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  1. arcane archer slayer arrows - turbine pigeonholing?
  2. (YADS)Yet Another Dragontouched Suggestion
  3. Seeing others loot
  4. Seeing others loot
  5. Arcane Archer - True Strike
  6. New races, New classes and New deities
  7. Solution to Raid Frustration
  8. Epic - throw in a house quest or two . . .
  9. Interface Suggestions
  10. Not sure if this has been said before...
  11. Artificers!
  12. Metalline arrows needed
  13. put "pets" in DDO store
  14. Two things i'd like to see....
  15. Mario Bros SUCKS and so does your attempts at it
  16. New hirelings: Companions
  17. Change Essence of Cleansing
  18. Have monty tell us where the collapsed portable hole is.
  19. Sword/Board - how about they can dual wield the two
  20. Make House P Trinket permanent
  21. Facial Expressions?
  22. Monk Fists of Light/Darkness
  23. Equipment Cosmetics in DDO store
  24. Sorc Warforged Hirelings
  25. Open up your Source and finish old Tasks
  26. ~ True Reincarnation ~
  27. Food for thought
  28. Shroud LAG
  29. Let f2p buy guest passes
  30. WHY DDO just why?
  31. Stk
  32. Toothpicks and back scratchers
  33. Desert Epic Revision
  34. You Cannot Heal XXX
  35. DDO store suggestions... Pimp Yo Toon :)
  36. Epic-only explorer areas, pls (suggestion 1 out 2)
  37. Professions and Trades (sugg: 2 out of 2)
  38. Whips for rogues
  39. Geriatrus of the Twelve = Eremic Quall of Tangleroot
  40. End Racial PrE lockout of Class PrE's
  41. New types of crafting (for all)
  42. Delirium tavern : make it a real tavern !
  43. New (I think) PVP Idea?
  44. A New Graphic
  45. Friend list: add "Last played"
  46. ?? New Game Suggestions for Improving the Game??
  47. Underwater Combat???
  48. Reaver Raid Improvements
  49. i suggest someone boot some f2p so i can logon sarlona
  50. Headshots: A suggestion
  51. Bastard Sword Change
  52. Missing Spells that can be added
  53. Add guild name to LFM info
  54. Weapon naming
  55. Suggestion for new spells in ddo
  56. Exotic 2H Weapon/New Monk Weapon
  57. Nerf Slaying Arrows!
  58. Pro-Rate Reincarnations
  59. Lets make some noise about the AH, shall we?
  60. Flood the Subterrane!
  61. Named items I would farm...
  62. Combat log.
  63. how to fix the balance isues in PvP
  64. Summon Monster Changes
  65. Main Storyline: A suggestion
  66. Can we please get a projected spell targeting reticule for the CLIENT
  67. Summon pets
  68. More Roleplaying
  69. More Guild Options?
  70. Two Words - Epic Waterworks!
  71. Please allow us to open all quests on elite
  72. damage icon differentiation
  73. Social Panel Tutorial?
  74. suggestions bump
  75. Couple more enhancements for clerics/fvs
  76. My turn to say something about DT armor crafting...
  77. Comrades, want User-Made Item Lore?
  78. Divine casters and epic
  79. User Channels
  80. gear icons, need more
  81. Drop stunning fist from Shintao Monk pre-reqs
  82. Auction House Ingredients, Please separate!
  83. Shards
  84. Circle of Hatred and the Pale Master
  85. New Classes
  86. Allow Non-HP Damaging Effects to be Maximized/Empowered
  87. Save the UI layout.
  88. Greensteel Items and Rezzing
  89. Wildmage fun and more prismatic spells
  90. Release Half-Orcs in Lamania
  91. Spell Component Bag
  92. TR and completions
  93. Dragons Lawfully Good?
  94. petforged!
