View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Forget Store Sales, More Live Events Please!
- Account Total Favor Rewards
- Roll of a 1
- imho, really nice castor slash screen but...
- Browser based inventory management
- Controlling the Group as the Leader
- Suggestion for Reincarnation
- Large, Sortable shared bank for VIP
- Small list of Centered Kensai Weapons
- More Air Ele Griefs
- Balancing the Sorceror
- alignment changes please for Monk (at least let us do it once)
- TOD Elite gives u 3 Trophies, Why doesn't shroud elite give me 3 larges?
- Need Turbine Points Accounting / Reporting (i.e. a "Statement")
- Meteor Swarm Sucks -- Make Damage Scale to Level
- Barber Shop in the market
- Lifetime membership please
- Name Change Token as a Premium Service
- Make one of the Cleric PrE turn based
- Create a way to distinguish between P2P and F2P
- Suggested fix to make Turn Undead worthwhile
- Suggestion - Have a quest creation contest
- A New Ugly Guy's (NUG) Suggestions
- Be more creative.
- Quests with dependencies (Necro/Threnal)
- Video Voice Overs
- yet another request for auction house search
- Quest FONTS hard to read, so I never do.
- Spell Pen, value show on character sheet.
- Yet Another Request For Delete All Button.
- A fun suggestion - bards
- New Raids!
- The Long List of DDO Annoyances
- Turbine run pug raids
- Get rid of the 3 class limit
- trap the soul 40hd
- Masters touch LAG
- Highlight stacking
- Bug report section in the Forum's
- New Race!
- Polearms/Spears
- TP Accounting
- Voice chat suggestion - Hard to hear!
- LFG Channel
- The time of random loot approaches!
- Changeling idea
- Kobold Shaman
- Worry of Unclear Game Direction
- Make Radiant Servant (Cleric PrE) turn and healing based
- Buff bosses in Sins of Attrition
- Suggestion on logging into different servers
- Nix the 'force folks into a party' stuff
- Possible psionics
- Auction House Alerts Account Wide
- A few small suggestions
- Possible solution to 'Party-required-puzzles'
- Hotbar question?
- UI (User Interface)
- Drow flavor idea
- Blasphemy Banish Re-entry
- Allow Hirelings in Raids
- now for something realy important!
- Suggestions for future Epic content - The Reaver's Fate
- Remove +1 & +2 Weapons & Armor from the DDO Store
- Cleric capstone change
- Please change/equalise level restrictions for guest passes
- Please hotfix the collectables npc's and trainers
- Group Leader Incentive
- Selectable summoned monsters
- One More Inventory Bag Please...
- Enable comments when handing out reputation
- Can we get an Auctioneer in the Resort Spa on Ataraxia's Haven please?
- Time for Additional Core Weapons?
- Please add short knockdown immunity timer after knockdown
- Please Add Minimum Party Size To Quest Pages
- Greater stoneskin and Premonition
- Raids inside Explorer Zones
- Humor category
- An easy (relatively) solution to Armor Dyes, etc.
- The Numbers Dont Lie
- Why dont clerics get Sunburst?
- DT Armor Labels
- Guild Banks
- Turbine Points Transaction Log
- Not so New Level 9 Arcane Spell: Timestop
- Buying shorter raid timers
- Level 5 Wiz/Sorc Spell Addition: Wall of Force
- Who wants an ETA on AH Search Filter?
- Cleric PrE Exorcist of the Silver Flame & Radiant Servant - two suggestions
- Revert Favored Soul wings color
- Do-Not-Sell Equipment Flagging
- Run solo instances offline
- Shipwrecked Spy....
- Sort out the release notes.
- Racial Disadvantages?
- Force barrier in epic needs moved
- Dressing Room redux
- Add "Cloak" visual, I feel like naked..
- Plush Broccoli
- An Idea For a real Vip rewards system (Veteran Rewards)
- A usefull highlevel clr. spell
- UMD messages
- VIP's Really?
- Cosmetic gear
- Outfits
- Interest on our Turbine Points
- Things my guild would like to see change
- Quest Chains
- Where is everyone from? Tn here.
- Warforged HP Bar colour
- A suggestion to fix Defensive Fighting
- It's time to reconsider paladin gloriou stance.
- Suggestion for Epic Madstone Crater
- Superior Resurection
- Chains of Flame - Epic
- VIP recongition symbol!
- Mixed Trap DCs (Path of Inspiration, etc)
- Please Take away XP Penalty In Raids
- Dear Armor Designer
- Change Default on the any box for "WHO" tab
- Create Trade tab in social panel similar to LFM
- Tod rings....for clerics?
