View Full Version : Voice + Hirelings

03-10-2010, 01:04 AM
So, I was thinking, and remembered playing Socom for the PS2. In the game I could just talk into the microphone to control my squad... Can you implement a similar system for hirelings?

Say "come here" and they run right to you. say "heal me/party" and they heal you, or your party(starting with whoever is hurt the most)...

If this were implemented(with more commands of course), it could completely change the way hirelings are viewed.

Okay...I'm going back to bed...

03-10-2010, 01:16 AM

accents man... we already have enough *fun* w/ the gamespy servers.

besides, half the hirelings won't be able to hear you, and the other half will ask you to kindly remove the mic from your throat!


03-10-2010, 01:45 AM
Not worth the dev time at least to me I never use the bloody things.

03-10-2010, 02:13 AM
They have this already. They don't work for you?

"Get stuck on stuff!"

"Stand there like a moron!"

"Cast Cure Critical Wounds on me when I take 8 damage!"

"Ignore that stay toggle! Move around as much as you please!"

"Give up trying to reach this Resurrection Shrine, which is right next to me and a whopping 3 feet from your ghost. You'll never make it!"

Maybe you're just not using the commands that are recognized... They seem to listen to me when I yell them.

03-10-2010, 05:21 PM
Well, yes, they would have to fix the current voice chat system first to make it work, but I do believe that if they implemented it, it may make for a better, more fun experience with hirelings. And also convince people to use them more, being easier to use and all that.

03-10-2010, 05:54 PM
So, I was thinking, and remembered playing Socom for the PS2. In the game I could just talk into the microphone to control my squad... Can you implement a similar system for hirelings?

Say "come here" and they run right to you. say "heal me/party" and they heal you, or your party(starting with whoever is hurt the most)...

If this were implemented(with more commands of course), it could completely change the way hirelings are viewed.

Okay...I'm going back to bed...

I do this nightly, it's called VR Commander. I say "Heal One" and the first person in the party is healed, etc. I have that phrase set to a Macro (Num1) Selects Player One then Alt-F7 for example is the Hirelings heal button. Walla. No need to wait, works with this and any game. I've been using it for years and the technology has come a looong way. No learning your voice either. You type the word then keystroke/macro.

If a person maximizes the possibilities with this and hirelings etc, it's pretty darn impressive and rewarding gameplay. I've been blessed to be able to play the way most do and a way next to no one has ever thought of trying, not just with hirelings but really using controls to make them worthwhile. It takes a bit to tame them, but it's there if you work at it.