- VIP points grant applied multiple times
- help please
- Dev help please
- Character name change?
- 2 vet players need help finding accounts
- Edit account info help
- Access to Storm Horn
- Cant get VIP subscription
- Scam!!!!!!!! No ability to cancel subscription anymore!!!!!!!!
- DDO Store does not recognize Steam product code for Starter Pack
- Trouble with billing. And more trouble with billing.
- My money is gone and nothing happened
- Missing characters
- Double charged for subscription
- Loyal Customer for years, Standing Stone so far has terrible customer service.
- Thanks SSG Customer Service
- Can't create a new DDO account
- DDO POINTS not credited to account
- VIP status lost since hotfix update. Unable to change account status on Myturbine sit
- Purchasing Expansion Packs with DDOPoints
- DDO available in United Arab Emirates?
- Character already in game world...
- ETR - This character is already in the world
- Stuck in the world for 3 days.No helps.
- Anybody home?
- Subscription cancelled without notice
- Subscription never registered paying with Paypal
- Direct x9 Fatal Error
- My stat & skill from tomes are all gone
- subscription didn't auto renew, and on account page no option for upgrading account!
- MoTU product Key not working
- Lost VIP, lost packs...
- Purchased both MotU and Shadowfell and MotU product key isn't working
- Customer Service Help
- Is there even a customer service rep???
- My Account Demoted (was Premium now F2P)
- Day 10 Of No Response From Cust Service ... ? Please help
- ZIP Code ?
- Was never granted the VIP I was promised from the Paypal fiasco
- Subscription issue
- Purchased Shadowfell Conspiracy™ Collector's Edition key not working
- Subscription Cancellation __WHY????
- Account content and Characters Gone! Please Help.
- Premium Account Downgraded
- Missing packs. Always premium. Still have items from packs I cant go to anymore
- Standing stone games customer service is awesome!
- Trying to change VIP Plan/Card
- DDO Points for New Account?
- VIP Downgraded?
- Request for assistance with DDo Market purchase
- Support Limited on Saturday, July 15th
- Adding LOTRO to DDO account via MyAccount page
- Shared Bank, Crafting Storage and transitioning to Premium
- What the Heck?
- What is the expected turn around time for account issues
- Menace Code Doesn't Work
- Cancelled sub, still got billed.
- Disposable digital good has already bought
- Paladin bug 8/3/2017
- Changing Forum Username
- Add another - disposable digital good has already been bought
- Is it possible to change the notification email?
- 48 Hrs and no one answering my ticket for help?
- DDO Market
- DDO Store error
- MotU not available in marketplace?
- cant get past laucher internal error
- Shared Bank Store Sale.. only not
- Trying to become VIP. Can't due to horrible garbage software and no customer service
- Unlock Account
- You cancelled my subscription without notice, and I can't get help online or phone?
- Change account email?
- Character's Missing from Account
- Ravenloft Unlock Code
- Internal Error, please contact customer support message.
- Cant get Ravenloft order to complete
- I just transfered my main character to another server.
- I have to re key map every time I log out. Any fix? or ideas?
- Character Transfer and Shared Bank Upgrades
- Failed payment, but the items remained. What to do?
- Unable to purchase Mists
- Account banned?
- Invalid User Password
- No Subscription found
- Possible to upgrade Ravenloft prepurchase?
- How do you cancel your VIP subscription?
- Not flagged for Mists after applying the coupon
- Unable to select 32 point builds
- Lost Codes??
- Disposable digital good has already been used.
- Reoccurring Account Status Dropped from VIP to FTP
- How Does a Returning Player Actually Subscribe?
- How do I change my email address?
- VIP...Ravenloft?
- Filed a bug and CS request, however I am still out the points and content...
- My years VIP was messed up by free time from expansion
- Server Status is always closed and Play button is greyed out
- Overcharged ticket 40605
- Help
- Trying to buy ddo points but its showing payment method unvailable
- digital River
- Payment through paypal
- store using incorrect currency
- Account Suspended
- Account has been suspended?
- Do Admins/GMs even exist at all - game or forum?
- Was I mistaken about 15 month subscription?
- Help: Point Card purchased at Walmart not working
- Disposable digital good has already been used.
- Help please
- Customer Service: Is that even a thing anymore? Should I contact Daybreak?
- Gametime Code
- Infinite Cleaning up old Connection error
- lost half my items in TR cache
- need help stuck, cannot load into game
- Subscription error
- weird bug, one toon will not load into world
- Retrieve password
- VERY UPSET with customer service
- Locked out of my account
- Bug: cant enter into Sarlona - Cleaning up old connection
- returning player help needed... can't remember password
- VIP auto renewal
- Getting charged against my will
- Your character is still being saved Glitch
- Why can i not reset my password!
