View Full Version : Spell casters
- Clerics unlucky? Opinions....
- Sorc Capstone - Dev Please!!!!
- PrE speculation
- Yet another WF Sorc build
- Yet another 14(18)/2 Cleric Monk
- Cleric Smiting
- Elemental Savant
- My first battlecleric - TWF
- Cleric/Monk greensteel item?
- Enter the Battle Cleric?
- the lightning question
- Hello all, just bought this game....
- Help for a new Cleric, please! (pure vs /monk)
- Shroud Crafted weapon for sorc
- Plz Help
- Best slot for a greensteel?
- Skills for a Human Sorc?
- suggestions on feats/enhancements
- Which Item Gives Max SP
- Tempest/Cleric
- Potency, Devotion, Other item stacking
- Returning sorc needs advise
- Need advice, cleric equipment
- dragontouched robe setup vs. bluescale robe setup
- Sorc Robes for Level 10
- Boost Knock Spell?
- Elemental Savant vs ???
- Sorceror's Role in Shroud
- Cleric Proposal; Battle Cleric.
- request for build: Turtle Cleric
- build idea
- Best Choices for De-Buffs
- Slow, Stinking CLoud, Sleet Storm
- Pure healing cleric - advice
- SP v Empower - How Much Are Spells Resisted
- What are recommended Wizard gear...i.e boot, belts, etc.
- Which Spell Against Which Enemy
- Optimizing My Gear
- Trying to decide on GS properties
- Wizard - End Game Loot and Build
- TWF endgame battle cleric (str based)
- help with 23 pt build-cleric
- Blender: 8Wiz/6Ranger/2Monk Stealthy Evading BattleMage
- Healing wizzy?
- WF Arcane Evasion
- Time Stop thoughts
- Sorcerer Required feats???
- so here is what i have come up with....
- 40 Int
- Cleric Ranger Build?
- Cleric Rogue XP?
- New to Cleric class
- Reconstruct Ques
- High Ac/Intim battle cleric
- Interested in some sorceror spell layouts
- Empower spell
- Cure Mass Scrolls?
- Spell Point and Wisdom Equipment/Items
- Best equiptment for sorc
- Newbie Cleric Advice
- New to cleric (enhancements)
- I want a healer, but would like some flavor
- Need some experienced caster feedback
- Shouldnt be considered by ANY1!
- Spell Points and questions
- If I splash Wizard, can I heighten the first level spells?
- Can Lvl 11 Solo STK on Elite?
- Wiz/Sorc weaps...
- would this be a broken build
- Does Turn Undead Work? ever?
- What should I bring to the party?
- Lore Item & Enhancement Stacking Question
- anyone had much success with the spell Slow?
- Fun Shroud Cleric?
- Devotion & potency questions
- scroll GH or not?
- Sorceress Revisited
- Scrolls to Keep?
- Firewall doesnt stack
- Drow, Human, or WF---Sorc
- Sorcerer capstone: Furious Spellcasting
- Alternatives(Additions?) to the Clerical Capstone
- Cleric build. Flame on.
- Cleric capstone is a level 4 spell ..
- NooB Question
- Spell Placement
- Turning undead and the new capstone
- A handful of questions
- What should I bring to the party....
- Divine Healing
- Healbot Cleric enhancement chains
- various spells and how/when to use them?
- build proposal; mele sorc
- quick question - wands/pots
- Greensteel #2
- Sorc splash?
- Been deployed..need some help please
- a bunch of questions
- Reversable undead slayer cleric build?
- Suggestions: Shroud Arcane Lore items
- Concentration
- DC calcs for wands and scrolls
- Why are clerics a money sink in this game?
- The Arcane Monk a build concept
- An Eldritch Knight named ZEIRA
- Thoughts on a Wiz / Rouge Trap Monkie - Can it better?
- To Max or not to Max?
- Is this build idea viable? (2Pal/14Sorc)
- Wizard/Rogue Question for the experts
- Dmg boost items and enhancements...
- wizzys and sorcs are useless for shroud ***....!!!!
- dragon touched armor
- Firewall Stacking
- Cleric Why do people hate battle clerics?
- Available slots spell question ??
- Heighten - Is it still a feat ??
- What Does YOUR Wiz wear for Gloves?
- Ooops..out-leveled my gear
- A build for fun. but will it work?
- Divine Might?
- Divine Power
- DC on Spells
- Bloodforge build
- [Build Proposal] Elegant Guardian
- [Build] Silverflame, the Basic Battlecleric Build
- Best greensteel for a cleric?
