View Full Version : Spell casters
- Eardweller Damage Calculation???
- issue death ward on palemaster..
- Epic Docent of Shadow
- Wraith form questions
- How much hp for a drow 20 pure wiz
- Problem with Epic Robe of Shadow ?
- Problem with Epic Robe of Shadow
- New character, need advice on my last 2 ability points ...
- Gah! -- did I just gimp myself?
- Longsword TWF build possible?
- Benefits of Archmage besides SPs
- Quick question about Suggestion spell
- The ultimate solution to whose fault it actually was, or Why the comma matters
- Inflict Wounds & Undead
- How many TRs are worth it?
- Questions about Tenser's and forms...
- Pale Master Oddity /w Chill Touch...
- The Arcane Cannon
- Splashing Barbarian...
- Half-Orc 18Wiz/2Fighter Pale Master Melee Wizard
- Favored soul build
- Acid Spray hitting spiders twice?
- Two-weapon Warforged FVS
- Subtle spellcasting
- advice: halloween robe or cloak
- Why Delay the Blast?
- fvs archer the good the bad and the ugly
- Making sense of Concordant Opposition
- Empower and Maximize
- Quick Question
- Question about Alignment and trinket
- Question about Archmage Pre Reqs..
- Shroud Noob
- When to change up from Blademark's Docent
- Those pesky monsters are saving against my damage spells ...
- should this build have maximize?
- Please critique my enchantment/necro archmage build.
- Where I went wrong
- Pale Master Set+Pale Master Set?
- Death aura WAI?
- Permadeath Arch-Mage 18wiz/2rog
- Spells that effect the caster
- "Defiance - 13 wizard/6 monk/ 1 fighter."
- Clonk Question
- Can I get around taking toughness?
- Melee FVS Half-Orc?
- Radiant Servant
- My first cleric
- Cleric Devine Intervention
- Advice + Critique: Evoker/Enchanter Archmage
- cyclonic blast: the dev's gift to sorcerers
- Does this Half-Orc build make sense?
- Stacking Concord Greensteel?
- Changes in Pale Master
- 18 cleric looking for multiclass possibilities
- Pale Master Gimped in Epic?
- Wiz/Rog
- I'm not your personal healbot
- Are you a healbot or a Meele FvS??
- Question about solo builds
- I miss my cleric. Clerics are more fun to play.
- Cleric/Paladin build--newbie questions
- Wizard Death aura graphic needs changing ASAP
- <17 Clerics are more fun to play than FvS
- Staff of the Petitioner or Litany of the Dead?
- Archmage and metamagic
- Healing Strategies Question
- Half-orkish battle cleric
- Dwarf 17Clr/2Pal/1Ftr
- Soundburst
- Wait... why is Heavy for essential
- How does the Pale Lavender Ioun Stone work?
- am I missing something here?
- Yet another request for help rolling a cleric
- 17Clr/2Ftr/1Brd TWF Drow cleric
- LF wizzy build
- Another nub asking for help on a build.
- Is it time to disregard Armor Class, and how do I know for sure?
- Pure-classed Offensive Caster Cleric
- Hold for Reinforcements, solo
- Caster build.
- Is Archmage Spell Mastery required for SLAs?
- spells for lvl 16-20 quest lvls
- Did I miss something?
- Question about turn undead..
- Wf Cleric Build
- Cleric Equipment Help Me
- melee-capable OCC--build input pls
- WF Cleric Intim Tank Any Sugestions On this Build
- Why don't my unarmed strikes cause wounds in LICH form
- My First Drow Sorcerer Haggle-bot
- Wizard Shadow Mage - The Build
- Beholder Antimagic and Archmage SLAs
- Horcing up a battle Cleric
- Wis Vs. Cha
- Clr17/Mnk1/Rog2 Advice
- "End rewards based on class" -- on 20th raid rewards
- Thinking of TR'ing my cleric to FvS
- To Extend or Not Extend?
- Help with a build
- why do some skills show negative?
- Advice with DCs
- Don't use mass critical?
- Archmage - how many 1st tier SLAs can you get?
- Archmage Question
- Palmaster Summons give +4 Attack Bonus
- General Pale Master Bugs/Suggestions
- Drow Evoker FvS
- Cleric PrE Question...
- 12Cleric/6Ranger/2Rogue
- how's this build gona do in epics ?
- Am I doing it wrong? Healing Shroud
- Shroud crafted Absorb Weapon question
- Cyclonic Blast - broken as intended?
- Halfling Dragonmarked Archmage feats
- Question about FVS spells
- Divine favor and prayer
- Legendary Horc Hybrid
- Halfling Wizard, is this going to work, or am I going to get burned?
- Help me stay as a sorcerer
- Earthgrab Greensteel useful for FvS in epic?
- I am starting a wizard and...
- pale master skelly pets
- Am I just crazy, or are there certain spells every arcane should have????
- divine dps or is wiz/sorc the way?
- Past life feats VS Spell like abilities
- Anyone care to point me to a good Melee FVS THF?
- Could someone explain me how Archmages works?
