View Full Version : Account banned?

11-29-2017, 04:36 AM
Hello. For a 3rd day I can't connect to DDO server and also to SSG websites.
I found these threads
Is it a same problem? Is it a temporary action or is it a time to turn off my vip subscription and computer and just enjoy real life?
2 of my guildies from Russia have the same issue.

11-29-2017, 08:05 PM
It's not impossible that you share an ISP number w/ someone who has been blocked.

You need to contact Customer Support to find out what's up.

12-01-2017, 04:52 AM
It's not impossible that you share an ISP number w/ someone who has been blocked.

You need to contact Customer Support to find out what's up.

Actually it is, I also sent a ticket to SSG support, they told that problem is known. Anyway it was already repaired yesterday.