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  1. Forget Store Sales, More Live Events Please!
  2. Account Total Favor Rewards
  3. Roll of a 1
  4. imho, really nice castor slash screen but...
  5. Browser based inventory management
  6. Controlling the Group as the Leader
  7. Suggestion for Reincarnation
  8. Large, Sortable shared bank for VIP
  9. Small list of Centered Kensai Weapons
  10. More Air Ele Griefs
  11. Balancing the Sorceror
  12. alignment changes please for Monk (at least let us do it once)
  13. TOD Elite gives u 3 Trophies, Why doesn't shroud elite give me 3 larges?
  14. Need Turbine Points Accounting / Reporting (i.e. a "Statement")
  15. Meteor Swarm Sucks -- Make Damage Scale to Level
  16. Barber Shop in the market
  17. Lifetime membership please
  18. Name Change Token as a Premium Service
  19. Make one of the Cleric PrE turn based
  20. Create a way to distinguish between P2P and F2P
  21. Suggested fix to make Turn Undead worthwhile
  22. Suggestion - Have a quest creation contest
  23. A New Ugly Guy's (NUG) Suggestions
  24. Be more creative.
  25. Quests with dependencies (Necro/Threnal)
  26. Video Voice Overs
  27. yet another request for auction house search
  28. Quest FONTS hard to read, so I never do.
  29. Spell Pen, value show on character sheet.
  30. Yet Another Request For Delete All Button.
  31. A fun suggestion - bards
  32. New Raids!
  33. The Long List of DDO Annoyances
  34. Turbine run pug raids
  35. Get rid of the 3 class limit
  36. trap the soul 40hd
  37. Masters touch LAG
  38. Highlight stacking
  39. Bug report section in the Forum's
  40. New Race!
  41. Polearms/Spears
  42. TP Accounting
  43. Voice chat suggestion - Hard to hear!
  44. LFG Channel
  45. The time of random loot approaches!
  46. Changeling idea
  47. Kobold Shaman
  48. Worry of Unclear Game Direction
  49. Make Radiant Servant (Cleric PrE) turn and healing based
  50. Buff bosses in Sins of Attrition
  51. Suggestion on logging into different servers
  52. Nix the 'force folks into a party' stuff
  53. Possible psionics
  54. Auction House Alerts Account Wide
  55. A few small suggestions
  56. Possible solution to 'Party-required-puzzles'
  57. Hotbar question?
  58. UI (User Interface)
  59. Drow flavor idea
  60. Blasphemy Banish Re-entry
  61. Allow Hirelings in Raids
  62. now for something realy important!
