View Full Version : Suggestions & Ideas
- Demographics Survey
- New Japanese-themed adventure pack
- Why not have a Rogue Mage Class?
- Pale Master SLA change suggestions.
- A dumb idea for making ability/spell DCs more forgiving.
- Cosmetics Idea.
- Guild Sigil/Coat of Arms
- Believe it or not, DDO has a content problem...suggestion...
- Balancing is out of your numbers...
- Reminder to Devs: Bravery Bonus and Streak are bad. Let's fix them.
- Airship upgrade parth
- Monk Pass suggestions
- Cannith crafting
- Universal Spell Power/Lore items
- Suggestion for an "Epic Raid Update Pack"
- Quality of life tavern improvement
- The Rolling Storm Enhancement Tree V2.0
- Paladin Smite Recharge Rate
- Update 26 Suggestion
- Bound To Guild
- Each time I log in I have to do these 5 things
- Fix Collectible Storage Stacking
- New feat chain for potions
- The ability to craft a docent out of armor/named armor
- Proposal: Give us back pure skill +15 items (heroics)
- Dust of focussed Disjunction
- Summoning Necromancer
- Quality of Life / Immersion Request: VIP Load Screens that don't advertise.
- Item specific spell failure
- Bank
- Remnant store offerings
- Joke Weapons #11: Enchanted Breakable Sword
- Right Click Buff to Remove
- roll for loot in chat? do it in color!
- Free Character Transfers
- New kind of raid: Castle Siege
- Potions Crafting
- Universal Heart of Wood
- Token of the Twelve Fragments
- Attention for the S&B League
- Devil Assault Gong
- How i think DDO would get alot more players
- New feat idea
- Just some ideas/requests
- New Quests for Update 27 - Please Don't
- Make Suggestion spells to apply confusion
- New Adventure
- Master Feat (Class dependent reincarnation based feat idea)
- Level 28 Bastard Sword Idea
- Bound to Character - replace it with all BTA like orchard
- Zeitgeist in DDO?
- Stargazing....
- My Idea for Kensai
- 2 things i would love to see
- Vanity Pet Suggestion: Soul Stone pet.
- PDK Favor reward for Greater Oversword (500+)
- Isn't it time for a Thunderforged deconstruction system?
- Community Dungeon Master
- Fabrication Skill
- Comprehensive Crafting System
- Mythic and Extreme Difficulty settings
- New Store Item Idea
- Holy Aura suggestion
- Crafting Storage Improvements
- Portable Hole Update
- Empower Heal Feat
- Cleric Domains
- Endless Bottle of Rum still bugged.
- Starter Pack multiples
- Archmage Pass
- New Tiers for Cannith Challenge Items at 24,28, and beyond...
- Raids
- Kobold Island Raid Challenges
- stuff concerning ressurections + ddo economy
- Given that nearly all ED/ etc. abilities are basically a spell under the covers ...
- You should be able to use the same username for both DDO and LOTRO accounts!
- A spellcaster pass... For Enemies!
- Epic Holy Avenger
- Shard/Seal/Scroll trade in
- Melee Rings for Unarmed Fighters
- Lightening up the Crystal Cove event
- Enhancement Guards
- Random Loot Crafting / Cannith Replacement
- Turnin based seasonal events change
- Cocoon has to be harder to twist.
- Cosmetic Archon wings: What would you do to get them?
- Option to enter quest in progress when joining a party from the LFG panel.
- Please take servers down for maintenance and cleaning
- Off hand Items
- General graphic improvements
- Have Cormyrean Knight Training work with Shields
- How to make Skill Points viable again!
- Epic Prayer Spell
- Take basic spell components off chest drops . . .
- Suge for ddo
- Improvements for new players and low lvl quest
- Make temmporary hp spells scale
- MONK Enhancement Trees Pass Suggestions
- 20th completions
- TR cache functionality. We REALLY need improvements.
- More Summon Feats
- Any chance we can equip more than one item for appearance?
- lvls 29 & 30.
- Auto loot at quest completion
- Craftable Augments
- New Cosmetic Armor Option
- Going to Amarath
- Bring Class Trainers to Guild Ships
- Pink Tutu for Dire Bear Form
- Cosmetic Wings
- Evil Random Generated Weapons
- Feedback on mythic gear
- Mysterious Remnants to Upgrade Items
- Mastering Virtual Fashion - AKA The real Fashion Madness
- dedicated Raid server
- Devs would you consider?
- In regards to the Warforged body feats.
- Need a TR-option exactly as epic reincarnation
- New Raid Boss Epic in scope
- Evard's Black Tentacles to Wiz/So & Earthquake to Cleric/FvS
- Jewel of Fortune
- Defiler of the Just - Reduce killer circles
- A more informative experience/mission report.
