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  1. Tooltip current Spell Power Mod on each Spell
  2. Some one sticky this to the newb threads!
  3. UI request.
  4. Examine monster window
  5. A REAL suggestion
  6. Epic Campaigns
  7. Remove unlock of 32 point builds/drow
  8. Make Epic Destinies accessible without P2W
  9. Giant Hold Statues
  10. Suggestion: Allow for Dragontouched armor type change
  11. Bump MDB for Mithral Body
  12. YAHtFMT - Yet another how to fix monks thread
  13. Dear DDO: Epic Destiny Points
  14. Spinner cutscene can't be skpped now...
  15. LFMs default level range
  16. Quest / Explorer reset button
  17. Thaumaturgy staff boni should be available on Handwraps
  18. gem of many Facets
  19. Got an idea for next week free sample
  20. Whirling steel strike for Half-elf.. =)
  21. LFM panel improvements
  22. Bug: Stuck Location (It's a suggestion, really.)
  23. Appearance kit ideas
  24. Spell Power
  25. never give free xp again
  26. Armor appearance disjunction
  27. Make Necropolis F2P
  28. Spell Sneak attack
  29. Better bar grub
  30. Tomes, Tomes, and more Tomes
  31. Potency Et Al and Numbers
  32. guild halls and potions...
  33. Past Race feats
  34. Idea for Eveningstar Challenge loot
  35. What happen to Displacement?
  36. New Bank or storage
  37. The Dodge feat
  38. Bard Inspire Heroics
  39. Petition: Remove fog from wilderness maps
  40. Dear DDO: Treasure Manual
  41. Convenient Deconstruction
  42. multiple severs
  43. Druid class icon suggestion
  44. Turbine Point Sale Please
  45. Add some non-combat functions for the pet companions
  46. spells with no resistance
  47. Allow Disco Ball in public areas
  48. Feedback
  49. challenge rating needs re-calibrating
  50. Power Surge Bonus Type
  51. Eveningstar Comendation Exchange
  52. Simplify quest difficulties
  53. Friend List for my whole account
  54. Events
  55. make storm (xbow) repeting xbow
  56. How about some dex based player help?
  57. Druid transition animation too laggy?
  58. Troglodyte Stench
  59. Dopant as 20th end reward
  60. Please Alphabetize the Options
  61. Give a warning before you can equip a bind on equip item
  62. Lesser Reincarnation
  63. larger friends list please
  64. Natural AC - PRR?
  65. Add Logto command for quick Character Changes
  66. How about some better lag handling?
  67. Delete All on Confirmed mail
  68. Create an In-Game Player's Handbook
  69. Where are the better items?
  70. Lotros lute for Bards?
  71. Drop BTC
  72. Put Customer Service in DDO Store
  73. Cannith Craftable Thaumaturgy
  74. Player Character Kobolds
  75. Mob Trip Fixed. Next- Evade?
  76. Constitution - Stat
  77. Combat Archery feat 21 dex prerequisite
  78. Make rogue hireling useful...
  79. The Inventory Issue
  80. PRE's and Persistant Sounds!
  81. Construct additional temples
  82. Shadowdancer: Shadow Training IV should include repeating crossbows
  83. New Monster: Displacer Beast
  84. Druid Epic Destiny: Totemic Trinity
  85. Reason Epic Destiny Trees needs to be redone
  86. Rethinking epic level and quest level penalty
  87. NPC healing
  88. Vorpal, Smiting, Disruption, Banishing, ext...
  89. Player housing
  90. Improving Barkskin
  91. General Vendor in Eveningstar
  92. Magister: Spellschool X augmentation.
  93. Dear DDO: Useful Traps and Grenades
  94. Dear DDO: Universal Dismiss Charm
  95. Please remove lightning/acid penalties from water/fire elemental forms
  96. Epic feat requirements too high.
  97. Make Completionist...really completionist
  98. Random Encounters - Please Add More
  99. epic token farming = rediculous
  100. Player and Monster Cooldowns
  101. Purple Dragon Knights Armor Kits
  102. UI layering
  103. Here's multiple suggestions (from an incredibly frustrated, loyal player)
  104. Am I dead? Or wearing a shroud?
  105. Star of Day boof
  106. Feather, please replicate Shroud effects more thoroughly on new gear
  107. minor suggestion to improve the AH
  108. ok so you have the guild ship ddo points close now
  109. Who turbine should get to DM voice over a quest
  110. New armor adjustments - Mithral+Adamantine
  111. Allow Lesser Restore to work while in FORM
  112. Key To Eveningstar
  113. Clickies and Spell Timers
  114. Cleric weapon
  115. A small adjustment to Pin
  116. Idea for new PvP/GuildvGuild content
  117. Teleport spell: add Eveningstar
  118. AH search functionality
  119. Remove LFM window from wilderness areas
  120. Cap Daily Renown Decay at 100K
  121. XP requirements/xp awarded in the 18-20 range needs to be reevaluated
  122. Poison/Disease Immunity Question/Suggestion
  123. Unlock Heal
  124. Social Panel Bugs
  125. Combat Archery warning
  126. Epic Content
  127. Closing the gap between cures and heals
  128. afew suggestions(let's make things more annoying for players)
