View Full Version : Spell casters
- Wizard What item glaciation?
- Sorcerer WF 17 sorc/2 rogue/1 barb TR
- Favored Soul Which spells to take?
- Druid Clarification about wolf form and weapons and question about pet
- Wizard Midlevel spell advice
- Druid My attempt at a pure Melee/Healing Druid
- Battle Cleric Epic Armor...
- Battle Cleric Epic Shields...
- Sorcerer Ice savvy or earth savvy is the way to go?
- Need Cleric Build newbie
- Favored Soul The Favonky Flamegel of Vengeance 18/2 Monk Helf
- Sorcerer gear
- Cleric Caster Feat help
- Wizard Need an Archmage Build please
- Human Archmage 32pt Build - suggestions please
- Druid Can your pet rest at shrines?
- Sorcerer gear and destiny help
- Wizard Omniheals' Final Life!
- Druid My build for next life (advices, comments needed)
- Druid Rabid Wolf Concept
- Sorcerer docents for sorc TR?
- Wizard Looking for Feat Help for 36pt Palemaster
- Cleric The "Not a Battle Cleric" melee cleric
- Ball Lightning versus Chain Lightning
- Druid Looking for Caster Build
- Cleric Enemies Spell Resistance
- Tactics for Druids vs Beholders and Thaarak Hounds (level 8ish)
- Druid Wolf TR prep suggestions
- Favored Soul FVS gear
- Quick question about Radiant Servant Aura
- Druid Bear/Wolf Form + Reinforced Fists
- Wizard Pale Master Guide
- Armored Lich?
- Druid Questions for my next life (druid)
- Wizard gearing up my pm for next life
- spell prenetration work on damaging spells?
- Cleric Problem with lvl 2 Cleric Spells
- Druid worth having both reaving roar and fatal harrier?
- Favored Soul GSP IX, Alchem Wis, Major SF etc
- wizard/monk vs /rogue vs pure
- Wizard Are Arcane Bolt and Blast a trap?
- Cleric Human THF strong melee with good healing
- Favored Soul Dwarf fvs - feat selection
- Druid Greensteel Advice for a Druid
- Druid WIS or STR-based?
- Favored Soul Healing aspects
- ??? Armor for Druid Pet ??? what works?
- Wizard Watermarks for Saves in EH/EE
- DoT Intimi Tank Heal Bot?
- Cleric Endgame cleric gear (DC caster)
- Druid Quicken, on a melee druid? really?
- Old Cleric, time to TR
- Wizard PM Mid-lvl Gear
- Wizard Trying to figure out final DCs/spell pen
- Druid First Druid
- Wizard PM pure lvl25 build, thoughts pls
- Draconic Incarnation Clarification
- 18/2 FVS/Arti Repeater Build Hjelp!
- Wizard The end of DC-casting?
- Wizard/Sorc/Prestige Ench.
- Can u make a melee druid wolf with evasion work?
- Ckeric Ftr Splash?
- Wizard Spell Penetration, or Conjuration and Enchantment DC
- Druid Build a DPS Wolf Druid - Two Variants
- What is the Holy Symbol of Lolth drop rate?
- Favored Soul Favored Soul Wand and Scroll Mastery
- My attempt FvS
- Druid Druid's, wildshape, and Spellplague
- Max Caster level and caster level help!
- Druid Mid Level Gear suggestions?
- Build for a Earth Savant Sorcerer
- Wizard U17 Equipment?
- Druid Epic Elite Druids
- What is your damage?
- Cleric Build
- Druid brawling gloves in animal form
- Wizard WF AM Wizard (Build Feedback Plz)
- Wizard sorc choosen feat ok for wraith?
- Wizard Spells on level-up
- Wizard Is the Archmage set still something to shoot for?
- Is 17 wiz enough
- Wizard Another newbie palemaster question
- Wizard 2nd life WF wizzy
- Favored Soul Casting based FvS; what spells and feats are must haves?
