View Full Version : Help me with planning my gear setup

12-02-2010, 04:54 PM
Im starting to run epic quests and need an ideal gear setup to understand what ive to look for.

This is the setup i planned before i start making epic equip:

Helm: Minos Legens
Necklace: Torc of Prince Rayium-de II
Trinket: Litany of the Dead
Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin
Belt: Belt?
Gloves: Gloves of the glacier/no idea what to put here
Boots: Firestorm greaves/ToD boots/ +45 HP, Conc Opp boots
Ring: Verik's Ring with +1 exc Con, +2 exc Con
Ring: Radiant Ring with +1 exc Cha, +2 exc Cha
Bracers: Bracers of the glacier/anything else?
Googles: +6 Cha skills/SP Googles
DT: +6 Con, GFL, Greater spell penetration VIII
Weapon 1: Staff of the petitioner

This is the final gears i want to get:

Helm: Minos Legens
Necklace: Epic Torc of Prince Rayium-de II slotted with +6 CON
Cloak: Epic cloak of the silver concord with exc Cha+1
Trinket: Litany
Belt: Any with GFL
Gloves: Glacier?
Boots: Conc Opp, +45hp boots
Bracers: Glacier
Ring: Any with Exc cha+2
Ring: Gnawed ring +6 STRwith exp con+1 and with exc con+2
Googles: +6 CHA skills/SP
DT: +5 Resist/anything/Earthgrab
Weapon1: Staff of the petitioner

Of course ill try to get the bauble, Epic ring of spell storing, Rakhirs, Eardweller and the other things
I know there are some threads about this but i want to know, with this setup, am i missing something on any of the two setup? Any good ideas to make it better?

12-03-2010, 07:43 AM
Switch between Glacier and Levik's Bracers, or get Healing Amplification on one of your gears.
Dont wear just one kind of Dragontouched. Earthen Guard is much better than Earthgrab because it procs all the time, and you dont need a DC. Make yourself a caster armor, and a defensive armor. The latter you can use for epic quests, and the former for raids and anything else. The Sovereign slot on one should be either Glacier, or one of the other spell-damage boosts.
Concordant Opposition is not a good slot for boots, because you said that is where you're putting your hit points, and lots of things are switched in that slot a lot. Most go for goggles, but I put mine on the helmet, since there are very few good items for that slot already so it wont be changed. You can get Heavy Fortification on a few other things (like Dragontouched), and the 20 HP wont be missed, so Minos is really not that great in the long run.

12-03-2010, 07:46 AM

12-03-2010, 07:51 AM
Get the Dreamspitter from Reavers if you dont already have it. Hold Monster + Dreamspitter = Dead. Especially in epic quests like The Claw of Vulkoor.

12-03-2010, 05:13 PM
Switch between Glacier and Levik's Bracers, or get Healing Amplification on one of your gears.
Dont wear just one kind of Dragontouched. Earthen Guard is much better than Earthgrab because it procs all the time, and you dont need a DC. Make yourself a caster armor, and a defensive armor. The latter you can use for epic quests, and the former for raids and anything else. The Sovereign slot on one should be either Glacier, or one of the other spell-damage boosts.
Concordant Opposition is not a good slot for boots, because you said that is where you're putting your hit points, and lots of things are switched in that slot a lot. Most go for goggles, but I put mine on the helmet, since there are very few good items for that slot already so it wont be changed. You can get Heavy Fortification on a few other things (like Dragontouched), and the 20 HP wont be missed, so Minos is really not that great in the long run.

Thanks for your suggestions, i think i will go first for the SP Goggles and then for the MinII Helm with Conc Opp on them when ill have enough ingredients for them.
Was wondering another thing: is better the cloak or the ring of the concord epic? Ive thought that the +3 UMD skills on the cloak wont stack with the Shroud Goggles, does command from the ring stack? Even if im doing it mostly for the +7 CHA, a UMD boost would be nice as well. But if i choose the ring, i will miss one of the two ToD Ring - ill probably get rid off the +3Exc Con and keep the +3Exc Cha.
So here is the problem: where else can i fit the +3exc con? Since the cloak would be the napkin in this case.
And another question: does the napkin stacks with the staff of petitioner? If not, id have no idea on what to put as cloak..suggestions?

12-03-2010, 08:59 PM

I see what you did thar...
