View Full Version : Is there a way to determine what expansions have been purchased?

06-11-2020, 06:44 PM
Per the title.

I have an old secondary account that I am looking to get into shape for one of my kids to use but I am not sure if MotU or SC expansions have been purchased on that account.

It appears like they have but the DDO store still shows them as purchase options.

I logged into Account Management but did not see anything there...

Any options?


06-11-2020, 06:55 PM
Currently because of all the content being made free until Aug 31st, most things don't show in the store. The (2) 99 point stuff for MOTU and SC show up regardless if you own the expansions or not. They're just the quests from the expansions that were added as part of the current stuff (included the freebie code for all the other non-expansion quests); but as a result they don't appear to get flagged as being owned already. I think it you log into the account stuff under the standingstone website (as opposed to the DDO one) you can see expansions that have been activated or not.

06-12-2020, 03:21 AM
Since I'm VIP for a few days now I can't tell wether this works or not : Try to do a new character. If you see the Iconics, there should be that golden coin symbol with them if they are only available through an Expansion and the Expansion wasn't bought yet.