  63. Suggestions for future Epic content - The Reaver's Fate
  64. Remove +1 & +2 Weapons & Armor from the DDO Store
  65. Cleric capstone change
  66. Please change/equalise level restrictions for guest passes
  67. Please hotfix the collectables npc's and trainers
  68. Group Leader Incentive
  69. Selectable summoned monsters
  70. One More Inventory Bag Please...
  71. Enable comments when handing out reputation
  72. Can we get an Auctioneer in the Resort Spa on Ataraxia's Haven please?
  73. Time for Additional Core Weapons?
  74. Please add short knockdown immunity timer after knockdown
  75. Please Add Minimum Party Size To Quest Pages
  76. Greater stoneskin and Premonition
  77. Raids inside Explorer Zones
  78. Humor category
  79. An easy (relatively) solution to Armor Dyes, etc.
  80. The Numbers Dont Lie
  81. Why dont clerics get Sunburst?
  82. DT Armor Labels
  83. Guild Banks
  84. Turbine Points Transaction Log
  85. Not so New Level 9 Arcane Spell: Timestop
  86. Buying shorter raid timers
  87. Level 5 Wiz/Sorc Spell Addition: Wall of Force
  88. Who wants an ETA on AH Search Filter?
  89. Cleric PrE Exorcist of the Silver Flame & Radiant Servant - two suggestions
  90. Revert Favored Soul wings color
  91. Do-Not-Sell Equipment Flagging
  92. Run solo instances offline
  93. Shipwrecked Spy....
  94. Sort out the release notes.
  95. Racial Disadvantages?
  96. Force barrier in epic needs moved
  97. Dressing Room redux
  98. Add "Cloak" visual, I feel like naked..
  99. Plush Broccoli
  100. An Idea For a real Vip rewards system (Veteran Rewards)
  101. A usefull highlevel clr. spell
  102. UMD messages
  103. VIP's Really?
  104. Cosmetic gear
  105. Outfits
  106. Interest on our Turbine Points
  107. Things my guild would like to see change
  108. Quest Chains
  109. Where is everyone from? Tn here.
  110. Warforged HP Bar colour
  111. A suggestion to fix Defensive Fighting
  112. It's time to reconsider paladin gloriou stance.
  113. Suggestion for Epic Madstone Crater
  114. Superior Resurection
  115. Chains of Flame - Epic
  116. VIP recongition symbol!
  117. Mixed Trap DCs (Path of Inspiration, etc)
  118. Please Take away XP Penalty In Raids
  119. Dear Armor Designer
  120. Change Default on the any box for "WHO" tab
  121. Create Trade tab in social panel similar to LFM
  122. Tod rings....for clerics?
  123. Please Change the Epic Scrolls from Dropping from Dead Bodies
  124. New cleric spells - pnp Clerics are damage dealers too
  125. Master theives tool
  126. Finding level appropriate quests beyond level 5
  127. Merge All Servers !
  128. Item sets
  129. Ideas to fix Ranged Combat
  130. More randomness please
  131. Where the !@$# is the PVP?
  132. Players Should be Able to Set Traps
  133. Bubbling cauldron of suggestions
  134. Buffing Cleave + THF/TWF
  135. DDO Wishlist!
  136. A Monk suggestion regarding finishers
  137. Fix Potions/Clickies
  138. super shared bank
  139. Shadow Conjuration/Evocation Series
  140. Veteran/Head Start fixes
  141. My DDO Wish List or things I would buy from the DDO if add!
  142. Epic Stormcleave Society
  143. Potions not sold in Amrath
  144. Shutdown Epic Chains of Flame
  145. Now, more than ever, we need a new weapon: The Epic Flail
  146. Alignment needs to be more fluid/changeable like pnp
  147. some more .... Low Level (f2p) Raids
  148. 1 suggestion and 2 fixes
  149. Suggestions for Themed Adventure Packs
  150. Suggestion: Epic nasties
  151. Double Weapons/Warlock
  152. Guild Panel & Friend's List Panel
  153. Color Spray
  154. Spell Focus Tweak
  155. Rogue Trap Sense
  156. A new form of protection
  157. Irrelevant Inn
  158. New use for heal/repair kits
  159. Damage numbers really hard to see for Tall enemies
  160. Reduce Graphic Size of Hezrou
  161. Spot to autofind Traps
  162. Remove Recent Game Changes
  163. DDO Store Points -- Payment Method
  164. Please unlock Elite straight away.
  165. Make Crossbows available on Korthos
  166. Compendium Content Filter
  167. Add warhammer enhancement for dwarves
  168. Fix the outsider tokens
  169. More content/zones/quests
  170. LFG suggestion
  171. Any chance of any more dragonmarks being added to the game?
  172. Cloudkill Metamagic Tweak
  173. Feature request: /showhelmet auto
  174. Wilderness for Premium/F2P
  175. Please can we have a fix/improvement for Sleep and other HD limited spells
  176. Epic upgrades for non-epic items
  177. Raid loot maul
  178. Stop the weapon waving madness in public! (/sheathe)
  179. The Mad Lute should be made of densewood
  180. Alphabetization of quests in LFM panel
  181. Suggestions for Ten Thousand Stars
  182. Now that the game is a hit, can we start talking about weapons again?
  183. Treasure Maps?
  184. Increase the difficulty of the DQ Epic Raid
  185. Suggestion to fix lag and remove DA
  186. Nether Void/Mass Enervation
  187. Archery Addons
  188. +2 tome changes
  189. Spell School Mastery Enhancement Tree
  190. New Turbine Point Bug
  191. New classes?
  192. We demand handrails in the harbor!
  193. Capes and cloaks
  194. About Stalwart Prestige enchantments on wf mithral body
  195. housing/musical instruments
  196. binding
  197. Good Guy gone Bad....
  198. The auction house and pawnshops
  199. (Turbine) Wizzly's ISO....
  200. Epic quest suggestions
  201. Gear Sets
  202. Add Abbot raid puzzles to other quests
  203. [UI] Companion/summon Health bar. timer bar ?
  204. Quick character logouts in the MP & House K banks
  205. Server Issue Announcements
  206. Looking For More
  207. New quest idea - dps/killing challenge
  208. I've got an idea - lets make summoned monsters less useless!
  209. E-mail mail
  210. Party summary pane
  211. Expanded skills
  212. DDO Store Thanksgiving/Black Friday Sale!
  213. old-school adventure pack request
  214. Umber Hulks and proposed confusion mechanic
  215. Option to give capstones at level 1
  216. Step 1 to balancing ranged: Accurately portray Manyshot
  217. class options
  218. make heal skill more useful?
  219. pleez turbine pleez
  220. Waypoint arrow for finding a quest giver?
  221. Wish List
  222. suggestion: re-open the shroud
  223. Suggestion: show Bind-to-account or bind-to-character on items BEFORE you choose!!!!
  224. How to make Reaver's Refuge a better selling adventure pack
  225. Please make this available!!
  226. make squelch more user friendly
  227. Artifacts
  228. Content wishlists
  229. Make spot more useful
  230. Create Hotkey for Tooltip Disable/Enable
  231. Get rid of scrolls and change the drop rates on epic
  232. Counterspelling
  233. Minor Epic ADQ1 suggestion
  234. Make all trainers stationary
  235. Free Player Forums
  236. Options For Guilds
  237. Greensteel deconstruct
  238. Add auction house to Weapons Shipment
  239. Repair Permanent Damage
  240. Petition for more dragons
  241. Add more wand choices at higher levels
  242. Change Level Range on Create Party
  243. Evil Alignments and Alignment Changes.
  244. Epic Queen
  245. Threnal quest updates
  246. Dragonborne
  247. [I][U]I'm sure this is the first time you've heard this one. . .[/U][/I]
  248. Global Friends!
  249. Static Guilds....a new kind of guild charter
  250. Request: Powergamer/Raiding Server