- Druid Animal Control Spells
- Wizard How are people getting these INSANE DCs?
- Cleric Season's Herald build --- feedback requested
- Sorcerer Forged Water Savant
- Sorcerer Lookin for a bit of info on shiradi sorc
- So what should be the "acceptable" DC for Epic Elite?
- Sorcerer Just became a Water Savant and wanted to know, IS FROST LANCE BUGGED?
- Druid Palemaster?
- Wizard What spells do you scroll?
- Fvs Monk Evoker
- Favored Soul Levels 14 - 20 advice
- Wizard Enchantment/Evocation AM Build
- Hold person and monster
- Cleric RS Clonk TR test build for critique
- Epic destinies and healing
- Druid Lots o' druid questions I have. Please help a tree lover out.
- Does [Spell School] Familiarity: Magister ED affect Energy burst cooldown?
- Favored Soul Best coaster FvS chestpiece come U17?
- Sorcerer TR or first life advice
- Druids: Why no water/ice blades?
- what is the best potency item in the game?
- Druid Shillelagh
- Sorcerer Advice and Tuning
- Cleric Does the War Wizard 10% spell point cost reduction work on Divine spells when equiped
- Building Sorc, need Past Life advice
- Favored Soul Spells
- Favored Soul "Best" FvS DC caster gear come U17
- Wizard Beholders and Feeblemind
- DC Caster Levels
- Cleric A Divines worst enemy in EE
- Ghoul Touch hidden effect
- Favored Soul Need Advice on FvS life
- Divines:Need advice creating the ultimate healbot!
- Cleric Another reason for clr17/wiz1
- How do u stack a Damage Over Time spell?
- Favored Soul Trying to re-plan at 15
- Druid Druids: You are not a true healer
- Sorcerer Air Savant Gearlist for U17
- Druid Shiradi Champion vs Primal Avatar
- Druid How does Spell Power affect Regenerate??
- Wizard Heroic Spell Pen requirement
- How to CC EE Spiders on an Arcane?
- Druid Pet Stats?
- "Easiest" spellcaster ?
- Cleric & Favored Soul - epic casting. How goes it?
- Wiz/Sorc that can use Repeater?
- Druids in Bear form with Barkskin...
- Sorcerer Sorcerers - You are not DPS
- Favored Soul Update 17: looking for advice (gear list, feat selection, ED)
- Wizard Pale Master spell selection at / towards endgame ?
- Druid druid: bear form tanking - a comparison, issues and bugs.
- advice for a new player and a new sorcerer
- Spells without DCs???
- Wizard GS questions
- Druid My first try at a 34pt Helf DPS Wolf build
- Natures Warrior Sneak Attack Question
- Druid nature's warrior should be improved
- Items to Boost Heals.
- Favored Soul Good Fvs built? Let me know what you think
- Cleric Ugly QuarterStaff-Cleric
- Caster TR Advice Needed
- Have you seen items with major xxx focus?
- Cleric Evoker gear to grind?
- Cleric The Epic Divine Generalist
- Favored Soul Fvs Soloist/Divine tank?
- Which would make the best petmaster?
- Wizard Mothergoose
- Which will be better for my Wizard?
- Favored Soul First Time Non Evoker FvS.
- Cleric cleric raid screen
- Wizard Warforged Archmage Shiradi
- Druid Shields for a wolf druid
- first time caster
- Do any spells other than disintegrate work on VON pillars? NT
- Cleric TR Gearing
- Cleric A cockaroach
- Not enjoying fvs as much as I thought
- AM Wizard Gear Request - No Raid Items
- Cleric 18 Cleric /2 monk: Power attack or greater 2 weapon fighting?
- Druid 18/2 Druid Monk
- Cleric Enhancments: WIS3 or Life of the Magic 4 & ED, etc.
- Druid How to level as a caster druid?
