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  1. Eardweller Damage Calculation???
  2. issue death ward on palemaster..
  3. Epic Docent of Shadow
  4. Wraith form questions
  5. How much hp for a drow 20 pure wiz
  6. Problem with Epic Robe of Shadow ?
  7. Problem with Epic Robe of Shadow
  8. New character, need advice on my last 2 ability points ...
  9. Gah! -- did I just gimp myself?
  10. Longsword TWF build possible?
  11. Benefits of Archmage besides SPs
  12. Quick question about Suggestion spell
  13. The ultimate solution to whose fault it actually was, or Why the comma matters
  14. Inflict Wounds & Undead
  15. How many TRs are worth it?
  16. Questions about Tenser's and forms...
  17. Pale Master Oddity /w Chill Touch...
  18. The Arcane Cannon
  19. Splashing Barbarian...
  20. Half-Orc 18Wiz/2Fighter Pale Master Melee Wizard
  21. Favored soul build
  22. Acid Spray hitting spiders twice?
  23. Two-weapon Warforged FVS
  24. Subtle spellcasting
  25. advice: halloween robe or cloak
  26. Why Delay the Blast?
  27. fvs archer the good the bad and the ugly
  28. Making sense of Concordant Opposition
  29. Empower and Maximize
  30. Quick Question
  31. Question about Alignment and trinket
  32. Question about Archmage Pre Reqs..
  33. Shroud Noob
  34. When to change up from Blademark's Docent
  35. Those pesky monsters are saving against my damage spells ...
  36. should this build have maximize?
  37. Please critique my enchantment/necro archmage build.
  38. Where I went wrong
  39. Pale Master Set+Pale Master Set?
  40. Death aura WAI?
  41. Permadeath Arch-Mage 18wiz/2rog
  42. Spells that effect the caster
  43. "Defiance - 13 wizard/6 monk/ 1 fighter."
  44. Clonk Question
  45. Can I get around taking toughness?
  46. Melee FVS Half-Orc?
  47. Radiant Servant
  48. My first cleric
  49. Cleric Devine Intervention
  50. Advice + Critique: Evoker/Enchanter Archmage
  51. cyclonic blast: the dev's gift to sorcerers
  52. Does this Half-Orc build make sense?
  53. Stacking Concord Greensteel?
  54. Changes in Pale Master
  55. 18 cleric looking for multiclass possibilities
  56. Pale Master Gimped in Epic?
  57. Wiz/Rog
  58. I'm not your personal healbot
  59. Are you a healbot or a Meele FvS??
  60. Question about solo builds
  61. I miss my cleric. Clerics are more fun to play.
  62. Cleric/Paladin build--newbie questions
  63. Wizard Death aura graphic needs changing ASAP
  64. <17 Clerics are more fun to play than FvS
  65. Staff of the Petitioner or Litany of the Dead?
  66. Archmage and metamagic
  67. Healing Strategies Question
  68. Half-orkish battle cleric
  69. Dwarf 17Clr/2Pal/1Ftr
  70. Soundburst
  71. Wait... why is Heavy for essential
  72. How does the Pale Lavender Ioun Stone work?
  73. am I missing something here?
  74. Yet another request for help rolling a cleric
  75. 17Clr/2Ftr/1Brd TWF Drow cleric
  76. LF wizzy build
  77. Another nub asking for help on a build.
  78. Is it time to disregard Armor Class, and how do I know for sure?
  79. Pure-classed Offensive Caster Cleric
  80. Hold for Reinforcements, solo
  81. Caster build.
  82. Is Archmage Spell Mastery required for SLAs?
  83. spells for lvl 16-20 quest lvls
  84. Did I miss something?
  85. Question about turn undead..
  86. Wf Cleric Build
  87. Cleric Equipment Help Me
  88. melee-capable OCC--build input pls
  89. WF Cleric Intim Tank Any Sugestions On this Build
  90. Why don't my unarmed strikes cause wounds in LICH form
  91. My First Drow Sorcerer Haggle-bot
  92. Wizard Shadow Mage - The Build
  93. Beholder Antimagic and Archmage SLAs
  94. Horcing up a battle Cleric
  95. Wis Vs. Cha
  96. Clr17/Mnk1/Rog2 Advice
  97. "End rewards based on class" -- on 20th raid rewards
  98. Thinking of TR'ing my cleric to FvS
  99. To Extend or Not Extend?
  100. Help with a build
  101. why do some skills show negative?
  102. Advice with DCs
  103. Don't use mass critical?
  104. Archmage - how many 1st tier SLAs can you get?
  105. Archmage Question
  106. Palmaster Summons give +4 Attack Bonus
  107. General Pale Master Bugs/Suggestions
  108. Drow Evoker FvS
  109. Cleric PrE Question...
  110. 12Cleric/6Ranger/2Rogue
  111. how's this build gona do in epics ?
  112. Am I doing it wrong? Healing Shroud
  113. Shroud crafted Absorb Weapon question
  114. Cyclonic Blast - broken as intended?
  115. Halfling Dragonmarked Archmage feats
  116. Question about FVS spells
  117. Divine favor and prayer
  118. Legendary Horc Hybrid
  119. Halfling Wizard, is this going to work, or am I going to get burned?
  120. Help me stay as a sorcerer
  121. Earthgrab Greensteel useful for FvS in epic?
  122. I am starting a wizard and...
  123. pale master skelly pets
  124. Am I just crazy, or are there certain spells every arcane should have????
  125. divine dps or is wiz/sorc the way?
