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  1. Clerics unlucky? Opinions....
  2. Sorc Capstone - Dev Please!!!!
  3. PrE speculation
  4. Yet another WF Sorc build
  5. Yet another 14(18)/2 Cleric Monk
  6. Cleric Smiting
  7. Elemental Savant
  8. My first battlecleric - TWF
  9. Cleric/Monk greensteel item?
  10. Enter the Battle Cleric?
  11. the lightning question
  12. Hello all, just bought this game....
  13. Help for a new Cleric, please! (pure vs /monk)
  14. Shroud Crafted weapon for sorc
  15. Plz Help
  16. Best slot for a greensteel?
  17. Skills for a Human Sorc?
  18. suggestions on feats/enhancements
  19. Which Item Gives Max SP
  20. Tempest/Cleric
  21. Potency, Devotion, Other item stacking
  22. Returning sorc needs advise
  23. Need advice, cleric equipment
  24. dragontouched robe setup vs. bluescale robe setup
  25. Sorc Robes for Level 10
  26. Boost Knock Spell?
  27. Elemental Savant vs ???
  28. Sorceror's Role in Shroud
  29. Cleric Proposal; Battle Cleric.
  30. request for build: Turtle Cleric
  31. build idea
  32. Best Choices for De-Buffs
  33. Slow, Stinking CLoud, Sleet Storm
  34. Pure healing cleric - advice
  35. SP v Empower - How Much Are Spells Resisted
  36. What are recommended Wizard gear...i.e boot, belts, etc.
  37. Which Spell Against Which Enemy
  38. Optimizing My Gear
  39. Trying to decide on GS properties
  40. Wizard - End Game Loot and Build
  41. TWF endgame battle cleric (str based)
  42. help with 23 pt build-cleric
  43. Blender: 8Wiz/6Ranger/2Monk Stealthy Evading BattleMage
  44. Healing wizzy?
  45. WF Arcane Evasion
  46. Time Stop thoughts
  47. Sorcerer Required feats???
  48. so here is what i have come up with....
  49. 40 Int
  50. Cleric Ranger Build?
  51. Cleric Rogue XP?
  52. New to Cleric class
  53. Reconstruct Ques
  54. High Ac/Intim battle cleric
  55. Interested in some sorceror spell layouts
  56. Empower spell
  57. Cure Mass Scrolls?
  58. Spell Point and Wisdom Equipment/Items
  59. Best equiptment for sorc
  60. Newbie Cleric Advice
  61. New to cleric (enhancements)
  62. I want a healer, but would like some flavor
  63. Need some experienced caster feedback
  64. Shouldnt be considered by ANY1!
  65. Spell Points and questions
  66. If I splash Wizard, can I heighten the first level spells?
  67. Can Lvl 11 Solo STK on Elite?
  68. Wiz/Sorc weaps...
  69. would this be a broken build
  70. Does Turn Undead Work? ever?
  71. What should I bring to the party?
  72. Lore Item & Enhancement Stacking Question
  73. anyone had much success with the spell Slow?
  74. Fun Shroud Cleric?
  75. Devotion & potency questions
  76. scroll GH or not?
  77. Sorceress Revisited
  78. Scrolls to Keep?
  79. Firewall doesnt stack
  80. Drow, Human, or WF---Sorc
  81. Sorcerer capstone: Furious Spellcasting
  82. Alternatives(Additions?) to the Clerical Capstone
  83. Cleric build. Flame on.
  84. Cleric capstone is a level 4 spell ..
  85. NooB Question
  86. Spell Placement
  87. Turning undead and the new capstone
  88. A handful of questions
  89. What should I bring to the party....
  90. Divine Healing
  91. Healbot Cleric enhancement chains
  92. various spells and how/when to use them?
  93. build proposal; mele sorc
  94. quick question - wands/pots
  95. Greensteel #2
  96. Sorc splash?
  97. Been deployed..need some help please
  98. a bunch of questions
  99. Reversable undead slayer cleric build?
  100. Suggestions: Shroud Arcane Lore items
  101. Concentration
  102. DC calcs for wands and scrolls
  103. Why are clerics a money sink in this game?
  104. The Arcane Monk a build concept
  105. An Eldritch Knight named ZEIRA
  106. Thoughts on a Wiz / Rouge Trap Monkie - Can it better?
  107. To Max or not to Max?
  108. Is this build idea viable? (2Pal/14Sorc)
  109. Wizard/Rogue Question for the experts
  110. Dmg boost items and enhancements...
  111. wizzys and sorcs are useless for shroud ***....!!!!