- Wizard LF Advice - WF 18 wiz AM / 2 rog shiradi
- Wizard Elven Armored Pale Master
- Druid Post-U17 Endgame Gearing and Destiny for Wolf Melee Druid
- Druid Reaving Roar question
- Druid Master's Touch and Magic Fang question
- LF advice- caster druid who dabbles in animal forms
- Favored Soul Light Spellpower
- Wizard Blue Scale Robe vs. Marbar Robe
- is anyone experanceing issues with wail?
- Wizard Spellpower
- Druid Cheapest Druid Access?
- Favored Soul Advice Wanted on a Melee/Caster Hybrid
- Niac's Cold Ray Cooldown?
- Favored Soul The Soul Survivor, a pure healer for EE content
- Radiant Servant and Divine enhances
- Cleric HD undead Gianthold EE
- Wizard SLAs: Tradeoff: Cloudkill - Enervation?
- Favored Soul Third Life Drow Melee Wisdom based Favored Soul
- Wizard Why dump extra points in Strength?
- Druid Warforged in elemental form
- Battle Cleric/Theory build
- Favored Soul Just some food for thought (rant warning)
- Favored Soul 18 FvS / 2 Pal without DC or Spell Pen
- FvS melee focused w/ some DCs
- Favored Soul Help with Necro FVS please!
- Druid The point of wildshape?
- Sonic Enhancements
- Trap The Soul spell...
- Wizard PM: drow vs. human
- Druid Enhancement questions
- Druid epic level gear.
- Cleric Equipment help
- prismatic spray and draconic presence
- Druid 18druid/2monk Fire Elemental + GreaterTWF
- Druid Is it possible to have Caster Level 29 Mass Regenerate?
- Cleric melee-healer/dot
- Sorcerer Shiradi Sorc / Pal / Mnk
- Wizard Enchantment Shiradi
- Wizard Haven't played for like 2 years. Please answer some of my questions! :)
- Wizard Curious - how are people gearing post U17?
- Favored Soul Aura affects summons?!
- Favored Soul Human FVS
- Deadly Kinetics VI Min lvl 19?
- Shiradi PM Enhancements
- Wizard what do we want? Familiars! when do we want them?
- Druid Flame Blade
- LR My Helf Druid Questions
- Favored Soul Theorybuild - Stun'n'heal
- Cleric Ranged Cleric?!?
- Some Druid quesitons
- What exactly is a "Shiradi Sorc"?
- Sorcerer Spell point pool
- Cleric spell enhancements
- Druid caster druid. Pure or a 1/2 splash?
- Druid Fenris Build(melee specialized wolf druid)
- Wizard Need some incite on my PM
- Druid wild shape animal forms weapon bugs.
- Arcane lives for a cleric - minimal but useful gear?
- Druid Druid Caster-healer - Advice and spells
- Favored Soul The Sun Valkyrie 20 Favored Soul Arcane Archer Elf
- Wizard Pale Trapper Human or Archtrap WF?
- Druid Guards on a shield work in animal form?
- Sorcerer TRing into Sorc - jsut want some input
- Druid quick question
- Wizard shroud of the vampire - how to leave form
- Sorcerer WF DOT-centered melee sorc
- Sorcerer End Game Shiradi Help (Changing Savants)
- WF Pale Master Shiradi suggestions
- Cleric Help me improve my melee Cleric
- Favored Soul Evoker FvS
- fun wiz build for PL and shiradi
- Wizard Zergod - My shiradi wiz build
- Favored Soul Evoker or melee w/monk splash for FvS life?
- Sorcerer Need Help Setting WF'd Sorc up for ED Farming
- Wizard Pale Master pets: How do I UN-summon them?
- Wizard WF Wizard - Necro Webber
- Druid Guardian of Nature - EE focused druid
- Cleric Is a divine archer any good?
- Wizard new Max sustainable Int
- Favored Soul Wis Dumped ED / Light caster
- Wizard Pure Wizard Advice
- Druid What race to choose for Druid
- Lightning Savant Needs an AoE spell - perhaps Storm of Vengeance from druid class?
- Druid Does shapeshifting benefit from #[W]
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