  126. Past life feats VS Spell like abilities
  127. Anyone care to point me to a good Melee FVS THF?
  128. Could someone explain me how Archmages works?
  129. 2 questions for a newbie wizard - MC and Prestige Enh
  130. Pale Master Lock - Another 36pt WF 18/2 PM/Rog
  131. How to build an archmage?
  132. Archer Cleric Build (zenarchery)
  133. WF Sorcerer, pure or multi?
  134. What use is Cha for Pale master?
  135. 17/3 Clonk STR Based?
  136. Archmage: Is it better to take no Spell-like-Abilities whatsoever?
  137. Help me optimize a small party build
  138. Gear for Mid Level
  139. Must Have spells for Healing Cleric
  140. Intimidate/tumble"????
  141. Flying Without Wings
  142. WAI? Summoned air elemental wiping lingering spell effects.
  143. Past life feats - Wiz and Brd
  144. Low levels and Wizard
  145. Yet Another Archmage vs. Pale Master topic
  146. New Cleric Spells
  147. Soul Gems
  148. Two new Scrolls Drop?
  149. PM Spell-like-abilities
  150. Help Creating a Unique Build (jedi)
  151. Level 12 Pure human Wizard- How to follow/change path to Archmage?
  152. WF Wizard Starting Stats
  153. So I've capped a sorc...
  154. So i decided to TR into Halfling...
  155. Radiant Servant - Chr or Wis
  156. Help me not delete my wizard: More questions about boosting spell pen/DC's
  157. Here again back again, the story of an elf fvs
  158. Repeater Cleric?
  159. Potency items and Archmage
  160. Wizard School Question
  161. THF Elf FVS?
  162. DC problem? pastlife wiz?
  163. Human Sorcerer build advice please
  164. 28pt cleric for the Casual soloer
  165. To Master Wands and Scrolls or to not...
  166. Wizard or Sorcerer - which is better ?
  167. Rs Bs!
  168. A 17/3 Clonk. Help me to see the flaws, pls.
  169. Will Turbine ever fix the cast speed of scorching ray and cone of cold for Sorcs?
  170. stoneskin sla
  171. Greater Reincarnation Build Advice
  172. Banishment & Exorcism
  173. Need feedback on 18/2 Wiz/Rogue with THF
  174. Cleric Archer
  175. If any experienced sorcs could take a look a this?
  176. Cleric Equipment Discussion - DT Sovereign Runes
  177. WF: Archmage or Pale Masters?
  178. Battle // War Cleric // Build Advice
  179. Slay Living Guard or Concordant Opposition for WF Archmage Googles?
  180. When will I use Maximise/Empower besides bosses?
  181. currently lvl 18 going to reincarnate
  182. Arcane Bolt\Blast Video?
  183. how can i improve my DC?
  184. Need advice for when Firewall isn't effective
  185. Is Power Attack really a "must" on a battle clonk?
  186. Drow Pale Master Build
  187. MLRS Build - Sorc & Wiz TR + Evoker Archmage
  188. Greensteel for a cleric with a TR plan
  189. Typical spell DC?
  190. Wizard Past Life Feat: Magic Missile - Works with Max/Emp/Etc?
  191. Radiant + Divine Might??
  192. Infinite healing?
  193. Sorcerer Prestige Classes: Too Early to Dream?
  194. Cleric TR- Clonk Advice required.
  195. HE Radiant Zen Archer (cleric 17 / monk 2 / wiz 1 AA)
  196. Support request for OCC Build
  197. Spell Penetration issue
  198. Question about longswords
  199. Casting Level Bug
  200. WF Sorcerer Spell List?
  201. Build Feedback
  202. For a friend. . .
  203. PM or AM? Have Both! [Akarr] v2.0
  204. does a wiz have a way to do von3 at level ?
  205. A few Q's about Chr and Radiant servant stuff.
  206. caster dps cleric, fvs, wiz, sorc?
  207. Race Comparison for AM & PM
  208. WF better as pure or 18/2 wizard?
  209. Green Steel Items for Half-Orc Cleric (Battle and Healer)
  210. 18wiz/2rog build, need help with skill distribution
  211. New to Wizards
  212. Sorc PrE's and Horrid Wilting
  213. Human Divine might battle cleric
  214. Spell Pen and Multiclassing
  215. Advice on a drow sorcerer
  216. looking for some gear advice
  217. Bloodstone for Sorc?
  218. Dragontouched armor advice please my fellow clerics.
  219. Anti-magic field and craziness
  220. Horc X WF Melee FVS
  221. The God Soul
  222. Vulkoors avatar
  223. Plain and simple pale master build
  224. Wizard splash to rogue or monk
  225. Sorcerer: Drow versus Half Elf
  226. Strangeness with Death Aura and Spell Boosting
  227. Radiant Servant Aura Formulas
  228. Wizard WF lv.20 - How it should be?
  229. Concentration and Quicken
  230. Clonk Str, Dex or Wis?
  231. Unyielding Sov. PSA
  232. Well you can kiss Firewall goodbuy in the next update.
  233. Dwarf Stunner Cleric (Cleric17/Monk2/Fighter1)
  234. Dragontouched Armor and Glacial Assault
  235. Pale master's summon undead
  236. Pale Master or Archmage?
  237. Getting Potency/Devotion
  238. HElf Cleric with New Dilettante Pally Enchaments
  239. Please answer.. 1st time cleric here
  240. Yet Another Ranged Cleric
  241. LF Screenshots of your toolbars
  242. question about sovereign Lorrik's rune and DT armor
  243. Looking for your thoughts as I close in on 20
  244. Vibrant Purple Ioun Stone
  245. What spells are unavailable through vendor scrolls?
  246. Build Help (Clonk)
  247. BB Crits
  248. old school clogue
  249. wizard elemental manipulation and superior potency stack?l
  250. Human FvS builds?