View Full Version : WF PM and AM builds wantet.

11-30-2010, 07:15 PM
Im not sure what im going to pick of em, but going WF for sure.

If some can link me a pm and am wf build 32p that would be great.
I like the fw and finger stuff if that helps.

Been looking all over the place, but cant seem to find a build for it. I might be blind )


11-30-2010, 10:03 PM
Been doing search on forum and web, still cant find a wf pm or am that explains stuff.. Anyone at all know of a build i can look at..?

11-30-2010, 11:34 PM

Cept I like 14,8,18,18,6,6 for 32 pnt starting stats.
And swap Heighten and quicken around, a quick reconstruct saved me a few times.

Then you can play with your enhancements every thee days to find what you like best, or to adjust to a certain place your farming.