View Full Version : Thank You Turbine.

11-26-2010, 01:56 AM
I've been away for a couple of months, so I missed all the excitement with U7. But I was playing my Wizard today, and I do have to say, I'm very impressed with the Pale Master now. All the new changes have equaled things out quite a lot.

WF Casters and Pale Master Fleshies are pretty much on the same level, in fact I'm actually seeing WF go into PM from time to time. I'm doing around 80+ DPS on my Pale Master for zero mana cost, so I can be as effective damage dealer. I just love the fact that I can actually do damage instead of just standing there watching everyone else kill.

Sure 80 Damage may not seem like a lot compared to a geared-out Barb, but every bit helps the group and I feel like I'm contributing to killing things, without the need of Insta death spells and FW. So no longer do I have to be stingy on buffs, cause I have plenty of mana for killing, CC and buffing now. And I love the new Summons, perfect. Haven't played Archmage yet, so I really don't know about that stuff.

I just think Turbine did a very good job with Pale Master and U7 as a whole. I love how Turbine listens to the players. I said I was gonna quit the game, but now I'm addicted all over again. This game just gets better and better all the time.

11-26-2010, 04:22 AM

I'm very impressed about pale master too. Archmage is very well done also. Very nice work. Can't ever stop playing if stuff like this gets added. :) There are still some things left to polish like new visual for death aura and deathward problem but not much.