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  1. Support Changes to Fix Past Life Feat - Disciple of the Fist
  2. The ability to build own traps
  3. Add Mass Reconstruct
  4. Voice + Hirelings
  5. Please Add better armor choices for Rangers besides wizards robes and monk gear
  6. Keep all the Chests in the Shroud Locked until Completion
  7. What I Would Like to See In Next Patch
  8. auto refresh on ddo forums
  9. Explorer Points = Wilderness map revealed
  10. Spell Sets
  11. Suggestion for Chests
  12. Iron Maw: anti-stealth lever spawn
  13. Enable comments on Guild (and Who) panel(s)
  14. Respond to Queries
  15. Get All House Phiarlan Buffs
  16. Access to the Shroud altars while on raid timer
  17. Ray spells need attack rolls
  18. Different types of Wizards/ Multi-class enhancements/ racial prestige enhancements
  19. Change Marketplace and Gnoll Vale Music
  20. Feedback on suggestions
  21. Increase CLR/FVS melée dps too 60-65% of melée dps.
  22. computer question?
  23. New Feat: Ki Weapon
  24. Have Adventures tab reflect Availability
  25. New Crafting System
  26. Please add steroids to the DDO store
  27. we should change the ranger icon
  28. Allow targetting self-target buffs for PMs
  29. System Notice - Auction Lost
  30. Shapechange Spell
  31. Bind to... what?
  32. New Blue Crystal option
  33. Location on Friend's list
  34. Infinite Dungeons: A suggestion
  35. Transparent pet option
  36. Please fix NPC Dust Mephit Swarm Spawners
  37. New quest poll
  38. Creature Summon Enhancements
  39. Successfully Implimenting a PvP system
  40. Change Warforged Healing Amp
  41. Dragon shard fragments.
  42. Dear Devs—more monk suggestions from Creeper
  43. Allow hierlings into raids
  44. Practice/training dummies
  45. Equipment Suggestion - Potion Bag
  46. Wondering about a OSX Client
  47. Improve Drows + other suggestions
  48. suggestion-in game newspapper
  49. New Feat: Elemental Shoot
  50. Reverse Lookups for my.ddo.com
  51. SUGGESTION: Let us roam the continent PLEASE
  52. Spell-Point Shielding
  53. Broccoli as a Succubi...ewwww!
  54. The Impossible/Improbable List
  55. Crit stat damage
  56. Shroud blades reflex save
  57. Clankenbeard for Guest DM
  58. How to Fix Dungeon Alert
  59. How to fix AC and combat bonuses – Update 2
  60. Bonus Favor
  61. Skill Tomes :)
  62. Alternatives to the Rogue Class
  63. Quick Fix to Ingredient searches in Auction House.
  64. Hireling Vendor in House Deneith
  65. A short wish list well sort of...
  66. Acrobat Bug & Tumble Awesomeness!!!
  67. Epic Oath of Droaam
  68. Generalist Magic Enhancements
  69. Saw this in "Ask a Dev" Transcript
  70. A swap board is a must!
  71. Beyond Level 20
  72. Half-Orcs!
  73. Put a new tavern in house K
  74. Gnomes!
  75. Forget about Druids! Let's have Animal companions instead
  76. we need more vampires
  78. Mercenery Status
  79. How to make Shadow Walk worthwhile
  80. Racial benefits to TR
  81. Racial benefits to TR
  82. If there's a better way, let me know...
  83. Clerics Turn Undead
  84. USB headset recognition
  85. Crafting/Guard/WAI/Function Clarification! DEVS?
  86. As long as he is...
  87. Favor Reward Barkers/Mini Quests/Dialogs
  88. Useage Modifiers: Quests, Items, Skills.
  89. Half-Orc bards
  90. Real assaults.
  91. Having fun with Half-Orc racial enhancements
  92. Cosmetic Items in DDO: Poll - Re: State of Play.
  93. Fix this bug : client crash on startup
  94. Devils and collectables
  95. Can We Get Another Trinket Slot?
  96. Auction House changes
  97. Hirelings idea
  98. Introduce the Leadership feat.
  99. Social Panel Improvements
  100. Alignment Change without TR
  101. Inventory Improvements
  102. Healing Items
  103. make dex builds (semi) viable again?
  104. Bandoleers
  105. Spell Combonations
  106. Please ignore PVP suggestions!!!
  107. Artifact Items
  108. Can we get Last name changes? please?
  109. Improvements to Coin Lords Favor
  110. Dragon Touched Idea
  111. Mindsunder-fix drop rate pls!
  112. Purchasing Discount DDO Store
  113. Why Doesn't Shield Bash Work With Auto Attack On?
  114. Static Rewards List for Slayer area completion
  115. Turbine Point Gambling Post
  116. How about an "in development" board?
  117. Managing Inventory~can we simplify it?
  118. this one should be simple
  119. Put a ****ING Rez Shrine at the end of VoN 6!
  120. Reincarnation
  121. Weapon Focus: Ranged and Warchanter
  122. Druids
  123. Fix spell criticals!!
  124. Armor sets
  125. Suggestion: Marginally Better Loot for Person With Star
  126. Numbers vs. Bars
  127. "Sent" mail tab.
