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  1. Rogue Mechanics and Traps
  2. Make epic scrolls drops scale with number of mobs killed
  3. Gender Change on TR
  4. Add service to Change Char name
  5. Cosmetic helms
  6. Tomes Yet AGAIN
  7. Let guild members pass out extra recruit sigils?
  8. Healing and repair kits
  9. Give a 5/10% bonus for completing certain quests without a rest and/or rez shrine.
  10. What if - Mob Morale
  11. Dragonscale armor reboot
  12. Spell Buffage Item Mods
  13. 25 dragon scales is a bit much
  14. it's been months, fix repeating crossbows!
  15. Proposal to change Past Life Purchaseable Feats to Enhancements
  16. A more effective way to accepting LFM requests, and not getting noobs .
  17. Auction House Filters
  18. revert kormor's belt change
  19. chicken hat
  20. more versatility to human versatility
  21. A way to buff up elves: meet the Revenant Blade!
  22. F2P quests
  23. Recycling Greensteel
  24. Redoing of XP gain and lost
  25. Exploding curses
  26. Grouping Tutorial Dungeon
  27. Epic Diabolist Docent Skin
  28. Fascinate vs. Enthrallment
  29. offf balance
  30. Half-Orc race restriction
  31. I would like to see an improvment to QS
  32. New high level content
  33. Let's have hirelings of other (non-PC!) races!
  34. Armor kits idea
  35. Give some equipment with Evasion enchantment
  36. Have bind-on-equip items give warning
  37. I'd pay Turbine points for this...
  38. we need more Houses
  39. UI tweak: outline on cooldown timers
  40. Personal Quest History
  41. Cosmetic Armors
  42. Add Chrono scrolls to Epic Devil's Assault
  43. Alternative XP penalty for TRs
  44. give another class intimidate?
  45. lesser true recarnate or something....
  46. Grouping information
  47. A minor suggestion
  48. make the greater might of abishai set better for casters
  49. Epic Gem of Many Facets
  50. Power Attack Enhancements for all races . . .
  51. Suggestions for some 9th level spells
  52. Usage of Ropes
  53. Remove Certain DDO Store Items
  54. Epic scrolls: the problems and some possible fixes
  55. Infernal Power Spell
  56. A storage device for scrolls
  57. Change 5 Astral Diamond turn in requirement
  58. Make DQ Prepping Easier?
  59. Allow In-Chest Trade Window?
  60. Fix Major Renown Issue!
  61. Epic Mysterious Bauble
  62. Excess XP for capped toons?
  63. Allow Casting Under Water
  64. Guild Alliance Suggestion
  65. New Teleport
  66. make 0 con and 0 str actually work properly
  67. Warforged Body Feats: A suggestion for their competitive role as feats.
  68. I want my ooze guard to sunder with Christmas Puddings
  69. Pause XP Potion?
  70. Stop the rain in the desert
  71. Infinite Scroll Case!!!!!
  72. new classes?
  73. water breathing spell
  74. npc races.
  75. Access to the Portable Hole tavern
  76. Rogue Hireling no good
  77. Epic fathom the depths final battle stupidity
  78. My easy button would be....
  79. Custom Teleport Locations!
  80. Change Vorpal Animation!
  81. Cross-Server Auction House?
  82. PvP Improvement...
  83. Raid timers
  84. False Advertisement?
  85. More Armor Styles?
  86. 2 great items for the DDO store - as seen in other games
  87. DDO needs an ingame Eberronopedia
  88. Scroll imbalance
  89. Sorcerer Past-Life Feat Suggestion
  90. Petition: Call Lightning Storm
  91. Dannels's Wrath and Stormreach
  92. Update 9 request time.
  93. Cool new load screen - cool new quest
  94. Wizard's Spell Book
  95. Shard of the Ring of Spellstoring droprate is hideously low
  96. Add 20th epic completion loot tables
  97. Pale Lavender Ioun Stone Not Recharging After Quest
  98. New Event for Vorpals
  99. DDO Store Suggestion - Regarding Green Steel
  100. Ranged combat improvements
  101. Please fix these items on the next update.....
  102. Dear Cubie please?
  103. Put reaver puzzle colors back in please
  104. improving pale master summons
  105. 20 epic dungeon tokens = scroll or seal; 20 epic raid tokens = shard
  106. Blackguard PrE!
  107. tr+race combo
  108. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
  109. Add bonus chests to epics for certain optionals
  110. Social Panel--Friends Tab
  111. Universal Armor Appearance Kits
  112. Adventure Compendium Changes
  113. Change Kill Count to Damage Count
  114. Redo Favor?
  115. Please make a cleric or FvS hireling with HARM on the hotbar.
  116. Tokens for other places
  117. No Easy Buttons
  118. Petition: Devs, a pointless grind is....pointless
  119. Give the Dismiss Charm feat to clerics/favored souls.
  120. Dismiss summons
  121. Healing Wall
  122. Shared Bank and Storage Bag item sorting
  123. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel red fens items are missing autment slots?