  112. dragon touched armor
  113. Firewall Stacking
  114. Cleric Why do people hate battle clerics?
  115. Available slots spell question ??
  116. Heighten - Is it still a feat ??
  117. What Does YOUR Wiz wear for Gloves?
  118. Ooops..out-leveled my gear
  119. A build for fun. but will it work?
  120. Divine Might?
  121. Divine Power
  122. DC on Spells
  123. Bloodforge build
  124. [Build Proposal] Elegant Guardian
  125. [Build] Silverflame, the Basic Battlecleric Build
  126. Best greensteel for a cleric?
  127. need some imput before i roll a charicter
  128. battlesorc
  129. Sorcerer And rouge?
  130. Some qustions about WF Sorc spell selection
  131. Hola, question from a newb !
  132. Superior potency but you are not Centered ...
  133. Sorc spell swap needs to be scaled
  134. Help me flesh out my sorc?
  135. Making a sorc.
  136. Help with Cleric Build
  137. Healer and CC build needed
  138. Wizard with a splash of Sorceror - Is it even worth trying ?
  139. Newb GS Sorc question
  140. What’s better Human or WF wizard?
  141. Hirelings impact on reace choice
  142. Clerics: They do more than heal
  143. Need cleric help
  144. Buffing advice
  145. Maximize and Empower
  146. Did I get ripped off?
  147. Fear & Symbol of Fear
  148. Sorc Enhancement Stacking
  149. So I need some suggestions on levelling my Cleric.
  150. Empower healing Stacking question
  151. Cleric greensteel thought
  152. Benevolence, for what is it good?
  153. Gear for my cleric
  154. Vod
  155. Cleric Build Question, splash paladin?
  156. Master Blaster : WF Battle Sorc
  157. Questions
  158. mmmmm Implotion mmmmm
  159. sorc items?
  160. Question cha. and cleric
  161. How to make this build work in higher level content?
  162. Unquestionably a Battle Cleric?
  163. AC on casters
  164. New Spells (Your Opinion)
  165. humin or wf sorc?
  166. Quicken Metamagic for Heal Bot cleric?
  167. Healing efficiencies
  168. Heighten and Hypnotism
  169. Amount of UMD for a Wizard to make it worthwhile
  170. Spell Pen feat/enhancement on multiclass
  171. Questions for vet wiz (xp issues)
  172. A Drow Repeater Wizard Build
  173. Greater Shout?
  174. Repost from Bard forum
  175. evasion vs. hp
  176. Charm Monster 2
  177. Can Sorcs solo the refuge quests?
  178. I need a little help
  179. ninja wf wiz
  180. build help
  181. Father Abel- Undead bane
  182. New Cleric, which Feats/Enhancements?
  183. lil help here ----Ty
  184. A How to Guide to Not lose dogs in Hound
  185. Anyone Use Mummy Wrapping at Low Levels?
  186. Proficiency, Spell Penetration, and Lore Items
  187. Cleric User generated In-Game Video
  188. wf sorc
  189. Looking for feedback from dragontouched-wearing sorcerors
  190. Anyone picking up empower healing for mod 9?
  191. Clerics and Wisdom
  192. Possible to have a 28pt WF Wizard?
  193. Omg you simpletons
  194. Foundtehtrap's worthless build
  195. Want to Build a Semi Battle Cleric
  196. just about sick
  197. cleric race
  198. Trying a rog 2/wiz the rest shadowmage type build
  199. Dragonmarked Halfling Wizzard FTW
  200. What robe do I need to find
  201. Where are all the pure Wizard builds?
  202. My Sorc/Utility Build
  203. Healing crits
  204. this is only a test
  205. Sorcerer The Sorcerer's Handbook: A Guide to Building and Playing Sorcerers
  206. The WF Sorc Poll: Quicken
  207. Battle Cleric. 12 cleric / 6 ranger / 2 monk.
  208. Squishy sorcs--is there an advantage to them?
  209. Solo Sorceror Build - Oddlived/CurseFirez
  210. Relatively new player - Not fully grasping AC for Clerics
  211. Insert Spiffy Name of Build here Cleric
  212. Sleet Storm, Blindness
  213. Lesser Globe of Invulnerability. Is it bug ?
  214. What Spells should I be using - Cleric lvl 7
  215. Sorceror vs Wizard DPS
  216. Healbot me Please!!!
  217. Best Fire Combo?
  218. Mod 9 and 20th level spell #
  219. Clay and Other Types of Golems?
  220. Phaylax, "The War Priest"...
  221. Undead - Blackbone - Spells Efective Against...
  222. Cleric Best race for Cleric? Dwarf? Halfling?
  223. Wizards and WF
  224. Fun CC/buffer type sorc...
  225. Precise Shot - Ranged Feats and Rays
  226. To Reroll or not to Reroll? That is the question
  227. Shroud buffs
  228. Need reliable build
  229. Divine Cleansing III
  230. Does disintigrate fall into void lore or acid lore category
  231. Queston for Battle Casters
  232. Questions on end game build
  233. Looking for feedback on my cleric build
  234. * Wiz/1 Sor
  235. Firestorm Greaves
  236. Question on Availability of Potency Item
  237. Sandbagging
  238. Why Sacred?
  239. prot vs. resist elements...
  240. Nerf cleric BAB to save headaches in parties / raids ?
  241. umd
  242. Sorcerer The factual differences between WF, Human, and Drow sorcerers
  243. Mid Level Cleric Gear
  244. WF and Pale Master?
  245. How to get more clerics in the ddo population
  246. Monk2/cleric14, yes another one.
  247. The my personal experience on WF, Human, and Drow sorcerers
  248. Drow Sorcerer
  249. Class vs play style
  250. Enhancement Stacking