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  1. VIP points grant applied multiple times
  2. help please
  3. Dev help please
  4. Character name change?
  5. 2 vet players need help finding accounts
  6. Edit account info help
  7. Access to Storm Horn
  8. Cant get VIP subscription
  9. Scam!!!!!!!! No ability to cancel subscription anymore!!!!!!!!
  10. DDO Store does not recognize Steam product code for Starter Pack
  11. Trouble with billing. And more trouble with billing.
  12. My money is gone and nothing happened
  13. Missing characters
  14. Double charged for subscription
  15. Loyal Customer for years, Standing Stone so far has terrible customer service.
  16. Thanks SSG Customer Service
  17. Can't create a new DDO account
  18. DDO POINTS not credited to account
  19. VIP status lost since hotfix update. Unable to change account status on Myturbine sit
  20. Purchasing Expansion Packs with DDOPoints
  21. DDO available in United Arab Emirates?
  22. Character already in game world...
  23. ETR - This character is already in the world
  24. Stuck in the world for 3 days.No helps.
  25. Anybody home?
  26. Subscription cancelled without notice
  27. Subscription never registered paying with Paypal
  28. Direct x9 Fatal Error
  29. My stat & skill from tomes are all gone
  30. subscription didn't auto renew, and on account page no option for upgrading account!
  31. MoTU product Key not working
  32. Lost VIP, lost packs...
  33. Purchased both MotU and Shadowfell and MotU product key isn't working
  34. Customer Service Help
  35. Is there even a customer service rep???
  36. My Account Demoted (was Premium now F2P)
  37. Day 10 Of No Response From Cust Service ... ? Please help
  38. ZIP Code ?
  39. Was never granted the VIP I was promised from the Paypal fiasco
  40. Subscription issue
  41. Purchased Shadowfell Conspiracy™ Collector's Edition key not working
  42. Subscription Cancellation __WHY????
  43. Account content and Characters Gone! Please Help.
  44. Premium Account Downgraded
  45. Missing packs. Always premium. Still have items from packs I cant go to anymore
  46. Standing stone games customer service is awesome!
  47. Trying to change VIP Plan/Card
  48. DDO Points for New Account?
  49. VIP Downgraded?
  50. Request for assistance with DDo Market purchase
  51. Support Limited on Saturday, July 15th
  52. Adding LOTRO to DDO account via MyAccount page
  53. Shared Bank, Crafting Storage and transitioning to Premium
  54. What the Heck?
  55. What is the expected turn around time for account issues
  56. Menace Code Doesn't Work
  57. Cancelled sub, still got billed.
  58. Disposable digital good has already bought
  59. Paladin bug 8/3/2017
  60. Changing Forum Username
  61. Add another - disposable digital good has already been bought
  62. Is it possible to change the notification email?
  63. 48 Hrs and no one answering my ticket for help?
