View Full Version : Sorcerer Equipment
11-29-2010, 11:34 AM
I Just reached lvl 20 but my DC"s are way to low so lookin for eq to raise them. My mass hold monster is only a 30, along with fod. If you Guys and gals can help with eq outside of shroud( which i will be doing to get goggles) and let me know where i can get it. Would be a great boon to me.
Purplesorc of Ghallanda
11-29-2010, 11:40 AM
Boosting your CHA is key.
Stuff to grind for:
1) ToD (Tower of Despair raid) ring for exceptional +3 (could also put +2 on a shroud weapon and +1 on DT armor--but I recommend the ToD ring).
2) Yugoloth favor for access to +2 cha pot
3) Litany of the dead trinket (Abbot raid) for +1 to cha (and all other stats)
4) grind for +3 tomes if you don't have it yet--20th raid completions is your most likely bet here
5) DC-increasing items--like the Dreamspitter (from Reaver raid) or the Abbot raid staff or ideally an epic staff of inner sight (DQ raid) which will give you +2 to DCs on certain spell schools (or all spell schools).
6) Consider store pots for another +2 boost to cha.
7) Grind for +7 cha items (epic cloak or ring from Dragon raid)
With these items, you'll be able to hit at least a 38 DC.
11-29-2010, 12:52 PM
Some others:
Upgraded Death's Touch (from mindsunder) +2 to Necromancy DC's
Upgraded Regalia of the Phoenix (mindsunder) +2 to Evocation DC's
Xachosian Eardweller (various IQ chests) +2 to Enchantment DC's
Heighten Feat will make you cast any spell as a level 9 for you, so web would gain +7, fod +2 and wail 0, etc
Sceptre of Air (gs triple air item) adds +6 enh cha, +1 except cha and +2 except cha
+1 Focus weapons for any school are pretty cheap on the ah but wont stack with the above dc items
There are cha enhancements for sorcs
11-29-2010, 02:03 PM
Should have put in there that i do have Heighten and it is always on plus I am a WF
11-29-2010, 04:52 PM
Should have put in there that i do have Heighten and it is always on plus I am a WF
I think there is a seamstress npc in the game that will make robes bigger so you can wear them. Her location is super secret though.
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