  129. Abbot Suggestion
  130. Guild Broker on Ship
  131. Archer's Focus didn't help us.
  132. SUGGESTION: bull rush and overrun.
  133. Lorrik's Set
  134. Let us assign characters in a group to the F-keys we want
  135. Palemaster pets
  136. Suggestions for artificer spells
  137. Free Epic Destiny Respec(s)
  138. The Pit is the pits
  139. Let us name our guild ships!
  140. Idea for Bane/Fanaticism/Anoited/Purdy in relation to Unyielding Sentinels stances
  141. Challenge Issued to YOU Developeers...
  142. Suggestion for new Reincarnation option: Change RACE!
  143. Nightmares
  144. Whilst your nerfing, nerf dots.
  145. Remove or change Bravery Bonus
  146. SUGGESTION: UI option to not display inventory icon borders
  147. nuetralize poison spell fix
  148. Vorpal, Disruption, Manslayer, Banishing and Smiting Suggestion
  149. Hireling AI
  150. What do Enemy Within and Prison of the Planes have in common?
  151. Fix Illusory Bridge to the dragon in the Underdark
  152. New Class Idea . . .
  153. Decrease favor required for New dragon armor
  154. Remove the equipping delay when putting on Armor
  155. We want a black list
  156. A Heighten Summoning Metamagic Feat
  157. I Dream of Jeets
  158. Dragon-Touched Sov. Runes pass, please
  159. Arcane Archer/Deepwood Sniper
  160. We need some improvements to the iventory management system.
  161. Ebberon Raids
  162. Neutralize Poison, FoM, Cure Disease, etc, fix.
  163. Disease needs an Icon over our heads
  164. Seriously Turbine, Update the installer!
  165. Combine Like-Feats and Skills
  166. Add listed price to Auction Expired notices
  167. Lets get some add ons
  168. Druid Wish List
  169. Guild Based Armor Skins
  170. undersun goggles
  171. Newb helper
  172. REAL AH idea
  173. Trap the Soul
  174. spell component bags
  175. Selling next expansion
  176. A use for soul gems
  177. LFM Panel- Visible Options: Difficulty, Speed, Optionals & Knowledge
  178. remove timer on key to the city of evenginstar
  179. Remove xp penalties for being over the quest level for all epic quests
  180. Since combat is no longer really d20...
  181. Remove Toughness as a pre-req
  182. Dear DDO: Frenzied Berserker Toggles
  183. Allow Commendation Crunching and Exchange
  184. Dear DDO: Randomizing Traps
  185. Bring Back More Classic TSR
  186. Unbinding
  187. Crafting expansion
  188. Caster Tooltip
  189. Spell power counter
  190. Racial variety
  191. Navigator ideas
  192. Spell Resistance (is useless, lets fix)
  193. Pause Timers Already
  194. Companion Hot Swaps
  195. Mercurial Weapons, monkey grip, and upgradable crossbows
  196. Few Idea
  197. Shrouding Strike Charge Counter
  198. Epic Augment Crystal Updates!
  199. One time purchase scalable Hirelings
  200. reincarnation delays
  201. New Teleport Location: Teleport to Bind
  202. Decrease Casting Time of Divine Might
  203. Buff Holy Sword
  204. Red armor decon or trade in at PDK favor.
  205. /raid completions + /quest completions
  206. LFM Level Filter
  207. Looting hoards of Gold.
  208. Practiced Spellcaster
  209. Inconvenient things for trapper
  210. Remove scroll/wand vendors
  211. one minimap highlight dot ease of use suggestion
  212. War Wizards Staff in Eveningstar
  213. Divine Power
  214. with updates they should finially implement new bags
  215. Balance: How Turbine is doing it wrong, a metagame approach
  216. Alternative to the new enhancement system?
  217. Remove XP Penalty for Repeating Epic Quests
  218. Spell-up Sets
  219. Cleric Aura, needs target?
  220. Spinner of Shadows Reward Cinematic
  221. Longevity Guild Bonus
  222. This game needs...
  223. Mail icon on character screen selection
  224. Nightmare or Gentle Lullaby?
  225. A List of Small Things to Improve the Druid Class
  226. Make the new challenge ingedients BTA
  227. sp pots
  228. Regarding Challenge Tokens.......
  229. Regarding House Cannith challenge mats......
  230. great idea
  231. Remove XP penalty for repeating ANY quest for VIPs and a ransack comment.
  232. Bastius' Thread of Many Suggestions
  233. patch progress reports
  234. Keep the elite bug to some degree
  235. Add a commendation trader
  236. More rare spawns in King's forest please
  237. Planes caller on ship
  238. High XP penalty
  239. Preorder - everywhere I look.
  240. LR at max exp, option to stay level 23
  241. Fun with Companions
  242. fix your servers
  243. Please remove ugly backpack from the new light red dragonscale armor
  244. Quick poll - yes or no only
  245. New difficulty setting "Hardcore"
  246. Epic Destinies
  247. Demoralized Due to Decay
  248. Challenge supply chests should give renown
  249. Ascendance and Astral Vibrance
  250. Green steel Handwraps