- Please Change the Epic Scrolls from Dropping from Dead Bodies
- New cleric spells - pnp Clerics are damage dealers too
- Master theives tool
- Finding level appropriate quests beyond level 5
- Merge All Servers !
- Item sets
- Ideas to fix Ranged Combat
- More randomness please
- Where the !@$# is the PVP?
- Players Should be Able to Set Traps
- Bubbling cauldron of suggestions
- Buffing Cleave + THF/TWF
- DDO Wishlist!
- A Monk suggestion regarding finishers
- Fix Potions/Clickies
- super shared bank
- Shadow Conjuration/Evocation Series
- Veteran/Head Start fixes
- My DDO Wish List or things I would buy from the DDO if add!
- Epic Stormcleave Society
- Potions not sold in Amrath
- Shutdown Epic Chains of Flame
- Now, more than ever, we need a new weapon: The Epic Flail
- Alignment needs to be more fluid/changeable like pnp
- some more .... Low Level (f2p) Raids
- 1 suggestion and 2 fixes
- Suggestions for Themed Adventure Packs
- Suggestion: Epic nasties
- Double Weapons/Warlock
- Guild Panel & Friend's List Panel
- Color Spray
- Spell Focus Tweak
- Rogue Trap Sense
- A new form of protection
- Irrelevant Inn
- New use for heal/repair kits
- Damage numbers really hard to see for Tall enemies
- Reduce Graphic Size of Hezrou
- Spot to autofind Traps
- Remove Recent Game Changes
- DDO Store Points -- Payment Method
- Please unlock Elite straight away.
- Make Crossbows available on Korthos
- Compendium Content Filter
- Add warhammer enhancement for dwarves
- Fix the outsider tokens
- More content/zones/quests
- LFG suggestion
- Any chance of any more dragonmarks being added to the game?
- Cloudkill Metamagic Tweak
- Feature request: /showhelmet auto
- Wilderness for Premium/F2P
- Please can we have a fix/improvement for Sleep and other HD limited spells
- Epic upgrades for non-epic items
- Raid loot maul
- Stop the weapon waving madness in public! (/sheathe)
- The Mad Lute should be made of densewood
- Alphabetization of quests in LFM panel
- Suggestions for Ten Thousand Stars
- Now that the game is a hit, can we start talking about weapons again?
- Treasure Maps?
- Increase the difficulty of the DQ Epic Raid
- Suggestion to fix lag and remove DA
- Nether Void/Mass Enervation
- Archery Addons
- +2 tome changes
- Spell School Mastery Enhancement Tree
- New Turbine Point Bug
- New classes?
- We demand handrails in the harbor!
- Capes and cloaks
- About Stalwart Prestige enchantments on wf mithral body
- housing/musical instruments
- binding
- Good Guy gone Bad....
- The auction house and pawnshops
- (Turbine) Wizzly's ISO....
- Epic quest suggestions
- Gear Sets
- Add Abbot raid puzzles to other quests
- [UI] Companion/summon Health bar. timer bar ?
- Quick character logouts in the MP & House K banks
- Server Issue Announcements
- Looking For More
- New quest idea - dps/killing challenge
- I've got an idea - lets make summoned monsters less useless!
- E-mail mail
- Party summary pane
- Expanded skills
- DDO Store Thanksgiving/Black Friday Sale!
- old-school adventure pack request
- Umber Hulks and proposed confusion mechanic
- Option to give capstones at level 1
- Step 1 to balancing ranged: Accurately portray Manyshot
- class options
- make heal skill more useful?
- pleez turbine pleez
- Waypoint arrow for finding a quest giver?
- Wish List
- suggestion: re-open the shroud
- Suggestion: show Bind-to-account or bind-to-character on items BEFORE you choose!!!!
- How to make Reaver's Refuge a better selling adventure pack
- Please make this available!!
- make squelch more user friendly
- Artifacts
- Content wishlists
- Make spot more useful
- Create Hotkey for Tooltip Disable/Enable
- Get rid of scrolls and change the drop rates on epic
- Counterspelling
- Minor Epic ADQ1 suggestion
- Make all trainers stationary
- Free Player Forums
- Options For Guilds
- Greensteel deconstruct
- Add auction house to Weapons Shipment
- Repair Permanent Damage
- Petition for more dragons
- Add more wand choices at higher levels
- Change Level Range on Create Party
- Evil Alignments and Alignment Changes.
- Epic Queen
- Threnal quest updates
- Dragonborne
- [I][U]I'm sure this is the first time you've heard this one. . .[/U][/I]
- Global Friends!
- Static Guilds....a new kind of guild charter
- Request: Powergamer/Raiding Server
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