- need some imput before i roll a charicter
- battlesorc
- Sorcerer And rouge?
- Some qustions about WF Sorc spell selection
- Hola, question from a newb !
- Superior potency but you are not Centered ...
- Sorc spell swap needs to be scaled
- Help me flesh out my sorc?
- Making a sorc.
- Help with Cleric Build
- Healer and CC build needed
- Wizard with a splash of Sorceror - Is it even worth trying ?
- Newb GS Sorc question
- What’s better Human or WF wizard?
- Hirelings impact on reace choice
- Clerics: They do more than heal
- Need cleric help
- Buffing advice
- Maximize and Empower
- Did I get ripped off?
- Fear & Symbol of Fear
- Sorc Enhancement Stacking
- So I need some suggestions on levelling my Cleric.
- Empower healing Stacking question
- Cleric greensteel thought
- Benevolence, for what is it good?
- Gear for my cleric
- Vod
- Cleric Build Question, splash paladin?
- Master Blaster : WF Battle Sorc
- Questions
- mmmmm Implotion mmmmm
- sorc items?
- Question cha. and cleric
- How to make this build work in higher level content?
- Unquestionably a Battle Cleric?
- AC on casters
- New Spells (Your Opinion)
- humin or wf sorc?
- Quicken Metamagic for Heal Bot cleric?
- Healing efficiencies
- Heighten and Hypnotism
- Amount of UMD for a Wizard to make it worthwhile
- Spell Pen feat/enhancement on multiclass
- Questions for vet wiz (xp issues)
- A Drow Repeater Wizard Build
- Greater Shout?
- Repost from Bard forum
- evasion vs. hp
- Charm Monster 2
- Can Sorcs solo the refuge quests?
- I need a little help
- ninja wf wiz
- build help
- Father Abel- Undead bane
- New Cleric, which Feats/Enhancements?
- lil help here ----Ty
- A How to Guide to Not lose dogs in Hound
- Anyone Use Mummy Wrapping at Low Levels?
- Proficiency, Spell Penetration, and Lore Items
- Cleric User generated In-Game Video
- wf sorc
- Looking for feedback from dragontouched-wearing sorcerors
- Anyone picking up empower healing for mod 9?
- Clerics and Wisdom
- Possible to have a 28pt WF Wizard?
- Omg you simpletons
- Foundtehtrap's worthless build
- Want to Build a Semi Battle Cleric
- just about sick
- cleric race
- Trying a rog 2/wiz the rest shadowmage type build
- Dragonmarked Halfling Wizzard FTW
- What robe do I need to find
- Where are all the pure Wizard builds?
- My Sorc/Utility Build
- Healing crits
- this is only a test
- Sorcerer The Sorcerer's Handbook: A Guide to Building and Playing Sorcerers
- The WF Sorc Poll: Quicken
- Battle Cleric. 12 cleric / 6 ranger / 2 monk.
- Squishy sorcs--is there an advantage to them?
- Solo Sorceror Build - Oddlived/CurseFirez
- Relatively new player - Not fully grasping AC for Clerics
- Insert Spiffy Name of Build here Cleric
- Sleet Storm, Blindness
- Lesser Globe of Invulnerability. Is it bug ?
- What Spells should I be using - Cleric lvl 7
- Sorceror vs Wizard DPS
- Healbot me Please!!!
- Best Fire Combo?
- Mod 9 and 20th level spell #
- Clay and Other Types of Golems?
- Phaylax, "The War Priest"...
- Undead - Blackbone - Spells Efective Against...
- Cleric Best race for Cleric? Dwarf? Halfling?
- Wizards and WF
- Fun CC/buffer type sorc...
- Precise Shot - Ranged Feats and Rays
- To Reroll or not to Reroll? That is the question
- Shroud buffs
- Need reliable build
- Divine Cleansing III
- Does disintigrate fall into void lore or acid lore category
- Queston for Battle Casters
- Questions on end game build
- Looking for feedback on my cleric build
- * Wiz/1 Sor
- Firestorm Greaves
- Question on Availability of Potency Item
- Sandbagging
- Why Sacred?
- prot vs. resist elements...
- Nerf cleric BAB to save headaches in parties / raids ?
- umd
- Sorcerer The factual differences between WF, Human, and Drow sorcerers
- Mid Level Cleric Gear
- WF and Pale Master?
- How to get more clerics in the ddo population
- Monk2/cleric14, yes another one.
- The my personal experience on WF, Human, and Drow sorcerers
- Drow Sorcerer
- Class vs play style
- Enhancement Stacking
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