- 2 questions for a newbie wizard - MC and Prestige Enh
- Pale Master Lock - Another 36pt WF 18/2 PM/Rog
- How to build an archmage?
- Archer Cleric Build (zenarchery)
- WF Sorcerer, pure or multi?
- What use is Cha for Pale master?
- 17/3 Clonk STR Based?
- Archmage: Is it better to take no Spell-like-Abilities whatsoever?
- Help me optimize a small party build
- Gear for Mid Level
- Must Have spells for Healing Cleric
- Intimidate/tumble"????
- Flying Without Wings
- WAI? Summoned air elemental wiping lingering spell effects.
- Past life feats - Wiz and Brd
- Low levels and Wizard
- Yet Another Archmage vs. Pale Master topic
- New Cleric Spells
- Soul Gems
- Two new Scrolls Drop?
- PM Spell-like-abilities
- Help Creating a Unique Build (jedi)
- Level 12 Pure human Wizard- How to follow/change path to Archmage?
- WF Wizard Starting Stats
- So I've capped a sorc...
- So i decided to TR into Halfling...
- Radiant Servant - Chr or Wis
- Help me not delete my wizard: More questions about boosting spell pen/DC's
- Here again back again, the story of an elf fvs
- Repeater Cleric?
- Potency items and Archmage
- Wizard School Question
- THF Elf FVS?
- DC problem? pastlife wiz?
- Human Sorcerer build advice please
- 28pt cleric for the Casual soloer
- To Master Wands and Scrolls or to not...
- Wizard or Sorcerer - which is better ?
- Rs Bs!
- A 17/3 Clonk. Help me to see the flaws, pls.
- Will Turbine ever fix the cast speed of scorching ray and cone of cold for Sorcs?
- stoneskin sla
- Greater Reincarnation Build Advice
- Banishment & Exorcism
- Need feedback on 18/2 Wiz/Rogue with THF
- Cleric Archer
- If any experienced sorcs could take a look a this?
- Cleric Equipment Discussion - DT Sovereign Runes
- WF: Archmage or Pale Masters?
- Battle // War Cleric // Build Advice
- Slay Living Guard or Concordant Opposition for WF Archmage Googles?
- When will I use Maximise/Empower besides bosses?
- currently lvl 18 going to reincarnate
- Arcane Bolt\Blast Video?
- how can i improve my DC?
- Need advice for when Firewall isn't effective
- Is Power Attack really a "must" on a battle clonk?
- Drow Pale Master Build
- MLRS Build - Sorc & Wiz TR + Evoker Archmage
- Greensteel for a cleric with a TR plan
- Typical spell DC?
- Wizard Past Life Feat: Magic Missile - Works with Max/Emp/Etc?
- Radiant + Divine Might??
- Infinite healing?
- Sorcerer Prestige Classes: Too Early to Dream?
- Cleric TR- Clonk Advice required.
- HE Radiant Zen Archer (cleric 17 / monk 2 / wiz 1 AA)
- Support request for OCC Build
- Spell Penetration issue
- Question about longswords
- Casting Level Bug
- WF Sorcerer Spell List?
- Build Feedback
- For a friend. . .
- PM or AM? Have Both! [Akarr] v2.0
- does a wiz have a way to do von3 at level ?
- A few Q's about Chr and Radiant servant stuff.
- caster dps cleric, fvs, wiz, sorc?
- Race Comparison for AM & PM
- WF better as pure or 18/2 wizard?
- Green Steel Items for Half-Orc Cleric (Battle and Healer)
- 18wiz/2rog build, need help with skill distribution
- New to Wizards
- Sorc PrE's and Horrid Wilting
- Human Divine might battle cleric
- Spell Pen and Multiclassing
- Advice on a drow sorcerer
- looking for some gear advice
- Bloodstone for Sorc?
- Dragontouched armor advice please my fellow clerics.
- Anti-magic field and craziness
- Horc X WF Melee FVS
- The God Soul
- Vulkoors avatar
- Plain and simple pale master build
- Wizard splash to rogue or monk
- Sorcerer: Drow versus Half Elf
- Strangeness with Death Aura and Spell Boosting
- Radiant Servant Aura Formulas
- Wizard WF lv.20 - How it should be?
- Concentration and Quicken
- Clonk Str, Dex or Wis?
- Unyielding Sov. PSA
- Well you can kiss Firewall goodbuy in the next update.
- Dwarf Stunner Cleric (Cleric17/Monk2/Fighter1)
- Dragontouched Armor and Glacial Assault
- Pale master's summon undead
- Pale Master or Archmage?
- Getting Potency/Devotion
- HElf Cleric with New Dilettante Pally Enchaments
- Please answer.. 1st time cleric here
- Yet Another Ranged Cleric
- LF Screenshots of your toolbars
- question about sovereign Lorrik's rune and DT armor
- Looking for your thoughts as I close in on 20
- Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
- What spells are unavailable through vendor scrolls?
- Build Help (Clonk)
- BB Crits
- old school clogue
- wizard elemental manipulation and superior potency stack?l
- Human FvS builds?
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