- Change the Weapons listing on the AH
- The Straw God
- Ye Olde Magick Shoppe
- Move all level 27 Epic Feats to level 21 and change Epic feats to make them more epic
- A few (already in-game) Druid transmutation spells that I would love to see.
- Classic Spells Added to DDO
- The new Melee, Ranged and MRR/ PRR Tomes management
- I WANT Eudoxia's Armor!!!! PLEASE????!!!!
- Fashion Madness: Exclusive Cosmetic Armor Drops?
- Scroll and Wand swapping made easy
- Machina Mundi
- Themed monster manual instead of random mob selection plz
- A Possible Solution to Epic Experience Points?
- Feat for a different playstyle
- My Proposed Future Wildshapes
- Auto self-targetting healing spells vs targetting current undead enemy
- A tab, like the bio tab, made for your personal notes, not viewable by other players
- Green Steel Augments
- Dwarf racial tree rebalance
- Exotic Weapon Issue
- Housing idea
- Keep earning xp at cap -> usable to trade for something (like remnants)
- Guild ship training dummy.
- idea for new cult of the dragon raid/favor reward for purple dragon knight
- D&D movie - Oportunity ddo
- Warforged... they need actual gender differences.
- Monster Manual 5 Succubus
- Sheild Mastery with Throwing Weapons
- Event raid
- Guild Battles
- Full Scale Explorer Areas.
- Epified versions of VoD and HoX?
- Brokers/Pawn-shops in Stormreach
- Put your $ where your mouth is!
- Player for 6 years, and these are my Gripes
- Epic Delera's suggestion
- Drow Dragon Mark
- yellow/golden glowing eyes
- 100 exp... really!!!
- Help with Epic Gear
- scroll pack of holding
- Guild Party Renown Bonus
- Summoner equipment
- Request: Pass Without Trace wands or scrolls
- Make the grouping bonus permanent
- Locking Inventory?
- Opt-out option for mailing
- Removing immunity against negative damage for Deathward spell
- Cleric hirelings...
- Develop the gift economy - make it easy to give
- Monk Kensai
- "Old" Armor Kit suggestion
- Spellbooks
- Scroll Folder
- More Friends on friend's list.
- Shrines should reset all gear/ability timers
- Client drop outs on zoning
- Epic IQ and DD
- Alchemist class!
- Wilderness area reset
- DDO should have bigger starter bundles in the market/store
- Stop shard lose due to misclick
- My 2 cents on a few things
- Plat Sink Suggestion
- Wolf Cosmetics...
- Visible quivers...
- Council of the 12 Agenda Note: Add Farshifter to DQ1, Vale, Amrath post raid
- Good Idea
- Strange Tidings not working as it should.
- Monk un-centering with certain weapons they are proficient with natively.
- Some things I would like to see implemented
- Auto-Loot Mysterious Remnants anyone?
- Would love a new Iconic Class: The Magister!
- Ranger Tree suggestion.
- Solution to the DC conundrum!
- things that Should be added IMO
- Ranger Enhancements : Arcane Archer & Deepwood Stalker
- Arrows/Quivers - stack more
- Move Kensai to Monk and design another fighter tree....
- Shouldn't a spell like Holy Sword be doing good damage?
- Use of Seal/Shard/Scrolls
- Eliminate Epic Commoner levels...
- Create a hireling....with an alt character.
- Call 'em out (from a lag thread)
- Holy Sword Nerf
- NEW FEAT : Nimble Shot
- Feat changes
- Quality of life improvements:
- Streak on/off button on quest enterance screen
- Quest Ransack Status on Adventure Compendium
- Level 27 rogue hireling
- Alt+Z should affect NPC floating icons
- Trainers.
- Quiver : Seeker Tap of Spellsight
- NEW Iconic Pack : Monstous Humanoids
- Tumble/block
- Visual/Audio cues on champions
- Guild Ship Map Markers
- Shadowdancer - Shadow Training IV
- Exceptional Stat Skill augments
- Pul;verizer in LD: is it too much to ask it's bonus type be changed?
- Mounts in DDO
- New Shapes for Druids
- Litney!!
- New Airship Amenities
- Organizing Inventory
- Small Quality of Life Improvements Requests
- Make casters more interesting.
- lag spike
- Ranger Pass - Spell list improvement (with only 2 new Spell)
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month & DDO
- Reaper
- character sheet add ons
- Character Bank - One Stop Shopping
- Quest Idea
- Please unbind old shards and seals
- skill list
- group creation screen
- Make Phlogistons BTA
- Obsoleting ingredients/collectables
- Shadow Run... feat or enhancement idea
- Repair skill for bladeforged
- Making GS displacement clicky as an Exclusive gear
- Some game mechanics for difficult challenges
- Suggestions for a better DDO Experience!
- Spell focus beyond DC
- More TR motivation ?
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