- Rogue Mechanics and Traps
- Make epic scrolls drops scale with number of mobs killed
- Gender Change on TR
- Add service to Change Char name
- Cosmetic helms
- Tomes Yet AGAIN
- Let guild members pass out extra recruit sigils?
- Healing and repair kits
- Give a 5/10% bonus for completing certain quests without a rest and/or rez shrine.
- What if - Mob Morale
- Dragonscale armor reboot
- Spell Buffage Item Mods
- 25 dragon scales is a bit much
- it's been months, fix repeating crossbows!
- Proposal to change Past Life Purchaseable Feats to Enhancements
- A more effective way to accepting LFM requests, and not getting noobs .
- Auction House Filters
- revert kormor's belt change
- chicken hat
- more versatility to human versatility
- A way to buff up elves: meet the Revenant Blade!
- F2P quests
- Recycling Greensteel
- Redoing of XP gain and lost
- Exploding curses
- Grouping Tutorial Dungeon
- Epic Diabolist Docent Skin
- Fascinate vs. Enthrallment
- offf balance
- Half-Orc race restriction
- I would like to see an improvment to QS
- New high level content
- Let's have hirelings of other (non-PC!) races!
- Armor kits idea
- Give some equipment with Evasion enchantment
- Have bind-on-equip items give warning
- I'd pay Turbine points for this...
- we need more Houses
- UI tweak: outline on cooldown timers
- Personal Quest History
- Cosmetic Armors
- Add Chrono scrolls to Epic Devil's Assault
- Alternative XP penalty for TRs
- give another class intimidate?
- lesser true recarnate or something....
- Grouping information
- A minor suggestion
- make the greater might of abishai set better for casters
- Epic Gem of Many Facets
- Power Attack Enhancements for all races . . .
- Suggestions for some 9th level spells
- Usage of Ropes
- Remove Certain DDO Store Items
- Epic scrolls: the problems and some possible fixes
- Infernal Power Spell
- A storage device for scrolls
- Change 5 Astral Diamond turn in requirement
- Make DQ Prepping Easier?
- Allow In-Chest Trade Window?
- Fix Major Renown Issue!
- Epic Mysterious Bauble
- Excess XP for capped toons?
- Allow Casting Under Water
- Guild Alliance Suggestion
- New Teleport
- make 0 con and 0 str actually work properly
- Warforged Body Feats: A suggestion for their competitive role as feats.
- I want my ooze guard to sunder with Christmas Puddings
- Pause XP Potion?
- Stop the rain in the desert
- Infinite Scroll Case!!!!!
- new classes?
- water breathing spell
- npc races.
- Access to the Portable Hole tavern
- Rogue Hireling no good
- Epic fathom the depths final battle stupidity
- My easy button would be....
- Custom Teleport Locations!
- Change Vorpal Animation!
- Cross-Server Auction House?
- PvP Improvement...
- Raid timers
- False Advertisement?
- More Armor Styles?
- 2 great items for the DDO store - as seen in other games
- DDO needs an ingame Eberronopedia
- Scroll imbalance
- Sorcerer Past-Life Feat Suggestion
- Petition: Call Lightning Storm
- Dannels's Wrath and Stormreach
- Update 9 request time.
- Cool new load screen - cool new quest
- Wizard's Spell Book
- Shard of the Ring of Spellstoring droprate is hideously low
- Add 20th epic completion loot tables
- Pale Lavender Ioun Stone Not Recharging After Quest
- New Event for Vorpals
- DDO Store Suggestion - Regarding Green Steel
- Ranged combat improvements
- Please fix these items on the next update.....
- Dear Cubie please?
- Put reaver puzzle colors back in please
- improving pale master summons
- 20 epic dungeon tokens = scroll or seal; 20 epic raid tokens = shard
- Blackguard PrE!
- tr+race combo
- Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
- Add bonus chests to epics for certain optionals
- Social Panel--Friends Tab
- Universal Armor Appearance Kits
- Adventure Compendium Changes
- Change Kill Count to Damage Count
- Redo Favor?
- Please make a cleric or FvS hireling with HARM on the hotbar.
- Tokens for other places
- No Easy Buttons
- Petition: Devs, a pointless grind is....pointless
- Give the Dismiss Charm feat to clerics/favored souls.
- Dismiss summons
- Healing Wall
- Shared Bank and Storage Bag item sorting
- Is it just me, or does anyone else feel red fens items are missing autment slots?
