View Full Version : Wife's free to play account not updating to premium after DDO market purchase applied

03-25-2020, 02:06 PM
Yesterday I got her the Menace pack from the DDO market and it was applied to her account. She's got her ddo points, tome, and various unlocks from it, but her account still isn't upgraded from FTP to Premium as it should be.

03-25-2020, 02:31 PM
This happened on my alt account. Seems like sometimes accounts don't get upgraded with Market purchases. Just drop a ticket in via the SSG website and they will get it upgraded. IIRC my ticket was resolved in 4-5 business days in 2018, not sure how long it'd take now. Hopefully it's quick!

03-25-2020, 02:40 PM
This happened on my alt account. Seems like sometimes accounts don't get upgraded with Market purchases. Just drop a ticket in via the SSG website and they will get it upgraded. IIRC my ticket was resolved in 4-5 business days in 2018, not sure how long it'd take now. Hopefully it's quick!

How does one do that? myaccount doesn't work properly right now (see my post earlier). Going to support get help button doesn't do anything useful. I've tried sending a PM to CS_Alkaid yesterday but haven't heard back yet.

03-25-2020, 03:03 PM
How does one do that? myaccount doesn't work properly right now (see my post earlier). Going to support get help button doesn't do anything useful. I've tried sending a PM to CS_Alkaid yesterday but haven't heard back yet.

Who knows how SSG are coping with the current situation in the world.... home office and so on....
Maybe send a PM to Cordovan? he at least has been active on the forums this week....

03-25-2020, 03:05 PM
How does one do that? myaccount doesn't work properly right now (see my post earlier). Going to support get help button doesn't do anything useful. I've tried sending a PM to CS_Alkaid yesterday but haven't heard back yet.

Go here: https://help.standingstonegames.com