  95. Add a Thievery Ability.
  96. Owned by warner bros? how bout a cartoon burnt effect then
  97. Zen archery
  98. All hirliings should wear Red Shirts!
  99. Please. Some communication would be helpful
  100. Tier 1 Shards
  101. Friends list updates - locations
  102. AH emails with buyer's name.
  103. Tower of Despair Rings
  104. Racial Reincarnation
  105. Easy topics for dev communication
  106. Update 5 release note wishlist...
  107. A New Way to Handle Reincarnation
  108. Thoughts on Epic Game Play
  109. Free the Soul
  110. Signatures on the Forums
  111. something to add to the advertisement
  112. Inheritance
  113. 3 barrel cove suggestion thread
  114. Um...
  115. Loot rolling system.
  116. Please Let Us Res At the Nearest Inn
  117. Re-arming traps
  118. Dragontouched Chainmail or Mitral BP
  119. Chaos Orbs, they should be neutral and cast more spells
  120. Stop Loss
  121. New Emote: Drink
  122. Bring back the Risian Altar
  123. Small changes, big results
  124. wand stacking
  125. Minig carts
  126. Don't nerf Extra Action Boost
  127. suggestion - chat server
  128. Suggestion: Name Crafted Items
  129. Payment upon Arrival (Mail)
  130. Balancing Acid/Electricity to Cold/Fire
  131. 101 possible evolutions to DDO
  132. Events: Use collectibles as ingredients on festivals
  133. Monk Quivering Palm and Stealth
  134. Please Make Epic Raid Tokens Useful
  135. Feat Line:Hardened Armor
  136. Alternate Advancement for Endgame Players
  137. Wouldn't it be nice. (lots of points)
  138. High AC giving damage reduction
  139. How to scale AC
  140. BTA VS BTC loot items
  141. Giving AC importance again for all at higher levels
  142. Curse song!
  143. GM Support Useless
  144. Lotto Widget Update
  145. Play the Game as the players play it...
  146. couple of minor ranged rogue buff suggestions
  147. Charmed Hirelings!
  148. Radiant Servant Empower Healing- alternative for less overheal waste
  149. A (Hopefully) Simple Suggestion (They Rarely Are)
  150. Bank Slots Expansion or New Type Of Bag Storage
  151. Bound to account only, instead of bound to character
  152. Storage for store bought items
  153. DDO Ripoff store
  154. Livid...
  155. Buff Bastard more: two-handed grip
  156. My final request for GS deconstruction
  157. Making Antique Bronze Tokens Useful!
  158. Hypnotism Vs Sleep
  159. My DDO Wish List
  160. Mentor System
  161. Raid loot in the store.
  162. Named item with Healing proc for Clerics?
  163. Adjustment to Raid Timers
  164. A Fairly Way Out Idea...
  165. sneak attack range enhancement
  166. Bound Items
  167. no-healing curse: visual indicator
  168. Item deconstruction and crafting.
  169. Another list of suggestions.
  170. Armor/weapon refashioner
  171. quest log tracking
  172. Fresh New Plea (to fix some things)
  173. Pale Master - Why Mass Inflict and not Harm?
  174. Concentration Checks on Using Stuff
  175. Silver Alchemical Ritual
  176. Windows DDO Friends Gadget
  177. Stuff from PnP I would love to see in game somehow...
  178. Treebeard says : HOOM HOOM !
  179. An extension to the chimera items (more collectibles crafting)
  180. Misc suggestions
  181. How to fix weighted + stunning fist
  182. Evil FvS capstone
  183. Spell Suggestion: Alter Self
  184. Add more Thrown Weapons....?
  185. Sheathed Weapons fail....
  186. DDO Store - Mark items on sale with a different button
  187. Warlock- As a new class
  188. make trap icon appear over rogue's head
  189. Easy experience enhancer
  190. Small Spell Fix
  191. New feat: Practiced Monk
  192. Ability descriptions
  193. Dungeon Request
  194. Make the game feel like it's improving over time...
  195. Path:Warchanter (Human Profile)
  196. Add martial weapon prof. to warchanter
  197. No more puzzles, no more scraps. Give us the UGF!
  198. New Rogue-Like Class
  199. Please Revisit Reaver's Refuge Crafting
  200. Bugs we would like to see fixed
  201. Make every door pickable. Viable?
  202. Sugestion to Eladrin
  203. The Epic Grind
  204. Lorenthor's Belt
  205. Airships and TR's
  206. Paralyze effect
  207. Where are the staffs/rods and why can't I craft them?
  208. Suggestions for more fun!
  209. DDO quests by level
  210. New difficulty level for some quests?
  211. Fix trap-lag.
  212. Guild Capacity Increase for long standing guilds.
  213. Free to Play Sunday
  214. quest xp re-evaluation for levels 17-20
  215. Incorporating new weapons....
  216. Alter the drop rate on Desert Outdoor Area Item Shards
  217. Forward threads about new content...
  218. give all button for dv's
  219. An idea I had for an epic Module(update)
  220. Ranger Track
  221. When LR/GR ...
  222. Weapon Finesse
  223. Inventory should STAY in its slot.
  224. New Item Request
  225. Hunter Class
  226. Put the RPG back in MMORPG
  227. The "Magic" problem
  228. Drop petals and husk from vale quest
  229. Ghosting in melee combat
  230. How to fix 'gimped' range weapons
  231. The real problem with U5 dungeons: Epic mode
  232. DT armor minor graphic changes
  233. Devs, Open Up More Shavarath!
  234. Monk Ranged Attacks
  235. Please remove the ATDQ preraid to do raid
  236. How to fix fire storm
  237. Shadow Walk
  238. Redo Dungeon Difficulty, Loot, Rewards,and XP
  239. Increase TR dungeon difficulty, lower xp penalty
  240. Modified Recharge Variant in-depth proposal
  241. RE: Risia crafted weapons
  242. Fix Delera's Tomb
  243. Improving Combat Expertise
  244. Put PvP brawl areas in their own chat channel
  245. making ranged enjoyable
  246. A alternative to standard rolling
  247. So the monk dies in party and I start to think...
  248. Allow Alignment-Based Decisions to Matter
  249. Pvp?
  250. Muting - Hasn't been implemented yet? T.T