View Full Version : Tons of stuff missing?

11-26-2019, 05:16 PM
It's been a number of years since I've played DDO but figured I'd come back and give it another go. Problem was that my account was downgraded and items I had purchased were no longer available to me. I had too many characters to log in so had to choose 5 of them. After choosing 5 of the 7 characters I was unable to log into half of them as the class or race was no longer available to me such as my warforged or monk. I know that I bought this stuff years ago but why in the world did it get taken away from me after it was purchased and how do I get it back?

11-26-2019, 05:41 PM
how do I get it back?

1. Spend money and buy parts piecemeal, such as more character slots, packs, etc.
2. Spend money and go VIP, doesn't include expansions FYI.
3. Run new toons and get favor DDO points and buy stuff you want this way, the freeway slowway

Why this happened? IDK, send a ticket to customer support.


11-26-2019, 06:48 PM
Happens when you are VIP and you let it lapse.

11-27-2019, 11:56 AM
Happens when you are VIP and you let it lapse.

I know it was 12 years ago but I've never purchased VIP.

11-27-2019, 01:57 PM
If it was 12 years ago, circa 2007, it wasn't called VIP, it was simply called having a subscription and everyone had to have one to play. It wasn't until DDO went F2P on 8/31/2009 that having a sub was called VIP.

11-27-2019, 02:55 PM
I know it was 12 years ago but I've never purchased VIP.

If I remember correctly...you couldn't purchase anything individually 12 years ago. You could only subscribe...and you had access to everything.

When they went Free to Play in 2009...all the sudden a few things no longer came with your subscription....Like Warforged. You had to pay to get those.

Since 2009 you have to pay separately to own Warforged...and a few other things.

11-27-2019, 04:53 PM
If I remember correctly...you couldn't purchase anything individually 12 years ago. You could only subscribe...and you had access to everything.

When they went Free to Play in 2009...all the sudden a few things no longer came with your subscription....Like Warforged. You had to pay to get those.

Since 2009 you have to pay separately to own Warforged...and a few other things.

That would explain it then, I would do a subscription but not a vip if I could buy something outright. Well guess I'll have to buy the stuff now :D