  124. Character housing revisisted
  125. my thought of ravager's enhancements
  126. Give A Divine Spell That Hurts Anything In It
  127. Favored Soul Improved Maximizing?
  128. Please fix repeaters.
  129. improve divine spells visual effect
  130. Half-Elf Dilletante Rogue 3
  131. epic devils assault
  132. Fast forward button
  133. Dragontouched Trinkets
  134. Change Stealer of Souls Maybe?
  135. Please make Tangleroot epic
  136. Leveled Gear and Opposite Alignments
  137. Post 1000: Forum filters
  138. Shifters! Can we have them?
  139. Add notes section to character sheet
  140. Regarding info, the thing about the DDO Store...
  141. Ultimate Suggestion!
  142. Update 10-redo the game
  143. Auto Renew Ship Anemities?
  144. The half-orc's graphics and sounds as a whole critique Thread.
  145. Gear Sets?
  146. The White Stag
  147. Female warforged?
  148. Mass Deleting of Read Mailbox Items
  149. Half-orc Bugs or Half-orc Alterations?
  150. Epic Quest Scaling
  151. New class suggestions
  152. Necro 4 Litany of Dead tomes farming... Crazy Hard and doesn't worth it
  153. Animated Objects
  154. Spellsong Vigor is Noisy
  155. New armor kit ideas...
  156. /death count
  157. Feather Fall Toggle
  158. Hobby Spears
  159. Greed Pacts for Rare Raid Loot
  160. Account wide mail, or mail forwarding
  161. epic souleater
  162. Ship Buffs
  163. Give non-monks an empty ki bar!
  164. change random coin assignment
  165. Trap the Soul spell revisited
  166. Shield of Stunning
  167. adventurer difficult
  168. Consolidated Dragonmarks
  169. Tracking!
  170. Titan Forge Tweaking
  171. Different Animations based on class
  172. a way for turbine to make more money and make the grind a little less
  173. Add Icy Burst Guard?
  174. Saved passwords
  175. alert box before equip Bound To Account items
  176. Spell Timer on Summons?
  177. remove turbine point price of outfit changingroom
  178. Increase Raid Loot w/ Less People?
  179. Friends list
  180. Rogues and Trap Parts
  181. YATRIT: Keeping the hamster wheel spinning
  182. Random Rant that no one cares about(names)
  183. Druid class?
  184. Banks should be fast logout areas like Taverns
  185. dragon scale armor look for warforged
  186. Why No Hirlings In Raids?
  187. visual effects for handwraps
  188. seperate completions for epic raids
  189. Premium = VIP
  190. Renown Decay Change - Removal of Inactive Accounts
  191. Epic scroll system
  192. TR's 3-10 (and 12+) Need a Boost
  193. Fix the economy!
  194. Bardic Knowledge =Spot Ability
  195. to make the best raid
  196. Dwarf and elves favored weapons
  197. (re)evaluate necessity of ADQ and VON5
  198. Fix Whirling Steel
  199. One quest behind every door.
  200. Output Text of my Inventory & Bank
  201. Additional Monk finishing strikes
  202. improve the variety between races
  203. The Solution to the Spell Damage Problem
  204. Ballista in House Deneith
  205. Improve Marketplace/Harbor Teleporter Access?
  206. New DDO store option: Support Ticket
  207. Make Heighten work on Grease.
  208. Return to Smuggler's Rest
  209. More flavorful game play
  210. Things People Desire for U9 and Is It Good?
  211. Send beholders to dancing school!
  212. Get Rage + Brute Fighting fixed already
  213. Toggle on monk finishers
  214. UMD/charisma item switch freezing game
  215. Pale skin on halfelfs please!!
  216. more ingredient sorting stuff
  217. Dont be afraid to place new monsters in old modules/areas
  218. other platforms
  219. Yet another Cleric Item suggestion thread
  220. Make Bulls/Cats/Foxs/Eagles/Owls stack with other bonuses.
  221. LFM Spec Requirements?
  222. Greater Teleport in Public Places?
  223. Guild Chest Modifications
  224. Lightning Strike Dragontouched?
  225. Encumbered = No Renown!
  226. Curse Immunity Item?
  227. Late Penalty? really?
  228. Make Epic Boots of the Mire, well, epic
  229. Fix Master Touch scrolls
  230. Intimidate and 'Cure' spells - Suggested changes
  231. Can We Get A Refresh Button For The AH Bid Screen?
  232. Armor Kits? Why?
  233. Spellsinger TOD set
  234. Green Dragons
  235. Please Fix Undead Form!
  236. Bolt Clip
  237. New Monster for Epics
  238. Earthen Guard Question
  239. Discount Divine Hireling suggestion
  240. Add race-based TR past lives
  241. Introduce a Cauldron-like combining system to random items
  242. 3000 Favor should get you a +3 tome
  243. Improve undead creation spells
  244. Airship Buff Idea
  245. Guild Augment Gems
  246. Spears
  247. Bank tab(s) - DDO store?
  248. Suggested change to BTC items
  249. Cut scenes for travel to new locations
  250. Please FIX the Social Window !!!!!