- payment for subscription went through but no subscription on account
- I want to refund vip but no email replies me back
- How I have succeed my vip subscription refund
- Lost half of my items, all my ingredient, collectables, tomes after TR
- Can I spend points from outside the client?
- Can't make a new account
- Shadowfell collectors edition - Legendary upgrade (Only)?
- sorry ,Globe of True Imperial Blood is disapper
- Charged (more) in Dollars for my VIP Sub in the UK
- DDO Store
- Subscription Cancellation
- Failed to Connect to Server ((0x80004005))
- payment accepted but no access to VIP content in game
- I can't login to https://myaccount.standingstonegames.com
- Rdeem Ravenloft codes at different times?
- Problem with old cleric
- Multiple Accounts... on accident. Recovered old one. New one is VIP. Help?
- Ravenloft x-pack codes not working
- Turbine Time Cards
- Account assistance time?
- How to Purchase Expansion Packs for Friend
- Recover old forum account?
- Killing my motivation for DDO
- 23 Days of no support
- Any way to "sell back" items bought from DDO store in error?
- Double Charging Bug
- missing ddo points
- Pre-paid game-time has been erased
- VIP Cancelled for no reason
- Problem Connecting PayPal with game
- Payment Declined for Security Reason
- Astral Shards x30
- cant long in
- Looking for assistance recovering account.
- Heroic Reincanation trouble
- Can't log in
- Sharn code is "invalid"
- Sub did not automatically renew, now account shows missing packs.
- Payment Authorization Failed
- How do I delete my account?
- No Access to Sharn
- Logged into account no characters available
- Refunding accidentally bought points?
- Help Screen Error
- reset password email never came.
- Bought Underdard expansion but don't have access
- Cannot TR into a DEEP Gnome, but I have a playable character that is a Deep Gnome.
- Can't buy DP
- A sincere thank you
- Can't get to servers
- Sharn Redeem Headache - I want full refund on 2 packs or convert to DDO points
- Would like to renew my VIP status
- What is your usual response time from support?
- Failed to queue for server (0x80004005) just got booted from server
- caution accounts being hacked
- Refund DDO Points
- Signed up for VIP. No VIP Access
- Cannot submit Support Ticket
- VIP failed - No access
- Cant get Paypal to process error 2001
- VIP downgrade
- renew lapsed sub
- Multiple characters, same account, purchases not transfered?
- Signup page is broken
- Standing stone/zendesk support doesn't work? can't login, won't connect!
- Account Recovery
- VIP Upgrade Links Missing
- Returning player cant use account
- Inventory management: Please add NPC to sell Expansion Pack etc. cosmetics & items
- Cordavan can you please check your inbox
- Premuim downgraded to Free, Adventure Packs missing!
- Tons of stuff missing?
- in game help not working
- 2 months and NO HELP on ticket
- Change e-mail associated with account
- Paid for vip, but received nothing in game.
- Account Purchases Missing
- Purchased Sharn on your website, got a receipt, but still says I don't own it.
- Cannot renew VIP
- Downgraded from premium to free after update 45
- Refund: White Plume Mountain Bonus Items
- Lost VIP Status
- Trying ot get VIP
- Awaiting Ticket Response
- Missing race
- Returning Players being treated like trash!!
- https://myaccount.standingstonegames.com doesn't work
- Cant acccess old account, endless fight, no resolution
- Wife's free to play account not updating to premium after DDO market purchase applied
- Where is my code
- Anyway to track ticket status?
- What's average time for response on your tickets via helpstandingstones
- Bought a month of VIP access but received none of the vip features.
- Standing Stone Account - DDO and LOTRO separation
- can't access my character - "Your character is still being saved"
- Is Customer service staff even working on tickets during this time?
- Account password used for a blackmail scam email
- Malfunction during Character Transfer
- problem *** new patch update 46 4-23-20
- Account Cancellation Error
- Did not receive Universal Tome with Sharn Ultimate purchase
- Mouse graphic glitch, attacked in Marketplace leaving Phoenix Tavern.
- Removing Expired Credit Cards
- Can't access my account
- "Character could not be saved..." error message. No response to ticket yet.
- Need to cancel account
- No codes from DDO Market
- Lost Dimensional Augment Bag
- Recover pre- 2013 account
- How to add more game subscriptions to my SSG account?
- Canceled Subscription way before renew period, and was still charged another month.
- Terrible Service and gm response
- Returning player had 5 characters, now 2 are shown as "over character slot limit'
- VIP Not Giving Access to Content
- Is there a way to determine what expansions have been purchased?
- Help with my Nephew account
- Main character lost
- Keep getting booted from Khyber
- Can't access my subscription information
- I bought the shadow fell limited time content pack
- Server Transfer
- Subscription Issue
- Inventory Slot Sale Bug