  229. Dex vs Con
  230. Greenblade on a sorc
  231. heighten and spell penetration?
  232. Lich Form: Unarmed Attacks = Inflict Wounds?
  233. Solo Cleric Build - thoughts
  234. Drop Rates for Litany Tomes? I want my Skiver!!!
  235. Link to build for friend, no response needed
  236. Dual vorpal kamas kinda suck...
  237. Green Steel help
  238. Need some wizard advice/explanation
  239. Appropriate Concentration?
  240. Cha as dump stat for FvS parked at 7th level?
  241. FvS capstone question
  242. Level 10 when Soloing...
  243. Question about multi-classing.
  244. 18clr/2mnk
  245. Elven Cleric
  246. Rerolling my cleric
  247. Waves of Exhaustion
  248. Best Feats and Enhancements for healer/off. Caster
  249. Pale Master and Monk healing?
  250. Cometfall or Mass CMW?