  128. PLEASE Change Loot Chest Viewing Already!
  129. Allow 'full' resolution in windowed mode
  130. Weapon and Item Custom Nicknames
  131. Introduce new monk feat: Veristile strike
  132. Ideas: Hirelings and Thelanis
  133. Armor to Docent Crafting.
  134. armor diversification
  135. Monsterplay PvP?
  136. Summon Monster spells
  137. Protection of the Blade?
  138. Holy Sword falchion
  139. Map black out
  140. Allow a "spectate" option.
  141. No More Anonymous Armor!
  142. Random Dungeons
  143. Point Blank Shot Needs A Boost!
  144. Fighter Kensei feedback
  145. Necromancy......Common turbine get a clue
  146. DDO on Linux?
  147. Quick Link to posted and replied topics
  148. In-game DDO time
  149. New Ranger Spells
  150. My (short) List of improvments
  151. Need More Level 17-19 Quest Series - New Crafting Quests? Your Ideas
  152. Jewelry Box
  153. How about fixing what is wrong with Thelanis
  154. What would you like to see added when they do Guild housing?
  155. All Monks should know
  156. Sandbox (just fun) stuff in DDO? What should we have?
  157. I think name change should be charged to favor
  158. When looking at an LFM, would like to see my highest completion for advertised quest
  159. Please Adjust Kistilan's Persuasion Score
  160. Capture the Flag PvP?
  161. My list of upgrades
  162. EPIC - more options already.
  163. Human Ladies: What are you looking at??
  164. Revamp fortification items, please!!
  165. Boost Tenser's Transformation
  166. Veteran 6 Option
  167. Show Guild in Social Panel, please
  168. Tracking Favor
  169. Need a preview window for Cosmetic Items
  170. Delera's Tomb - Fix The Reward Distribution
  171. DDO Rock Band
  172. Let us rate the auctions
  173. Colored dots on the minimap
  174. Attn DEVS: "Must Have" Changes That Need Implementing Right Away!!!!
  175. Reducing Auction House Fees for Favor or Store Points
  176. auction suggestion
  177. Reagent bags
  178. Favor reward-summon a squire.
  179. Character Transfers?
  180. Touch of Death bug?
  181. Please fix light hammers
  182. Racial items and loot
  183. Please tweak the loot item randomizer...
  184. Draconic Runes
  185. Why not have these features....
  186. New DDO content from D&D
  187. A return to 3.5
  188. please reconsider allowing AA imbues to be used with xbows/repeaters/throwers
  189. Make [CODE] tags work like they should.
  190. Guild Improvements - It's (been) Time Already
  191. Allow team assignment while inside a dungeon
  192. 2 handed weapons stand by animation...
  193. Comrades, an UBER suggestion for bards
  194. Conrads, let us do something about the "R" key binding
  195. Nonuniform Epic Dungeon Token Drop Rate
  196. Make House D teleport the Fair Trades
  197. Competitive Dungeon Running
  198. Mounts
  199. Connection message when servers are down
  200. Player voting system for change requests needed
  201. Money in the Account Bank
  202. First person view
  203. Engineer avatar!
  204. Move part members in party list.
  205. Why Have Dungeon Min/Max Level At All?
  206. launcher server polling
  207. Warforged Juggernaut
  208. Bards + Mith Armor(Light) = ASF?
  209. Collectable Drop Rate Revamping
  210. Timer Start
  211. Haggle Skill..Should apply to repairs!
  212. My suggestions
  213. Bonus for Rare/Explorer
  214. True Reincarnation
  215. Suggested thread of suggestions
  216. Wilderness area objectives in LFM
  217. MyDDO Updating
  218. Remove the save from necrotic touch
  219. A**hats
  220. Nipple Rings
  221. State what is it binding to
  222. Shields used as weapons
  223. Fix DPS lag.
  224. Add name changing to the DDO store
  225. Arcane Archer suggestions
  226. Sheild Bash
  227. Petty things
  228. Scythes, Spears and Headbutts
  229. Guilds
  230. Repair Insurance?
  231. stealth
  232. Epic Tempest Spine
  233. BONE BREAKING: A little effect on skellies?
  234. The Dragontouched Armour Squad!
  235. Vale of Twilight location
  236. Future Stormreach revamps
  237. Rise, RISE my Pretty! /torchsmack
  238. Item Reservation
  239. URGENT: Divine Might needs a satisfying sound or something
  240. A message to the Dev team
  241. 2 Requests
  242. Toolset Suggestion
  243. Make more Mid and End Game Content
  244. Suggestion to make Myddo.com awesome
  245. Human Versatility viability as PrE pre-req
  246. Time Stamp
  247. Bland bland bland
  248. party vs solo (casual)
  249. AH/Monk/Misc Suggestions
  250. Scribe scroll and brew potion.