- Character housing revisisted
- my thought of ravager's enhancements
- Give A Divine Spell That Hurts Anything In It
- Favored Soul Improved Maximizing?
- Please fix repeaters.
- improve divine spells visual effect
- Half-Elf Dilletante Rogue 3
- epic devils assault
- Fast forward button
- Dragontouched Trinkets
- Change Stealer of Souls Maybe?
- Please make Tangleroot epic
- Leveled Gear and Opposite Alignments
- Post 1000: Forum filters
- Shifters! Can we have them?
- Add notes section to character sheet
- Regarding info, the thing about the DDO Store...
- Ultimate Suggestion!
- Update 10-redo the game
- Auto Renew Ship Anemities?
- The half-orc's graphics and sounds as a whole critique Thread.
- Gear Sets?
- The White Stag
- Female warforged?
- Mass Deleting of Read Mailbox Items
- Half-orc Bugs or Half-orc Alterations?
- Epic Quest Scaling
- New class suggestions
- Necro 4 Litany of Dead tomes farming... Crazy Hard and doesn't worth it
- Animated Objects
- Spellsong Vigor is Noisy
- New armor kit ideas...
- /death count
- Feather Fall Toggle
- Hobby Spears
- Greed Pacts for Rare Raid Loot
- Account wide mail, or mail forwarding
- epic souleater
- Ship Buffs
- Give non-monks an empty ki bar!
- change random coin assignment
- Trap the Soul spell revisited
- Shield of Stunning
- adventurer difficult
- Consolidated Dragonmarks
- Tracking!
- Titan Forge Tweaking
- Different Animations based on class
- a way for turbine to make more money and make the grind a little less
- Add Icy Burst Guard?
- Saved passwords
- alert box before equip Bound To Account items
- Spell Timer on Summons?
- remove turbine point price of outfit changingroom
- Increase Raid Loot w/ Less People?
- Friends list
- Rogues and Trap Parts
- YATRIT: Keeping the hamster wheel spinning
- Random Rant that no one cares about(names)
- Druid class?
- Banks should be fast logout areas like Taverns
- dragon scale armor look for warforged
- Why No Hirlings In Raids?
- visual effects for handwraps
- seperate completions for epic raids
- Premium = VIP
- Renown Decay Change - Removal of Inactive Accounts
- Epic scroll system
- TR's 3-10 (and 12+) Need a Boost
- Fix the economy!
- Bardic Knowledge =Spot Ability
- to make the best raid
- Dwarf and elves favored weapons
- (re)evaluate necessity of ADQ and VON5
- Fix Whirling Steel
- One quest behind every door.
- Output Text of my Inventory & Bank
- Additional Monk finishing strikes
- improve the variety between races
- The Solution to the Spell Damage Problem
- Ballista in House Deneith
- Improve Marketplace/Harbor Teleporter Access?
- New DDO store option: Support Ticket
- Make Heighten work on Grease.
- Return to Smuggler's Rest
- More flavorful game play
- Things People Desire for U9 and Is It Good?
- Send beholders to dancing school!
- Get Rage + Brute Fighting fixed already
- Toggle on monk finishers
- UMD/charisma item switch freezing game
- Pale skin on halfelfs please!!
- more ingredient sorting stuff
- Dont be afraid to place new monsters in old modules/areas
- other platforms
- Yet another Cleric Item suggestion thread
- Make Bulls/Cats/Foxs/Eagles/Owls stack with other bonuses.
- LFM Spec Requirements?
- Greater Teleport in Public Places?
- Guild Chest Modifications
- Lightning Strike Dragontouched?
- Encumbered = No Renown!
- Curse Immunity Item?
- Late Penalty? really?
- Make Epic Boots of the Mire, well, epic
- Fix Master Touch scrolls
- Intimidate and 'Cure' spells - Suggested changes
- Can We Get A Refresh Button For The AH Bid Screen?
- Armor Kits? Why?
- Spellsinger TOD set
- Green Dragons
- Please Fix Undead Form!
- Bolt Clip
- New Monster for Epics
- Earthen Guard Question
- Discount Divine Hireling suggestion
- Add race-based TR past lives
- Introduce a Cauldron-like combining system to random items
- 3000 Favor should get you a +3 tome
- Improve undead creation spells
- Airship Buff Idea
- Guild Augment Gems
- Spears
- Bank tab(s) - DDO store?
- Suggested change to BTC items
- Cut scenes for travel to new locations
- Please FIX the Social Window !!!!!