  64. DDO Market
  65. DDO Store error
  66. MotU not available in marketplace?
  67. cant get past laucher internal error
  68. Shared Bank Store Sale.. only not
  69. Trying to become VIP. Can't due to horrible garbage software and no customer service
  70. Unlock Account
  71. You cancelled my subscription without notice, and I can't get help online or phone?
  72. Change account email?
  73. Character's Missing from Account
  74. Ravenloft Unlock Code
  75. Internal Error, please contact customer support message.
  76. Cant get Ravenloft order to complete
  77. I just transfered my main character to another server.
  78. I have to re key map every time I log out. Any fix? or ideas?
  79. Character Transfer and Shared Bank Upgrades
  80. Failed payment, but the items remained. What to do?
  81. Unable to purchase Mists
  82. Account banned?
  83. Invalid User Password
  84. No Subscription found
  85. Possible to upgrade Ravenloft prepurchase?
  86. How do you cancel your VIP subscription?
  87. Not flagged for Mists after applying the coupon
  88. Unable to select 32 point builds
  89. Lost Codes??
  90. Disposable digital good has already been used.
  91. Reoccurring Account Status Dropped from VIP to FTP
  92. How Does a Returning Player Actually Subscribe?
  93. How do I change my email address?
  94. VIP...Ravenloft?
  95. Filed a bug and CS request, however I am still out the points and content...
  96. My years VIP was messed up by free time from expansion
  97. Server Status is always closed and Play button is greyed out
  98. Overcharged ticket 40605
  99. Help
  100. Trying to buy ddo points but its showing payment method unvailable
  101. digital River
  102. Payment through paypal
  103. store using incorrect currency
  104. Account Suspended
  105. Account has been suspended?
  106. Do Admins/GMs even exist at all - game or forum?
  107. Was I mistaken about 15 month subscription?
  108. Help: Point Card purchased at Walmart not working
  109. Disposable digital good has already been used.
  110. Help please
  111. Customer Service: Is that even a thing anymore? Should I contact Daybreak?
  112. Gametime Code
  113. Infinite Cleaning up old Connection error
  114. lost half my items in TR cache
  115. need help stuck, cannot load into game
  116. Subscription error
  117. weird bug, one toon will not load into world
  118. Retrieve password
  119. VERY UPSET with customer service
  120. Locked out of my account
  121. Bug: cant enter into Sarlona - Cleaning up old connection
  122. returning player help needed... can't remember password
  123. VIP auto renewal
  124. Getting charged against my will
  125. Your character is still being saved Glitch
  126. Why can i not reset my password!
  127. payment for subscription went through but no subscription on account
  128. I want to refund vip but no email replies me back
  129. How I have succeed my vip subscription refund
  130. Lost half of my items, all my ingredient, collectables, tomes after TR
  131. Can I spend points from outside the client?
  132. Can't make a new account
  133. Shadowfell collectors edition - Legendary upgrade (Only)?
  134. sorry ,Globe of True Imperial Blood is disapper
  135. Charged (more) in Dollars for my VIP Sub in the UK
  136. DDO Store
  137. Subscription Cancellation
  138. Failed to Connect to Server ((0x80004005))
  139. payment accepted but no access to VIP content in game
  140. I can't login to https://myaccount.standingstonegames.com
  141. Rdeem Ravenloft codes at different times?
  142. Problem with old cleric
  143. Multiple Accounts... on accident. Recovered old one. New one is VIP. Help?
  144. Ravenloft x-pack codes not working
  145. Turbine Time Cards
  146. Account assistance time?
  147. How to Purchase Expansion Packs for Friend
  148. Recover old forum account?
  149. Killing my motivation for DDO
  150. 23 Days of no support
  151. Any way to "sell back" items bought from DDO store in error?
  152. Double Charging Bug
  153. missing ddo points
  154. Pre-paid game-time has been erased
  155. VIP Cancelled for no reason
  156. Problem Connecting PayPal with game
  157. Payment Declined for Security Reason
  158. Astral Shards x30
  159. cant long in
  160. Looking for assistance recovering account.
  161. Heroic Reincanation trouble
  162. Can't log in
  163. Sharn code is "invalid"
  164. Sub did not automatically renew, now account shows missing packs.
  165. Payment Authorization Failed
  166. How do I delete my account?
  167. No Access to Sharn
  168. Logged into account no characters available
  169. Refunding accidentally bought points?
  170. Help Screen Error
  171. reset password email never came.
  172. Bought Underdard expansion but don't have access
  173. Cannot TR into a DEEP Gnome, but I have a playable character that is a Deep Gnome.
  174. Can't buy DP
  175. A sincere thank you
  176. Can't get to servers
  177. Sharn Redeem Headache - I want full refund on 2 packs or convert to DDO points
  178. Would like to renew my VIP status
  179. What is your usual response time from support?
  180. Failed to queue for server (0x80004005) just got booted from server
  181. caution accounts being hacked
  182. Refund DDO Points
  183. Signed up for VIP. No VIP Access
  184. Cannot submit Support Ticket
  185. VIP failed - No access
  186. Cant get Paypal to process error 2001
  187. VIP downgrade
  188. renew lapsed sub
  189. Multiple characters, same account, purchases not transfered?
  190. Signup page is broken
  191. Standing stone/zendesk support doesn't work? can't login, won't connect!
  192. Account Recovery
  193. VIP Upgrade Links Missing
  194. Returning player cant use account
  195. Inventory management: Please add NPC to sell Expansion Pack etc. cosmetics & items
  197. Cordavan can you please check your inbox
  198. Premuim downgraded to Free, Adventure Packs missing!
  199. Tons of stuff missing?
  200. in game help not working
  201. 2 months and NO HELP on ticket
  202. Change e-mail associated with account
  203. Paid for vip, but received nothing in game.
  204. Account Purchases Missing
  205. Purchased Sharn on your website, got a receipt, but still says I don't own it.
  206. Cannot renew VIP
  207. Downgraded from premium to free after update 45
  208. Refund: White Plume Mountain Bonus Items
  209. Lost VIP Status
  210. Trying ot get VIP
  211. Awaiting Ticket Response
  212. Missing race
  213. Returning Players being treated like trash!!
  214. https://myaccount.standingstonegames.com doesn't work
  215. Cant acccess old account, endless fight, no resolution
  216. Wife's free to play account not updating to premium after DDO market purchase applied
  217. Where is my code
  218. Anyway to track ticket status?
  219. What's average time for response on your tickets via helpstandingstones
  220. Bought a month of VIP access but received none of the vip features.
  221. Standing Stone Account - DDO and LOTRO separation
  222. can't access my character - "Your character is still being saved"
  223. Is Customer service staff even working on tickets during this time?
  224. Account password used for a blackmail scam email
  225. Malfunction during Character Transfer
  226. problem *** new patch update 46 4-23-20
  227. Account Cancellation Error
  228. Did not receive Universal Tome with Sharn Ultimate purchase
  229. Mouse graphic glitch, attacked in Marketplace leaving Phoenix Tavern.
  230. Removing Expired Credit Cards
  231. Can't access my account
  232. "Character could not be saved..." error message. No response to ticket yet.
  233. Need to cancel account
  234. No codes from DDO Market
  235. Lost Dimensional Augment Bag
  236. Recover pre- 2013 account
  237. How to add more game subscriptions to my SSG account?
  238. Canceled Subscription way before renew period, and was still charged another month.
  239. Terrible Service and gm response
  240. Returning player had 5 characters, now 2 are shown as "over character slot limit'
  241. VIP Not Giving Access to Content
  242. Is there a way to determine what expansions have been purchased?
  243. Help with my Nephew account
  244. Main character lost
  245. Keep getting booted from Khyber
  246. Can't access my subscription information
  247. I bought the shadow fell limited time content pack
  248. Server Transfer
  249. Subscription Issue
  250. Inventory Slot Sale Bug